Daily Agendas _WDIM_ Unit 5 Reproduction

Day: 1
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: none
Agenda: 1. Unit 4 test
2. Finish Osmosis Jones movie
Question of the Day: none
Homework: none
All homework stamped this unit
Day: 2
Mon 11/24
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: Unit 5 Assignment sheet, Unit 5 Vocab sheet, Parts of a
Flower diagram, Inv. 13.2 Flower Dissection, Biosphere Report Part 2
1. Biosphere report expectations
2. Flower structure and Intro to Asexual/Sexual
3. Lab 13.2 Flower and Bean Dissection
Q of T D none
• Read 24.1 pp. 696-703
• DO AQs p. 703 #1-3
Day: 3
Mon 12/1
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: Fruits and Seeds Lab Inv. 13.3, Video notes for Sexual
1. Q of the Day:
2. Review HW, Lecture
3. Fruits and Seeds Lab
4. Video – Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind
Q of the Day #1: How do insects play a role in the
reproduction of flowering plants?
• Answer. By pollinating flowers
Homework: •
. Study for Flower Parts Quiz, Read 24.2 pp. 704-707
• DO p. 707 AQ #4 and include pictures.
Homework Answers:
1a. sepals, petals, stamen, carpel b) male: stamens female: carpel
2a. Features of fertilization characteristic of angiospersms: 1) development of male and
female plant parts – called gametophytes 2) pollination 3) double fertilization
c. Characteristics of angiosperms that make them successful: they have flowers that
attract pollinators and they use endosperm in the seed to store food.
3a. Vegetative reproduction: plant offspring is identical to itself. By Mitosis.
3b. Sexual Reproduction – advantages are new combinations of genetic traits help the
organisms survive changing environmental conditions. Disadvantage is that it takes time
and resources to produce offspring. Asexual reproduction advantage is rapid growth
when there is a favorable environment. But there are no new combinations of traits.
Day 4:
Wednesday 12/3
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: Inv. 6 – Vegetative Reproduction: Zebrina, Lab 6.2 Asexual
Reproduction in Planaria, Meiosis Diagrams
1.Review of requirements for final exam: unit vocabulary
sheets and final exam review sheet allowed. Notes
must be handwritten.
2. Inv. 13.2 Discussion and Review: turn in
3. Inv. 13.3 Discuss (due next class)
4. Flower Parts Quiz – group
5. Planaria lab
6. Zebrina Lab
Q of T D #2: In a flowering plant, how does the sperm reach the
egg? What are the sperm contained in? What are the egg contained
• Answer. The sperm reaches the egg through a pollen tubs. Sperm are
contained in a pollen grain and the egg is in the ovule.
• Homework: . READ 11.4 pp. 323-329 (Meiosis)
• Do AQs #1-5 p. 329
• Copy figures 11.5 and 11.6 on pp. 324-325
Homework Answers:
Day 5:
Friday 12/5
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: Inv. 17 Mitosis v. Meiosis (paper clips)
1. Observe Planaria and Zebrina
2. Lecture: Meiosis and videos
Q of T D #3: What is cross pollination?
What is self
pollination? How would a horticulturist make sure a plant crosspollinates instead of self-pollinates?
• Answer. Cross pollinating is when the pollen from one flower
pollinates a different flower on a different plant.
• Self pollination is when the pollen from a flower pollinates a flower
on the same plant.
• A horticulturist can prevent self pollination by removing developing
stamens on one set of plants and removing developing pistils/carpels
on another set of plants.
Homework: •
Finish Biosphere Report
Finish Inv. 17. You may use online resources (posted to my website)
Meiosis Quiz on Thursday
Homework Answers p. 329 #1-5
1a. . Main results of Meiosis - 4 haploid cells that are genetically different from each
other and different from the original cell. 1b. sperm and egg cell each contain 23
2a. Draw a diagram of meiosis and describe each phase. See p. 326. And handout.
Prophase 1 – formation tetrads, crossing over. Metaphase 1 – independent assortment.
2b. Shoes are pairs in a closet, like chromsomes are paired in a diploid cell. A “haploid”
shoe collection would have only one shoe of each kind.
3a. Mitosis: produces 2 genetically identical diploid cells Meiosis produces four
genetically different haploid cells.
4a. Principle of independent assortment: chromosomes assort independently.
4b. If the genes usually assort independently they are far from each other.
Day 6:
Tuesday 12/9 Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: stop motion videos
1. Collect Biosphere reports/QoTD (5)
2. Q of the D, review HW answers. (ppt) and some
pictures. (10)
3. Observe Planaria and Zebrina (15)
4. Make Meiosis Stop Motion videos (1 hr)
Q of T D #4: What part of a plant develops into a fruit?
Answer. Ovary
Homework: Read pp. 819-822 Through External Fertilization
Do AQs #1ab, 2ab p. 826. Study for Meiosis Quiz. Submit stop-motion
video by midnight Wed night.
Homework Answers:
Day 7:
Thursday 12/11
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: None
1. Q of T D – write down before turning in packet
Go over HW answers
2. Turn in HW Packet (they will be graded and returned at
the end of class)
3. Meiosis Quiz
4. Final observations of Zebrina and Planaria. Turn in in
Q of T D #5: 1) Name the four principal (or main)
structures of a flower and 2) What are homologous
Answer. 1)
• Sepals
• Petals
• stamens
• pistils
2) A pair of chromosomes that are similar and contain the same kind of
Homework: Study for exam.
Check Aeries and make sure all work is
complete. Due by Monday.
Homework Answers: p. 826
1a. Asexual reproduction results in less genetic diversity than asexual reproduction.
1b. Sexually reproducing populations are better able to adapt to changing conditions.
2a. Internal fertilization – eggs are fertilized inside the body of the egg producing
individual. External fertilization – eggs are fertilized outside the body.
2b. a nymph is a stage of development of an animal that undergoes incomplete
metamorphosis. It resemebles an adult but lacks functional sexual organs. A pupa is the
stage of development of an animal that undergoes complete metamorphosis in which a
larva develops into an adult.
Day 8:
Mon 12/15
Mrs. Bryan
What Did I Miss?
Handouts: GATTACA
Agenda: 1. Turn in late work
2. Watch Gattaca
3. Students do makeup work if necessary. Due today.
Q of T D : none
Homework: Study for exam on Thursday
Homework Answers: