DRAFT MINUTES OF THE READING LOCAL SAFEGUARDING BOARD MEETING 19th March 2014 Tilehurst B Suite, The Avenue 2pm – 4.30pm Attended: Member Stephen Barber Karen Reeve Deborah Glassbrook Stuart Greenfield Anne Farley Anderson Connell Helen Taylor Hannah Powell Bernadette Adams Ruth Perry Cllr Jan Gavin Penny Cooper Role Independent LSCB Chair – Reading, West Berks and Wokingham Head of Children’s Services, Reading Borough Council (RBC) Interim Head of Safeguarding & Quality Assurance, RBC Initial SB KR DG Superintendent, Thames Valley Police Reading LSCB Lay Member Reading LSCB Lay Member RCVYS Representative Senior Probation Officer, Thames Valley Probation Service Development Manager, Berkshire Women’s Aid Head Teacher, Caversham Primary School Lead Member, RBC Head of Children's Universal Services-Reading, Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (BHFT) Designated Nurse, Berkshire West CCG Head of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Community, RBC Urgent Care Group Director of Nursing, Royal Berkshire Hospital Foundation Trust (RBHFT) SG AF AC HT HP BA RP CJG PC Board Support Esther Blake Joanne Roberts Role Reading LSCB Business Manager Business Support Administrator Initial EB JR Presentation Christine Etheridge Anastasia MorganRose Role Young People’s Programme Senior Policy Advisor, CAADA CAADA Initial CE AMR Jenny Selim Sarah Gee Patricia Pease Apologies: Members Avril Wilson Fiona Slevin-Brown Chris Lawrence Kevin Gibbs Kevin McDaniel Elizabeth Rhodes Observer Ian Wardle JS SGe PP Director of Education Adults and Children’s Services, RBC Locality Director, BHFT Early Years Partner Forum Representative Head of Service, CAFCASS Head of Education, RBC Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Managing Director, RBC Apologies not received: Members Anthony Heselton South Central Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust Mel Jarvis Business and Performance Manager, CAMHS Lise Llewellyn Berkshire Lead Public Health Consultant 1 ITEM A DISCUSSION Welcome and Apologies Apologies were acknowledged and introductions made. WHOM SB welcomed guests Anastasia Morgan Rose (AMR) and Christine Etheridge (CE) from CAADA who would be giving a presentation – item D. SB thanked Fiona Slevin-Brown for her contribution to the board for the time of her membership. No declaration of conflicts of interest made. B Previous Minutes and Outstanding Actions The previous minutes from 29th January 2014 were agreed for the record. SB asked for clarification in a few areas of the previous minutes: Page B3 – Accommodation of Children. It states “there are an unusual amount of 12/13/14 years olds so one of the team has been commissioned at the case histories as they should/would have been known somewhere prior to Reading”. KR clarified that she had asked staff to look at the recent history of some cases who were new to Children’s Social Care (CSC) but in significant crisis, to see whether they had been known to a service in Reading. Action: • Previous minutes to be amended to reflect the above. EB 16/04/14 Page B3 – Police Figures and Training to Increase the Quality of Referrals. SG confirmed that this training has not yet taken place as it is difficult to know what the training should look like. Ideas are currently being sought and the findings for this are expected in the next four weeks. Page B4 – Quality of Referrals. RP confirmed she communicated this issue back at the Primary Heads Meeting on 5th February 2014. Page B5 - Attendance of Probation at conferences. DG clarified she has not been able to get a date yet to discuss but it is in hand. Page B6 - Daniel Pelka. SB had asked for this to be cascaded within the agencies and confirmed this had been done. Page B8 - Emotional Well Being Issue. SB confirmed he has spoken to CJG. A report will be submitted to the LSCB and the Health and Well Being Board. Action: • EB to progress EB 16/04/14 Page B8 – Children’s Centre inspections. EB has sent the action plan to SB and a report is coming to the next Executive meeting. 2 ITEM C DISCUSSION Pressure on Safeguarding services to Include issues in relation to workload SB stated he had not previously been notified of any issues. WHOM KR stated that after a very busy January, February was much quieter and so far in March, only two children have been brought into care. This could potentially mean a year end reduction of 20 children (7%). The Court process in Reading is now much quicker from an average of 57 weeks down to below 35. This is primarily because additional court space has been made available, with fully trained Judges. KR confirmed that cases are tracked and any issues will be picked up if necessary. D Supporting local areas to respond to the change in definition for domestic abuse