2013 ANNUAL REPORT Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.“ —Psalm 119:89 (NIV) ...because the world needs the Living Word of God more than anything else. Thank you for partnering with Bible League Canada to We are grateful for your partnership in this exciting place Bibles into the hands of men, women and children ministry. It’s such a privilege to be part of God’s who are hungry for God’s Word. mission in this world and to see His hand at work Your investment in this great work is truly one of lasting so clearly. significance. As the psalmist declared, “Your word, Please take the time to read our 2013 Annual Report. Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens” (Psalm We know you will be encouraged to see how God 119:89, NIV). is using your gifts to transform lives for today and Nothing in this world is more certain than the Living for eternity. Word of God. And nothing else has the power to change As stewards of your generous gifts, we have lives from the inside out. You can be certain that your included full financial statements in this report. investment in placing Scripture has eternal value in the We hope it provides you with an even greater measure lives of individuals and in their communities. of confidence in the value of our shared ministry. We thank God for what has been accomplished in our Thanks again for joining us in this great work. fiscal year 2013. With your generous support, 11,158,797 Scriptures and Scripture resources were placed into the Yours in Christ, hands of children, women and men in 43 countries, including Canada. Paul Richardson, President Among those who received Scriptures and training were Bible League Canada 258,766 indigenous volunteers. These volunteers shared the transforming message of the gospel with nearly 4 million people. As a result, 1,159,634 people told us they chose to follow Christ and more than 8,347 new John Hessels, Chairman churches were planted. Bible League Canada 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 Who We Serve 16 A Special Thank You 18 Ministry Results Summary 18 Financial Report WHO WE SERVE The Living Word of God transforms lives forever. Bible League Canada provides Scriptures and training worldwide so that people prepared by the Holy Spirit will be brought into relationship with Christ and For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” —1 Peter 1:23 (NIV) His Church. For more than 60 years, Bible League Canada has placed the Living Word of God into the hands of men, women and children. Today, Bible League Canada is actively working with indigenous partners to bring the Good News in 43 countries. Scripture placement comes alive through four strategic ministry programs: • Children’s Ministry: We reach receptive young hearts with God’s Word through Children’s Bible Clubs, Alternative Basic Education, Values Education Classes and Vacation Bible Schools. • Adult Bible-based Literacy: We introduce adults to Jesus through literacy classes that use Bible-based materials and we disciple seekers and new believers through Bible study classes. • Church Planter Training: We train and equip indigenous pastors and leaders with Bibles and discipleship resources, and they typically plant 1-3 churches in the first year. • Support the Persecuted Church: We place Bibles and resources in countries where Christianity is restricted or closed, to disciple believers and equip a growing Church. In Canada, we are committed to placing Bibles and providing reasonably-priced Scriptures and discipleship materials for individuals and churches. 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 4 2013 MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS Thank you for your gifts that are helping to change lives around the world. 11,158,797 TOTAL OF SCRIPTURES PLACED IN 2013 8,347 CHURCHES PLANTED IN 2013 1,159,634 NEW FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST IN 2013 WHO WE SERVE Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them...” CHILDREN’S MINISTRY —Matthew 19:14 (NIV) God’s Word changing the lives of children. Every child is precious in His eyes. As followers of Jesus we are called to have His heart for children. They are often the most receptive to His work in their lives. With your help, Bible League Canada introduces A Bible Club started in Ketki’s village and she sneaked children to God through Bible Clubs, Vacation Bible out of the house to attend. She loved the “action” Schools, Alternative Basic Education, and Values songs, games and stories about Jesus that her club Education Programs in public schools. Through these leader read aloud. Ketki began silently praying to programs, God uses His Word to transform the lives Jesus and received Him as her personal Saviour. of children and inspire them to share the hope of the gospel. When her club leader discovered that Ketki longed to go to school, he spoke with her parents and they When children are introduced to Jesus, they become little evangelists. They enthusiastically share the songs and stories they have learned with their families. In this way, entire families are transformed by the Living Word of God. KETKI’S STORY OF TRANSFORMATION Growing up in rural India was hard for Ketki. The agreed to send her. Now Ketki is going to school instead of working in the fields. Please pray with Ketki that her family would also soon choose to follow Jesus Christ. You are helping to support programs in Ethiopia that REACH OVER 17,000 CHILDREN EACH YEAR with Bibles and Biblebased education. 