HOARD YQUp PENNieSTO t&i ~ mi WAR ^ * k STAMPS FAIRPORT, N. Y., JTJNE 25, H)42^ Seventy-first Year — Number- 21 Herald E»UbUfth*d 1872 PrmanliiTflfA/ *% * ^n^^rir^ - ^rtainly—were—deliciouSi-T^otc^only"^fi3~f~ : enjoy"ihem-iinmenseiyrbut'aliso; the lucky fellows around when I re-i ceived them. I am also receiving the Herald-Mail and I sure do enjoy it. I will be TdolphjrTfor it every week and" en joy the ne^vs from/the home town. Thanks again. pi. T. Williams Co. B 1st Engr. Bn. APO No. 1 1st Inf. Div. Fort Benning Georgia «*»« «**«»-^ ***mmwtmammz: m SaT" PUT A NEW HAT ON YOUR ?T!?CT BUDGET OOLUR. mm TOP E V E R T " — PURCHASE ryKARSAVmCS STAMPS Every Farmer Is Urged to Attend this Meeting -- Front George Soles T o the Editor: Dear Sir: I received a copy of the June 4th issue of the- Herald-Mail and noticed thaV-^ny-oa4rd--did^not^reaGh^ tirna to correct t h e error in regards to my attending St. Lawrence U» I ^m] ^ Because^ of the small attendan ~ Arrange*1 h a i r T u W d a y ^ f r n i & r purpose^ of enlisHng^farm^rs-; new organization Free^Fatmersji to combat the inroads made^jby L. Lewis and his follQwers,"• e&jpei^i)|y?.. the United Mine W o r k e r s y | e ' D | | | i ^ Ju was—adjourned to n £ x t l J ^ u ^ < O g ^sze. hinfi, June 30, at 8 o'clock k in the s a place. _ Some have thought that the movement is for dairy 1 armefs onlyT" - Hof every farmer of every nature is.: urged to-join i n - t h e movementy-aridthis applies to all farmers in the Fairport area. (The editor of ; t h e Herald-Mail is putting it straight t o you farmers. It's to your vital,interest to attend this meeting Tuesday night, Don't let anything keep you away) The following appeared in Collier'g -W^eekiy-May^SOv oeklsfe^" John L. Lewis has launched ahT*ambitious scheme which, if i^ goes' to its logical fruition, will m.ake fiim food czar^-of-the—United Staiesy^AyV man ^wh"o"Tan control a nation's J |obd -, s u p p l y - h a s a strangle hold on th%t : nation's t h r o a t ' - LewiB i s - t r y i n g to haul, first,_alL,the dairy farmers in the land, and then all the other farmers, i n t o — h o l d your hats; TOW— his " U n i t e d Miners Workers Labor organization. These alleged unionists would turn over t o ^^j-in-ariditinn-tn-genP-rmiH monthly dues, the power to deal for them with jobbers and middlemen. Thus Lewis would boss the whole American food supply setup. ^ v F ^ l y r t h - o l i g h ^ s r i d e a ^ h W thi§ 5!fl| iriistake could have been made. It seemB as though three of the four boys that came to officers school with me- are from northern New York and PVT. DONALD R. EVERDYKE did, a t some time/ attend St. Law U. S. Marine Corps, Co. E, M. B., fence, therefore my card or name wa3 -Nr-YrD—Pearh^arborr^rHT-^e-is-j-Efl^eo^ >~,%m I T years old, a n ^ h i a r people live at g ^ y o u can'rectify it in your next 1 Monroe streety Fairport* issUe arid sof let me thank you in advance. To get down to the issue at hand, I want to thank each and every one that had anything a t all to do with making and sending those delicious S3SI chokies to "us boys in the service." Tjhahks ever so much. Now that I jiave received my first IsjutT 6f~th^~H^^d-Mail~let me"gdd " I R i n H l be looking forward ' to' ' i t every week. When I have the spare time, which isn't too often, I jujgt go AJ F r o m Chas. ^ a l i e r / oVer^nd^ver™thei-4>aper^lootang—for* * ~ T o Fairppr^Wjir-Sengcej-Glu J u s t a Tidt?:{o; let you know that familiar names and mention of places — we mien in tlie'service a p p r e c i a t e ^ o u r that*!, as a citizen _of. Fairport,Jcnew-^ I remember years ago (about 1935) thinking of . ^ s ^ n d I wish to thank Mjc^_Lynch, one of my High school _ y o u ^ r " t h e - 0 o M e s j - they^were_swell.. N instructors," told' bur class" that we - Sincerely, should makeWt a point to learn somePfc. Charles H. Sauer ten minutes of our Co. A .6.0.1st- Parachute Bn% thing n6w every &m 4 ———=--—"-i——-^PortrKobber^Canal^Zone^-™ w a k m g dayi^If onTy Mrr Lynch knew how valuable t h a t lesson or sentence •mi ^^Fro^FJ^Gawlla=i=V . h^^become-to^me^in-the—a^myr-^OP - - - - < ? - Bure he would know that everything Dear Friends: he t a u