भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. भारत सरकार का उपकर्म व मंतर्ालय के अंतगर्त (A Government of India Undertaking, Affiliated Ministry of Textiles ) िनगिमत पह्चान संख्या :U51490MH1971GOI1 पर्शासकीय एवं पंजीकृ त कायार्लय : कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुब ं ई-400 614 Admn & Registered Office : Kapas Bhavan , Plot No. 3/A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 दूरभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘गर्ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘ फै क्स/FAX:(022)27576030-9219-6069 E-mail: [email protected] site:, No. CCI/HO/Estate/CBD/ Flat IT Colony/Kapas Bhavan /2014-15/ 14.01.2015 िनिवदा सुचना 1. भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड , आईटी कालोनी, सेक्टर 21 व 22, सीबीडी बेलापुर, नवी मुंबई -400614 म िस्थत सीसीआई फ्लैट एफ – 47 का मरम्मत और पिटग संब कायर् कराने हेतु पर्िति त और अनुभवी एजिसय / फमर् / िक्तय से दो बोिलय पर्णाली म मोहरबंद िनिवदा आमंितर्त करताहै | कर्.संख्या िरक्त टडर दस्तावेज मुल्य कायर् का ब्यौरा (रूपये म ). I आईटी कालोनी, सेक्टर 21 व 22, सीबीडी बेलापुर, नवी मुब ं ई - कायर् आदेश जारी करने के बाद कायर् पूरा करने की तािरख 22245/- 30 days िवना मुल्य 400614 म िस्थत सीसीआई फ्लैट एफ – 47 का मरम्मत और पिटग संब बयाना राशी रूपये कायर् 2. इछु क एजसी/ कं पनी लोके शन भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड, कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुंबई-400 614 म सोमवार से शुकर्वार कायार्लय समय म सुबह 10 बजे से शाम 5.30 बजे के बीच िद. 05.01.2015 से 21.01.2015 तक िनगम के कायार्लय से सुचना देकर देख सकते है । कायार्लय दुरध्वनी कर्मांक : 02227579217 िवस्तार कर्ं 620/402/481 3. िनिवदा के िवस्तृत िनयम एवं शत के साथ एजसी / कं पनी अपना पर्स्ताव भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड् के पक्ष मे िकसी भी अनुसुिचत बको म से तैय्यार बयाना राशी रूपये 22245/- (बाईस हजार दो सौ पतालीस के वल )का िडमांड डर्ाफ्ट/ पे आडर्र /बकर चेक िकया जायेगा । मुबंई पर देय के साथ दे सकती है। अपेिक्षत िबना बयाना राशी के साथ आपका पर्स्ताव स्वीकृ त नही 4. इछु क एजसी/ कं पनी अपनी मोहरबंद िनिवदा अपराह्न 3:00 बजे िद. 22.01.2015 को या इसके पूवर् िनगम की चौथी मंिजल पर रखी गई िनिवदा पेटी (टडर बॉक्स) कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुंबई400 614 मे डाल सकते है । 5. पूवर् बोली बैठक िद. 15.01.2015 अपराह्न 2:30 बजे कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुंबई-400 614 मे होगी । 6. मोहरबंद िनिवदा दस्तावेज , िनन्मानुसार पर्स्तुत िकया जाना है िलफाफा “ए “– (तकिनकी बोिल -1 एवं बयाना राशी), िलफाफा “बी “– िव ीय बोिल -2 िलफाफा “सी“–िलफाफा “सी “ म िलफाफा “ए “ और “बी” दोन होने चािहए । ं ई पर्त्येक िलफाफे पर “भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड , आईटी कालोनी, सेक्टर 21 व 22, सीबीडी बेलापुर, नवी मुब 400614 म िस्थत सीसीआई फ्लैट एफ – 47 का मरम्मत और पिटग संब कायर् ”, अंिकत करे एवं और िलफाफे की बायी तरफ िनिवदा कतार् का पूरा पता होना चािहए । 7. पर्ा िनिवदा उसी िदन िद 22.01.2015 को अपराह्न 3:30 बजे उपिस्थत िनिवदा पर्ितिनधी के समक्ष खोले जायगे । िनगम कोई िनिवदा स्वीकर या अस्वीकार (सभी िनिवदा अस्वीकार ) करने का अपना अिधकार आरिक्षत रखता है । तथािप िनिवदाकतार् िनगम से उनके िनिवदा की अस्वीकृ त करने का कारण पुछ सकता है। मुख्य महापर्बंधक(समन्वय ) भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. भारत सरकार का उपकर्म व मंतर्ालय के अंतगर्त (A Government of India Undertaking, Affiliated Ministry of Textiles ) िनगिमत पह्चान संख्या :U51490MH1971GOI1 पर्शासकीय एवं पंजीकृ त कायार्लय : कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुब ं ई-400 614 Admn & Registered Office : Kapas Bhavan , Plot No. 3A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 दूरभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘गर्ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘ फै क्स/FAX:(022)27576030-9219-6069 E-mail: [email protected] site:, No. CCI/HO/Estate/CBD/ AC Units/Kapas Bhavan /2014-15/ 14.01.2015 TENDER NOTICE 1. The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., invites sealed tenders in two bid system from reputed & experienced agencies /firms/individuals for Repairs and painting of CCI Flat no F 47 and allied area , situated at IT Colony, Sector- 21&22, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 . Sr. Particulars of the work No I Blank Tender document NIL Sector- 21&22, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 