S-87.1010 Electronics I / S-87.2113 Basic electronics, 1. Exercise / Marko Kosunen 1. a) Calculate the voltage over and current through load resistor RL in figures 1 and 2. Calculate the current and voltage limits and draw a picture of them, when Rs << RL , Rs ≈ RL and Rs >> RL . b) Calculate the value of Rs , which gives the largest power to a load resistor RL . Draw a picture of the load power as a function of RL . Rs + J RL E Rs RL − Figure 2: Figure 1: Solution: a) Let’s define the equations for voltage over and the current trough load resistor in figure 1: IL = E Rs + RL (1) The voltage can be defined by voltage dividing VL = RL ·E RL + Rs (2) Next, calculate the limits for load current and load voltage with the equations 1 and 2 Rs << RL : E → IL ≈ RL RL ·E =E → VL ≈ RL (3) (4) (5) Rs ≈ RL : E E → IL = = RL + RL 2RL 1 RL ·E = E → VL ≈ RL + RL 2 (6) (7) (8) Rs >> RL : E → IL ≈ Rs RL → VL ≈ ·E Rs (9) (10) (11) 1 Let’s define the equations for the load voltage and load current for figure 2. The load current can be calculated by using current dividing: IL = Rs ·J Rs + RL VL = J · (Rs ||RL ) = J (12) Rs RL RL + Rs (13) Next, calculate the limits for load current and load voltage with the equations 12 and 13 Rs << RL : Rs 1 Rs → IL = ·J = ·J ≈ ·J Rs + RL 1 + RL /Rs RL Rs Rs RL ≈J ≈ JRs → VL = J RL + Rs 1 + Rs /RL (14) (15) (16) Rs ≈ RL : RL J ·J = → IL = RL + RL 2 RL RL RL → VL = J =J· RL + RL 2 (17) Rs >> RL : Rs → IL = ·J ≈J Rs + RL RL Rs RL = J RL → VL = J ≈ JRL RL + Rs + 1 R (20) (18) (19) (21) (22) s We can see from figure 3a) that the non-ideal voltage source in figure 1 (voltage source E in series with resistor Rs ) works as an almost ideal voltage source, when Rs << RL . In this case the value of the source resistor Rs does not affect the load voltage. When Rs = RL , the load voltage is half of the voltage from the non-ideal voltage source. When Rs >> RL , the load voltage VL ≈ REs · RL and the load current IL ≈ REs ≈ current source J = REs . We can see from figure 3c) that the non-ideal current source in figure 2 works as an ideal current source when Rs >> RL . In this case the value of the source resistance Rs does not affect the load current, almost all of the current will go trough the load resistor RL . When Rs = RL , the current from the source is the same for both resistors and half of the current J. When Rs << RL , almost all of the current will flow trough the source resistance Rs and the voltage over the load is ≈ J · Rs , which represents a good voltage source. 2 a) b) VL VL E JRL E 2 1 2 RLJ 1 RL 1 logRs c) RL logRs RL logRs d) IL E RL IL E 2 RL J 2 J 1 RL 1 logRs Figure 3: b) The load power (figure 1) will be PL = VL2 . RL (23) The voltage VL over the load resistor can be calculated by voltage dividing (fig. 1) VL = RL · Erms Rs + RL (24) The load voltage VL could also be calculated from figure 2: VL = Jrms · (Rs ||RL ) = Jrms · Rs RL Rs + RL 3 (25) By putting the equation 24 in equation 23 we get a value for the load power L Erms )2 ( RLR+R VL2 s PL = = = RL RL 2 RL E2 (RL +Rs )2 rms RL = RL E2 . (RL + Rs )2 rms (26) Now we can draw a picture of the load power as a function of the load resistor. The figure 4 presents the load power we can get, when the load resistor changes between Rs /100 and 100Rs . We can see, that the load power will approach zero when the load resistance is either very large or very small compared to the source resistance. The load power seems to gain its maximum when the load resistance is as large as the source resistance. 