ALL involved - BECOMING disciples - creating COMMUNITY - Doing MISSION - ENCOUNTERING God - For HIS GLORY 1st JUNE 2014 The Seventh Sunday of Easter ALF AND HILARY COOPER OUR NEW MISSION LINKS IN SOUTH AMERICA On a freezing night in January last year St Leonard’s hosted a special evening at St Michael’s Church in Amersham, featuring Alf Cooper and his wife Hilary. Those of us who braved the snow showers were treated to an inspirational evening. Alf’s talk was entertaining, thought-provoking, and profoundly spiritual, drawing upon his experiences as a leader of a dynamic church in Santiago, Chile. The good news is that St Leonard’s PCC decided earlier this year to make a formal link with CMS, specifically being partnered with Alf and Hilary. This means that we pledge to support them financially, and with our prayers and communications. Alf has been working as a mission partner with SAMS (the South American Mission Society, now merged with CMS) since 1975. In 1984 he and Hilary began leading the lively church of La Trinidad in Santiago, where they continue to serve. Prayer acts as the foundation for all that they do, and the church overflows with many people. They have witnessed conversions and healings as the Spirit moves. In 2011 Alf accompanied Jose Henriquez, one of the 33 miners rescued after 69 days underground from the San Jose mine, Chile, to the UK on a tour to tell the story of their amazing rescue. If you would like to know more about Alf and Hilary, they have a quarterly prayer letter which can be found on the CMS website Veronica Meredith is the St Leonard’s link person with CMS, and with Alf and Hilary. She will be happy to give you further information. Is there a branch or net group that would like to support Alf and Hilary personally? CMS is a lively and forward-looking mission society which we have supported for many years in the past, and we look forward to future contacts. We are delighted that Bishop Henry Scriven, Director of CMS Latin America, has accepted an invitation to speak at St Leonard’s on Sunday 5th October. Jenny Beirne and Veronica Meredith TODAY The Unstoppable Worshipper 8:00am @ the Church Building – Jamie Murray will be leading and speaking. 10:00am @ the Church Building – Jackie Lambert will be leading and Jamie Murray will be speaking. Holy Communion will be celebrated at this service. 10:30am @ the Beacon – Chris Clare will be leading and Peter Ibison will be speaking. 6:30pm Prayer House – There will be a led time of reflection and prayer at the Church Building. Everyone is welcome. SUNDAY 8th JUNE Pentecost 8:00am @ the Church Building – Chris Clare will be leading and speaking. 10:00am @ the Church Building – Peter Flory will be leading and Jackie Lambert will be speaking at this Parade Service with the Brownies and Guides. 10:30am @ the Beacon – Jamie Murray will be leading and Chris Clare will be speaking. 6:30pm Prayer House – There will be a led time of reflection and prayer at the Church Building. Everyone is welcome. THIS WEEK PRAYER @ THE PARISH CENTRE, TUESDAY 3rd JUNE, 1:30pm to 2:30pm and 8:15pm to 9:30pm. During this new phase of our church life it would be encouraging to see as many people as possible coming together to pray. These events will include time for worship and corporate prayer. Children are welcome at the afternoon meeting. We would encourage you to fast as you feel appropriate on this day. MOZ NOYES’ CELEBRATION SERVICE, TUESDAY 3rd JUNE, 11:00am at Christchurch, Chorleywood. Moz Noyes, one of our chapel congregation, has died and you are invited to attend this service. Please wear colours! JOHN LEWIN’S THANKSGIVING SERVICE, TUESDAY 3rd JUNE, 2:00PM at King’s Church, Raans Road, Amersham. Anyone who knew John and would like to celebrate his life, please feel free to attend. DOROTHY REES’ SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING, TUESDAY 3rd JUNE, 4:15pm at St Leonard’s. Dorothy’s family extends a warm invitation to all to join them. INFORMAL TIME OF PRAYER EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, 9:15am to 9:45am at the Church Office. Come and join some of the staff as we pray for our community life together. WOMEN’S EVENING FELLOWSHIP, WEDNESDAY 4th JUNE, 7:30pm at the Parish Centre. This week we will be practising flower arranging in readiness for the village fete and members are reminded to bring baskets, greenery, flowers and secateurs. Further