RTCA Paper No. 204-14/PMC-1253 September 23, 2014 TERMS OF REFERENCE Joint RTCA Special Committee SC-217 / EUROCAE WG-44 Aeronautical Databases Revision 5 REQUESTORS: Organization Person Jeppesen (Airport Mapping, Terrain and Obstacle Databases) Alex Zakroff, Vice President, Global Navigation Services FAA/AVS-1 (Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data) Margaret Gilligan, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety SC LEADERSHIP: Position Affiliation Telephone John Kasten Jeppesen Standards Stephane Dubet DFO Secretary Chairs Name email Change (303) 3284535 [email protected] (link to changes in names) France SIA (AIS) +33 557 925781 [email protected] Michael Burski FAA (202) 3857211 [email protected] Brian Gilbert Boeing (425)-3420139 [email protected] BACKGROUND: RTCA SC-217, Terrain and Airport Databases, was established March 13, 2008 and has completed the updates to DO-272C, User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information, DO-291B, Minimum Interchange Standards for Terrain, Obstacle and Aerodrome Mapping Data, and DO-276B, User Requirements for Terrain and Obstacle Data. They have also completed DO-342, Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB) Airport Surface Routing Network (ASRN) for routing applications. These documents support future air traffic management (ATM) requirements as developed in SESAR and NextGen, and make the adjustments required as a result of the experience in implementing the standards. 1 RTCA Paper No. 204-14/PMC-1253 September 23, 2014 As a result of the regulatory actions by the European stakeholders to implement Aeronautical Data Quality (ADQ) for Single European Sky (SES), it is necessary to revise our current standard for processing aeronautical databases (DO-200A) to remain current with associated changes made to ICAO, ARINC and EUROCAE standards, which were updated over the past years. This update to the SC-217 Terms of Reference proposes an extension of the Special Committee scope to cover the general standards for processing aeronautical databases. It is proposed to rename the SC-217 accordingly (“Aeronautical Databases”). SC-217 must perform the work to ensure RTCA documents DO-272, DO-276, and DO-291 continue to support future ATM requirements. Additional equipment and applications in the conceptual and design phase for current and future aircraft need additional aeronautical information beyond the existing requirements captured in RTCA documents DO-272C, DO276B, and DO-291B. This information will be both mapping and operational in nature. The Helicopter community in Europe has expressed the need to have ICAO Annex 14-like criteria for their unique operations and are looking to SC-217 and DO-276 to provide the basis for that criteria. It is anticipated that US operators will have similar needs and will join in the development of the criteria. Multiple applications under development are key components of the NextGen and SESAR vision as listed below : • • • • • • • Initial Digital Briefing Package (IDBP) with AIS & MET integration (ARINC 633) Taxi Routing through D-Taxi services (RTCA SC-214/EUROCAE WG78) Navigation and Acceleration/Braking cues (RTCA SC-214/EUROCAE WG-78) Traffic Display through D-Traffic (RTCA SC-186/EUROCAE WG-51) Alerts (e.g. Traffic, runway lighting, runway incursions and runway excursions), (RTCA SC-186/EUROCAE WG-51) Enhanced/Synthetic Vision Systems (RTCA SC-213/EUROCAE WG-79) NextGen and SESAR capabilities: Increase arrivals/departures at high density airports -- departure sequencing and staging lists (midterm capability targeted for 20122018) Collaborative Air Traffic Management (CATM) – on demand NAS information (midterm capability targeted for 2012-2018) Integrated surface and ramp traffic management Airport Mapping Information as a Service in System Wide Information Management (SWIM) 2 RTCA Paper No. 204-14/PMC-1253 September 23, 2014 The following industry and government organizations expressed interest as part of this TOR: • Airbus requires changes for post entry into service for the A350 • Boeing requires changes for post entry into service for the B787 • Rockwell Collins, Honeywell, AENA, Avitech, DSNA, Lufthansa Systems, and Thales require changes for their products • FAA, DGAC, and EUROCONTROL expect additional functions as required to meet both the SESAR and NextGen roadmap, and • Jeppesen and Lufthansa Systems have agreed to support the committee to improve their databases. A EUROCAE WG-44 ToR update request for ED-76A (DO-200A) was approved in August of 2012. SC-217 meets jointly with WG-44. DELIVERABLES: Product Description SC Completion Date Change DO-272, Rev D User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information June 2015 June 2014 DO-276, Rev C User Requirements for Terrain & Obstacle Data June 2015 June 2014 DO-291, Rev C Interchange Standards for Terrain and June 2015 Aerodrome Mapping June 2014 DO-342 Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of AMDB ASRN for routing applications Dec 2012 Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data March 2015 DO-200, Rev B 3 Published Dec 2014 RTCA Paper No. 204-14/PMC-1253 September 23, 2014 SCOPE: The Special Committee will develop and maintain documents on airport mapping, terrain and obstacle data requirements for designers, manufacturers and installers of airborne and ground systems; airport, heliport and airspace managers and services providers; and the users of these systems for worldwide operations. 