2013 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY RESULTS Thank you for your gifts that are helping to change lives around the world. 1,637,171 CHILD LEARNERS IN 2013 699,832 CHILD DECISIONS FOR CHRIST IN 2013 2,331,663 CHILDREN’S SCRIPTURES PLACED IN 2013 53,568 Through a Bible Club in India, thirteen-year-old Ketki found faith in Jesus and is now able to go to school. NEW CHILDREN’S LEADERS TRAINED IN 2013 thirteen-year-old girl was responsible to care for her two little brothers — rising early to fetch the water, cook and clean. During the day Ketki toiled in the fields to earn income for her family. Sadly, her parents could not afford to send Ketki to school, especially since the family counted on the tiny income she earned. And yet she’s never uttered a word of complaint. Ketki is mute. 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 6 Children in every country love to sing action songs and hear stories from the Bible about Jesus and his love for them. WHO WE SERVE Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” ADULT BIBLE-BASED LITERACY —Psalm 119:105 (NIV) Teaching literacy and Bible literacy changes lives today and for eternity. Your gifts support Bible study and adult literacy classes. Adults in some countries learn to read and write using the school because I knew the cost of being illiterate,” the Bible or Bible-based materials that teach them says Gishu. “I wanted to join my child and learn in the about issues such as health, hygiene and finance. By school but my friends discouraged me by advising it is God’s grace, up to 40% of adults who complete the too late for me to go to school and has no use.” program come into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Then an adult literacy class started in her village. Gishu was the first woman to register and is highly Donors also support Bible study classes that introduce seekers and new believers to the Bible, help disciple Christians and increase biblical literacy in families, churches and communities. motivated to learn to read. “There will come a day when I open up a Bible and able to read it myself,” says Gishu. “Today I’m regularly attending classes so that I can better learn to BIBLE-BASED LITERACY PROGRAM TRANSFORMS GISHU’S LIFE IN ETHIOPIA Gishu lives in the Oromo region of Ethiopia. Like most of the women in her community, she was unable read daily verses during devotions with my family.” About 40% OF ADULT LITERACY STUDENTS who complete the program come into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. 2013 ADULT BIBLEBASED LITERACY MINISTRY RESULTS Thank you for your gifts that are helping to change lives around the world. 207,239 ADULT GROUPS AND CLASSES IN 2013 334,694 DECISIONS FOR CHRIST IN 2013 62,992 NEW LEADERS TRAINED IN 2013 1,029,444 TOTAL SCRIPTURES PLACED At her literacy classes, Gishu is excited about learning how to read the Bible for herself. to read or write in her own language. “I did not get the opportunity to go to school as there was no school in our village.” she says. When she was a young girl, her father gave her to a man in marriage, and now she is the mother of six children. “When a children’s school opened in our village three years ago, I was the first to register my elder child to About 40% of students who complete the literacy program come into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 8 WHO WE SERVE At least 1,212 NEW CHURCHES will be planted in India in the first year of training, based on the average of two new churches per student. CHURCH PLANTER TRAINING The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.” —John 6:63 (NIV) Indigenous church planters are the most effective communicators of the Good News. When you equip them with training, Bibles and discipleship resources, God uses their intimate knowledge of native culture to speak the truth of God’s Word into the lives of their neighbours. During the first year of training, Church discovered a training course to help her share the Planters typically plant 2 new churches. Through gospel, she joined immediately. the Therefore GO program, the Canadian congregations who partner with these indigenous evangelists are helping to reach communities that are often closed to outsiders. Now Go Lee has dedicated herself to planting churches. She travels by bicycle to three nearby villages where she sells lotus pods to support herself while sharing the message of Jesus. Go Lee has already established 12 Bible study groups for adults and GO LEE’S JOURNEY FROM DESPAIR TO DISCIPLE MAKER Go Lee, a 52-year-old mother of three, left her 4,364 CHURCH PLANTERS TRAINED IN 2013 3,946 CHURCHES PLANTED IN 2013 125,108 Go Lee has seen God transform her life into a DECISIONS FOR CHRIST IN 2013 messenger of joy and peace. 