Harrow LSCB Quality Assurance Sub

Harrow LSCB Quality Assurance Sub-Group
Terms of Reference (Aug 2014)
The role of the LSCB Quality Assurance Sub-group is to:
Identify and address issues that compromise, or limit the ability of one or more local agencies to
keep children safe
Encourage and highlight good practice, across the LSCB partners.
Oversee and ensure effective quality assurance processes are in place, across LSCB partners.
Co-ordinate multi-agency quality assurance activities (e.g. audits).
Monitor and evaluate safeguarding performance indicators and ensure robust performance
management when necessary.
Neil Harris (Chair)
Job Title
Service Manager for Quality Assurance
and Service Improvement
Michelle Weerasekera (Vice LSCB Governor Member
Sue Dixon
Designated Nurse
Ruby Schwartz
Designated Doctor
Ann Garratt
Service Manager for CLA & YOT
Service Manager
Andrea Lomp
Clare Kehoe
Pamela Ledward
Designated Doctor CLA
Named Nurse
Principal Social Worker
Rachel Bowerman
Russell Symons
Melanie Zurbrugg
Sue Westbury
Hannah Caim-Kaudle
David Harrington / Dipika
Miriam Sohoraye / Mark
Jason Dawson / Liam
Senior Schools Improvement Advisor
Senior Probation Officer
Named Nurse
Named Nurse
Service Manager
Service Manager for Performance
Safeguarding Children Nurse Advisor /
Senior Professional Mental Health
Detective Inspector
Children and Families’ Services
(Harrow Council)
Harrow CCG
Harrow CCG
Children and Families’ Services
(Harrow Council)
Early Intervention Services
(Harrow Council)
Northwick Park Hospital
Children and Families’ Services
(Harrow Council)
Education / HSIP
London Probation (Harrow)
NWL Hospital
Integrated Care Organisation
Performance, Harrow Council
Edgware CAIT, Metropolitan
Hannah Sharp
Violence against Women and Girls
Harrow Council
Those unable to attend any meeting should nominate and brief a suitable colleague to attend in their place.
Meetings will be 6 weekly.
Areas of Work
1. Multi-Agency Quality Assurance Activity (e.g. case audits)
To check the quality of safeguarding work, check compliance with statutory requirements and identify areas
of development within individual organisations, or across organisations.
2. Section 11 Audits
Role of QA Subgroup: to ensure relevant agencies have satisfactorily completed Section 11 audits, identified
any areas of weakness or poor practice and developed actions plans to address these weaknesses.
Audits should be completed annually
Completion deadlines should be staggered throughout the year and at meetings the QA subgroup
will review all Section 11 audits completed since it last met.
All agencies should provide evidence of their Section 11 Audit conclusions
Every month, identified member(s) of the QA subgroup shall visit one organisation that has completed an
audit to check the evidence provided in the organisation’s audit and their progress against identified
weaknesses. When necessary, the identified member(s) can advise and assist the agency to improve their
safeguarding practices and policies. The member(s) shall report back to the meeting on their findings. As
there is one visit per month, three audits should be discussed per meeting (per quarter).
3. Scrutiny of MA Forums/Case Panels
The following multi-agency forums/case panels will be scrutinised annually:
Scrutiny of these forums should include:
• The circulation of a report in advance;
• Attendance by the chair, or another individual in a position to be held to account;
• The consideration of relevant performance information.
4. Data Set
Performance data shall be discussed at each meeting.
• Reporting will be by exception, drawn from a list agreed by the QA subgroup and revised when
• There will be a standing list plus specific performance on that quarter’s theme;
• The manager(s) responsible for below target indicators shall be expected to meet with the Chair, QA
Officer, LSCB Senior Professional and/or Performance Officer before the meeting to discuss and
agree a narrative, hypotheses, explanations and/or an improvement plan, drawing upon an analysis
of data and other information where appropriate;
• At meetings, data and narratives etc. should be presented by a professional with a sophisticated
understanding of the context, with the Performance Officer present to ensure the correct
interpretation. This helps ensure robust performance management, not performance monitoring;
• All performance indicators will come once a year, for the QA Subgroup to comment on whether the
targets set are appropriate.
5. Scrutiny of Individual Organisations QA Activities and Findings
Organisations should bring findings of their QA activity and audit for discussion of any implications for the
LSCB. The QA subgroup will wish to be aware of single agency audits taking place across the borough, and
can request pertinent findings / or whole audit report / a presentation.
Annual Report
An annual report will be produced at the end of each financial year, containing input from all QA subgroup
members. It will report on activities, findings, learning and plans for the subsequent year.
All QA subgroup members should report to LSCB Board as required. The chair will attend the LSCB
Operational Group and Executive Board meetings.
Support and Responsibilities
The Chair of the Sub Group is responsible for the minutes and agenda.
Children’s and Families Services will assist with the co-ordination of the work plan.
The LSCB Senior Professional sits on every subgroup as an Advisor and Co-ordinator.
The LSCB Administrator will provide administrative support