0.14 0.12 Output power [mW] 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 1 10 2 10 3 10 Load resistance [Ω] 4 10 5 10 Figure 4: The power consumed in the load. To confirm the result, we can calculate the derivative of the load power and set it to be zero. The load power can also be written as 2 PL = RL · (RL + Rs )−2 · Erms . (27) In calculating the derivative, the following rules may be applied: D(f · g) = f · Dg + g · Df, (28) Df n = n · f n−1 · Df (29) In equation 28 f and g are function depending on the same variable. When applying the derivative rule to the load power equation we can see that f = RL (30) 4 and g = (RL + Rs )−2 . (31) The derivative of f is Df = ∂f ∂RL = = 1. ∂RL ∂RL (32) The derivative of g can be gotten by using the equation 29. ∂g ∂RL ∂(RL + Rs )−2 = ∂RL Dg = = −2(RL + Rs )−3 · (33) (34) ∂(RL + Rs ) ∂RL (35) = −2 · (RL + Rs )−3 −2 . = (RL + Rs )3 (36) (37) With these we can calculate the derivative of the load power in regards of RL and then find the zero of the function. ∂PL 2 = D(f · g) · Erms ∂RL (38) 2 = (f · Dg + g · Df ) · Erms −2 2 + (RL + Rs )−2 · 1) · Erms = (RL · (RL + Rs )3 1 −2RL 2 + ) · Erms = 0. =( 3 2 (RL + Rs ) (RL + Rs ) (39) (40) (41) The derivative is zero, when Erms is zero or when the expression between the parentheses is zero. Because vs,rms is a constant, we can only look at the expression between the parentheses. −2RL 1 + =0 3 (RL + Rs ) (RL + Rs )2 2RL 1 = 2 (RL + Rs ) (RL + Rs )3 Multiply both sides of the equations with (RL + Rs )2 . 5 (42) (43) 1= 2RL (RL + Rs ) (44) RL + Rs = 2RL (45) Rs = RL (46) Based on the picture drawn and the calculation above, the maximum power is gained when Rs = RL . 2. a) Modify the current amplifier circuit of Fig. 5 to equivalent voltage amplifier, transconductance amplifier and transresistance amplifier circuits. b) What is the open-circuit voltage gain Avo , short-circuit transconductance Gm and open-circuit transresistance Rm of the amplifier, if the current gain β = 100, Rin = 1kΩ, Rout = 100Ω, Rs = 50Ω and RL = 100Ω. Rs i in + vin vs vout Rout βi in Rin RL − Figure 5: Solution: a) Rout Rs + Rs + vin E + Avovin Rin - RL E - vin Rin Gmvin Rout RL - a) b) Rout Rs + + E vin Rmiin Rin - RL - c) Figure 6: In the figure 6a) is the voltage amplifier, where the voltage is controlled by voltage. In the figure 6 6b) is the transconductance amplifier, where the current source is controlled by voltage. In the figure 6c) is the transresistance amplifier, where the voltage source is controlled by current. b) Let’s calculate the open circuit voltage gain with the help of the figures 5 and 6a). The open-circuit voltage gain has the be the same for both of the circuits (open-circuit, when RL = ∞): Avo vin = βiin Rout vin iin = Rin Rout Avo vin = βvin Rin Rout Avo = β = 10 Rin (47) (48) (49) (50) The transconductance can be calculated with the help of figures 5 and 6b). In both circuits the short-circuit currents have to be the same (short-circuit, when RL = 0): βiin = Gm vin vin β = Gm vin Rin β Gm = = 0, 1S Rin (51) (52) (53) The transresistance can be calculated with the help of figures 5 and 6c). Both of the circuits have to have the same open-circuit output voltage: βiin Rout = Rm iin (54) Rm = βRout = 10000Ω (55) 7 3. a) Calculate the power gain, transducer power gain, and available power gain of the circuit in Fig. 5. Give the results also in decibels. Is