details from Joan (723968) or Marianne (433897). MISSION LINKS PRAYER MEETING, THURSDAY 5th JUNE, 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Please come and pray for our Mission Partners and for the Youth Trip to Burundi at 27 South Road, Amersham. Further details from Felicity Maclay 728732. “SING FOR JOY!”, THURSDAY 5th JUNE, 7:45pm in the Birkett Room. Do you enjoy singing and praising God? Why not consider coming along to “choir” rehearsals at the church. If you are interested, we meet on the first Thursday of each month. SANCTUARY PRAYER, FRIDAY 6th JUNE, 9:00am to 5:00pm. The Church building will be open to give people the opportunity to spend some time in quiet prayer and reflection. If you would be interested in stewarding for part of the day please contact Diana Wright via the Church Office. COMMISSIONING OUR GROWING LEADERS, SUNDAY 8TH JUNE, 10:30am at The Beacon. Jamie would like to invite all those who have just completed the Growing Leaders course to gather at The Beacon service to receive prayer for their future ministry as leaders, both within St Leonards and their wider lives. COUNTDOWN TO BURUNDI YOUTH TRIP – 8 WEEKS TO GO. Please pray for the leaders of the trip - Chris and Ali Clare, Steve Poulson and Felicity Maclay and our Burundi partners Jean-Claude Ngyimbere , Jean-Paul the youth worker from Matana and our driver who will be with us for the whole trip. Also continue to pray for the finalising of the programme. Please remember to read their blog ( DATES FOR YOUR DIARY INTERVIEWS FOR THE POST OF RECTOR TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY 10th JUNE. Candidates have now been shortlisted for interview from the five who applied. Please pray for the Bishop, the two Peache Trustees, David and Katie as they prepare for the interviews next week. VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR CHESHAM BOIS FETE, SATURDAY 14th JUNE, 11:30am to 4:00pm. The church is running the tea tent at the Chesham Bois Fete. This is a chance for us to be very visible in our community. To be a great success, we need people to help set up and pack away, people to serve on the stall and CAKES! Contact Jenny Faulkner (01494 765420) or email [email protected]. GOFEST, 27th TO 30th JUNE, WEC HQ, GERRARDS CROSS. Each year there is a mission festival called GOfest organised by a partnership of mission agencies and local churches. It is a superb opportunity to gather together and discover God’s heart and passion for reaching out to the world- the nations, including the UK. This year’s theme is Powerful Gospel: Passionate People, with the main teaching being brought by George Verwer, J. John, Celia Apeagyei-Collins and James Poole. For more information, see the posters and leaflets at our services or visit the GOfest website GARY NOYES WILL BE ORDAINED DEACON, SUNDAY 29th JUNE, 10.30am, WORCESTER CATHEDRAL. Some may remember Gary and April who used to worship at St Leonard’s. They would be delighted to see anyone who may want to attend the service and have asked for our prayers. ST LEONARD’S, CHESHAM BOIS, 800th BIRTHDAY TASK FORCE. We would like to start planning some celebratory activities for the church’s 800th anniversary next year. The first step is to pool ideas and work out what is popular, practical and in God's plans. If you would like to be involved in this exercise, and possibly with the activities next year as well, please can you contact Toby Price - 01494 870744. If you have any ideas, we'd love to hear them, so please speak to Toby or someone on the PCC or email them to [email protected] SHARING LIFE is a way that we circulate prayer requests for church members via email. If you are not yet on the distribution list, please send your email address to the church office or wardens, who are responsible for sending out these messages. THANK YOU to everyone who has been bringing FOOD, TOILETRIES & CLEANING PRODUCTS. They have been greatly appreciated by the women and children at the local refuge to which we have been taking them. Please continue to bring donations, particularly toilet rolls, bin liners and coffee! ________________________________________________________________ Church Office (9:00am-12:30pm Monday-Friday) The Parish Centre, Glebe Way, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5ND Telephone: 01494 726139 / e-mail: [email protected].
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