2. Interested party may visit the location during all office working a.m to 5:30p.m after Issuance of Work Rs. Cost in Rs. Repairs and painting of CCI Flat 47, situated at IT Colony, Date of completion E. M. D in Order 22245/- 30 days days i.e Monday to Friday between 10:00 from 02.01.2015 to 21.01.2015 by intimation to The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. , Kapas Bhavan Plot No. 3A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai- 400 614 CCI Office contact No. 022-27579217 Extension No. 620/402/481 3. Earnest money amounting to Rs. 22245/- (Rupees Twenty Two Thousand Two Hundred Forty Five Only) in the form of Crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque drawn on any of the scheduled Banks in favour of THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD., payable at Mumbai must accompany the tender. Any Tender not accompanied by the requisite Earnest Money, shall be summarily rejected. 4. The interested agency/Firm may submit their sealed tenders in the Tender Box situated at 4th Floor , The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. , Kapas Bhavan Plot No. 3A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai400 614 up to 3:00 p.m on or before 22.01.2015. 5. Pre Bid Meeting will be held on 15.01.2015 at 2:30 p.m venue at Kapas Bhavan Plot No. 3A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai- 400 614 6. Sealed Tender documents may be submitted as under: Envelope A– (Technical bid-I with all enclosures and EMD) , Envelope B - (Financial bid-II) Envelope C: Envelope “C” should contain both Envelope “A” & Envelope “B” Each envelope be subscribed as “Tender for Repairs and painting of CCI Flat no F 47 and allied area , situated at IT Colony, Sector- 21&22, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614, and should bear the full address of tenderer at left side bottom of the envelope. 7. Tenders shall be opened on the same day i.e. on 22.01.2015 at 3.30 p.m. in the presence of tenderers who may wish to remain present. Corporation reserves its right to accept or reject any tender (s). However, tenderer may seek the reasons for rejection of their tender from the Corporation. CGM (Co-ordination) भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. भारत सरकार का उपकर्म व मंतर्ालय के अंतगर्त (A Government of India Undertaking, Affiliated Ministry of Textiles ) िनगिमत पह्चान संख्या :U51490MH1971GOI1 पर्शासकीय एवं पंजीकृ त कायार्लय : कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुब ं ई-400 614 Admn & Registered Office : Kapas Bhavan , Plot No. 3A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 दूरभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘गर्ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘ फै क्स/FAX:(022)27576030-9219-6069 E-mail: [email protected] site:, TENDER DOCUMENT FOR REPAIRS AND PAINTING OF CCI FLAT F-47 , SITUATED AT IT COLONY, SECTOR- 21&22, CBD BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI -400 614 TECHNICAL BID- I INDEX Sr.No. Particulars 1 CHECK LIST OF SELF ATTESTED Page No. 1 DOCUMENTS 2 Submission of tender and Declaration 2 2 General Terms and Conditions of the Tender 3-5 3 Eligibility Criteria For Evaluation Of Tender 6 1 CHECK LIST OF SELF ATTESTED DOCUMENTS Please make tick () Mark 1. a, Blank tender document purchased from office b. Tender document down loaded from web site enclosed blank Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No tender documents cost 2. Earnest Money Deposit Amount of Rs.22245/- in favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Mumbai is enclosed. 3. Registration of various authorities and their Nos. for Eligibility Criteria (Self attested Copies of the same shall be enclosed) a. Service Tax No. b . PAN under Income tax authority (Govt of India), 4. Copies of completion certificates/ work orders to be attached. a. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount of equal to Rs.3.56 Lakh each OR b. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount of equal to Rs.4.45Lakh each OR c. One similar completed works costing not less than the amount of equal to Rs.7.12 Lakh Signature and seal of Tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address: 2 Date:__________ To, The Cotton Corporation Of India Ltd., Kapas Bhavan, Plot No.3A, Sector-10, CBD, Belapur Navi Mumbai- 400614 Sub: Submission of tender for “Repairs and painting of CCI Flat F-47, situated at IT Colony, Sector- 21&22, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614” and DECLARATION Dear Sir, 1 I/We have read and understood all the terms & conditions of the tender and other instructions and hereby undertake to abide by them. 2 I/We are enclosing herewith, Demand Draft/ Pay Order No. ______________ dtd. ________ in your favour, towards earnest money deposit of Rs.22245.00 3 I/We have filled and signed each page of the tender documents and the same are enclosed here with. 4 I/We hereby declare that tender documents have been downloaded from CCI website and it is submitted in original without any alterations/modifications/deletions/additions. I/we are enclosing tender documents cost of NIL Signature and seal of tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address: 3 SCOPE OF WORK 1. The scope of this tender covers the furnishing of all materials, equipment, plant, labour scaffolding company applicator, transport, tools and services for the works of Repairs and painting of CCI Flat F-47, situated at IT Colony, Sector- 21&22, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 as per Bill of quantity. 2. The quantum of work involved is given in the bill of quantities, however it shall be clearly understood that the quantities are only approximate and meant for the purpose of tender comparison only and no claim whatsoever, will be entertained by the OWNER if the actual quantities of work differ from those indicated in the schedule or if any items of work are deleted from the schedule either partly or wholly, nor shall any claim be put forward by the contractor on grounds of overheads and or loss of anticipated profit etc. 3. The item rates quoted in the bill of quantity should also remain valid for a 25% (Quantum of work) Plus or minus variation in the quantity of work awarded and plus or minus 10% of total contracted value. 4. The work should be carried as per approved scope of work listed in the Bill of Quantity”. Should there be any circumstances warranting change in the scope of work, then same should be effected only after prior written approval of the Competent Authority. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Party/ tenderer shall visit the site before giving its bids, to avoid any confusion. 2. The offer shall remain valid for a period of 30 days from the last date of opening of tenders. 3. Evaluation of technical Bid-I shall be as per elegibility criteria and finacial Bid-II of the tenderer shall be opened only if it qualifies the technical Bid-I . 4. Earnest Money deposit amounting to Rs.22245/- (Rupees TWENTY TWO HUNDRED FORTY FIVE scheduled THOUSAND TWO only) in the form of Crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order drawn on any Banks in favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., payable at Mumbai must be accompany the technical Bid-I 5. The sucessful tenderer shall have to make payment of 10 % value of the work order towards sceuirity deposit. 50 % of the sceurity depsoit inclusive of EMD shall be made within 5 working days from the date of work order and balance 50 % shall be recovered from the Bill of the tenderer. 6. If the tenderer neglects or refuses for their rates quoted after submission of their tender to comply with the above conditions or any of them, the earnest money deposit already paid shall be forfeited. This is applicable in case of the party surrenders it self himself from their rates quoted and not ready to execute even if fit for award of work by the corporation or back out from the work by keeping it incomplete. 7. All the approved rates shall be inclusive of all material, labour, transportation, taxes (including service tax), scaffolding etc. complete. The quoted rate shall be in Indian currency i.e. in Rupees. Bidders are required to quote prices individually both in figures as well as in words for each item in the Bills of Quantities and Sub Head totals in the Summary Sheet and Form of Tender. The amount of each item should be worked out and the requisite total given. Special care shall be taken to write rates in figures as well as in words, and the amounts in figures only in such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount shall be written both in figures as well as in words. 