g h t hasn't/gone to waste. Some- -I received the package and a news-- how I think he knew all the time he p a p e r ^ r o m > y o u recently, and I wish made, t h a t statement that most or to express my appreciation to you> ^and^ho8ej^who^nade-4t>H308Bible—fpfe Here a t officers' school my day me to receive the paper weekly. Thank- staytfl a t 5:30 a. m. with a rush for For the list of graduates and 'ad- idea is indicated by the fact that a The 67th annual conWenceiqfte^li6f I Andrew C. Lynch, High school you very much, and sometime when the-showers and wash basins. After Fairport High school took-place^^^tf- principal, announced the following dresses of the salutatoriah and vale- bona fide farm organization in New im\ state, where Lewis is staging h i s • • <$m there is really some excitement I will I lfave shaved and showered~next~ day evening in~the "aodltoTiumi yKlch- awards: dictorian—see—page-three. initial big drive, has undertaken .to write a letter for' the newspaper to comes drill for 1 5 minutes until about was packed full with the class; Q£^8&" Senior cup, Alice Jackson; frateririsure New York farmers up to $10,The Baccalaureate print. 6j3te a r m . Then*~a quick breakfast faculty and friends. .The diptamafL nity cup, Sam Ansuini; sportswoman's : 000 for any barn that may be -burnedKeep-on printing*. . (a good .one too), and at 7:45 I am were:, presented by Superintend^iii- cup, Alice Jackson; highest Qhr"EngThe school auditorium was filled by "peaceable organizers" from Lewis' A-C J . Gasella <$£$ marching a mile to my first class, Thomas. -G. .Coffee; and^ musical gUn|g lish F , Barbara Pierce; second highest Sunday evening a t the baccalaureate union. What kind of union is i t Group_9, Sq. " I " ;£%? v which, l a s t s - t w o hours. At ten ,we b'efs^eYe giveh;by the salon ensembi^ Old English - F , John Deal; French service, the" class in cap and gown oc whose ^prospective members begin to . MaxwelFField, Ala. havea"*'break" or smoke period, then of the Rochester Music, guild. ~Tbi n i ; ' - R o t a r y club, $5.00, Floyd-King; F r b n i ^ e o r g o 1 Warner. - -'-* --—— miipyajUQn^wagugiYgn by, JR.ey,.Righa^ rehcB II. *-• Ejej^h^€lub ! ^$2.5£, Alex Dear-Sii'sr JSccurzio; aftT"Rotary club, ?&"J0u7 course we have the usUal 45 minutes 0 \ Ficken, pastor oT" the ^Congregabring them blessings I want to thank you for the pack- off for dinner and then back for two tional church. Helen Matz $2.00, Arthur Neiss $2.00, direction of Miss Genevieve Watson, We hope this bid for dictatorship age and .the Fairport_Herald-Mail. I more two-hour classes. A t 6:00 p. m. Joyce Fisk $2.00. instructor in music. The invocation will be kicked in the teeth. ———-'-The senior gift, presented by Lyle sure do appreciate it very much. I we have another drill period which DeMocker, president of the class, conwas "given by"Rev."*H. M. Rosenberger, Special applause, we believe, is~due always like to know whaj/s going on lasts about 45 minutib. At 6:00 p . m . sisted of the new curtains placed over pastor of the First Baptist church. to Thomas E. Dewey who once broke in Fairport. Thanks again. we eat and "fall bug' for s^udy hall 'the north .windows of the auditorium. Rev. Lincoln G. Archer, pastor of up a lot of rackets in New York a t y Cpl>George Warner from 7:00 prm. to fLl:00 p . m . So address to the graduates was the Methodist church, g a v e the ad- and now has taken the-field- to fight Headquarters 1st O.M. Salvage there you see why it is necessary to The given by Dr. .-Betas Canfield of the dress, choosing as his 'subject "The this one up and down New York :——1—Depotr-Gamp-ieOr-Va.——— b^^*orr - oW^JeV'~namo , "~ta^ TJmversity" "ofriloclrester faculty—OTT ATTstocracy of Usefulness." He told state. It takes real courage to fight something new every minute possible. "Permanent ..Values of our Latin the graduates that commencement for even a phony union. Fi56to- Glenn Granger . For instance, in one course on American Neighbors." Dr." Canfield's them means that they have met cerWe hope the various farmers' orThanks a lot. The' cookies were material, that lasts five days, we get address, -some of it in lighter vein, tain standards and requirements, and ganizations will exhibit no less cour;-very<jgood and really appreciated. trot~all"TCTy—interesting,r dealt .that—from ..navv—on they are to^faceJi —United and hold, they can l i c k -^NevifB '"from; home in—the^-paper is f OiiiujhajoiuwxiitRn - fo>sts«the manners and customs of the Enough about myself and studies.