A presentation was given by Christine Etheridge (CE) on the above. CE referred to the CAADA report ‘In plain sight’ and also suggested that members read the ‘Boys to Men’ research conducted by Manchester University. SB stated he will consider the recommendations in the CAADA report mentioned at the next Executive meeting. It was heard that Catherine Burke (CB) is the Young People’s Violence Advisor (YPVA) for this area. However, any referrals should be made via Access and Assessment, not to CB directly. CE talked about the CAADA Young Persons Programme which covers children aged 13 years and above. A discussion took place regarding the Home Office change in definition for domestic abuse, which was confirmed after the meeting as now including young people ages 16 & 17. KR stated that Reading CSC considers children of all ages when it is thought that they are situations involving domestic abuse. CAADA aim to involve other sectors in their work; information is sent out but is not always filtered down. They are now trying to work with local people on a Train the Trainer programme and with Voluntary Organisations. BA noted that Berkshire Women’s Aid has no current involvement in this programme, yet they are the lead provider in for domestic violence work across Reading. BWA and CAADA will link up to make the resources available to young people in the area. SG stated it would be good to have someone from CAADA to come to the Domestic Abuse Steering Group (DASG). Actions: • EB to send the CAADA report In Plain Sight to the Board • SB to consider the recommendations in the CAADA report at the next Executive meeting • BA to contact CE to link BWA and CAADA • SGe to invite a representative from CAADA to the DASG EB 26.03.14 SB 16.04.14 BA 16.04.14 SGe 16.04.14 3 ITEM DISCUSSION CE and AMR left at this stage (14:35). E Domestic Abuse Strategy – Demonstrate the effectiveness of local services SGe spoke to the report. WHOM SGe took over as Chair in the autumn. The Domestic Abuse Steering Group (DASG) have completed an audit of resources in Reading and identified a few gaps. The action plan has been revised. It needs to be determined what data is available across the agencies so it can be captured and understood. SGe noted that the DASG and MARAC Steering Group are well attended. KR clarified that there are now Police risk assessors within the triage process, based alongside the MASH team. It is important to note that they are not part of MASH itself. There are significant concerns regarding the quantity and quality of relationship education in schools. There has been a group meeting with school leads and resources are being made available to them. There is an issue with prosecution rates regarding domestic abuse. The success rate is only 57% in Reading. Thames Valley Police are aware and are working with the CPS, particularly around the time it takes to get to trial. Although this is a CPS issue, the Police are not complacent and are looking at improving the quality of case files. SGe noted that the strategy itself has not yet been started as it was important to get an updated action plan in place, which is still a work in progress. Regarding the action plan, the group noted: • There are lots of actions without timescales • It is unclear how Priority 1 work is linking up with the Youth Cabinet. • Under Priority 5 Capturing the voice of the victim/survivor, it was asked how we ensure this includes children and young people as different beast in capturing the voice of adults. PP suggested revisiting the Cardiff model and will discuss this with SGe outside of the meeting. Page E4 – With regards to the lack of IDVA Court Support in Reading, SB asked who will fund and provide this. The funding issue has been raised and discussed at Thames Valley level with the Police and PCC. The PCC funds Court IDVAs in some areas but not in Reading, although we have a specialist DV court. SB offered to write to the PCC to support this. With regards to MARAC, there has been significant improvement around referrals from partners, up at 30%, which is a shift. There has been an improvement in repeat referrals being recorded and an increased awareness. However, there is concern that there is no evidence / reliable data on how the MARAC process protects children or how affective the plan is. A repeat referral could be due to an ineffective plan. KR stated that CAADA was spoken to a year ago about how we could improve guidance and measure the impact on 4 ITEM DISCUSSION MARAC. This is in the DA action plan and CAADA will be approached regarding best practice nationally. WHOM With regards to the LSCB and auditing, this would need to look at the quality of work around child protection and domestic violence, and be correctly scoped. Actions: • SGe to look at the issues noted regarding the action plan and prioritise actions SGe 30.04.14 • SB will write to the PCC regarding funding for a court based IDVA in Reading SB 16.04.14 • SGe to raise the issue of measuring the impact of the MARAC impact with DASG, including input from CAADA if appropriate SGe 30.04.14 K IRIS Project This item was discussed at this point as it was felt most appropriate. BA spoke to the report. The takeup of training by GP practices in Reading appears satisfactory. F Sub Group Reports Quality Assurance (QA) Chairs Report PC Spoke to the report. With regards to the Safeguarding audit, it was unclear what was required. KR confirmed there is a need to check that every agency has an appropriate supervision process in place and a multi-agency audit is required. SB clarified for the group that that sometimes there will be set national standards, but sometimes standards are based on local policy and good practice. The audit scope should determine the appropriate standards for the audit to be measured against. Note: Where agencies carry out a single agency audit, the QA group should be informed. Action: • PC to ensure the QA group reschedule the Safeguarding Supervision audit and develop an appropriate multi-agency scope. PC 09.04.14 Report on Executive Meeting EB spoke to the report which briefly outlined the discussion from the last Executive meeting. There were some outstanding actions for Kevin McDaniel (KMcD) - EB to chase. Regarding the impact of police non-attendance at CP conferences – a report has been done which has been sent to Ian Wardle (RBC, Managing Director), who 5 ITEM DISCUSSION has raised with the Police. KR to bring key examples of non-attendance to the next Executive meeting. WHOM Children and Young People who sexually offend - KR reported that CAMHS will commission at tier 4 and will have a debate on how to link with tier 3. There is a lot of interest in a commissioning group as they had not realised it was an issue. No timescale yet. KR stated that the Update Report from the Reading Executive Sub Group Meeting is a public document and should not be marked ‘Protect’. It was noted that some protective markings are not always correct and this needs to be an agenda item for the Executive Group Meeting. Actions: • EB to chase KMcD for draft letter to schools from SB advising that the LSCB are looking at exclusion rates EB 26.03.14 • EB to chase KMcD regarding his letter to head teachers regarding low numbers of known private fostering cases EB 26.03.14 • KR to provide examples of police non-attendance at child protection conferences to the Executive Sub Group KR 16.04.14 EB 26.04.14 • All members to provide internal audits covering safeguarding issues to All 30.04.14 Penny Cooper for the QA subgroup. SGe left the Meeting at this stage. • G Add Document Marking as Agenda item for Executive Group Meeting SARC Protocol SB spoke to the report, which sets out proposed arrangements between the SARC in Slough and the LSCB. This will go to all Berkshire LSCBs. It is a good basis and SB recommends it. This was agreed. At the last Executive group meeting it was recommended that a review of the protocol occurs in 12 months. EB confirmed that Sheila Jenkins (the lead at NHS England Local Area Team) has been informed. H Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust PP spoke to the reports. Participation of Children and Young People PP noted the comment made at the January Board regarding impact evidence. They had evaluated the effectiveness of the work via surveys and they are still looking at how they change the services. The Parent panel will influence service change. It was discussed that the board needs more examples of how this is effective and what difference is made. CJG commented it is good to see agencies making more effort, but we need to embed that voice in everyday practice. PP will provide evidence of outcomes. 6 ITEM DISCUSSION Action: • PP to provide examples of the outcomes resulting from the work discussed in the report WHOM PP 31.05.14 RBFT Annual Safeguarding Report PP noted that the front sheet should have been completed. PP referred to the data set regarding self harm in West Berks - the validity of the data is fine but how much more data is needed. There is a need to understand where there are clusters of self harm. No timescales for this yet. A discussion took place regarding the timeliness of this report. HH11-19 is the 2013/14 action plan for the 2012/13 report and another is now nearly due. SB referred to HH5, Key Achievements. Key performance indicators - there is a need to consider what the Performance group receives. HH7, safeguarding training is now much better. There was an issue with level 3 training but an action plan is in place