8. Complete work as per technical specifications should be completed within 30 days from the date of issue of order. If work is not completed within stipulated period then penalty @ rate of 0.5 % will be imposed on per week basis delay subject to a maximum of 10% of total amount of the work order. 4 9. The above mentioned works to be carried-out without hampering normal office work preferably beyond normal office working hours and also on Saturday, Sundays and closed holidays. 10. Bidders are required to quote prices individually both in figures as well as in words for each item in the Bills of Quantities and Sub Head totals in the Summary Sheet and Form of Tender. The amount of each item should be worked out and the requisite total given. Special care shall be taken to write rates in figures as well as in words, and the amounts in figures only in such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount shall be written both in figures as well as in words. 11. All the columns of the tender shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. Any cutting/over writing etc. in the tender must be signed by the person who is signing the tender. The rates and units shall not be overwritten. The financial part in the bid shall always be both in figures and words. In case of discrepancy in words or figures, the amount written in figure will be treated as final. 12. While submitting the tender, if any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any form, the tender is liable to be rejected. If any Tenderer stipulates any condition of his own, such conditional tender is liable to be rejected. 13. Only substantially responsive Bids will be checked by the Owner for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Owner as follows : i. In case of lump-sum bid, if there is any discrepancy between the offer quoted in figures and in words, the lower of the two will be treated as the offer. ii. In case of item rate bid, if there is any discrepancy between the rates in figures and in words, the rate in words will govern and where there is discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total, resulting from multiplying unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. iii. If there is any arithmetical error in totaling of individual items, the correct total shall be computed by the Owner and the same shall govern. 14. No escalation clause shall be considered for any rise in material, labour or other inputs etc. etc. Similarly, no extra unit rate shall be considered in case of increase or decrease in quantity of individual items. The party shall have to complete the same with in the accepted rates. 15. The electricity and water will be given free of cost to the contractor from the available source. In case it is not available then the contractor shall have to make their own arrangement for the same to avoid the delay in completion of work. 16. The tenderer will have to make full proof arrangements of erecting required scaffolding up to height of slabs & walls for the work. 17. The corporation shall release payment of work in one single bill including full and final bill after the satisfactory completion of work and submission of bill. 18. The work will be executed as per the work order and as per the directions of the Engineer In-Charge. 19. Extension of time for completion of work shall not be granted except for natural calamities and other unseen reasons. For any damage or injury to any third party or labour is the sole responsibility of the contractor and the Corporation is not responsible for any payment of compensation. The contractor is fully responsible of all such risks and compensation. 5 20. The defect liability period of 12 months shall be from the date of completion of works as certified by the Engineer In Charge. The security deposit of 10 % of the total value of work done during this work will be withheld with the corporation till the satisfactorily completion of defect liability period. 