Program Preview October 2014 SEPA BCN‘15 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 5th SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE From february 26th to 28th 2015 Barcelona h 20t r e b o t c O te up to Special ra w w w t a ow Register n TEAM VISION More Prevention, better Treatments and better Health. Team Vision was also a grand part of the thoughts and works of Gaudi, in his collaboration with architects, artists, sculptors, and apprentices. The flexible, multidisciplinary teams he created were the pillars of his work, which was founded on research, innovation, rejecting improvisation, promoting planning, and combining the qualities of architect, artist, manager, and technician. W e l c o m e t o S E PA B C N 1 5 . Te a m v i s i o n . m o r e P r e v e n t i o n , b e t t e r Tr e a t m e n t s a n d b e t t e r H e a l t h . Detail of Parque Güell. Barcelona. SEPA BCN‘15 from february 26th to 28th 2015 49th 5th 3 SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Organising Committee 49ª SEPA Reunión Anual Scientific Committee 49ª SEPA Reunión Anual Presidente: Dr. José Nart Dr. David Herrera Dra. Mónica Vicario Dr. Andrés Pascual Dr. Francesc Matas Dra. Ana Echeverría Dra. Cristina Vallés Dr. José Nart Dr. Antonio Bujaldón Dr. Carlos Mendieta Dr. Antonio Santos Dra. Núria Vallcorba Dr. Juan Rumeu SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE Organising Committee 5ª SEPA Higiene Bucodental Scientific Committee 5ª SEPA Higiene Bucodental Presidente: Dra. Carolina Mor Dr. José Nart Dr. David Herrera Dra. Mónica Vicario Sra. Isabel Martín Sra. Cristina Navarro Dra. Carolina Mor Dra. Paula Matesanz Dra. Neus Carrió Dr. Xavi Costa Sra. Montserrat Conill Sra. Mercedes Alberdi SEPA BCN’15 venue: SEPA Palau de Congressos de Catalunya Av. de la Diagonal, 661-671 Barcelona T. +34 913 142 715 [email protected] TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. Program Preview 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th Dr. José Nart. President of the Organising Committee. 49ª SEPA Reunión Anual. 4 After ten years, SEPA is back in Barcelona. February 26, 27, and 28 of February, 2015 will be amazing days for all of you attending the 49th SEPA Annual Conference in our beloved city. At SEPA BCN 15, our theme is the TEAM VISION behind clinics and the professionals who work in them. We want to offer more prevention, better treatments, and better health for our patients. Our scientific programme includes topics such as Bone regeneration, periodontal and mucogingival approaches, peri-implantitis, aesthetics and soft tissues in implants, tooth preparations and posts, corticotomy, digital dentistry, and the value of saving teeth. We offer the top subjects presented by the best global specialists. We will bring you scientific data, the latest on prosthetics and aesthetics in implants, and update you on long-term evaluation of corticotomies. Find out the latest on regenerative materials, the most innovative techniques in soft tissue management…And we want you to learn from international and national speakers, among those already confirmed, D. Buser, Wilcko bros, Istvan Urban, T. Mankoo, M.Hürzeler, G. Rasperini… We await you. We have major updates on knowldege in all the disciplines of periodontology, its current relationship with implants and orthodontics…all thanks to having the best speakers around. And we can extend our hospitality through social events held in the most emblematic venues in Barcelona. A stunning experience! Program Preview 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th THURSDAY 26 WORKSHOP Management of excitement and optimism in periods of change ‘Think different: what it really matters’ 10:00 - 12:00 Emilio Duró 12:00-14:00 SEPA General Assembly 14:00-15:00 Lunch Break 15:00-19:30 SYMPOSIUM Tissue Regeneration on VIDEO. How is tissue regeneration performed in 2015? 