354KB - 地球環境産業技術研究機構

して、経済産業省からの資金をもとに、財団法人 地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE)が
CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
効率よく反応を行うために、350-370℃で第 1 段階の反応を行い、その後、温度を下げて
200-220℃で第 2 段階の反応を行う。このような多段階反応を経た後に、残存する CO をさ
らに除去するために、さらに以下のようなメタン生成反応を行う。「CO + 3 H2 → CH4 +
H2 O」。このように CO の除去のために生成した水素を消費しなくてはならず、本反応はエ
一部の光合成細菌(Rhodospirillum rubrum、 Rubrivivax gelatinosus)で、本反応を触媒す
本成果報告書は上記技術課題を中心に、平成 17 年度から平成 19 年度までの三ヵ年計画
の平成 19 年度に実施した研究の成果についてまとめたものである。以下に内容を要約する。
Rhodopseudomonas palustris No. 7株に代わり、本年度は2004年に米国アイオワ大学の
Harwoodらによって全ゲノム解読されたR. palustrisCGA009株を用いた。CGA009株の染色
がCO誘導時発現していることを確認した。その結果、small subunitのRPA4668がもっとも
第 3 章では、マイクロアレイを用いた水素生成系の解析を実施した。CGA009 株のゲノム
は多様な代謝系を持っている。バイオシフト反応に関与する遺伝子群は、基質となる CO
によって誘導されることが報告されている。そこで、DNA マイクロアレイによるトランス
クリプトーム解析を行い、CO によって発現が増強される遺伝子(群)を網羅的に解析するこ
らの遺伝子の破壊解析、レポーター遺伝子を用いた発現解析、RNA 抽出による RT-PCR 等
の結果を解析することによって CO によるバイオシフト反応の誘導発現の全容が解明され
第 4 章では、シフト反応における水素生産菌のプロテオーム解析を実施した。R. palusris
CGA009 株において CO+Ar ガスによる水素生成誘導に関連する蛋白質を同定するために、
Ar のみおよび Ar:CO=80:20 の割合で混合したガスを通気して菌体を培養し、菌体から蛋白
現解析を行った。その結果、CO+Ar ガス置換により発現が上昇した蛋白質を約 20 スポッ
ト検出した。また、CO+Ar ガス置換により蛋白質発現が減少したスポットも検出された。
CO ガス通気により発現が上昇した蛋白質としては、糖やアミノ酸などのトランスポータ
CO を含むガスで置換したことによりその発現を上昇させたことは明らかであり興味深い。
また、今回の研究で同定された蛋白質の中には、CODH や hydrogenase に相当するものは
含まれていなかった。また、CODH や hydrogenase 以外の水素代謝に関わる蛋白質として
あげられているもののうち、RPA0944 (CbbG、glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase)に
相当する蛋白質 (スポット No. 12)の発現が CO+Ar ガス置換により上昇していることが明
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) is running this project as
one of the themes for “the Programmed Methods CO2 Fixation and Effective Utilization
Technology Development” which supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
This chapter summarizes the objective and comments of this R&D project called
“Development of High-efficiency Hydrogen Production using A Biological Water Gas Shift
The water-gas shift reaction, in which carbon monoxide is oxidized to carbon dioxide while
simultaneously water is reduced to hydrogen, is used to produce hydrogen from synthesis gas.
CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
The reaction is exothermic, which means the reaction equilibrium shifts to the right and
favors the formation of the hydrogen and CO2 at lower temperature. At higher temperatures, the
equilibrium shifts to the left, limiting complete conversion of CO to H2.
The reaction is the basis of the industrial H2 produced in the world from methane (CH4 ) in
natural gas through steam-methane reforming. Although the equilibrium favors formation of
products at lower temperature, the reaction kinetics is faster at elevated temperatures. For this
reason, the catalytic water-gas shift reaction is initially carried out in a high-temperature shift
(HTS) reactor at 350-370℃. To achieve higher conversions of CO to H2, the gas leaving the HTS
reactor is cooled to 200-220℃ and passed through a low-temperature shift (LTS) reactor.
Subsequently the remaining CO is removed followed by a methanation reaction.
CO + 3 H2 → CH4 + H2O
Because the CO consumed part of the hydrogen product during the methanation reaction,
H2 production system using the methanation steps would include a LTS rector to convert as much
CO to H2 possible before methanation. Otherwise, large amount of the product H2 would be
consumed during methanation.