21. In case of any dispute or difference arising out of or in relation to this work, same shall be governed by The Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996. An Arbitrator (other than an employee of the Corporation) to be appointed by the Competent Authority of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties. 22. The legal jurisdiction for the purposes of this sale shall always be at Navi Mumbai. SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF TENDERER 6 Technical Eligibility Criteria for tenderers : 1. Name of the firms: M/s. _________________________________________ Official Address: ___________________________ _________________________________________ City: -___________________ PIN: - _______________ Tel.No. _______________ (O) _______________(R ) Mobile No. __________________________________ Email. ______________________________________ 2. Earnest Money Deposit Amount & their details: Rs. ________ (Rupees _____________________________) Drawn on ____________________________________ Vide DD/PO No. _____________________________ In favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Mumbai is enclosed. 3. a. Service Tax No A. Service Tax No. ________________ b. PAN under Income tax authority (Govt of India), B. PAN No. _____________________ (Self attested Copies must be enclosed) 4. The intending Tenderer must have in its name as I. having a. Name of the Agency: __________________. successfully completed similar nature of works b. Address of Work & Location :_________________________ during last Five years ending last day of month c. Date of award of work : __________________. previous to the one in which tenders are invited, d. Value of Work done : Rs._________________. should be either of the following: e. Date of completion: ___________________ prime a. contractor experience of Three similar completed works costing II. not less than the amount of equal to a. Name of the Agency: __________________. Rs.3.56 Lakh each b. Address of Work & Location :_________________________ c. Date of award of work : __________________. Two similar completed works costing not d. Value of Work done : Rs._________________. less than the amount of equal to Rs.4.45 e. Date of completion: ___________________ Lakh each III. OR a. a. Name of the Agency: __________________. One similar completed works costing not b. Address of Work & Location :_________________________ less than the amount of equal to Rs.7.12 c. Date of award of work : __________________. Lakh d. Value of Work done : Rs._________________. OR b. e. Date of completion: ___________________ (Self attested Copies of completion certificates /work orders issued by the concerned departments/firms/agency, shall be enclosed) Pl. Note : Self-attested copies wherever required, must be enclosed otherwise tenderer shall be deemed not eligible. The similar works means civil and allied works. The Tenderers must submit the self-attested copies of work execution certificates as issued by concerned departments/firms/agencies clearly stating the date of award of work, schedule date of completion, value of contract, name of work, location etc. भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. भारत सरकार का उपकर्म व मंतर्ालय के अंतगर्त (A Government of India Undertaking, Affiliated Ministry of Textiles ) िनगिमत पह्चान संख्या :U51490MH1971GOI1 पर्शासकीय एवं पंजीकृ त कायार्लय : कपास भवन , प्लॉट न.3ए, सेक्टर न.10, सी बी डी बेलापुर , नवी मुब ं ई-400 614 Admn & Registered Office : Kapas Bhavan , Plot No. 3A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 दूरभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘गर्ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘ फै क्स/FAX022)27576030-9219-6069 E-mail: [email protected] site:, TENDER DOCUMENT FOR REPAIRS AND PAINTING OF CCI FLAT F-47 , SITUATED AT IT COLONY, SECTOR- 21&22, CBD BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI -400 614 FINANCIAL BID- II INDEX Sr.No. Particulars 1 BILL OF QUANTITY Page No. 1-5 1 NAME OF THE WORKS : Repairs and painting of CCI Flat F-47, situated at IT Colony, Sector- 21&22, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400 614 BILL OF QUANTITY Sr.No Particulars I II Unit Qty III IV Miscellaneous work A Removal