1,007,927 EVANGELISTIC CONTACTS MADE life for her children. She settled them near Phnom to plant a crop. To make ends meet, she cut grass Thank you for your gifts that are helping to change lives around the world. 10 children’s Bible Clubs. From hopeless and destitute, village in Cambodia in hopes of making a better Penh, but discovered there was no land available 2013 CHURCH PLANTER TRAINING RESULTS Go Lee has shared the gospel with 150 families in Cambodia. along the road to sell as animal feed — but did not earn nearly enough to care for her family. One day at her lowest point, Go Lee met a woman who shared with her about Jesus Christ. The message warmed her heart and she received Christ as her Lord and Saviour. She began attending church and grew in her new faith. When she 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 10 A trained Church Planter who understands the local culture, language and needs is more effective in sharing the gospel. WHO WE SERVE SUPPORT THE PERSECUTED CHURCH Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Every year 170,000 CHRISTIANS are martyred for their faith somewhere in our world. —Matthew 24:35 (NIV) Your gift helps to comfort and equip Christians facing persecution. Many Christians in our world do not enjoy the benefits of religious liberty. In closed and restricted countries, Christians who share their faith risk severe punishment, including imprisonment or even death. Through your gifts, we are able to place printed with newspaper after Sunday service, he said, ‘This Bibles and Digital Bibles into the hands of persecuted is a gift from God.” Chen’s eyes filled with tears as he Christians and offer the help and strength that God’s opened the package to reveal a new Bible. Word provides. Together we are standing with the Persecuted Church to help empower and equip Christians for growth and ministry. Already Chen has read the whole Bible twice. He loves reading the Bible and prays that God would help him understand. CHEN WAITS EIGHT YEARS FOR A BIBLE “Thank you for your understanding that we cannot “I have been a Christian for eight years now,” says gift I have ever received in my life. I hope I can pay Chen, who is a Christian living in northern China. “Thank you for giving me my first Bible.” buy a Bible in China,” says Chen. “Your gift is the best 2013 PERSECUTED CHURCH MINISTRY RESULTS Thank you for your gifts that are helping to change lives around the world. 6,019,939 TOTAL NUMBER OF DIGITAL SCRIPTURES PLACED PRINTED BIBLES AND SCRIPTURES ARE ALSO PLACED WITH CHRISTIANS IN THE PERSECUTED CHURCH. SEE PAGE 18 FOR TOTAL SCRIPTURES PLACED. you back in heaven.” Chen became a Christian when a fellow student shared the gospel with him and invited him to a house Christians who face persecution in closed and restricted countries church. After three months, Chen understood the constantly ask for more Bibles and resources to disciple new message of salvation and made a decision to follow believers and equip a growing Church. Christ and be baptized. However, the church had no Bibles to give to Chen, and it was impossible to buy one. Chen waited eight years for his chance to get a Bible of his own. “One day my pastor gave me a small package packed 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 12 Placing a Bible in their hands is a rare and precious gift that helps to empower and equip them for life and ministry. WHO WE SERVE In Canada, 58.8% OF PEOPLE say they don’t read the Bible, 20.9% are too busy to read Scripture and 3.2% don’t own a Bible. CANADIAN MINISTRY Millions of Canadians are still waiting to be gripped by the transforming love of God. With your help, Bible League Canada’s online Bookstore provides Bibles and basic discipleship resources to churches across Canada. Equipped with resources in a variety of languages, at the lowest possible price, churches can reach out to their local communities. The proceeds from every purchase in the bookstore “I just wanted to thank you for the Hope in the Midst of are used to fund missions in Canada and the Illness booklet. I carried it in my cancer tote bag. I read a 42 other countries we work in. If a church or mission little every time I went for a treatment. Today no signs of cannot afford the Scriptures resources for their cancer! We give God all the glory and praise!” program, Bible League Canada comes alongside and —Burlington, ON works for a solution. Making the Bible accessible for people in discipleship programs is vital to our mission! The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.” —Psalm 98:2 (NIV) 2013 CANADIAN MINISTRY RESULTS Thank you for your gifts that are helping to change lives in Canada. 