Few organisms, photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rubrivivax
gelatinosus that can perform this water-gas shift reaction have been reported. One significant
advantage of the biologically-based water gas shift reaction is their ability to operate at ambient
temperature. Because the reaction occurs at ambient temperature, the reaction is not
equilibrium-limited (at 25℃, K EQ~5×104). The advantages of low operating temperature and lack
of equilibrium limitation make the biological shift reaction a promising alternative for large scale
H2 production to conventional shift technologies. However, much work needs to be done to
develop this promising technology. For commercially viable hydrogen production using biological
process, it is necessary to overcome low volumetric hydrogen productivity, attributed to the low
cell density of the biocatalyst. It is difficult to utilize high density culture for the microbial process
because cell growth of photosynthetic bacteria is limited by light energy conversion efficiency. To
improve biological water-gas shift reaction for producing biomass-derived hydrogen, our research
focuses on developing a bioprocess in which light illumination is independent on cell growth and
water-gas shift reaction using the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris No. 7 as
the biological catalyst.
This project has two different goals: a near-term goal to investigate the utility of the
biological process for high-efficiency H2 production as an alternative to conventional shift
technology, and long-term goal to develop robust biocatalyst for commercial viability.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Clarifying the genes responsible for the water-gas shift reaction in CGA009
We have studied R. palustris No. 7 to improve water-gas shift activity. However, its
genome has not been determined and the genes for water-gas shift reaction not identified. R.
palustris CGA009 shows as much water-gas shift activity as R. palustris No. 7 and its complete
genome was determined by Harwood. From this year we started using R. palustris CGA009
instead of R. palustris No. 7 to isolate genes responsible for the water-gas shift reaction. R.
palustris CGA009 has two isozymes of small subunits, two isozymes of medium subunits, and
three isozymes of large subunits. RT-PCR analysis indicated that these genes were expressed in
the CO-induced cells. In order to confirm whether the CODH genes are involved in the water-gas
shift reaction, we constructed a series of disruption mutants. These mutants retained the
water-gas shift reaction activity, indicating that these genes may not responsible for the water-gas
reaction in R. palustris CGA009. Water-gas shift reaction requires two enzymes, CODH and
hydrogenase. R. palustris CGA009 has several hydrogenase genes. In order to confirm whether
they are involved in the water-gas shift reaction, we constructed three mutants. Three disruption
mutants didn’t loss the water-gas reaction activity, indicating that they are not involved in the
hydrogen evolution in R. palustris CGA009. Nitrogenase is the enzyme used by some organisms
to fix atmospheric nitrogen gas with evolution of hydrogen gas. There is a possibility that
electrons used for hydrogen evolution comes from CO. In order to confirm whether nitrogenase
is involved in the water-gas shift reaction, we disrupted the nidrogenase gene of R. palustris
CGA009. Three disruption mutants didn’t loss the water-gas reaction activity, indicating that
they are not involved in the hydrogen evolution in R. palustris CGA009.
Chapter 3: Microarray analysis of water-gas shift reaction mechanism
R. palustris CGA009 is among the most metabolically versatile bacteria known. Its
complete genome has been determined by Harwood. The genes for the water-gas shift reaction
have been reported to be induced by CO gas. We tried to identify regulation genes and water-gas
shift reaction related genes using microarray. With CO induction, several hydrogenases and
regulators were up-regulated. The relationship with water-gas shift reaction should be further
Chapter 4: Proteome analysis
It is known that CGA009 has the ability to produce hydrogen induced by CO gas. However,
the molecular mechanism of hydrogen synthesis of R. palusris has not been completely studied.
The genome sequencing of this strain has already been completed and it is expected that molecular
mechanism analysis of hydrogen synthesis wil be well performed. Proteins induced by CO gas
atmosphere were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and identified. CGA009
was anaerobically cultivated in van Niel’s medium. When OD reached 0.5, cells were washed by
PNSB-MM medium twice. After the supernatant was removed by centrifugation, the cells were
re-suspended with 15mL PNSB-MM medium Hydrogen synthesis was induced by (20% CO + 80%
Ar) atmosphere. As a control experiment, culture under Ar (100%) was also performed. Hydrogen
production was realized only under (20% CO + 80% Ar) atmosphere. As a result of 2DE,
intensities of more than twenty spots on the 2D-gel increased, compared with data of control
experiments, while intensity of one spot decreased. The proteins which showed significant change
of intensities were identified by LC/MS/MS. CODH and hydrogenase were not among the
identified proteins, which were already reported as proteins related to hydrogen synthesis induced
by CO gas. The protein encoded by RPA0944 (CbbG、glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase)
was among the upregulated ones (spot No. 12), suggesting that it might be involved in hydrogen