Account Information Test Data Service

Account Information Test Data Service
SEPA Test & Migration Suite
SEPA test files for further processing in your systems (MT94X, DTI, CAMT)
The Account Information Test Data Service checks applications that currently process Commerzbank cash
management information for the changes that accompany SEPA payment transactions.
1. General
● Provision of electronic account statements and transaction data for existing accounts with
fictitious SEPA transactions to test further processing procedures in electronic banking systems and other systems (e.g. financial accounting)
● The format of the test data corresponds to the live cash
management information, i.e. balance, transactions, account statement and breakdown of
bulked payment transactions
● The test data consists of “classical” DTAUS and SWIFT-FIN
formats as well as ISO/XML formats (camt.05x)
● If required, data for virtual accounts and transactions with varying originators and recipients
can be created
● As all relevant types of SEPA transactions are mapped, transactions that are atypical for
your accounts may be included
● A range of account information files are possible:
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SWIFT MT940 (STA) files
SWIFT MT942 (VMK) files
SDD-DTI (payment information block, direct debits)
SCT-DTI (payment information block, credits)
ISO CAMT account information
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● Originator data is adapted to your Commerzbank accounts (enables realistic testing of fur-
ther processing)
● No need for adjustments to the test files
● No follow-up work after the introduction of SEPA
2. Details
● Agreement of the required account information types (MT940, MT942, SDD-DTI, SCT-DTI,
ISO CAMT) and the individual
master data of the test files (account holder, account number
and bank code)
● Address data is also additionally required for CAMT files (street, house number, postcode
and town/city)
● Provision of the required data as an archive in ZIP format
Format description
Archive content for the classical formats:
Formats MT940, MT942, DTI
Archive file
(account statements in MT940 format)
(transaction overview in MT942 format)
(breakdown of payment information block in DTA-DTI-SCT
(breakdown of payment information block in DTA-DTI-SDD
Archive content for ISO/XML formats:
ISO/XML formats CAMT.052/053/054
Archive file
2013-03-20-C52-<IBAN>-EUR-<lfd. Nr. 6stellig>.xml
(transaction overview in XML format camt.052; content
equivalent to MT942)
2013-03-20-C53-<IBAN>-EUR-<lfd. Nr. 6stellig>.xml
(account statement in XML format camt.053; content
equivalent to MT940)
2013-03-20-C54-<IBAN>-EUR-<lfd. Nr. 6stellig>.xml
(breakdown of payment information block in XML format
camt.054; content equivalent to DTA-DTI)
Corporate Banking | Account Information Test Data Service
Posting scenario
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A posting for each of the 22 SEPA transaction codes (GVC = Geschäftsvorfallcodes) set out
below is contained the test files. The following applies:
● The following special cases are only included subject to agreement:
Postings with virtual accounts
Postings with varying originators/recipients
● The bulked payment transactions for transaction codes 194 and 195 comprise three or two
single postings for each of which a DTI file exists in the test data
The following table shows all transactions supplied.
The names of the DTI files with the single postings for payment information blocks contain the
corresponding transaction codes:
● Transaction code 194
- file gvc194_Datum.dti
● Transaction code 195
- file gvc195_Datum.dti
Overview of the SEPA transactions contained in the test files:
Direct Debit (single posting – debit, B2B)
Direct Debit (single posting – debit, Core)
Direct Debit (debit; return debit, B2B)
Direct Debit (debit; return debit, Core)
Credit Transfer (single posting – debit)
Credit Transfer (single posting – debit, donation)
Credit Transfer (single posting – credit, wages credit, salary credit, pension credit)
SEPA Credit Transfer (single posting – credit, capital-forming payments)
Credit Transfer (single posting – credit, remittances of public treasuries)
Credit Transfer returns (credit) for undeliverable remittance (return remittance)
Credit Transfer (single posting – credit)
Credit Transfer (single posting – credit, donation)
SEPA Direct Debit presentation (single posting – credit, Core)
Direct Debit (single posting – credit, B2B)
Credit Transfer online (single posting – debit)
Direct Debit (credit; re-credit, Core)
SEPA Direct Debit (credit; re-credit, B2B)
Credit Transfer (payment information block – debit)
Direct Debit (payment information block – credit, Core)
Credit Transfer (payment information block – credit) breakdown of bulk posting into three single credit
postings in DTI file “gvc194_20.03.2013.dti”
Direct Debit (payment information block – debit, Core) breakdown of bulk posting into two single direct debit
postings in DTI file “gvc195_20.03.2013.dti”
Direct Debit (payment information block – credit, B2B)
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Format variantes
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If required, the test data may be produced with virtual accounts and/or varying
originators or recipients.
Virtual accounts are mapped as follows:
Classical formats
Formats MT940 (STA) and MT942 (VMK) can contain
virtual accounts in field 86 in sub-fields 10 (key ?70,
followed by the name of the account holder) and
11 (key ?71, followed by VKTO (virtual account) and
BLZ (bank code).
ISO/XML formats
In CAMT.053 (C53) in sections
<Ntry> .. <RltdPties> .. <Dbtr> and <Cdtr>
For example:
<Dbtr><Nm>MUSTERMANN VIRT</Nm></Dbtr>
<Cdtr><Nm>VIRT TESTKONTO</Nm></Cdtr>
Varying originators/recipients are mapped as follows:
Classical formats
Formats MT940 (STA) and MT942 (VMK) may contain
varying originators/recipients in field 86 in the sub-fields
with keys ?20 to ?29, whereby ABWA+ denotes a varying
originator, and ABWE+ a varying recipient.
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In CAMT.053 (C53) in sections
<UltmtDbtr> (varying originator) and
<UltmtCdtr> (varying recipient)
For example:
<Nm>Test Miete</Nm>
3. Liability
The bank shall be liable for acts for which it is at fault. If the customer has contributed to the occurrence of a loss through
acts for which the customer is at fault, the principles of contributory negligence shall be used to determine the extent
to which the bank and the customer shall each bear the loss. Any damage claims by the customer shall be limited to the
amount of 1 million Euro. Any claims for consequential damage shall be limited to a maximum of 12,500 Euro. These
limitations of the amount recoverable in liability claims shall not apply in the event of wilful conduct or gross negligence
on the part of the bank.
Components of the Commerzbank SEPA Test & Migration Suite
● IBAN Master Data Service
Converts your account number and bank code master data into IBAN and BIC for nine countries
● Account Validation Service
Checks the master data of your business partners who have a Commerzbank account
● Account Information Test Data Service
SEPA test files for further processing in your systems (MT94X, DTI, CAMT)
● Format Checking Service
Tests your SEPA files (PAIN.001, PAIN.008)
● DTAUS Conversion Service of ComTS (credits and direct debits)
Converts DTAUS files to SEPA
● DTAUS Conversion Simulation Service
Checks your existing payment transactions for SEPA compatibility