OIrITICD OI'TIII' I}LoCK DI'}'DI,OPMEII'I' OFFICI'R C[IANCHAI,.I DI'}TI/OPMDNT RIiOCK CIIANCTI]TL , MALDA NETItrE INVITINEi TENDER NtT N E- 1 z/tr H L-tlB/z0 I 4-20 I 5 i A.PREFACE Seaied tenders in prescribeci form are invited by the undersigned from the Bonafied contractors lor the following works. B.PERTICULARS OF THE WORRS PUT TO TENDER: Sl No Fund (Rupee3) (Rupeesl 3,95,812 00 384284 0A Ttme of Cost Of Completiotl Consiruct on of lnspector Office & Computer Room at Block 1 Prenrises for Food & Suppl es un t under ChanchaL-l Dev Block Food & Supply 90 days 400.00 C.ELIGIBILITY: Suppliers/Contractors having valid a]1d up lo date Cleararlce Ce tficares of Professional tax , Sales tar, a.nd Credential ol rhe srmilar and single type of work of 6q% I 98!y percent I of the value ol work put as tender amount may appty to rhe r.rndersigned seeking tender papers D. SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR TENDER:. l.Last date of application 27th Nov, 2014 upto 3:OO P.M. 2.Last date ol issue of tender documents: 2ath Nov, 2014 upto 4:OO p.M. 3.Last date ofsubmission ofTend€r: 2nd Dec,2014 upto 2.30 P.M. 4.Date of openning of terder: 2nd Dec, 2014 upto 3.OO P,M. E.TERMS AND CONDITIONS:- L The successfuL tenders should have to execule an agreement with the unrierslgned on a Non Judicial sramp paper worth Rs.10(ten) only. Necessary Work Order will be issued from this end rhereaJter 2. Acceptance oI lowest ien.ler is not obligalory The undersigned resei-ves the dght of adding/alterine and /ail condirions of rhrs tender and he also resen-e the right of accepting/rejecting any or all renders aJId he can disl bute a pa.rtlwhole ol the work 'o -r\ /alnong hc .ngen.re" urrno. _ dss gnrng dry re so 5 Payment will be made after necessarl' measurement and deduction etc as per prevarlling norms from each progressive bills. 6. The payment will be made after successful completion of x'ork sublect Lo avaiLability ot fund h-o paymenr of extra work will be macle till ihe sanction is received from the auihoriry Agency musr inform the undersigned in written lo take measurement of his work subjected to compietion o[ work Un]ess no appiica!]on will be entertarned regarding beyond lhe reslricted amount deiay ol pat,ment. 7. All lvorks will have ro be done according lo specification and drawing approve.l lry the authority and as per directjon ofthe Block Dcv. Officer Chanchal L All materia.ls brought to the srte must be as per approval aJId consent of the undersigned. The contractor- must remove rejected materials from the site at his own cost within 2:l (rwenty tourl hours oI issue of such order. 8. The successful contractor must compLete the work within the time specitied lor complerion No extension of rime lvrll be allowed except in special case. If any contractor tails to complete the work wilhin the stipuiated time the work order issued in his favour will be cancelled without assrgning any reason therefore. The undersigned may also proceed to get rhe balance work cosrpleted by arly other means including through other contractors. The excess expenditure, if aiy, due to such a step would be recoverable from the unp€rd bills/security deposit oI the Tenderer. This is apart from any other protective measure the undersigned mal, tal<e, including black lisiing of the contractors and forfeiture of Ear.nest money. 9. Measur:ement for supply of materials shall be tal<en in stacks ( whe.e applicable), as soon as possible alter the stacks are made Deducrion fo. sinkage and /or shrinkage will be made as per Govt rules. L0 The successful Tenderer will have to abide bv the provisions of West Bengal Conrac! Labour (Regularron and Abolrtiorl) Rules,1972 as will be force fuom time !o dme. II no labour license is obtarned and produce by the contractor payment wrll liable io be with held. 11. Undersigned will not enterlarn any loss or damage due to lraisit, thefL or in any olher natural calanLity. Claim for idle labour trom contractor will not be entertained under any circrimstances. No claim will be entertained for aiy increase in any kind of freighr and market price. an] drrfr'u:'v '':,1:ll".,.i';J"i''i::ff:'J,:;l'?::::[:ii;.i:;ii'i;:1"'ror ,e, LLnIv dep,osrr andrl ,2 Be'orp dropoins ac(epring rhcl.e** l'"",".i.'*,', i.'J"'",1^,""0 arler l: ::',::,:.,:,--,n.0,,,,", rr.e conrracror as the b,llw:ll be dedu(red "lil'-in" ,axes and covr duues. as appu'aole' $tll be M.D. e to, M.1r An amo,rnr of to.o Is.D ol se(urrtv perrod t'" mrnrmum 6lsL\) monlhs rhp render ..,',, "" *,,,r-ta.a afler completron i:'t"ii:i"::::,],,,*t*ijt:il*r*:if:iil',.:;:::'ed notrce \ te;tttta Thrs Lender .o--atity 1s' 16 No same willbe iender con'Ii'iion and submi'!incompre'!e '[he render paper w l b: :"-'-',t:.T'-in: tende E.M.D''s of unsrrccessful ror enrrs ed , onr, a.ror, released onlv successtul tenderer alter satisractory prosrsess of (not applicable rhr"e phase< r, be,:l: . ph"t"-l , site dr reds, rn name ;t wo.k. fund allor,:,fl',,1-;:T1#:::::i,:::Ji;",;: tt _ conr-a, or need ro 'rt ,"'' ma-ke , "",..-ine l-u."pru'" *'rr r," made'rom au'horirv l"-' 1i1."*X;';;iXg rhe r,rus'."d work and it. No Payment for Phorc "*" -" ::,i..fJ :i r tal 1- ce! Block DeveloPment offi Block chadchal-l DeveloPmedt ,,' chanchal , Malda 11 MefioMalda ! The District Magistrate' S'lpPiy Mdldd , ,n. rr',r',r ao.,-'er' Food & M1:i !Lq'__ cha-n:h.1' L-nallc!4i officer' Divisional Oflicer' Divisioflal The Sub ;3 ;;;t ; # J,sir:;;;;' -"tron ro uproad the sard orrlcer' Mdrda wirh a requesl r\ I _ ' I district website' I Lr Marda chan'i hdr'r Pan' I'avar sdmnv chancqar IPdnchavcr samitv . ;;.:;;";;; : J;".;"t,;;-oPss l Maldd 7TheB.L.&L'RO ' Chan'hal ' S rhe t.C. Chanchal P'S' ' Matda ; ;"'".^; r; Account Malda ) chanchal I Dev Block ' Section ol this of{ice chanchal I Panchavat sarnitv . render committee ;';' t P''R'w P R'w s I #ffi;i;', 12 Oflice File !3 Ofice Notice Board u,".o r.,"rfr"o' o'n""' Block Chanchat-I DeveloPfl ent Malda charchal ' t
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