of existing Flooring/Wall/ Platform tiles of Flat area , 1 providing & fixing by approved make, shade & colour /wall/ platform tiles including disposal of debris floor from the premises at appropriate dumping place etc complete a b(i) Hall & passage Ceramic floor Tiles Polish kota at Kitchen & first floor , passage & terrace and Sq.m 44 sq.m 45 corridor of F47 corroidor and front passage , first floor terrace (ii) Wall glazed tiles at Kitchen of F47 sq.m 15 (iii) Bed room Gr. Floor , Bed rooms First floor and passage sq.m 60 LS 2 LS 1 Nos 1 Nos 1 ceramic flooring (iv) Wc/Bath (toilet area) antiskid flooring and wall glazed tiles (ground floor and first floor of F46- 2nos ) , The above scope work involved for making concealed drain out , nahani trap and water proofing etc complete No extra charges will be paid for internal touch up plaster and Waterproofing at floor level . The scope of work involved providing and fixing of CPVC consealed plumbing pipeline for washbasin, mixers, geyser, shower and out lets nahaini traps, bottle traps for washbasin etc. Also, providing and fixing plumbing accessories like angle and bob cock, stopcock, shower, mixer , bottle traps, nahni traps , Hand frost and Jet spray , Sanitary fitting and fixtures like Water Closet (Indian/EWC) of approved make and shade , cover, SS soap box, SS Towel rod, etc complete (v) Kitchen Area F47 : Removal of Existing kitchen sink, and pipe line and Providing and fixing of CPVC consealed plumbing pipeline for kitchen sink , Water filter line (Aqua), necessary waterproofing at Nahini trap area etc complete . The scope also involved provision of SS good quality sink with necessary accessories fixing, Flexible pipe , Angle/Bib cocks/ stop cock/ Handle cock , fitting for Aqua filter and Providing L- shape Kitchen Platform top with Black Granite etc complete . Removal/Dismantling of Existing Doors/windows of flat area, 2 providing and fixing new one , disposal of debris etc from the premises at appropriate dumping place etc complete . 2a(i) Flush Door with both side laminate at Hall- 1 Nos , framing necessary hard wear, heavy duty Hinges locking arrangements of Godrej latch, eye hole Brass Handles , tower Bolts , Aldrop inside and outside etc complete ii) Double shutter Flush Door with both side synthetic enamel even paints of approved hardware, make and colour heavy duty Hinges , , necessary Brass Handles , locking arrangements like tower Bolts , Aldrop inside and outside etc complete Unit rate in Rs V VI Amount in Rs VII 2 iii) single shutter Flush door with both side synthetic enamel even paints of approved make hardware, and colour heavy duty Hinges , , Nos 6 Nos 1 Nos 2 Nos 3 Ls 1 LS 1 Nos 7 Nos 1 Nos 2 necessary Brass Handles , locking arrangements like tower Bolts , Aldrop inside and outside etc complete necessary hardware , heavy duty Hinges Handles (ss coating) with make , tower Bolts , locking arrangements of Brass Godrej etc complete Bed rooms -3, kitchen_1, Terrace -2, with necessary hardware etc complete . iv) Both side laminate single shutter Flush door with SS Jali at appropriate location , necessary hardware , heavy duty Hinges Brass Handles (ss coating) with locking arrangements of Godrej make ,safety chain , tower Bolts , etc complete Hall safety door v) P/f Fixing Readymade Aluminum section framing PVC door with Hinges , tower bolts inside and outside of approved make and colour at Toilets , P/f Black Granite double door framing for Door etc complete F47 _ 2 Nos b Attending the existing collapsible Doors making functional , painting in even shade with one coat of redoxide and black synthetic enamel of approved make etc complete Corridor Gr.-1, First Floor-2 c Attending the window grills , painting in even shade with one coat of red oxide and black synthetic enamel of approved make etc complete d Removal of existing monkey ladder and providing and Fixing MS ladder at appropriate location , painting in even shade with one coat of red oxide and black synthetic enamel of approved make etc complete e Al. Glazed Windows i) Windows Hall -1+1=2 , Gr floor Bed -2, First floor Bed rooms – 2+1=3, Aluminum (Anodized sections) Glazed with Tinted glass , sliding , locking arrangements Granite framing etc complete . The necessary provision for Window Ac units section shall be made . etc ii) Kitchen with necessary arrangement for Exhaust fan units etc complete . The item is as per e(i). iii) Toilet Al. Glazed Lowered windows section with frosted glass, with necessary arrangement for Exhaust fan units etc complete. 