the load RL matched? c) If two identical amplifiers of the a-part are connected in cascade, what is the available power gain of the amplifier chain in decibels? Solution: a) Pi = Vin2 Rin (56) Vs Rs + Rin Rout iL = βiin RL + Rout iin = PL = RL i2L = RL Pavs = (57) (58) Rout βiin RL + Rout 2 = 2 β2 RL Rout V2 (Rout + RL )2 (Rs + Rin )2 s vs2 4Rs (60) Vout,open = Rout βiin Pavo = (59) (61) 2 Vout,open β 2 Rout = V2 4Rout 4(Rs + Rin )2 s (62) Power gain: G= 2 PL β2 RL Rout = = 250 ≈ 23.98dB Pi (Rout + RL )2 Rin (63) Transducer power gain: GT = 2 PL RL Rout β 2 4Rs = = 45, 351 ≈ 16, 566dB Pavs (RL + Rout )2 (Rs + Rin )2 (64) Available power gain: GA = Pavo β 2 Rout Rs = 45, 351 ≈ 16, 566dB = Pavs (Rs + Rin )2 The circuit is matched, because RL = Rout and/or GA = GT . 8 (65) b) β 2 Rs Rout Ga1 = = 45.351 ≈ 16, 566dB (Rs + Rin )2 2 β 2 Rout = 82.645 ≈ 19, 172dB Ga2 = (Rout + Rin )2 (66) (67) Gatot = Ga1 + Ga2 = 16, 566dB + 19, 172dB ≈ 35.738dB Rs E i in + − (68) i in2 Rin bi in Rout vout bi in2 Rin Rout RL Other way to calculate, according to the figure above (in the figure b=β in the calculation): 2 Rout Rout Vs = β2 Rout + Rin (Rout + Rin )(Rin+Rs ) 2 2 2 2 (β Rout ) Vs = (Rout + Rin )2 (Rin + Rs )2 4Rout Vout,open = βiin2 Rout = βRout βiin 2 Vout,open 4Rout V2 Pavs = s 4Rs 2 (β 2 Rout )2 Rs Pavo = ≈ 3748, 06 ≈ 35, 74dB GA = Pavs (Rout + Rin )2 (Rin + Rs )2 Rout Pavo = (69) (70) (71) (72) 4. Signal source has a source resistance Rs of 0.5M Ω and its voltage amplitude without a load is 30mVrms . Signal needs to be amplified so that we’ll get at least 0.5W to the load RL (100Ω). There are three different voltage amplifier stages in use (fig 7) 1. Rin = 1M Ω, Avo = 10, Ro = 10kΩ 2. Rin = 10kΩ, Avo = 100, Ro = 1kΩ 3. Rin = 10kΩ, Avo = 1, Ro = 20Ω a) Draw a circuit where signal source is connected to the amplifier which is driving a load resistor. Replace the common voltage amplifier symbol in figure 7 with the voltage amplifier circuit model. b) Calculate the rms-amplitude appearing at the inputs of the amplifiers when different amplifiers 1-3 are connected to the signal source. c) Use the given amplifiers to design an amplifier, which will drive at least a 0.5W power PL to the load RL . Solution: 9 Avo Rin Ro Figure 7: a) voltage amplifier Rs vs vin Ro + A v vo in − Rin RL v o Figure 8: b) Vs = 30mVrms and Vin = Rin V Rs +Rin s In case 1: Vin = 20mVrms In case 2: Vin = 0.59mVrms In case 3: Vin = 0.59mVrms Rs vs vin Rin c) Let’s first calculate the needed output voltage Vo , when RL = 100Ω and PL = 0.5W . 10 2 The load power PL = RVoL , where we can get the output voltage Vo = So, the needed voltage gain is Av = VVos = 235.7 √ PL · RL ≈ 7.07Vrms . Clearly we need at least the first and second amplifier stages or the voltage will not be enough. Let’s draw the two stage voltage amplifier: Rs Ro1 vin Rin vs Ro2 v2 vin2 Rin2 Av1Vin1 Av2Vin2 Let’s calculate the output voltage using the values of amplifier stages 1 and 2: Rin2 Av1 Vin1 Rin2 + Ro1 Rin2 Rin = Av2 Av1 Vs = 10Vrms Rin2 + Ro1 Rin + Rs Vo = V2 = Av2 Vin2 = Av2 (73) (74) Because this will drive a load, the voltage will be dropped severely, so it will not be able to drive the needed power to the load. So we will need also the third stage. Ro2 v2 vin3 Ro3 Rin3 RL Av3Vin3 Vo = RL Rin3 V2 = 7.6Vrms Ro2 + Rin3 Ro3 + RL The power with this output voltage is PL = Vo2 RL (75) = 0.5739W , which is enough. 11
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