Winter 2014 (PDF) - Hennepin County

Providing Hennepin licensed haulers with up-to-date information for their business and customers
Winter 2014
In this issue:
Holiday Hours at
Hennepin County facilities............2
New touch-screen
keypad at HERC................................2
Information for
your customers.................................3
No Price Increase in 2015
All of the current hauler contracts are in effect until December 31, 2015. There will be
no price increase on January 1, 2015. If you have questions about your waste delivery
contract, please contact Randy Kiser at 612-348-5889 or email [email protected]
Free Christmas tree disposal
Haulers may dispose of Christmas trees
collected from their customers in Hennepin
County for no charge from January 5 to January
30, 2015, at the Malcolm Transfer Station.
Trees may be delivered Monday through
Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The transfer station is located at 630 Malcolm
Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414.
Requirements and restrictions
•Loads must be exclusively Christmas trees
from Hennepin County customers.
•No wreaths or other decorations with metal
will be accepted.
•All tree stands, ornaments and plastic bags
must be removed from the trees.
•Flocked trees are acceptable.
Loads containing unacceptable material will be
rejected. If you have any questions, please call
Barry Melquist at 612-348-4491.
Hennepin County
Public Works
Environmental Services
Hauler Update – Winter 2014 3
Holiday hours for haulers at Hennepin County facilities
Brooklyn Park
Transfer Station
Great River Energy
Thursday, November 27, 2014
4 a.m. to noon
Day after Thanksgiving
Friday, November 28, 2014
Regular business hours
(7 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Regular weekday hours
(7 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
Regular weekday hours
(7 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Receive MSW until 2 p.m.
Regular weekday hours
(4 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
Regular weekday hours
(7 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Christmas Day
Thursday, December 25, 2014
4 a.m. to noon
New Year’s Eve
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Receive MSW until 2 p.m.
Regular weekday hours
(4 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
Regular weekday hours
(7 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
New Year’s Day
Thursday, January 1, 2015
4 a.m. to noon
New scalehouse software and touch-screen keypad at HERC
You or your drivers may have noticed that we recently upgraded our
scalehouse software at HERC with a touch-screen keypad. We want
to thank you for your patience during the installation. If you have
any questions, contact Marc Artmann, [email protected]
or 612-348-7813.
2 Hauler Update – Winter 2014
Information for your customers
Organics Recycling – More details to come in 2015
Back in February 2014, the County Board passed a resolution that required
Minneapolis to implement an organics collection program. In addition, Hennepin
County staff has recommended to the County Board that cities be required to provide
organics collection by the end of 2018. The details of the requirement will be
developed in consultation with the cities and waste haulers in early 2015 and
presented to the County Board for approval in the spring.
for Composting
Many questions will need to be addressed in the organics collection program
requirement such as: Who collects it – waste haulers or a city contracted vendor?
Do all households participate or can they choose whether they want organics
collection, etc.?
County staff will be working closely with cities and waste haulers to figure out these
solutions in developing a recommendation to the Board. Contact City Recycling
Coordinators for specifics on organics recycling in your area. A list of City Recycling
Coordinators can be found here:
Fix-It Clinics
Residents are encouraged to come to our upcoming Fix-It Clinics. They will get free,
guided assistance on disassembling, troubleshooting and fixing their broken
household items or clothing in need of repair. Clinics are scheduled for the
following dates and locations:
•Sunday, December 14, 2014
Fix-It Clinic
Noon to 4 p.m.
Brookview Community Center
200 Brookview Parkway, Golden Valley
•Saturday, January 10, 2015
Noon to 4 p.m.
Eden Prairie Library
565 Prairie Center Drive, Eden Prairie
•Saturday, February 14, 2015
Noon to 4 p.m.
Longfellow Park
3435 36th Ave. S., Minneapolis
For more information or to volunteer at a Fix-It Clinic, contact Nancy Lo at
[email protected] or 612-348-9195.
Recycle Everywhere
This past summer, we promoted a Recycle Everywhere campaign to encourage
residents to recycle at work, at school, at parks and events. With one-sort recycling
and more items accepted for recycling, it’s easier than ever to do our part to recycle
everywhere. The county has programs to start or improve recycling at businesses,
schools, apartment buildings, events and public spaces.
Free resources available include grants, signage, educational materials and professional
staff assistance.
So if you don’t see recycling, ask for it.
Learn more about the Recycle Everywhere campaign at
Hauler Update – Winter 2014 3
2 Hauler Update – Winter 2014
Providing Hennepin licensed haulers with up-to-date information for their business and customers
Winter 2014
Hauler contacts at Hennepin County
In this issue:
• Licensing: Marc Artmann, 612-348-7813; [email protected]
Holiday Hours at
Hennepin County facilities............2
• Taxes & Fees: Randy Kiser, 612-348-5889; [email protected]
• Recycling: Paul Kroening, 612-348-6358; [email protected]
• Organics Management: John Jaimez, 612-348-5893; [email protected]
• Commercial Hazardous Waste: 612-348-3777; [email protected]
•Our fax number is 612-348-8532, and our Resident Line is 612-348-3777.
701 4th Avenue South, Suite 700
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1842
Hennepin County
Public Works
Environmental Services
Information for
your customers.................................3
• Facilities: Barry Melquist, 612-348-4491; [email protected]
New touch-screen
keypad at HERC................................2