Roy Taylor, NI Water - Climate Northern Ireland

Climate NI Infrastructure Conference
6 March 2014
Sustainable Catchment Area Management Planning
“a more environmentally sustainable approach to improving water
Roy Taylor
Catchment Manager
Presentation Structure
1) Drinking Water Catchments
2) Objectives of SCAMP NI
3) Three Current Projects
4) Future Plans
5) Conclusions
NI Water’s Drinking Water
• 24 Water Treatment
• 34 Raw water
Presentation Structure
1) Drinking Water Catchments
2) Objectives of SCAMP NI
3) Three Current Projects
4) Future Plans
5) Conclusions
Sustainable Catchment area Management Planning
(SCAMP NI) Objectives
Objective: “To improve the quality and reliability of the raw water received at NI
Water’s raw water abstraction points through sustainable catchment based
solutions that focus on protecting the natural environment through achieving
favourable condition and habitat improvement.”
Erosion, runoff, dried out vegetation
Environmental nightmare
Poor raw water quality
Water treatment difficulties = £££
Saturated peat, healthy vegetation
Enhanced environment
Good raw water quality downstream
Improved water treatment = savings
SCAMP NI Helps Mitigate Against and Adapt to
Climate Change
Consequences: CO2 emission, increased WTW capital & operational cost, reduced
storage capacity, reduced summer raw water base flow, river flow more ‘flashy’
SCAMP NI – Approach to Project Scoping & Delivery
e.g. UFU
SCAMP NI Steering Group
Reduced or
Delayed WTW
capital costs
SCaMP Project Delivery
Land m anagem ent
W o o d la n d cre a tio n
B la n ke t b o g re sto ra tio n
H e a th la n d m a n a g e m e n t
In va sive sp e cie s co n tro l
W ild fire p re ve n tio n
P e sticid e C o n tro l
WTW costs
Increased Water
Consider best
Catchment Practice
from UK Water Industry
Presentation Structure
1) Drinking Water Catchments
2) Objectives of SCAMP NI
3) Three Current Projects
4) Future Plans
5) Conclusions
Garron Plateau Blanket Bog Restoration
G arron P lateau contains the
m ost extensive area of intact
upland blanket bog in N Ireland
B lanket bogs are one of the
m ost im portant habitats found in
Ireland, if not globally.
H om e to rare w ildlife –
S phagnum m oss, hen harrier,
golden plover, snipe, red
grouse, etc
Dungonnell WTW – Catchment Details:
• ‘D irect C atchm ent’ – a single im pounding reservoir
• ‘Indirect C atchm ent’ - intake from Inver R iver and C ollin B urn
• In total 2,000 hectares catchm ent - all ow ned by N I W ater
• 4 rivers feed into the reservoir and in turn, these rivers are fed by other stream s.
• C atchm ent consists entirely of bogs and m arshes
• N o dw ellings in the catchm ent
Garron Plateau – The blanket Bog
What are the problems?
• Over-grazing – R e d u ce s th e m o u n t o f ve g e ta tio n co ve r a n d le a d s to
la rg e a re a s o f b a re p e a t
• Drainage – In te rce p ts a n d d ive rts o ve rla n d flo w to re m o ve w a te r
ra p id ly fro m th e p e a tla n d syste m .
• P e a t cu ttin g , b u rn in g , re cre a tio n , clim a te ch a n g e , in va sive sp e cie s,
fo re stry, e tc.
Project Objectives…
• R e sto re G a rro n P la te a u A S S I to fa vo u ra b le co n d itio n
• E n su re a p p ro p ria te g ra zin g le ve ls to p re ve n t issu e s su ch a s p e a t
e ro sio n
• B lo ckin g d ra in s to p re ve n t p e a t e ro sio n , im p ro ve ra w w a te r q u a lity
a n d re sto re h yd ro lo g y.
• In fo rm a tio n sh a rin g w ith sim ila r p ro je cts in N Ire la n d
Dried out &
damaged peatland
Damaged ecosystems
& loss of habitats
Poor raw water
quality & expensive
water treatment
Garron Plateau – Drain Blocking Methods
Peat Dams
T his involves rem oving short strips of
vegetation from either side of the drain.