1 Update the document "User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Databases for Aeronautical Use." (DO-272C) 2 Update the document "User Requirements for Terrain and Obstacle Databases for Aeronautical Use." (DO-276B) 3 Update the document "Interchange Standard for Terrain and Aerodrome Mapping Database Exchange." (DO-291B) 4. Create Documentation – Guidance Materials for the Verification and Validation of Aerodrome Surface Routing Networks for Airport Mapping Databases (published as DO342 on March 20, 2013). 5. Ensure that consistencies are achieved with regard to the manner in which data quality requirements are defined. 6. Ensure that DO-272C and DO-291B are updated to support SWIM as appropriate. The Special Committee will develop and maintain documents on the processing of aeronautical databases for all suppliers in the aeronautical data chain. 1. Update the document “Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data” (DO-200A). Specifically: • • • • Identify all types of Aeronautical Data that should be covered by the Standard. Modify Section 1 of the document to reflect that the Standard applies to the types of Aeronautical Data identified that need to be following the same or a similar data chain as already outlined in the current document. Modify the Standards with the aim of ensuring that it covers changes in technology that might be used to move data to an aircraft. Ensure that updates and modification are accomplished such that existing implementations of the document such as FAA AC 20-153A or European Aviation Safety (EASA) - Conditions for the Issuance of Letters of Acceptance for Navigation Database Suppliers by the Agency - are not impacted, i.e. forward compatibility is achieved and existing Letters of Agreement are not required to be updated. 4 RTCA Paper No. 204-14/PMC-1253 September 23, 2014 ENVISIONED USE OF DELIVERABLE(S) The revised standards will form the basis for: 1. Data Requirements applicable to industry providers of aerodrome mapping, terrain and obstacle data as recommended in ICAO Annexes 14 and 15. 2. Aeronautical Data types subject to the Processes outlined in DO-200. 3. Consideration of DO-200 as a potential Means of Compliance for ADQ2 Implementing Rules being considered by the European Commission. 4. References to DO-272 in: DO-257A, AC 120-76B, AC 20-153A, numerous Issue Papers, draft AC 20-SVS, future MASPS from SC-213, future ADS-B Airport Surface Guidance, future D-Taxi SC-214 Guidance, future D-(Aerodrome) NOTAM Guidance from SC-214/SC-206, DO-289, the ADS-B ASA MASPS and DO-317 the ASA MOPS 5. References to DO-276 in: DO-257A, AC 120-76B, AC 23-26, AC 20-153A, numerous Issue Papers, draft AC-SVS, future MASPS from SC-213. 6. References to DO-291 in: DO-272 and DO-276 and Advisory Circulars, as appropriate. 7. References to DO-200 in AC 20-153A and ICAO Annex 15. 8. References to DO-272 and DO-291 in ARINC AEEC Document 816. 9. References to DO-276 and DO-291 in new ARINC AEEC Document 815 (Reference APIM 12-006). 10. References to NextGen activities where aeronautical data, data processing and data quality requirements are being addressed. 11. Data Requirements applicable to the helicopter operations community as a precursor to new ICAO recommendations for Terrain and Obstacle data and a potential update to Annex 14 and 15. SPECIFIC GUIDANCE: • ICC Coordination – Comply with Integration and Coordination Committee (ICC) guidance and recommendations for inter-SC coordination through the use of Inter-SC Requirements Agreements (ISRAs). The committee will utilize ISRAs to coordinate requirement development with SC-186, SC-206, SC-213, SC-214, SC-216, SC-223, SC227 and SC-228 as required. • • EUROCAE Coordination – SC-217 and WG-44 function as a joint committee. Additional Coordination – Coordinate directly with existing organizations, such as: • ICAO • ISO • SAE G-10 • RTCA SC-186, SC-206, SC-213, SC-214, SC-216, SC-223, SC-227 and SC-228 and their joint EUROCAE counterparts, where applicable. • AEEC, for example 816, 815 and 424A • Ensure consistency with NextGen and SESAR initiatives 5 RTCA Paper No. 204-14/PMC-1253 September 23, 2014 • Initial Documentation – if applicable, list any input documents that will be made available to this committee include source of documents and purpose. Documents Intended Use DO-272C Basis for DO-272 “D” DO-276B Basis for DO-276 “C” DO-291B Basis for DO-291 “C” DO-200A Basis for DO-200B DO-330 Input for DO-200B TERMINATION: It is expected SC-217 will sunset with the final PMC approval of its deliverables. 6
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