15:00-16:00 How do we perform guided bone regeneration in 2015? Istvan Urban 16:00-17:00 How do we perform guided periodontal regeneration in 2015? Anton Sculean ExpoPerio Coffee Break 17:00-18:00 5 WORKSHOP How to manage patient emotions Rosalía Larrey Gemma Martín 18:00-19:00 How do we perform mucongigival regeneration in 2015? Giulio Rasperini 19:00-19:30 Debate Program Preview 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 FRIDAY 27 PLATINUM SPONSORS SYMPOSIUM 09:00-14:00 09:00-09:40 Biologically guided regeneration: the new frontier of tissue regeneration Nelson Pinto 09:40-10:20 Bases and protocols for the treatment of periimplantitis Frank Schwarz Periimplantitis: Academic conflict or clinical problem? Björn Klinge 10:20-11:00 ExpoPerio Coffee Break 11:00-12:00 14:00-15:00 6 12:00-12:40 How do we prevent aesthetic complications? Pedro Lázaro 12:40-13:20 Crestal bone loss in relation to the apico-coronal implant position Gil Alcoforado 13:20-14:00 Long term evaluation of implant dentistry Daniel Buser Lunch Break Program Preview 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th 15:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 18:00-20:00 SYMPOSIUM SESSION Implants in the aesthetic field: Inmediate or deferred? Digital Dentistry: is it a clinical realty? Alberto Sicilia Guillermo Pradíes 15:00-16:00 The concept of early implant placement with simultaneous contour augmentation using GBR: Biological rationale, surgical procedures and long-term results Daniel Buser 16:00-17:00 Restoration of "Failing" Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic zone. The surgical & prosthetic keys to success Tidu Mankoo ExpoPerio Coffee Break SYMPOSIUM COURSE Maintaining or extracting teeth: what would you do? Periimplantitis therapy Frank Schwarz Miguel Roig Xavier Vela Mariano Sanz Federico Hernández Alfaro 7 TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. Program Preview 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th SATURDAY 28 Update on dental and implant prostheses. Posts with or without margins? 09:30-11:00 09:30-10:15 10:15-11:00 11:00-12:00 8 Marginless preparations in teeth and implant posts Ignazio Loi Peri-Dental and Peri-Implant Prosthetic Profile Gianluca Paniz Orthodontics-Periodontology 2015: Where do we go? Implant site development. An orthodontic approach Domingo Martín Mucogingival and periodontal bone defects in the orthodontic treatment Giulio Rasperini ExpoPerio Coffee Break TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. Program Preview 49th SEPA BCN‘15 SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE From february 26th to 28th SATURDAY 28 Corticomies, evolution of the technique and long-term results 12:00-14:00 M. Thomas Wilcko Donald Ferguson 9 14:00-15:30 Lunch Break 15:30 - 17:30 Aesthetic issues with implants, How do we deal with it? Soft tissues COURSE on implants. From the graft, through the provisional, to the final prosthesis. How are they performed? Ignacio Sanz Martín David García Baeza Ramón Asensio 15:30-16:30 How to deal with aethetic complications in implant cases Ueli Gründer 16:30-17:30 Prevention, prognosis and treatment of peri-implant tissue recessions Ion Zabalegui TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. Registration 49th SEPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th 1+1 From June 17 to October 20 ✔ From October 7 to December 15 From December 16 to February 13 At venue SEPA members and COEC dentists 199 € 380 € 420 € 499 € Colleges and Societies with SEPA agreements* 299 € 480 € 499 € 549 € Young SEPA members under 28-yrs-old and SEPA Student members 170 € 320 € 380 € 420 € Dentists non-members of SEPA 329 € 499 € 599 € 620 € *Societies in partnership: SCOE, SECIB, SEDO, SEPES Included if registration before October 20 Management of excitement and optimism in periods of change. ‘Think different: what it really matters’ Emilio Duró *Free for SEPA members with SEPA BCN '15 registration **Registration in Sepa BCN’15 for non sepa members includes 2014 sepa member fee ✔Register before October 20 and you will receive one of the following courses free: SEPA/ESADE Workshop at SEPA BCN '15 How to manage the emotions of our patients? Rosalía Larrey