and 85% of front line staff are to be trained by end March. HH16, Audit cycle. There is a new named nurse for Child Protection named Jo Horsburgh who will attend the QA group. It was heard that Dr Ann Gordon is currently the named doctor for Child Protection. A new Paediatrician is in a developmental phase and will become the named doctor soon. Disabilities Task and Finish Group – Report and Annual Plan This was considered at the last Executive Board Meeting. PP confirmed that Julie Hughes (Lead Nurse children and Young People RBFT) is retiring but her successor will oversee the implementation of the action plan. There is an issue that respite care is limited. Thresholds are too high to get respite care and some families don’t get the respite they need. CJG asked how we make sure this work is joined up with new SEN work. Implementation is far reaching and is a very different way of looking at provision. Actions: • The respite care issue to be taken to the Health and Well Being board. • PP 31.05.14 EB 16.04.14 EB to ask KMcD to consider how this report and action plan links up with changes in the SEN process. Agenda onto a future Executive Group Meeting. Rapid Response Report for LSCB’s 2012/2013 This is last year’s report for information; a new report will be available soon. . 7 ITEM DISCUSSION WHOM RP left at this stage for a Governors’ Meeting. I Update on the work of the CSE group and information sheet “Chelsea’s Choice” KR spoke to the report. This group has now been operationalised and will be chaired by Avril Wilson. Note: the report refers to stopping ‘men’ offending but should have said ‘perpetrators’. There has been a drop in intelligence and referrals recently relating to concerns around children in Reading. This could be because there was a very high profile investigation in the community last autumn which disrupted the activities of perpetrators and raised the amount of press interest. The group is aware that they still need to be very vigilant as concerns may come back and perpetrators may have found alternative methods. There have been no recent referrals regarding CSE (as opposed to sexual abuse). The Chelsea’s Choice production, which was funded, was delivered to all secondary schools, apart from Blessed Hugh Faringdon. The Board expressed concern that the school did not take up this opportunity and SB offered to write to the school. A new screening tool has been the introduced, but it was queried how widely this had been disseminated. KR will check how this tool was disseminated with Kate Jahangard and confirm if the tool is on the RBC website. KR will clarify if the tool needs to be included within the CP procedures and refer to the Policy and Procedures sub-group if necessary. West Berks and Wokingham are broadly using the same tool. The recommendation would be to use the best tool in light of experience. Currently this CSE group includes 35 – 40 people and is an operational group. Avril Wilson will set up a smaller strategic group with people who can make decisions for their organisation. The Board were asked to consider suitable partner representation. The following people were nominated: o Janice Burnett - Nursing. She is working across Berkshire has led on policies and procedures. o Hannah Powell - Senior Probation Officer o Penny Cooper - Head of Children's Universal Services, BHFT It was discussed that a designated doctor, paediatrician or GP would helpful. The strategic group will need to think about how they work with the Youth Council. Although being set up as a sub group of CSE, they will also need to report to the LSCB. Actions: • SB to consider writing to Blessed Hugh regarding their lack of engagement with the Chelsea’s Choice offer. SB 16.04.14 8 ITEM J L DISCUSSION • KR to speak to Kate Jahangard to confirm how the tool was disseminated and confirm if the tool is on the RBC website.. WHOM KR 16.04.14 • KR to clarify if the tool needs to be included in the CP procedures and KR refer to the Policy and Procedures sub-group if necessary. 16.04.14 • Members to inform KR if there is anyone they would like to put forward to sit on this group All 16.04.14 Statutory Guidance on children who run away or go missing from home or care KR referred to the new guidance. The protocol between local authorities and Thames Valley Police (referred to in the guidance in Paragraph 20) is being reviewed and Wokingham are taking the lead. Action: • EB to contact Wokingham to ask for a timescale on this. EB 16.04.14 Business Items Business Plan EB and DG have updated this using information from Working Together 2013 and the term of reference from the LSCB sub groups. Issues and concerns taken from the last LSCB annual report have been mapped against the action plan with new additions marked in