Week of October 6—October 10, 2014 The KHS 1100 Red Devil Way, Lakeland, FL 33815 Phone: (863) 499-2655 Fax: (863) 499-2726 CFAA Phone: (863) 413-3620 Fax: (863) 647-4764 2014-15 Theme: Be The One SPARK http://schools.polk-fl.net/khs www.facebook.com/khsreddevils Follow us on Twier Instagram @KHS RedDevils 2014 CFAA/KHS Swim and Dive Team Team: Brandon Alderman, John Ammon, Reston Bartlett, Jacob Best, Michael Brown, Leah Burrello, Milagros Cuervo, Issac Dang, Cory Difulgo, Manuel Dokur, Kevin Dumitrescu, Nazneen Fajardo, Madison Gross-Dickinson, Kylie Harris, Ladislav Hladky, Jakouri Jackson, Harold Lehman, Tate Montgomery, PJ Ohsiek, Sophia Orellana, Nick Poucher, Alba Rodriguez, Edgardo Santiago-Norat, Kendel Vanterpool, Joseph Verdone, Eric Westbrook Inside this issue: CFAA Swim and Dive Team 1 FFA Going to Nationals 1 Title 1 Meeting 10/14 1 Ag Department is #1 2 FFA Forestry Team 2 Senior News 2 CFAA Wingman of the Month 2 Homecoming 3 Pay it Forward/Girls Basketb. 4 Tutoring Schedule 4 Boys Golf/Sports Schedule 4 KHS Drama Dept./Girls Volley 4 Cheerleading Competition 5 Lunch Menu/Yearbook/Band 5 Candy Grams/FCAT Retakes 5 Martin Luther King Contest 6 Hispanic Heritage Month 6 PSAT/Community Service 6 On September 30, our Swim Team hosted th their heir eir la last ast home meet Pool/Kelly of the season sea easoon at at Gandy Gan G an ndy P ool/Kelly oo Rec.. T h girls tea he am fi ffinished iini nish ni s ed ed 3rd The team with swimmers wiith th m most of tthe he swi imm mmers rereeceiving best times. ceiv ce iving v tim mes.. The Th he boys boys team bo teaam finished 1st against aggai ainst both bbooth Bartow Bartow finished and Gibson! meets annd Lakee G ibson! Our ur next meet ts are Saturday, ar Satu Sa Satu turd day ay, y, October Octo Oc toobe ber 4 in SeSee are brinng at at 8:30 8:30 :330 am, am m, and and Tuesday, an Tuesda Tues Tu essda day, day y, bring Occto t be ber er 7 att Gandy Gan G andyy P andy Poo Pool/Kelly ool//Ke oo Kell ell lly October Recc at a 66:30 :30 pm. FFA Students—Good Luck at National Convention Good Luck to our KHS FFA National Team. These students have been working extremely hard preparing for the National FFA Forestry Competition which will be held in Louisville, Kentucky October 29 - November 1. Emmett Lee Brevyn Foreman Taeler Dupree Lexi Sanchez Attention Parents: Title 1 Meeting Title I Annual Parent Meeting at 10:00 am on October 14 in the main media center for those who could not attend our meeting on 9/23/14. Interim Principal, Ernest Joe, Jr. Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Chuck Thacker Assistant Principal of Curriculum, (CFAA), Keith Smith Assistant Principal of Administration, Tony Williams Assistant Principal of Administration, Mario Jenkins KHS Mission: Cultivating a Legacy of Lifelong Learners Questions, comments or to remove your name from our mailing list, please contact Lia Maffett [email protected] or call (863) 499-2655 x60192 KHS Ag Department is #1 Congratulations to KHS FFA for being named the Polk County Farm Bureau program of the year! The KHS Agriculture department has also been selected as 1 of 10 high schools in the great State of Florida to start a robotics program. Senior Dues: $50.00 (Beginning 10/6/14) Dues Cover: Custom Senior Class Tshirt Graduation Sashes/Cords Senior Field Day Senior Awards & Ceremony Senior Class Breakfast After Graduation/Chemical Free Party Senior Class Sponsors: 1. Kim Kosier, 03-005, [email protected] 2. Jessica Wells, 32-109, FFA Forestry Team Our KHS FFA Forestry team has been working diligently to prepare for the District Forestry competition over the past few months. They have been learning forestry pests and diseases, dendrology, timber cruising, compass and pacing, and forestry tools. They will travel to Kissimmee State Park on October 9. We wish them the best of luck! Team Members: Cody Clark, Austin Guest, Joseph Julian, Madeline Creasman, Lexi Sanchez, Emmett Lee, Taeler Dupre, Shelby Carlton, Brooke Barefoot, Brevyn Foreman, Nick Lewis, Hannah Scionti CFAA Wingman of the Month Congratulations to Courtney Hill, Kylie Harris, Justin Keen and Natalie Anderson, the inaugural CFAA/Red Elephant “Wingman of the Month” award winners for August/September. Students were nominated and voted on by the staff based on a minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstration of consistent “effort” inside and outside of the classroom. The Red Elephant Pizza