159,557 SCRIPTURES PLACED IN CANADA 16,806 CHILDREN’S SCRIPTURES PLACED “Thank you for your ministry of developing and distributing the Student Connection Planners. Our school has used them for many years and we have found them In 2013, the Digital Bible Library became available a wonderful way to keep family and school connected in Canada. Presently available in 22 languages, each academically, but more importantly, spiritually.” library contains Bibles, Bible studies, video and audio —Picton, ON resources, worship resources and more, in a complete package of DVD’s, SD microchip with adapter, and USB stick. Entirely reproducible, any electronic device becomes a ready instrument to spread the gospel. Bible League Canada provides evangelism and discipleship resources that will help reverse the alarming trend of biblical illiteracy in Canada. WHAT CANADIANS ARE SAYING... “I am always so excited when I see the Devotional Day Planners come! God has spoken to me repeatedly through His Word, prompted by the verse in my planner.” —Lower Sackville, NS 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT Bible League Canada’s Devotional Day Planner instills the urgency of connecting with God through His Living Word on a daily basis. 14 A SPECIAL THANK YOU The grass withers and the The flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” —Isaiah 40:8 (NIV) We are grateful for every donor who partners with us to see God change lives through His Word. OUR FOUNDATION PARTNERS Bible League Canada would like to thank the following Stronger Together Granting Partners who, during our tools will help to remove barriers to Bible engagement in Canada so that more Canadian Christians will learn from, and be transformed by, the Living Word of God. fiscal year 2013, provided generous grants towards our THANK YOU… “Expanding Distribution Capacity through Digital Bridgeway Foundation Biblical Resources” project and our newest project “Survey of Bible Engagement in Canada.” Catalyst Foundation Charis Foundation With the support of generous partners, the Digital D.H. Falle Family Foundation Biblical project expanded the resources from Dave and Katy Brereton 10 languages to more than 20. We are so grateful to the Jericho Foundation Stronger Together Granting Partners for giving us the John and Rebecca Horwood funding to get this exciting project started. Legacy Foundation - Cloutier Family Fund The combined grants to fund the Bible Engagement Legacy Foundation - Family Hope Fund study will help us shape programs and create Legacy Foundation - JVE Fund innovative study tools for Canadians. Ultimately these Maranatha Foundation BIBLES FOR MISSIONS Since 1989, Bible League Canada and Bibles for Missions Thrift Stores have enjoyed a unique partnership that has brought God’s Word to countless people. We are thankful for the board and staff of Bibles for Missions Foundation (Canada) and the customers who support the Bibles for Missions Thrift Stores in more than 40 communities across Canada. Bible League Canada is especially grateful for the small army of dedicated volunteers who make this partnership possible. 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 16 3,301 $7,300,583 BFM VOLUNTEERS FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2013 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT My seven children also became Christians and one is serving as an evangelist.” — Bekele, Ethiopian man who found Christ FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 2013 Ministry Results Summary 2013 DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY MINISTRY RESULTS 2013 2011-2013 (CUMULATIVE RESULTS) New Followers of Jesus 1,159,634 3,273,999 New Churches Planted 8,347 23,547 120,924 285,409 1,945,570 6,970,290 Leaders/Teachers Trained New Learners 2013 SCRIPTURE RESULTS CANADA INTERNATIONAL TOTAL 15,027 379,280 394,307 3,278 303,935 307,213 177 29,874 30,051 Children’s Story Bible 7,937 520,563 528,500 Children’s Portions/Booklets 8,869 1,944,034 1,952,903 124,269 1,801,615 1,925,884 - 6,019,939 6,019,939 159,557 10,999,240 11,158,797 Bibles New Testaments Study Bibles Bible Portion/Selections/Booklets Digital Scriptures Total Scriptures Placed DOLLARS % $5,474,814 40.6% Publication Sales $214,402 1.6% The Gideons International in Canada $500,678 3.7% $7,300,583 54.1% $13,490,477 100% BFM Thrift Stores Grand Total Income 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 73% Canadian Ministry 16.3% Fundraising & Administration 10.7% 100% 2013 ADMINISTRATION AND FUNDRAISING Fundraising 6.5% Administration 4.2% 10.7% TOTAL INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY EXPENDITURES On Field - In Country Contributions $903,765 Bible League Canada Contribution $9,865,988 Additional Spending on Ministry by Mission Partners $8,374,306 Total Spending on Ministry $19,144,059 PARTNER INCOME 2013 CANADIAN REVENUE SUMMARY Contributions Received International Missions 18 Last year, Bible League Canada spent over $9.8 million “Since I believed in Jesus Christ, my life has been changed. I have got obedience toward my parents, and have got control over my anger and do not have envy toward others.” — Lon Maly, age 11 toward ministry outside of Canada. But this is not the whole story. Our international mission partners collectively expend another $9.3 million on additional work in church planter training, children’s ministry, Bible-based literacy and support for the persecuted Church. In short, Bible League Canada is part of a $19.1 million dollar partnership effort to see the Living Word transform lives across the globe. 