^.the-un tried-andthe-unk.nown. Takin is;—Divided—and—ttmorousr—they Something (worth looking forward to. people .of those countries, the many Let's hear from ydu other boys yiaf : a lesson from Paul aruT~Stt5s sihgwill be his meat — and we'll suffer TS Thanks again. this paper or direct. To Mrs. -Blood Indian tribes, etc. He Spoke in some ing after midnight, he told the young for it. ^2ir • • ~Pvt. Glenn Granger ~^ 5. people that there is a dawn for them, -3rd Tech. Sch. Squad (sp.) and her class, "The Busy Bees" of of the many Indian languages of that "£> in which they may begin making their •;?-i • Lowry , Field, Denver, Col. the Raymond Baptist church, my very, region, and all in all the talk was Legiou Aids best, especially to you Mrs. Blood. thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed. ' : Bar., 6 8 7 5 • Thanks for yjmr wonderful Jiard and In RecruitiIlg• somecTay Tliope \o thank you person^ F r o m . Johh/DeDoittenico Harold E. DeVoe, commander- of ^ ^ ally for i t I shall never forget those Daar Friends: Brooks-Shepard post, American Leclass lunches our class had in the Many. thanks ' f o r the package of gion, has received the following emer- » --.vj -'i swell'cookiej; Aftor being forwarded church years ago. Let me see, there igency request from the national comfrom^"Ft&l£nox. where I was pre- were the Bluhm boys, the Sauer boys, — :# mander. viously sjESfiohea, I, received your box. Andy Richburg, Edward Valentine^ a '$ The civil aeronautics administra-,' of delicious cookies* here a t Camp fellow we called "Happy" because of * ,-.& tion has asked the American Legion his permanent smile, Jack Bell, my Polk) Louisiana. I want to thank you, to assist in recruiting men whom the . Mr. Miner, for being so generous in brother Harold, and a few.^otheTs army air forces want to train as spe-^ v sending*'nie week^yv a copy of the whose names I can'ti think* Of just cialists in four kinds of flying: Glider now.' Yes, Mrs. Blood/ we shall never Herald-Mail. pilots, service and liaison pilots, in. . : I-..Had h o trouble whatsoever in forget you. structors, a n d . airplane co-pilots. -^cons'Umlng^he^^kie^l "•• My military • Come now, let's have a few lettersv Training of the first class, to consist police platoon /quickly disposed of maybe I_ won't be so prornjpt J n of 5,000, must begin July TT answering "them all, but sooner or tnem. . ..... i^. ...V ",\ The air forces have made it possible I will. If you haven't time for ; - • The-localf pahor ;is -most' graciously later for men between 18 and 37, who want BARBARA PIERCE a letter a card will suffice. My adappreciated mm trhave- quite a few dress: to serve their country as fliers, to do Honor Student V --.-.. boys1 : i h my MiP. ^platoon who hail so, even though theynnay Trot be able George ^goles -' from Rochester and vicinity. I thank to meet the rigid physical and mental Officers' Candidate Class No. 27 you one and all. requirements of a combat pilot. Ft. Sill, Oklahoma Lieut. John DeDomenico Training courses tak e . from 8, to, 40 Dear Mr. Miner: Service Company • weeks, depending on ffyihg experiThis letter is for print if you wish. 7th Armored Division ence of candidates. Applicant „in Gamp-Polkr-Louisiana--— 1Ve- v tried-hard-to-thank-you-all—forexcess of the first quota will be given Pleiue turn to paaro 7 priority and assigned to subsequent From Alex. Scar'azzo classes. Dear Frieirids: \ . For details and registration blanks I received your Fairport Herald- Surprise on/ call on Mr. DeVoe at 65 South Main Mail and I appreciated it very much. Father's Day street. I really enjoy reading it every week, A surprise party was given in honor if y o u ' s e n d it. V I t ' s Very g r e a t to of x Geo. Rausler of Macedon 6n ROBERT HOCKENBURY "What's New hear about the old home town. So