italics. The Board were asked to review this to ensure actions were reasonable and clear, and lead personnel identified. JS would like to suggest rewording for title of number 3 and will email EB. SB confirmed that Ofsted will use this document to find evidence of LSCB effectiveness so it needs to be robust. L33 – EB asked for clarification of remaining challenges. HP reported that the Probation restructure change come into effect from 1st June 2014. SB asked for a report on this to the next Board meeting. Rapid response audit key messages are covered within the CDOP section. It was agreed an update on the business plan is required at the LSCB every six months. In the interim, EB needs to keep check and identify and raise any concerns as appropriate. The current business plan is now signed off and is a working document. Actions: • EB to email the Board asking for a review of the actions and named lead staff • EB will update the Business Plan and add to the LSCB website • HP to write a report for the next Board meeting regarding the changes taking place within the Probation service. EB 31.03.14 EB 31.03.14 HP 30.04.14 9 ITEM DISCUSSION Front Sheet guidance and exemplar The front sheet has been updated and an exemplar produced. The key change is the requirement to use of signs of safety approach in the executive summary section. SB confirmed this was changed as a result of inspections and audience feed back. WHOM At the next full board meeting there will be some intelligence regarding what the first round of inspections have been picking up. Currently all LSCB’s have ‘required improvement’. There is a document which outlines expectations which EB can forward to the Board. Actions: • EB to email the new Front Sheet template to the Board • M EB 26.03.14 EB 26.03.14 EB to circulate the Ofsted inspection framework. Standing Items Issues from recent inspections PP referred to the recent Looked After Children’s inspection of health services across Reading. No report available yet but no surprises. They needed to draw on social care colleagues to help with inspection, who were very helpful. Items to be referred to the Adult Safeguarding Board Transition issues for disabled children. Items to be referred to the Children’s Trust and the Health and Wellbeing Board Respite issues from item H. CJG reported that they are changing the shape and focus of how the Children’s Trust works. The next meeting is a workshop to set priorities for the coming period (3 – 5 years). Four meetings a year will be held with greater emphasis on multi-agency workshops. CJG reported that the RBC internal panel called ‘Children’s Safeguarding’ is a cross party/private group that scrutinises Children’s Services performance rigorously. This function is being moved to the Adult and Children’s Education Committee and the panel will now only meet for serious case reviews and specific finish a task/activity. N Effectiveness of LSCB and Impact on children Regarding the CSE report, the drop in reported intelligence around perpetrating is very positive. It was discussed that a lot of energy is needed in reading a report which is a year out of date. The issue is how this can be timetabled better. This is an 10 ITEM DISCUSSION ongoing issue the board needs to be aware of. WHOM It was thought that the discussion regarding Domestic Abuse was useful. O Any Other Business AC stated that the Performance Group has updated terms of reference and at the next Executive Meeting there will be a full report on the new data set. SB referred to a government consultation with short timescales on wilful neglect. The email has been sent to Board members should they wish to contribute. HP raised awareness of the challenges Probation are currently facing with their restructure. The multi agency public protection cases will be held in one organisation and all domestic abuse, safeguarding, mental health and complex needs cases will be in another organisation. It is recognised that this is a risk and Probation would welcome partners to get in touch with any concerns as it is likely to impact on safeguarding children in Reading. HP to prepare a report as noted in item L. BA reported that a male worker has been recruited to BWA. They will encourage fathers to attend child protection conferences. In the last quarter, 40 male perpetrators attended the Family Choices Programme and there were no repeat referrals among this group. FUTURE MEETING DATES: * - Meeting takes place in School Holiday Weds 18th June 2014 Weds 17th September 2014 Weds 17th December 2014 2pm – 4:30pm 1.30pm – 4pm 2pm – 4:30pm Tilehurst B, The Avenue Centre, Reading Kennet Room, Civic Offices, Reading Tilehurst B, The Avenue Centre, Reading (TBC by EB) 11
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