PHYS3710: The Interstellar Medium School of Physics, UNSW Professor Michael Burton 4. Nebulae Containing Heavy Elements Cooling Lines Low abundance of heavy elements (e.g. C, N, O) but efficiently excited by electron collisions Excitation Potential ~ kT whereas for H, He >> kT ⇒Important Coolants ‘Forbidden’ Lines: Oxygen is the most important O → O+ occurs for hν > 13.6eV O+ → O++ occurs for hν > 35.1eV Diagram: Forbidden Lines of Oxygen These are relatively slow Magnetic Dipole or Electric Quadrupole Transitions, with decay rates A ~ 1 s-1 c.f. rapid Electric dipole transitions of permitted lines, with A ~ 108 s-1 Statistical Equilibrium Excitation occurs by electron collisions (recombination into excited states is negligible) Diagram: 2-level Atom Collisional excitation rate is Collisional de-excitation rate is Radiative Decay Rate Rate j → i: Rate i → j: Cij cm+3s-1 Cji cm+3s-1 Aji s-1 ne nj Cji + nj Aji ne ni Cij In statistical equilibrium Transitions up = Transitions down; i.e. nenjCji + nj Aji = neniCij (i < j) (j > i) (52) ⎧ E ⎫ In LTE: where −⎨ i ⎬ nI g exp ⎩ kT ⎭ ni = Z(T) i nI is the number density of a particular ion gi is the degeneracy of level i with energy Ei −E / kT Z(T) is the Partition Function = ∑ gn e n (53) (54) n [exercise: Sum over all states to demonstrate this] g (E −E )/ kT n ⇒ i = i e j i nj gj It can be semi-empirically shown that the collisional de-excitation rate is given by ⎛ qij ⎞1/ 2 (i.e. with i > j) Cij (Te ) ≅ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Te ⎠ (55) where qij is a constant, which depends on the ion and the transition. ⎛ 2π ⎞1/ 2 2 Ω(1,2) C21 = ⎜ ⎟ We write this as, for instance, ⎝ kT ⎠ me3 / 2 g2 for collisional de-excitation from level 2 to level 1 8.629 ×10−6 Ω(1,2) C21 = cm3 s-1 0.5 T g2 where Ω(1,2) is the collision strength between level 1 and level 2. (56) [exercise] The postulate of detailed balance states that we can equate equilibrium between 2 levels by just considering the just transitions between those 2 levels (without having to worry about interlocking loops involving other levels). Justification? It works! Then, suppose that collisions dominate over radiative decay ∴ n j C ji = n i Cij or Cij n g (E −E )/ kT = j = j e i j C ji ni gi (57) This relation only depends on atomic coefficients. Thus equation (57) must always apply! Let us compare Radiative Decay vs. Collisional De-excitation Balanced when Aji = ne Cji i.e. there exists a critical density ne=ncrit given by ncrit = Aji/Cji (58) For n > ncrit then collisions dominate and the level populations are given by the thermal distribution for the temperature T. For n < ncrit radiative decay occurs first, whenever an atom is collisionally excited. The level populations are then sub-thermally excited. The value of the density, in relation to the critical density, then determines the cooling rate of the gas, as we illustrate below. Examples for critical density: n crit ≈ 1.6 10 4 , 3.1 10 3 cm−3 for [OII] 2 D3/2 , 2 D5/2 ≈ 7.0 10 5 , 3.8 10 3 , 1.7 10 3 cm-3 for [OIII] 1D2 , 3 P2 , 3 P1 (T ~ 10 4 K) Cooling Rate Cooling Rate is given by L ∝ n e n i < σvkT > (energy per unit time per unit volume that is lost from the gas) ne, ni are the number density of the colliding partners <σv> is the volume swept out per unit time by an electron <kT> is the energy lost per collision due to cooling (thermal energy transferred to the atom which then radiates away). There are two cases to consider: Case (i) n<< ncrit Then for every collisional excitation we have a radiative decay Thus Cooling ∝ Collisional Excitation Rate i.e. Lij = n e n i Cij (Te ) (E j − E i ) (59) Then, in the low density limit virtually all the ions are in the ground state, so ni ~ nI Let For O: nI = yI nz where yI fractional ionization, nz number density of nuclei of element Z nz = az n az abundance of element Z relative to density of H (with n = ne) az ≅ 6 ×10 -4 Then: L o+ ( 2 D5 / 2 + 2D3 / 2 ) ≅ 1.1×10 -33 y o+ ⎛ −3.89 ×10 4 ⎞ n2 3 exp ⎜ ⎟ J/m /s Te1/ 2 T ⎝ ⎠ e (60) Here the ΔT=38,900K comes from ΔE = kΔT = hν = hc / λ for λ = 3726/29Å Example: Assume all cooling through O+ and y o+ ≈1 Balancing cooling (L) through O+ with heating (G) through photoionization: L o+ = G = N ionization Q = N recombination Q = n 2 α B kT* with α B = 2 × 10 −10 Te−3 / 4 from eqn. (34) Here Q is the energy injected per ionization and T* is the effective stellar temperature. Thus Te1/ 4 exp(−3.89 ×10 4 /Te ) = 2.5 ×10−6 T* (exercise) (61) We then derive: (exercise): T* (K) 2 104 4 104 6 104 Te(O+) (K) 7,450 8,500 9,300 Te (H only) (K) (=2/3T* eqn. [42]) 13,000 27,000 40,000 Including O++ lowers the temperature still further. Note: a Thermostat is in operation, leading to small variation in Te despite a wide range in T*: i.e. if T* ↑, so Nrec ↓ (∝1/T 0.75 ), so n H 0 ↓, so G ↓ which counteracts the increase in Q. Case ii : n>> ncrit Cooling ∝ population of excited level = nj Aji (Ej - Ei) ⎧ E − E j ⎫ g = j n i A ji exp⎨ i ⎬(E j − E i ) gi ⎩ kT ⎭ Diagram: Cooling Power Law with Density Note dependence (62) on n for on n2 for n>> ncrit and n<< ncrit jν UL = n u AUL hνUL Line Intensity Where U is the upper, L is the lower level, and ν the frequency of the emitted photon. Diagram: Line Intensity Distribution of Heavy Elements Ionization Potentials (eV) Species I II III H 13.6 He 24.6 54.4 N 14.5 29.6 47.4 O 13.6 35.1 54.9 C 11.3 24.3 47.9 Diagram: Ionization Stratification (63) The Saha Equation (not examinable) Gives the distribution of atomic species among various stages of ionization, when in thermal equilibrium. Generalised Boltzmann Law: + ⎧ χ + 1/2me v 2 ⎫ g dN x (v) = exp⎨− I ⎬ kT go Nx ⎩ ⎭ where go g χi v (64) statistical weight of species X statistical weight of X+. ge ionization potential speed of particle It can be shown (……..; see Rybicki and Lightman) that: N (i) j +1 N (i) j U j +1 (T) ⎛ 2πm e kT ⎞ 3 / 2 −χ / kT ne = 2 ⎟ exp j, j +1 ⎜ 2 ⎠ U j (T) ⎝ h (65) linking the 2 ionization states j, (j+1) of element N(i) when in LTE, where Uj is the partition function χ j, j +1 = χ j +1 − χ j = the difference in ionization potentials. Combine with Conservation of Nuclei ∑N (i) j Conservation of Charge n e = = N (i) ∑∑ z i j j N (i) j ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ (66) Radio Frequency Continuum of a Nebula Bremsstrahlung (free-free) radiation arises from the acceleration of electrons around positive ions. Results in continuum emission. emitted at Radio Frequencies absorption within nebula important Radiative Transfer: dIυ = ( jυ − α υ Iυ ) ds and in thermodynamic equilibrium Put T = Te : Suppose (i) (ii) (iii) [eqn. 10] jυ = Bυ (T) Kirchoff's Law (eqn.18) αυ dIυ = Bυ (Te ) − Iυ (eqn. 19) where dτ υ = α υ ds dτ υ Te constant, τν is the optical depth across the nebula, and Iν = 0 at τν = 0 Diagram: Radio Emission from an HII Region We show below that: Iν = Bν (Te )[1− e−τν ] : dIν ∫ B (T ) − I ν e ∫ dτ = ν ν I ⇒ [−ln(Bν − Iν )] oν = τ ν − 0 ⎛ Bν ⎞ ∴ln⎜ ⎟ = τ ν ⎝ Bν − Iν ⎠ ∴ln[1− Iν /Bν ] = − τ ν ∴1− Iν /Bν = e−τν ∴ Iν = [1− e−τν ] Bν (67) Let us consider the two limiting forms: ⎤ (a) τ ν << 1 ⇒ Iν = Bν (Te ) τ ν ⎥ (b) τ ν >> 1 ⇒ Iν = Bν (Te ) ⎥ ⎦ (68) −2.1 1.35 2 For Bremsstrahlung radiation τ ν is given by Aν Te n e L Where ε = ne2 L, the emission measure, measured in cm-6 pc This is an observable quantity as we will see below. Rayleigh-Jeans approximation (eqn. 20) ⇒ Bν (Te ) = Hence (69) (70) 2 ν2 kTe c2 Iν α ν −0.1 for τ ν << 1 Iν α ν 2 for τ ν >> 1 (71) Diagram: Radio Continuum Spectrum of an HII Region ν = ν o for τ ν o = 1. So put τ ν o = 1 in eqn. (69) to determine ν0, which then gives emission measure, assuming that Te is known, by applying equation (70). ε , the If we can estimate L [e.g. ~ 1pc from the angular size of HII region], then we can derive ne, the electron density. Since virtually all the gas is ionized this is also the density of the gas.
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