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT I give thanks to the Lord for what he has done in my life.” — Amita, an Indian mother who found Christ through her literacy class FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 Independent Auditor’s Report TO THE DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE LEAGUE OF CANADA I have audited the accompanying financial statements that I comply with ethical requirements and plan of The Bible League of Canada, which comprise and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance the balance sheets as at August 31, 2013, August 31, about whether the financial statements are free from 2012 and September 1, 2011 and the statements of material misstatement. revenues and expenses, statement of changes in fund balances and statement of cash flows for the years ended August 31, 2013 and August 31, 2012, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require ANNUAL REPORT financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the organization’s preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the organization’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating 20 As described in note 2(b), the organization expenses inventories located outside of Canada in the year of David M. den Boer and current replacement cost when they are held for Hamilton, Ontario / December 12, 2013 distribution at no charge or a nominal charge. Because CPA, CA, Licensed Public Accountant the organization has its inventories stored at many worldwide locations, management considers the costs and difficulties of verifying these inventories are not justified and would take significant resources away from its ministry. Since I have been unable to obtain information with respect to all inventories, I am unable to estimate what the inventories carrying value should have been nor am I able to estimate the related effect on expenses and the excess of revenues over expenses. In my opinion, except for the effects of the matter sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my qualified audit opinion. accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. organization record inventories at the lower of cost the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is and August 31, 2012 in accordance with Canadian for-profit organizations require that a not-for-profit QUALIFIED OPINION the financial statements. and its cash flows for the years ended August 31, 2013 purchase. Canadian accounting standards for not- the appropriateness of accounting policies used and management, as well as evaluating the presentation of AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA An audit involves performing procedures to obtain BASIS FOR QUALIFIED OPINION described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Bible League of Canada as at August 31, 2013, August 31, 2012 and September 1, 2011, and of its financial performance Adult Bible-based literacy classes help farmers read and learn so they can increase their harvests. 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Thank you so much for your support, there is no way we can buy or get Bibles here.” — Wong, church planter in China FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 Financial sheets BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES 2013 2012 SEPT 1, 2011 2013 2012 ASSETS REVENUES Current Assets Contributions received $5,969,889 $4,840,331 BFM Thrift Stores $7,300,583 $6,956,393 Publication sales $214,402 $233,678 $5,603 $21,686 $13,490,477 $12,042,088 $13,512,370 $11,997,425 $(21,893) $44,663 Cash $182,775 $252,518 $125,123 Accounts receivable $41,538 $61,117 $103,690 GST/HST recoverable $42,753 $71,347 $53,681 Inventories $71,755 $57,134 $124,448 - - $5,946 $415,498 $292,181 $256,207 $754,319 $734,297 $669,095 Capital Assets (notes 2(c) & 3) $626,394 $683,593 $710,962 Note Receivable (note 4) $182,858 - $2,192 $ 1,563,571 $1,417,890 $1,382,249 Note receivable - current portion Prepaid expenses Interest and other revenue EXPENSES (page 24) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Balance, beginning of year Current Liabilities Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $78,334 $81,248 $90,270 Deferred revenue $167,991 - - $2,497 - - $248,822 $81,248 $90,270 $1,314,749 $1,336,642 $1,291,979 $ 1,563,571 $1,417,890 $1,382,249 Government remittances