and Grill of Lakeland have partnered with CFAA to sponsor this monthly student recognition award. Our thanks goes out to Deb Johnson, General Manager, as well as the entire staff of Red Elephant for their generous support of the “Wingman” awards. [email protected] 3. Robin Futch, Adm Bldg [email protected] 4. Regina Register, Bld 40 [email protected] 5. Susan Kelley, Adm Bldg [email protected] Save the Date Wed., October 22, 2014 Herff Jones Informational Meeting L to R: Mr. Smith, Assistant Principal, Justin Keen, Kylie Harris, Courtney Hill and Natalie Anderson 2014 Candidates Boys Antonio Miller Girls Lela Bamberger Anthony Morales Katie Benjamin Donovan Richards Mia Corbin Jaxon Samples Kaitlyn Cress Tommy Trainor Karissa Heist Samuel Tullis Desiree McCalpin Dean Bonilla Alicia Nwajei Alan Dunn Petrona Pascual Solomon Harrison Samantha Patch Roddrick Haynes Quenesha Ross Joshua Jackson Selena Romero Joseph Julian Alexis Stone Anialette Vasquez Sahily Arango Homecoming Dance Info A Night in the Jungle. Come out and enjoy the wilder side of the world! Dance 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm. Formal Attire is required. Sneakers, jeans, baseball caps, etc. are not permitted. Male students should have long sleeved button down collared shirt with tie or suit. Guests must have a preapproved form on file or bring their school photo ID and enter with their KHS friend. Students who have purchased tickets already need to have all parts attached with no alterations. Ticket numbers have been assigned to the student eligible to use it; they can not be sold or transferred to another student. Tickets at the door = $40.00 (No checks, or large bills). Refreshments are complimentary. Ms. Cleveland Girls Basketball Tryouts for Girls basketball will be held on Tues Oct. 21Oct. 23 @ 4:30 pm. (All 3 days are mandatory.) Before tryouts begin, girls must have a physical and consent form. See Coach Lineberger for more information. Girls Volleyball Update Tutoring Schedule Mondays & Wednesdays 2:05—3:05 p.m. Reading/FCAT Ms. Mahmood 03-002 FCAT/ACT Prep Math Science Mr. Haynes 31-127 Ms. Gibson 14-034 Earth, Bio & Environmental Mrs. Gardner 16-004 Reading KHS Faculty and Staff have the opportunity to pay it forward! Wednesday, October 15th is Jeans & Jersey Day. KHS staff can wear jeans and any jersey of their choice for $1.00. All of the money collected will be given to an in-house charity group! Turn money in to Michele Donnelly. Mrs. Johnson 14-014 Physical, Chemical Mrs. O’Sullivan 16-009 Reading/Writing (Grades 9-10) Our JV defeated Bartow to improve to 6 -5 record. The Varsity team shuts out Bartow to improve to 3-8. Come out and support this fantastic group of girls. “We thank you for your support,” said Coach Ritter, Cleveland and Karns. athleen Boy’s Golf The boys golf will be playing in the Polk County Championships at Highland Reserve on Oct 6. Our district tourney is October 13 at Cleveland Heights. Mark your Calendar now…… seating is limited The KHS Drama Dept. proudly presents Crushed November 13th & 14th in the KHS Auditorium Monday 10/6/14 Girls Volleyball vs. Tenoroc @ 7:00 (V) (Home) Boys Golf Polk County Champions @ Highland Reserve Tuesday 10/7/14 Girls Volleyball vs. Lakeland @ 6:30/7:30 (Away) Swimming Team vs. THS, LCS, LHS @ (5:00) Gandy Pool Wednesday Open 10/8/14 Thursday 10/9/14 JV Football vs. Lake Gibson @ 7:30 (Home) Swimming Team-City of Lakeland Championship @ Gandy Friday 10/10/14 Open Saturday 10/11/14 Girls & Boys Cross Country @ Disney/Orlando Kathleen High School Competition Cheerleading Tryouts Interested in a sport where you can dance, cheer, stunt, and show the fans your school spirit in a 2 ½ minute routine? Then come on out to our Kathleen High School Cheerleader and Parent meeting October 7, 2014 in the KHS Cafeteria from 6:00-7:00 P.M. to get more information such as: Tryout and competition information Tryouts will be held October 13-17 from 2:30 p.m.