T he underlying peat is then used to
create the dam and the vegetation is
placed on to the top of the dam .
Heather Bale Dams
O nly possible w here there are large
areas of heather adjacent w here it can
be cut and baled
Plastic Curtain
A sheet of plastic that w ill insert
vertically into the ground to prevent
lateral w ater m ovem ent
Stone Dams
O n larger drains stone are used to block
and slow the w ater velocity
The Water Catchment Partnership
Derg WTW – Catchment Details:
• E xtensive river catchm ent – upper reaches
of the catchm ent are in the R epublic of
• C atchm ent A rea > 32000 H ectares
• T he catchm ent is a rural area,
predom inantly pasture w ith areas of forest,
bogs and heathland in the upper
catchm ent
• M ain R isks – S lurry, silage, N utrients &
P esticides
Partnership Aims:
• P rom ote best practice guidelines in the
use of pesticides to all users
• R educe levels of pesticide in W ater
particularly drinking w ater catchm ents
through education and voluntary
• D erg C atchm ent pilot area of need
The Water Catchment Partnership
Delivering the far
E ngaged farm ing com m unity at events and show s:
O m agh A gricultural S how
C logher Valley A gricultural S how
C afre S oil and S w ard event -G reenm ount and E nniskillen
C A F R E H ill farm ing events - G lenw herry and N ew tow nstew art
C atchm ent w ide postal drop
E ngaged suppliers, local m erchants
O pen days at D erg W T W ’s
F arm visits
Eastern Mournes Wildfire Project
N um ber of drought periods over the last decade,
duration and m axim um drought period per year
• D irect C orrelation betw een
W ildfire events and severe
drought periods
• O ver the last decade the num ber
of severe drought periods are
increasing slow ly but significantly
since 2005
• A t the sam e tim e the total num ber
m inor drought is slightly
• W ith m ore periods of drought the
potential fire season is getting
Mournes Fire Group
Wildfire Advisory Service Report recommended establishment of an Eastern
Mournes Fire Group. This group would:
• D evelop expertise and know ledge
to m anage the w ildfire risk
• S hare responsibility of intervening
at w ildfires
• P rovide financial & practical
support to the N I F ire & R escue
S ervice
• Train & equip land m anagers to
provide an initial response team
• A id stakeholders in form ing a
collaborative response to w ildfire
Photo Mark Pearce
A dditionally,
• N I F ire & R escue S ervice should consider creating a w ildfire ‘hub’ at an
appropriately positioned station.
Presentation Structure
1) Drinking Water Catchments
2) Objectives of SCAMP NI
3) Three Current Projects
4) Future Plans
5) Conclusions
Future Plans
R oll out T he W ater C atchm ent P artnership in a w ider area across N Ireland
Liaise w ith D A R D to influence policy tow ards m inim ising pesticide use
Liaise w ith U niversity of U lster to research and m onitor best environm ental
C atchm ent studies in every drinking w ater catchm ent in N Ireland
F urther develop relationships w ith stakeholders to identify concerns and
C ontinue to deliver investm ent on a prioritised basis to im prove the w ater
environm ent
1 ) C o n trib u te s to d rin kin g w a te r p ro te ctio n
2 ) C o n trib u te s to th e W a te r F ra m e w o rk D ire ctive (W F D ) O b je ctive s
3 ) C o n trib u te s to th e N I B io d ive rsity A ctio n P la n
4 ) H e lp s m itig a te a g a in st, a n d a d a p t, to C lim a te C h a n g e
5 ) E n a b le s risk b a se d a p p ro a ch e s to so lu tio n s
Successful delivery will only possible through:
1 ) S ta b le lo n g te rm stra te g ic d ire ctio n & fu n d in g
2 ) Im p le m e n ta tio n o f n e w w a ys o f w o rkin g a n d in n o va tive so lu tio n s
3) All stakeholders continuing to working closely together