payable FUND BALANCES General (Unrestricted) (page 23) 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 22 Balance, end of year “I read the Bible and pray every day as I 2013 2012 $1,336,642 $1,291,979 $(21,893) $44,663 $1,314,749 $1,336,642 have been taught by the pastor. The study of the Scripture has made me joyful in the living. Since I believed in Jesus Christ, my life has been changed.” — Banteay , age 12 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Since I believed in Jesus Christ, my life has been changed from day to day.” — Phao, a ten-year-old boy in Cambodia FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 STATEMENT OF EXPENSES INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY PROJECTS CANADIAN MINISTRY PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION FUNDRAISING 2013 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL $2,045,443 1,529,707 2,554,973 1,222,716 1,789,455 15,336 63,739 $ - $ - $ - $2,045,443 1,529,707 2,554,973 1,222,716 1,789,455 15,336 63,739 $1,487,297 1,193,178 2,527,111 1,378,083 1,595,491 52,469 5,659 58,035 24,687 112,262 20,736 7,256 29,208 8,117 34,782 9,514 40,678 10,717 133,998 20,736 7,256 29,208 8,117 34,782 50,577 344,973 20,736 2,681 7,256 29,208 14,310 31,364 58,698 196,431 Digital ministries Insurance Mailings Ministry materials and services Ministry publications and supplies Office supplies and dues Organization and stakeholder advancement Partnership ministries 227,775 1,090 2,589 8,969 41,968 - 4,857 141,195 312,011 533,992 39,894 1,221 25,021 1,883 4,471 28,494 2,459 - 2,082 220,978 17,177 4,942 17,132 10,907 - 227,775 9,912 362,173 329,188 545,994 94,489 56,555 25,021 235,000 9,439 110,062 253,972 602,892 73,078 41,096 25,049 Postage Professional fees Property taxes Repairs and maintenance Salaries and benefits Telecommunications Travel and public relations Utilities 6,200 957 1,355 287,467 1,365 1,190 27,603 4,265 9,592 901,830 10,264 50,013 5,223 12,152 26,828 1,654 10,454 275,491 5,041 38,221 2,017 11,832 1,828 2,743 386,024 2,606 57,771 2,259 57,787 26,828 8,704 24,144 1,850,812 19,276 146,005 10,689 32,826 10,527 8,789 15,609 1,801,233 16,149 156,126 11,265 $9,865,988 $2,203,930 $559,456 $882,996 $13,512,370 $11,997,425 Africa and Arab countries Asia India Eastern Europe and CIS South and Central America Jewish ministry International review Amortization - building Amortization - computer equipment Amortization - furniture and equipment Amortization - software Bad debts Bank charges Computer expenses Contracted services 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 24 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Someone S omeone will need to tell my children about God. hank you for not turning away from me.” Thank — Olga, a young woman in Ukraine FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 Notes to the financial statements STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 2013 2012 $(21,893) $44,663 CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses Adjustments for items not affecting cash Amortization $57,200 $59,881 $35,307 $104,544 Changes in non-cash working capital balances 1. PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION Gifts-in-kind are valued at fair value at the date of The organization was founded in 1948 and was contribution and included as revenues and assets of the incorporated as a corporation without share capital organization. When distributed, gifts-in-kind are expensed. by letters patent under the Canada Corporations Act Revenues from sales of publications are recognized in 1971. The corporation is a registered charitable when there is persuasive evidence that an arrangement organization and is therefore exempt from the payment exists, delivery has occurred, the price is fixed and determinable, and collection is reasonably assured. Accounts receivable $19,579 $42,573 GST/HST recoverable $28,594 $(17,666) of income taxes as provided under the Income Tax $(14,621) $67,314 Act. Its purpose is to provide Scriptures and training $(123,317) $(35,974) - $5,946 $(2,914) $(9,022) $2,497 - $167,991 - $113,116 $157,715 Inventories Prepaid expenses Note receivable Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Government remittances payable Deferred revenue - $(32,512) $(182,859) $2,192 $(182,859) $(30,320) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH $(69,743) $127,395 CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR $252,518 $125,123 $182,775 $252,518 Decrease (increase) in long-term note receivable CASH, END OF YEAR will be brought into fellowship with Christ and His 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES on the balance sheet but are expensed fully in the year These financial statements have been prepared in (c) Capital Assets not-for-profit organizations and include the following significant accounting policies: of purchase. Capital assets are recorded at cost. Contributed capital assets are recorded at fair value at the date of the contribution. Amortization is provided on capital assets using the straight line method over the useful life of the The organization follows the deferral method of assets at the following annual rates: accounting for contributions. Restricted donations Building 4% and grants are recognized as revenue in the year in Furniture and equipment 20% which the related expenses are incurred. Unrestricted Computer software 10% donations and grants are recognized as revenue in Computer equipment 33% reasonably assured. 