y Gemma Martín Saturday February 28, 9.00h 14.00h 100 € valued European Symposium on Peri-implantitis* November 22, Barcelona, COEC. Prof. Juan Blanco Dr. Giovanni Serino Dr. Jan Derks 100 € valued 1+1 10 With every SEPA dentist member registration, one free registratrion for a hygienist or auxiliary. Special group prices: · From 10 to 30 registrations, 10% discount on regular price. · Over 30 registrations, 12% discount on regular price. Specific program Prosthetics SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th Thursday 26 10:00 - 12:00 WORKSHOP Management of excitement and optimism in periods of change ‘Think different: what it really matters’. Emilio Duró Friday 27 15:00 - 17:00 Digital Dentistry: is it a clinical realty? Alberto Sicilia / Guillermo Pradíes Saturday 28 09:30 - 11:00 Update on dental and implant prostheses. Posts with or without margins? Marginless preparations in teeth and implant posts. Ignazio Loi Peri-Dental and Peri-Implant Prosthetic Profile. Gianluca Paniz 12:00 - 14:00 Soft tissues COURSE on implants. From the graft, through the provisional, to the final prosthesis. How are they performed? Ignacio Sanz Martín / David García Baeza / Ramón Asensio 15:30 - 17:30 Aesthetic issues with implants, How do we deal with it? How to deal with aethetic complications in implant cases. Ueli Gründer Prevention, prognosis and treatment of peri-implant tissue recessions. Ion Zabalegui Rates 150 € (until December 15) 200 € (up to congress) 11 Specific program Orthodontists SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th Thursday 26 10:00 - 12:00 WORKSHOP Management of excitement and optimism in periods of change ‘Think different: what it really matters’. Emilio Duró Saturday 28 09:30 - 11:00 Orthodontotics-Periodontology 2015: Where do we go? Implant site development Domingo Martín Mucogingival and periodontal bone defects in the orthodontic treatment Giulio Rasperini 12:00 - 14:00 Coticotomies, evolution of the technique and long-term results M. Thomas Wilcko / Donald Ferguson 15:30 - 17:30 Aesthetic issues with implants, How do we deal with it? How to deal with aethetic complications in implant cases. Ueli Gründer Prevention, prognosis and treatment of peri-implant tissue recessions. Ion Zabalegu Rates SEDO Member, AESOR Member: 150 € (until December 15) 200 € (up to congress) 12 Program Preview SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 Dra. Carolina Mor. President of the Organising Committee. 5ª SEPA Higiene Bucodental. It is a great honor to be hosting the 5th SEPA Dental Hygiene Conference in Barcelona in February 27 & 28. 2015. It will be a high-quality scientific meeting, with up-to-date topics and prestigious speakers, and we have all worked hard to prepare major subjects for those involved in dental issues, and mainly from a clinical angle. I would highlight our update sessions on prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis, mucocutaneous diseases, and oral cancer, as well as management of child patients and a review of all diseases. We will also focus on the key role of the hygienist in the prevention and treatment of periodontitis and Peri-implantitis, plus the importance of proper clinical management, with special seminars held on these issues. This is the first SEPA Dental Hygiene Conference to be held in Barcelona, and that's why we are especially excited to present a programme which we can all identify with. When it's over, we will all remember it. It will be an in-depth two-day scientific meeting, complete with all that's new in the industry. You cannot miss it. 13 TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. 