2015 AASCF ANNUAL NATIONAL COACHES CONFERENCE Registration Package 2015 AASCF ANNUAL NATIONAL COACHES CONFERENCE Registration Package Saturday Timetable - 24th January 2015 Hall 1 conference Hall 2 conference Hall 3 - arena Rules - Cheer (Les) Tumble mindset & Block (Kenny) Stunt - Levels 1-3 (Shannon) 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Business Plan Starting your own Program (Rosie/Steve) 13:00 Break 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 Book Keeping Etc. (Felicity) Hall 5 - arena Hall 6 Dance Technique (Liz/Co) Partner Stunt Technique COED (James) Stunt - Levels 4-5 (Shannon/James) Tumble - Drills & Conditioning (Kenny) Dance - Pom Motions (Liz/Co) Break Break Break Break Choreography Dance (Liz) Innovative & Creative Stunt Sequences (Shannon/James) & Les Tumble Twisting (Kenny) Dance Leaps, Kicks & Jumps (Co) Stunt & Tosses Levels 6 (Shannon/James) Jumps & Standing Tumble (Kenny) Dance Fouettes & Turns (Liz/Co) Finish Finish Finish Finish Hall 6 Rules - Cheer (Les) Finish Hall 4 - arena Finish Break Sunday Timetable - 25th January 2015 Hall 1 conference Hall 2 conference Hall 3 - arena Hall 4 - arena Hall 5 - arena Rules & safety course - Cheer (Les) Cheer choreography (James) Pyramids - Levels 1-3 (Shannon) Tumble Choreography (Kenny) Dance - Pom Motions (Liz/Co) 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Rules & safety course - Cheer (Les) Understanding Scorecards Dance (Liz) Pyramids - Levels 4-5 (Shannon/James) Tumble Levels 1-3 (Kenny) Dance Conditioning (Co) 13:00 Break Break Break Break Break Break Rules & safety course - Cheer (Les) Injury Prevention (Amir ) Tosses - Levels 25 (Shannon) Tumble Teamwork (Kenny) Dance Fouettes & Turns (Liz/Co) Partner Stunt Technique COED (James) Rules & safety course - Cheer (Les) Rules - Dance (Liz/Co) Pyramids - Level 6 (Shannon/James) Tumble Levels 4-5 (Kenny) Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 2015 AASCF ANNUAL NATIONAL COACHES CONFERENCE Registration Package APPLICATION FORM Coaches Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Email address ____________________________________________Club___________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.__________________________________________ D.O.B _______________________ Age ____________ Emergency contact: Name ____________________________________________No: _______________________ PLEASE CIRCLE THE BOXES WHICH INTEREST YOU AT THE CONFERENCE Saturday 24th Jan Timetable Hall 1 - conference 9:00 10:30 11:00 Rules - Cheer (Les) Hall 2 - conference Tumble mindset & Block (Kenny) 12:30 Business Plan - Starting your own Program (Rosie/Steve) 13:00 Break Break Book Keeping Etc. (Felicity) Choreography - Dance (Liz) 13:30 15:00 15:30 17:00 17:30 Hall 3 - arena Stunt - Levels 1-3 (Shannon) Rules - Cheer (Les) Finish Hall 4 - arena Finish Hall 5 - arena Hall 6 Dance - Technique (Liz/Co) Partner Stunt Technique - COED (James) Stunt - Levels 4-5 (Shannon/James) Tumble - Drills & Conditioning (Kenny) Dance - Pom Motions (Liz/Co) Break Innovative & Creative Stunt Sequences (Shannon/James & Les) Break Break Tumble - Twisting (Kenny) Dance - Leaps, Kicks & Jumps (Co) Stunt & Tosses - Level 6 (Shannon/James) Jumps & Standing Tumble (Kenny) Dance - Fouettes & Turns (Liz/Co) Finish Finish Finish Finish Hall 3 - arena Hall 4 - arena Hall 5 - arena Hall 6 Dance - Pom Motions (Liz/Co) Break th Sunday 25 Jan Timetable Hall 1 - conference 9:00 Hall 2 - conference Rules & safety course Cheer (Les) Cheer choreography (James) Pyramids - Levels 1-3 (Shannon) Tumble Choreography (Kenny) 12:30 Rules & safety course Cheer (Les) Understanding Scorecards - Dance (Liz) Pyramids - Levels 4-5 (Shannon/James) Tumble - Levels 1-3 (Kenny) Dance Conditioning (Co) 13:00 Break Break Break Break Break Break Dance - Fouettes & Turns (Liz/Co) Partner Stunt Technique - COED (James) Finish Finish 10:30 11:00 13:30 Rules & safety course Cheer (Les) Injury Prevention (Amir ) Tosses - Levels 2-5 (Shannon) Tumble - Teamwork (Kenny) 17:00 Rules & safety course Cheer (Les) Rules - Dance (Liz/Co) Pyramids - Level 6 (Shannon/James) Tumble - Levels 4-5 (Kenny) 17:30 Finish Finish Finish Finish 15:00 15:30 A non-refundable deposit of $150 is required upon enrolment to secure position by 10th January 2015. The th balance must be paid by the 20 January – costs are $280 for the entire week-end or $150 for one single day. Please send application to and cheque must be made payable to: Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation OR Email to [email protected] PO Box 7012 Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria. AUSTRALIA 3156 Signature ________________________________________________Date __________________ AUSTRALIAN ALL STAR CHEERLEADING FEDERATION Office – TEL - 03 9756 0014 (line 1), 03 9756 0510 (line 2) or 03 9756 0557 (line 3) FAX - 03 – 9758 2096 Rosemary - +61(0)417 346 153, [email protected] Steve - +61(0)402 433 377, [email