Father's day, by his children and : r Honor Student III JOHN DEAL, Valedictorian until then good by and good luck to grandchildren. Those'attending were In Blackouts" all of the Fairport friends. Thank Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rausler JrV and You can have a complete blackout you. I'll be seeing you soon on the daughters N a t c y and Joyce of Fair-; room without using black materials. next furlough. Thanks again old pals. port; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Smith* Fairport's model. hlacknuLrnnrn_:ai_2Q_ —" P v t : Alexr-Scamzzo aml~"a,aUghter' H^TeTTTJi"Ne^n[TlqrTbTTB7 South Main street has^a special group : 193d: Field. Artillery . Charles and John Rausler of Mace , of cheery,.light-proof shades. ,iv««v 1st Service Battery don; Mr. and Mrs. Afvin Ros"e' and See the. cretonne, beige, ana .whiteCamp Livingston, La; daughter Jeanette, and Miss Helen • ri faced shades; the light portable winRose of Victor, also Miss Vernice\ dow panels used so effectively »Vxour From Emanuel Apostal Brizee of Rochester. Supper was windows, regardless of size andahapo, Dear Friends: ^ served and a good time enjoyed.T. can be made light-proof. Various I too w f s h t o express my thanks E "•>*•>*} models "and window treatments now ;v>« . i o n the lovely cookiesjand f,or the,free il' &k on d i s p l a y . . — ~ ~ '-v — . - subscription to the > Fairport Herald- WalW6rth Girl M M The hours are from 2 to 5 daily, Mail. ' I t makes one feel rather good Hospital Graduate except Tuesday and Wednnesday. Also t 6 , k n o w t h a t . h e is n.ot alone in this open Saturday evenings from .7"t6; 9. Marjorie VanHall, daughter of Mr.' struggle, b u t . h a s fill the. people, .esIdeas and visitors are welcome. pecially; jtVosfi' ttom his home , town, and Mrs. Jacob VanHall of Walworthri Prepare for a bomber and feel a lot RFD, will be graduated from the) ^..fohind;riim.\ ? . . . . . : ; - _ ;:,>' { , calmer.".*. Watch this paper for MurrayHiU-school-at_Mount Morris H E N R Y MARTIN; S a l u t a t b r i a ^ .: rflowever^if thi§tlcggpl :ttp,7a~- BOH further, deJaUa< ^ ... 7S . . >,. , hospital/ Mount Morris, tomorrow evfer .dier's life wiU M" better than, a"civillaTofy C- ^ l i s t o r i c a U c t u b ^ i M Q ^ xOJiuYDcal: 3-yeAra-o*~Mat1ui- f3.767 llSR'slf VSnITatrjromfe HveJ1=vfOrtlk"wKiTe a n H l i s e i u I , . a n f o l f George Wagner 98 (Trig. 100); 3 IcKbot course. ini ?jwo^years. and ex. k 4lusU^Ung^y-an^apU^tot^-thAUpo jre^r^tJdai^mMJE^^ aTsr-H^eo^loihft pect9-to-attend-Mecham«-.InaUUit%. world always makes way for the kind Andy Martin,.98 (Trig. lOOJlEnglish room and board.. No postage and in Rochester,, where she/.will pursue of mind that knowB where it is going. j Iy^yArchiliea Catsonis^ $5.00, Lyle ^^tner^Uiingiit:too' ^mriftrtf%;;io: :add;' Interests ^atotigv mechanical/; drawing .. i n ; urging the young people t o - g e t * - : ^ i ^ t DeMocker;. senior project, Archilles ——WMt^orQ-^Td-one-nsk-i6rT.t v • into" the spirit,of adventure, a h t t i b a z r ^ 4 & | tJatflonfs, ^5.00, John Dealy 3 years '••.Mis3^Va^IIalITsl)ne* of tfie^29 sta-^ r^SdV to take a dare, he said that 9 5 % of science (science fund $5.00, Rausch ©^obstacles 4.^^and-iiiBcuUieSj^bilo holpital^cRo^^ofra-m^Iu^^ five^ pea-centTean ^Ancu^^^ i.8eeiadvfhtur§ eKarficte^^award ^ AmiciUa.claU;:$5.00, only one 6f-rIt8vkfediiQ;rNe%^ydjrk S$com'pli8hment.„ In his c b s i n g^ie-^^ tJdroWtAfnTjIS yefifs' iif La'tln, Miss state which leads ^ ; g ? a d ^ ^ 6 n £ ^ ni^tksHo-embhasUed_ the. a n s t o c r j^ \Mffierxa^eT^34OT^^ ig^^ttJESIllrMttea^e^^lolitt Letters From JDur_^Boys^_ g;-3g-=--:*-j-\T Handed~Th^ir^iploma& EighTy-three From Mirport High at 67th Commencement m, m* '..V *m W -•%-• m j ' - ' : ^m I =a 4 msm r . , , ' , • • IP mm •:,,•, Wh mm m ?sThc^Ju«ior^iimi%t«nigb^to8C8-tho ^Fii< ivelTlFour cooBes OK, and they 1 fiigh school L t l E D E i S C K K R T c i a s s President festiviHes. 'ZZ7?sa&"" :&iiiteiifiiiM^tefe^^;--A v -^-;^ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com F -TIonoT-StUdent 1 V - — ~ thoug^Rtful^^^plfftmg^^iaJoT ;..~i.-«,,.?rS-»: u
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