5th From february 26th to 28th Program Preview 5th SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th THURSDAY 26 10:00 - 12:00 WORKSHOP Management of excitement and optimism in periods of change ‘Think different: what it really matters’ Emilio Duró 12:00-14:00 SEPA General Assembly 15:00-19:30 WORKSHOP How to manage patient emotions Rosalía Larrey Gemma Martín 14 TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. Program Preview 5th SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th FRIDAY 27 09:00-17:30 PLATINUM-GOLD SPONSORS SESSION The microbiology of peri-implantitis Rubén León y Vanessa Blanc Peri-implant pathologies. Techniques and approaches in exploration and diagnosis Esteban Padulles New active ingredients in mouthwashes: how they work and what they achieve Elias Casals 11:00-12:00 ExpoPerio Coffee Break Prevention of peri-implantitis Reyes Jaramillo Oral health and nutrition: update on the scientific evidence Sol Archanco Maintenance and hygiene in implant treatments Raúl Minoves Complications in periodontal disease: new technology for preventing root decay Ignacio Sanz Sánchez 14:00-15:00 Luch Break 15 Interdental space: the key to treatment Ana Echeverría Program Preview 5th SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th PLATINUM-GOLD SPONSORS SESSION 09:00-17:30 Update on implant treatment for diabetic patients Jerónimo Rubio Roldán The importance of maintenance in periodontal patients and in implant treatments. Manual, rotational, or sonic toothbrush. What to recommend to patients? Ramón Lorenzo Vignau To be confirmed 16 17:30-18:30 ExpoPerio Coffee Break 18:30-20:00 SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOP Saving or extracting teeth. Periodontitis versus Peri-implantitis Explanation and resolution of special patients' clinical cases in our dental office 18:30-19:15 Predictability and stability of the treatments around teeth vs implants Giulio Rasperini Gerardo Gómez 19:15-20:00 Update in the prevention, detection and treatment of peri-implantitis Anton Sculean Program Preview 5th SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th SATURDAY 28 SYMPOSIUM 09:00-10:30 Oral Medicine 09:00-09:45 09:45-10:30 Mucocutaneous lesions. Identification and treatment guidelines Eduardo Chimenos Detection of oral cancer Ana Poveda 09:00-10:30 y 11:30-12:30 WORKSHOP* / Theory Importance of hygienic and periodontal instrumentation phases Paul Levi * 30€ (not included with registration). 10:30-11:30 17 ExpoPerio Coffee Break TEAM VISION: MORE PREVENTION, BETTER TREATMENTS AND BETTER HEALTH. Program Preview 5th SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM 11:30-13:45 Surgical Periodontal Treatment 11:30-12:15 12:15-13:00 13:00-13:45 Indications and benefits of periodontal resective surgery Gloria Calsina Indications and benefits of periodontal regenerative surgery Mariano Sanz Indications and benefits of periodontal mucogingival surgery Ion Zabalegui 14:00-15:30 ExpoPerio Lunch Break 15:30-17:45 SYMPOSIUM Recognition and response to different clinical situations 15:30-16:15 16:15-17:00 17:00-17:45 18 Managment of medically compromised patients Gerardo Gómez Management of child patients with periodontal disease Rosa Puigmal Overview of different periodontal clinical situations Blanca Paniagua SEPA BCN‘15 From february 26th to 28th 12:30-14:00 WORKSHOP* / Practical training Importance of hygienic and periodontal instrumentation phases Paul Levi Registration 5th SEPA BCN‘15 SEPA DENTAL HYGIENE CONFERENCE From June 17 to October 20 ✔ From february 26th to 28th From October 7 to December 15 From December 16 to February 13 At venue SEPA Hygienist and Auxiliary members, and AHIADEC associates 129 € 199 € 249 € 279 € Colleges and Societies with SEPA agreements 159 € 229 € 279 € 299 € Dental Hygiene students* 99 € 99 € 99 € 99 € Hygienists and auxiliaries non-members of SEPA 179 € 249 € 299 € 319 € *Student accreditation required ✔Register before October 20 and you will receive the following course free: SEPA/ESADE Workshop at SEPA BCN '15 How to manage the emotions of our patients? Rosalía Larrey y Gemma Martín Saturday February 28, 9.00h 14.00h Special group prices: 19 100 € valued · From 10 to 30 registrations, 10% discount on regular price. · Over 30 registrations, 12% discount on regular price. from february 26th to 28th 2015 Periodoncia para todos Patrocinadores Platino: Patrocinadores Oro:
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