26 Inventories held in other countries are not recorded (a) Revenue Recognition received can be reasonably estimated and collection is ANNUAL REPORT Inventories held in Canada are recorded on the balance sheet at the lower of cost and net realizable value. the year received or receivable if the amount to be 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA (b) Inventories Church. accordance with Canadian accounting standards for CASH FROM FINANCING AND INVESTING ACTIVITIES Additions to capital assets worldwide so that people prepared by the Holy Spirit 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT I received my copy of [Bible League Canada’s] beautiful Devotional Day Planner yesterday. It was an answer to prayer...” FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 — from Fergus, ON (d) Use of Estimates (g) Financial Instruments governance and general management expenses benefits are allocated based on the hours incurred in The preparation of financial statements in accordance The organization initially measures its financial assets are not allocated; other administration expenses undertaking each function. Facility costs are allocated with generally accepted accounting principles requires and financial liabilities at fair value adjusted by, in the are allocated on the following basis: Salaries and on the same basis as salaries and benefits. management to make estimates and assumptions that case of a financial instrument that will not be measured affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at subsequently at fair value, the amount of transaction the date of the financial statements, and the amounts costs directly attributable to the instrument. The of revenues and expenses during the reporting year. organization subsequently measures all its financial Actual results could differ from management’s best assets and financial liabilities at amortized cost. estimates, as additional information becomes available 3. CAPITAL ASSETS COST ACCUMULATED AMORTIZATION NET 2013 NET 2012 Land $267,500 - $267,500 $267,500 Financial assets measured at amortized cost include Building $518,402 $373,865 $144,537 $165,272 in the future. Significant estimates include those used cash, accounts receivable, and note receivable. Financial Furniture and equipment $62,685 $52,783 $9,902 $17,159 when accounting for amortization and the valuation liabilities measured at amortized cost include accounts Computer equipment $10,702 $10,702 - - allowance for accounts receivable. All estimates are payable and accrued liabilities. At the end of reporting $292,078 $87,623 $204,455 $233,662 reviewed periodically and adjustments are made to the period, the organization assesses whether there are $1,151,367 $524,973 $626,394 $683,593 statement of revenues and expenses in the year they any indications that a financial asset may be impaired. become known. When there is an indication of impairment, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced and the amount of the (e) Volunteer Services reduction is recognized as an impairment loss in the Because volunteer services are not remunerated by the organization and the difficulty in determining their fair statement of revenues and expenses. market value, contributed services are not recognized (h) Allocation of Expenses in the financial statements. The organization engages in international programs, Canadian programs, as well as fundraising programs. (f) Foreign Currency Translation The organization also incurs various general and Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign administrative support expenses that are common to currencies are translated at the exchange rate in effect the administration of the organization and each of its at the balance sheet date. Revenues and expenses are programs. All costs that are allocated relate to either translated at the exchange rate prevailing at the date fundraising or administration expenses. With respect in which the transaction took place. Foreign exchange to administration expenses, the appropriate basis of gains and losses are included in the statement of allocating each component expense is identified, and revenues and expenses. applied on a consistent basis each year. Corporate 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 28 Computer software 4. OTHER ASSETS 7. CONTINGENCIES Note receivable, BFM Foundation (Canada), no interest The Bible League of Canada is a joint venture partner and no specific terms of repayment. of BFM Foundation (Canada) and each of its member 2013 BFM Thrift Stores. All net revenue generated by each $182,858 2012 - 5. COMMITMENTS Under the terms of various agreements and contracts, the organization will be required to make future annual payments of $2,631,400 in 2014 and $250,000 in 2015. of the BFM Thrift Stores is, by the terms of the joint venture agreements, to be for the beneficial interest of the Bible League of Canada. BFM Foundation (Canada) has established a fund to assist with the opening of new BFM Thrift Stores in communities across Canada. All funds received by BFM Foundation (Canada) from its member BFM Thrift Stores are used 6. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (a) to increase the equity in the BFM Thrift Stores, and Subsequent to the year end, the organization’s offer of (b) to be contributed to The Bible League of Canada with $700,000 to purchase land and building was accepted. the express purpose to place Scriptures and provide The closing date will be January 30, 2014. training in certain specified countries or regions. 2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Thank you for giving me the chance to learn about Jesus T and become a Christian. I am so happy!” — Anton, a young boy in Russia FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2013 As of December 31,2012, The Bible League of Canada’s 9. COMPARATIVE FIGURES August 31, 2013 (including comparative amounts for of the organization, and accordingly no adjustments restricted equity in BFM Foundation (Canada) was Certain comparative figures on the statement of 2012), statement of revenues and expenses, statement have been recorded in the comparative balance sheet, of changes in fund balances, and statement of cash statement of revenues and expenses, statement of conform to the current year’s presentation. flows for the year ended August 31, 2013 (including changes in fund balances and the statement of cash comparative amounts for 2012) and disclosures. flows. Certain of the organization’s disclosures included 10. ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARDS FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS The adoption of Part III had no impact on the in these financial statements reflect the new disclosure estimated at $6,714,332 (December 31, 2011 — $6,304,329 ). Approximately 50% of the unaudited financial statements of the BFM Thrift Stores were prepared internally and 50% were prepared by external accountants. revenues and expenses have been reclassified to These financial statements were prepared in 8. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Unless otherwise noted, it is management’s opinion that the organization is not exposed to significant interest rate and credit risks arising from its financial instruments. accordance with Part III of the CICA Handbook Accounting (“Part III”). The organization’s first reporting period using Part III is for the year ended August 31, 2013. As a result, the date of transition to Part III is September 1, 2011. The (a) Liquidity Risk organization presented financial statements under Liquidity risk arises through having excess financial its previous Canadian generally accepted accounting obligations over available financial assets at any point in principles (“CGAAP”) annually to August 31 of each time. The organization’s objective in managing liquidity fiscal year up to, and including, August 31, 2012. risk is to maintain sufficient readily available reserves As these financial statements are the first financial in order to meet its liquidity requirements at any point statements for which the organization has applied in time. The organization achieves this by maintaining Part III, the financial statements have been prepared sufficient cash and cash equivalents. in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 1501 of Part III, First-time Adoption by Not-for-Profit (b) Foreign Currency Risk Management is aware that the organization is exposed to changes in the exchange rates as it receives contributions, pays for expenses, and provides grants Organizations. The organization is required to apply Part III effective for periods ending on August 31, 2013 in: (a) preparing and presenting its opening balance sheet in various foreign currencies. at September 1, 2011; and (b) preparing and presenting its balance sheet for 2013 BIBLE LEAGUE CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 30 previously reported assets, liabilities and fund balances requirements of Part III. < ...but the word of the Lord endures forever.” —1 Peter 1:25 (NIV) Thank you for helping to transform lives by placing the Living Word of God. “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” —Isaiah 12:4 (NIV) Box 5037 Burlington, ON Canada L7R 3Y8 bibleleague.ca [email protected] 1.800.363.9673 Charitable Registration Number: 10822 2084 RR0001 of Bible Agencies international
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