protected] www.aascf.com.au AUSTRALIAN ALL STAR CHEERLEADING FEDERATION Pty. Ltd. INTERNET BANKING & CREDIT CARD PAYMENT OPTIONS ABN: 28 125 837 452 Name of School/Company/Organisation/Athlete: Contact Name: Email Address: Phone: Date of Payment: / / Name of Event/Membership/Apparel: 1/ Internet Banking Bank: Commonwealth Bank Account Name: Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation Pty Ltd BSB: 063414 Account: 10162593 (Please email with a copy of the Internet bank receipt to [email protected]) 2/ Credit Card Payment Cardholders Name (Please Print): Card Number: Expiry Date: / / / / Verification Number (on back of card): Signature: Amount: $ Please circle one: MASTERCARD / VISA (Credit card payments incur a fee of 3%) Do you require a receipt? YES NO Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation POST - PO Box 7012, Upper Ferntree Gully, VIC 3156, Australia TEL - (03) 9756 0014 FAX - (03) 9758 2096 WEB - www.aascf.com.au Thank you for your support AASCF Waiver/Release, Medical Release & Appearance form PARTICIPANTS -- READ BEFORE SIGNING PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant Name D.O.B School /Club /Gym Name ________________________________________ Coach Name ________________________________ In consideration of _____________________________, myself / my child, participating in any way at Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation (AASCF) events & activities, the undersigned acknowledges, & agrees that: I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian, do hereby grant permission for my son/daughter to participate in any 2015 Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation Events. I further acknowledge and understand and agree that by participating at AASCF events there is a possibility of physical illness or injury (minimal, serious, and catastrophic) and that my son/daughter is assuming the risk of such injury by participating. I authorize any representative of the AASCF or the event party to consent and authorize any medical attention, treatment, surgery or administration of drugs by qualified and licensed medical personnel for my son/daughter, which may become necessary. I understand I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. I understand and agree that all expenses of such treatment are my responsibility. I agree to protect, defend, indemnify and hold the AASCF or the event party, including its staff, employees and sponsors from and against any and all claims, demand, losses, suits, liabilities, costs, or other damages including court costs and attorney’s fees, arising from any injury to, or death of son/daughter, the undersigned, or any other persons or damage to or destruction of property arising out of or in connection with any damage to third parties occasioned by, incident to, arising out of, or in connection with my son/daughter's participation. I willingly agree to comply with the AASCF events stated & customary terms & conditions for participation. If I observe any unusual significant concern in my child’s readiness for participation &/or in the competition itself, I will remove my child from the participation & bring such attention of the nearest official immediately; I understand the AASCF produces promotional material about the program. I understand that my son/daughter may be included in videotape or photography taken during this event. I hereby grant the AASCF, its successors, assignees, licensees, sponsors, any television networks and all other commercial exhibitors the exclusive right to photograph and/or videotape my son/daughter and further to utilize my son/daughter's name, face, likeness, voice and appearance as part of the event, and in advertising and promotion of the event. Rules / Regulations • No smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs allowed. • The AASCF reserve the right to discipline any participant for unruly behavior or for conduct unbecoming to the event. • Participants must respect all venue and facility rules and regulations. • Participants must obey all rules and regulations set forth by the event. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY & ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, & SIGN IT FREELY & VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. Signature of Participant: _______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Name & Signature of Parent or Guardian: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Suburb: _________________________________________ State: _________________________ Post code: ____________ Home Phone: _________________Business Phone: ___________________E-mail Address: __________________________ Emergency Name & Contact: ____________________________________________________________________________ Medical History & Details: _____________________________________________________________ Ambulance: Yes / No
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