2 Nos at Flat No F47 Removal of Loose /bulged plaster and Providing and applying 3 new plaster at wall/ceiling surface , curing coat , bonding chicken wire mesh , disposal of debris etc from the premises at appropriate dumping place etc complete . The scope of work involved, required scaffolding , tools etc . Area covered for Hall , Passage, Kitchen , near by area , first floor terrace , ground floor Corridor and top terrace etc complete . a Internal sq.m 200 b External sq.m 100 3 4 Removal of existing syntax water tank situated at terrace , LS 1 LS 1 LS 1 sq.m 400 sq.m 480 sq.ft 350 Sq.ft 370 plumbing connection, pipe line etc complete and Providing and fixing new one of same capacity , necessary plumbing GI Pipe line and fittings of C class for smooth functioning of water supply line at appropriate locations like kitchen, toilets etc . (Excluding Internal Plumbing line/fittings of Kitchen, Toilets ) , Brass float Ball & fittings etc . The above scope of work also involved disposal of debris , syntax tax , damaged pipeline /fittings from the premises at appropriate dumping locations for Flat No F47 5 Provision and fixing of Wardrobe of approximate 10’ x 3 ‘ in the kitchen area with commercial ply of appropriate thickness good quality of approved make , laminate of make and shade/colour on external surface and internal surface shall be with polished of even shade , good quality handles . hinges etc complete . The above scope is involved necessary fixing at Wall to sustain the said wardrobe with necessary kitchen utensil storages etc . 5a Providing and making shutters to the area below the kitchen platform. The Details of item is same as per No5. 6 Removal of existing paints at wall/ceiling/column/beams, crack filling for Preparing surface for painting by applying lommbby/ putti ,primer coat and applying even shade internal Oil Bound distemper paints of approved make, colour etc complete . The above scope of work involved necessary tools, tackles, material, labour, scaffolding, transportation and disposal of debris from the premises at appropriate dumping place etc complete. For Flat No 47 7 Removal of existing vegetative growth/paints at External surface of wall/ceiling/column/beams and preparing surface for painting with crack filling ,primer coat and applying even shade External waterproofing paints of approved make, colour etc complete . The above scope of work involved necessary tools, tackles, material, labour, scaffolding, transportation and disposal of debris from the premises at appropriate dumping place etc complete. For Flat No F47 8 P/f AC Roof sheet roofing vertical and 1~1/2 ‘’ angles shed with GI C class Pipe 2’’ Horizontal (Purling) supports , cleat at Terraces , ground floor Corridors with necessary design by taking into consideration of wind/rains intensity , bottom supports with Chequerd plate , concrete pedestal, etc complete. The scope of work involved submission of structural stability certificate from Professional structural consultant. F47 ground floor Corridor 9 Fixing of Protection grills at Appropriate location with cutting, welding, red oxide and even shade painting with synthetic enamel paints of approved make etc. The rate shall be for labour , tools and tackles , machinery , painting and required supports etc at F47. Sub Total of A B Providing and fixing Electrical wiring, fitting fixtures and allied works at Flat No F47 1 6 A Switch Anchor or equivalent No 37 2 6 A Socket Anchor or equivalent No 9 4 3 10 A Fuse Anchor or equivalent No 9 4 16 A Combined Socket Anchor or equivalent No 7 5 6 A Indicator Electrical Lamp Anchor or equivalent No 7 6 400 W Fan regulator Anchor or equivalent No 6 7 8x10 PVC Board Presto plast or equivalent No 7 8 7x8 PVC Board Presto plast or equivalent No 3 9 Angel Holder Anchor or equivalent No 11 10 Ceiling roze Anchor or equivalent No 7 11 1” No 55 casing caping PVC Patti of 6’ each