-4 p.m. Open to all 9-12 grade students Expense information Work on jumps, stunts, motions, tumbling, and spirit Must have physical, consent, and heat form on file with Coach Lineberger before you can tryout. Questions? Email Coach at: [email protected] Lunch Menu & Word of the Week = Decent Monday—October 6, 2014 Shepherd’s Pie, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies, Fruit or Chef Salad or Turkey & Cheese, Fruit Tuesday—October 7, 2014 Chicken Taco Bowl, Lettuce, Tortilla Chips, Pinto Beans, Fruit or Southwest Chicken Salad or Southwest Chicken Wrap or Ham & Cheese Sub, Bean Salad, Fruit Wednesday—October 8, 2014 Hearty Chili, Baked Fries, Fruit, Salad Asian Chicken Salad or Pizza Sub, or Hummus Snack Box, Veggie and Fruit Halloween Candy Grams Candy Grams are on sale!!! Only $3.00 each! Send someone sweet treats this Halloween. Bags filled with candy and a handwritten message will be delivered during 5th period on Halloween - Friday, 10/31! See Mrs. Desandolo in 40-123 or Mrs. Marini in 13-006 for an order form and to submit payment. All treats and absolutely NO TRICKS!! Orders begin on White Spaghetti, Broccoli, Salad, Fruit or Chicken Caesar Salad or Turkey Cheese Sub, or Chicken Salad Wrap, Veggie Combo, Fruit Friday—October 10, 2014 Pan Pizza, Baby Carrots, Salad, Fruit, Applesauce or Buffalo Chicken Salad or Ham & Cheese Sub, or Peanut Butter Snack Box, Veggie Combo, Fruit Stay plugged in! Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ khsreddevils Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @ KHSRedDevils Monday, 10/6. FCAT Retakes Thursday—October 9, 2014 Trident Yearbook Yearbooks are on sale. For an early price of $80.00. . Yearbooks can also be purchased at www.yearbookord ercenter.com; order #1134. Senior pages are $50 for half page and $100 for a full page with yearbook purchase. Businesses interested in advertising, please contact Amanda [email protected] FCAT Retake Test for Juniors and Seniors who have not passed the FCAT begin on Monday, October 6th. Please encourage your child to do their very best. Please give them a healthy breakfast, and make sure they get adequate rest the night before. KHS Band Spirit Night Saturday, October 11 KHS Band Spirit Night @ Chick-fil-at Both locations & dine in or drive thru (S Fla Ave & N 98) 5:00-8:00 pm Enter the 14th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Challenge October 6 – November 14 “Rise Up: Make it a day ON, not a day OFF!” Essay Topic: “Rise Up” Participants’ Criteria High School students – Grades 9 - 12 800 – 1000 word essay (not more than 1000 words) Submission format: Personal Data (Cover Page – Essay will NOT be graded without a cover page) Name & Grade (Name on cover page only – NOT ON Essay) Residential Address and Phone Number Parent(s) Name and Phone Number School’s Name and Phone Number Teacher’s Name School Principal’s Name Content of Criteria Relevance of material to the subject- expound on what Dr. King had envisioned or hoped to see and what you can do today to promote or advance his dream. Composition: Is the essay on the right topic? Is content organized? Is there unity of thought? Is subject developed in a logical manner? Does choice of words show variety and are non-repetitive? Is sentence structure and grammar good? Is the content creative and original? Neatness (prefer typed essay) Community Service Opportunity Who: KHS Students in Good Academic Standing What: Tutoring elementary school students Where: Sleepy Hill Elementary When: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 3:00—6:00 See Mrs. Thacker for application and more info. Save the Date October 16 2014 4:30 to 6:30 pm Cafeteria Come share with us the cultures of different countries. We promise to entertain you with music, food and student performances. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place winner will be selected* All 1st place winners will be REQUIRED to read their essays at the Annual MLK Breakfast in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at the Bartow Civic Center, 2250 S. Floral Ave., Bartow, FL. All winners will be notified in advance. Questions about contest details or submission should be directed to Curriculum Specialist Diane Plowden at (863)534-9207. *1st Place = $300.00; 2nd Place = $200.00; 3rd Place = $100.00 Note: Submit essays no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 11/14/2014 to Mr. Ernest Joe, Jr., Senior Director, Diversity Management 1915 S. Floral Ave., Bartow, FL 33830 Sponsored by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners’ Community Relations Advisory Council and the Polk County School District PSAT will be administered to all sophomores on Wednesday, October 15. Juniors can also take the test. Contact Mrs. Thacker, [email protected]. The PSAT is used as a practice SAT and to qualify for scholarships. The cost for Juniors is $14.00.
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