Presto plast or equivalent 11a Angle, tee , L Presto plast or equivalent No 40 12 1.5 PVC insulation fexible copper wire Ploycab or Bundle 3 Bundle 1 Bundle 2 equivalent 13 4 PVC insulation fexible copper wire Ploycab or equivalent 14 2.5 PVC insulation fexible copper wire Ploycab or equivalent 15 Calling Bell Anchor or equivalent No 1 16 6 A bell Push Pull Switch Anchor or equivalent No 1 17 4 ft tube light fitting ٛ asingٛ set (Philips) No 7 18 25/8 wooden screw for ٛ asing Pocket 2 capping Presto plast or equivalent 19 50/8 wooden screw for casing capping Pocket 1 20 3’’x3’’ PVC square box Presto plast or equivalent No 24 21 PVC wire tape for joints Anchor or equivalent No 2 22 14 watt CFL lamp Philips No 9 23 Two way 6A switch Anchor or equivalent No 4 24 36’’ Side Tube lights fitting 4 ft and fixtures No 3 No 6 25 combined fitting set (Metal) for Air-conditioning unit and geysers unit Anchor or equivalent 26 ELCB 40 Amps 2pole IndoAsian or equivalent No 1 27 RCB 40 Amp 2 pole Indo Asian or equivalent No 1 28 MCB single pole 20 Amp Indo Asian or equivalent No 7 29 MCB single pole 16 Amp Indo Asian or equivalent No 2 30 Glass Box unit for MCB, RCB, ELCB (Indo Asian or equivalent) No 1 Restoration of Single Phase Electrical Energy meter As per No 1 No 1 No 5 31 MSED approved ) 32 Box cabinate for fixing of Single Phase Electrical Energy meter with MCB unit complete Indo Asian or equivalent) 33 Ceiling Fan 48’’ Crompton greaves (double ball bearing, High speed decorative ) Crompton Greaves or equivalent 34 Ceiling Fan 24’’ Crompton Greaves or equivalent No 1 35 Exhaust Fan 12’’x12’’ unit Unique or equivalent No 1 36 Wall Fan Crompton Greaves or equivalent No 1 37 geyser Instant (recold make) Recold or equivalent No 2 38 Telephone Wire CAT 6 (4pair ) RMT 50 39 Television cable RMT 50 5 Casing capping Pattie for telephone and TV (1’’ ) of 6’ feet 40 Nos 15 each 41 Rawl plugs grips 8x10 Pockets 6 42 2 C flexible wire for fan fitting /tube lighting connection RMT 12 43 P/f Al Curtain rod of approved shade at 7 Nos Windows LS 1 44 P/f Al Curtain rod of approved shade at Hall passage LS 1 45 Exhaust Fan 6''x6'' unit No 2 sq.ft 1400 Subtotal for B P/f C AC Roof sheet roofing shed with GI C class Pipe 2'' vertical and 1~1/2 '' Horizontal (Purling) supports , cleat angles at with necessary design by taking into consideration of wind/rains intensity Terraces , , bottom supports with Chequerd plate , concrete pedestal, etc complete. The scope of work involved submission of structural stability certificate from Professional structural consultants. F47 and allied area D Reconnection of electrical supply from MSEB LS 1 LS 1 Total A+B+C+D E Less Buy-Back NET VALUE Total Value (In words Rupees.____________________________________________________________________________) Pl. Note: 1. The unit rate shall be inclusive of all materials, Taxes including service taxes etc as applicable, labours, tool equipments, Scaffolding, clearing and cleaning of debris, vegetative growth of the flat and its nearby area, disposal from the premises and dumping at appropriate dumping place etc. complete. 2. Only substantially responsive Bids will be checked by the corporation for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Owner as follows : i. In case of lump-sum bid, if there is any discrepancy between the offer quoted in figures and in words, the lower of the two will be treated as the offer. ii. In case of item rate bid, if there is any discrepancy between the rates in figures and in words, the rate in words will govern and where there is discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total, resulting from multiplying unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. iii. If there is any arithmetical error in totaling of individual items, the correct total shall be computed by the Owner and the same shall govern. 3. Net Value will decide L-1 Tenderer. I /We hereby agree to execute the work on the rates as mentioned above by me/us in the Bill of quantity complying with the tender Terms and conditions of contract of the corporation. Signature and seal of Tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address:
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