Why are these people smiling? The Bulletin—June 2014 BGH Auxiliary President’s Report BGH Auxiliary volunteers at the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards ceremony held on May 7, 2014 at Alhambra Hall in Belleville: (From left to right) Sylvia Brewster 5 years, Michelle Plewes 5 years, Dorothy Manjuris 5 years, Helen Robb 5 years (Front) Violet Watkins 15 years. Recipient not pictured: Gail Rollins, BGHA 20 years Opportunity Shop Hours Until the end of June: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Belleville General Hospital Auxiliary is now into its 76th Year, and I think we can all give ourselves a little pat on the back for the wonderful windup to our 75th Anniversary of "Time Well Spent". The contribution of $100,000 to the Maternal Child Care Project (see picture above) was a grand way to end the year and thanks go to Selma Bochnek, her team and to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this possible. Congratulations to one and all! So, now that winter is behind us (hopefully), we can look forward to Spring with all the wonderful things associated with that season, being outdoors, gardening, barbecues, enjoying the weather and selling raffle tickets! I think most of you are aware of the Beat the Pump raffle which is doing very well. Bernice Ryan has been working tirelessly along with other volunteers to make this a great success as well. There have been further changes in the hospital - the new Perioperative Department opened in April resulting in changes to how patients are registered, etc. and so far things seem to be running smoothly - kudos to Sharon Ostman and her volunteers. Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Thanks also to Catherine Walker and QHC for the goodies and treats throughout Volunteer Week. It is always nice to be appreciated and the Auxilians enjoyed not only the postcards but the many positive comments from various members of the hospital staff. Located at: Market Square (behind City Hall on south side) Belleville Phone: 613 962 5115 Tom Vandusen receives a ‘random act of volunteer appreciation’ from CEO Mary Clare Egberts and QHC Board Chair Steve Blakely in response to a letter Tom wrote to them saying he enjoys selling HELPP Lottery tickets for the BGHA. In this edition of the Bulletin: Auxiliary In-Hospital Services Retail Reports & HELPP Report Awards & Strawberry Social Auxiliary Kudos A Message from Catherine Walker Welcome New Volunteers! Wash Your Hands! Look Who is in Vital Signs Draft March General Meeting Minutes Ont. Volunteer Service Awards Opportunity Shop Hours Continue on page 7…. Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Doreen Cook, convenor of the Opportunity Shop, told the membership that there was a great need for children's clothing and to ask their children, grandchildren, etc. for any donations they might have. The President reminded the membership that there are donation boxes in the Volunteer Lounge. The 2nd quarterly meeting was held on May 7 with 16 Convenors present. The following information was shared: 1. OBSP shifts are now filled with the addition of a new volunteer. 2. Oncology now has Hilda Dean and Anne Morrison as new co-convenors. 3. Cuddle Caps 481 caps knit between Jan. and April representing 1,510 knitting hours. 4. Day Surgery Ambassadors adapted quickly to the new OR changes and are coping well with the construction around them. Ten volunteers continue to provide assistance to all who arrive on Q1. 5. Emergency Ambassadors - the number of volunteers continue to grow, some shifts still available. The staff appreciate the assistance of the many volunteers. 6. Family Care Rooms are moving again! Due to changes on Q5/6 the new rooms will be located on Q4—Q406 and Q408. The hospital will assist with the changeover. 7. Good Samaritan/Bereavement—the use of the supplies in our cupboard is moving along steadily— a butterfly will appear on the patient door if the family has suffered a loss. 8. Information—all shifts are covered but spares are needed and would be used on a regular basis. Thank you Roberta and Lucas. 9. Library Cart—thank you to ALL for the donations of books/magazines. There are only two volunteers and a third would be very much appreciated. 10. Maternity—this service continues Monday to Friday all year round. We have a Co-Op student with us until the end of June, assisting with coverage as necessary 11. Maternity Tour Guide—3 to 5 couples participate in the service which is held once a month. 12. Q4 Volunteer—thank you Dorelle who assists with information every Thursday. 13. Sundry Cart—the volunteers continue to provide this service on a weekly basis on the Quinte and Sills Wings. 14. Therapy Dogs—the therapy dog program continues to grow with the addition of another St. John therapy dog team. Charlie Brown, a seven year old Golden Retriever, visits with his “mom” Brenda Sutherland, a retired BGH employee. We now have six therapy dogs in the hospital on a weekly basis: Children’s Treatment Centre, Quinte 4 and 5, Sills 3, 4 and 5. These four-legged volunteers and their handlers bring joy to everyone they encounter, not only the patients. IT’S A GREAT PROGRAM IN ITS 20th YEAR AT BGH! 15. Foot Care Service continues to flourish on Sills 3 and 4 once a month providing a worthwhile service to all patients who are in need. 16. Volunteer Administrative Assistant—this service is provided Monday to Friday delivering doctors’ mail and collecting print articles concerning QHC. Continue on page 7... Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Nominating Committee – Nancy Dafoe attached. Nancy just added that these positions did need to be filled as soon as possible, particularly on the Board but that various convenors were needed as well, particularly Archives, Governance and Social. Special Events – President Jane Batey mentioned once again the status of the Golf Tournament depended on finding people to volunteer to Chair the committee as well as convenors of the various sections, i.e. gifts, sponsors, registration, etc. MOTION: Moved by Shirley Noble and seconded by Bernice Ryan that all reports be accepted as presented. CARRIED QHC Volunteer and Spiritual Care Liaison – Catherine Walker - Referred to the government initiative with respect to access etc., to persons with disabilities. Adjournment – Moved by Barbara Waugh that the meeting adjourn Grace Grace was said by Angela Ford. Lunch Guest Speaker - In lieu of a guest speaker, Catherine Walker, presented a video called "Give Em The Pickle" - quite a humourous take on service. It certainly was enjoyed by all and did have points that pertained to volunteerism as well as the retail sector. A good chuckle all around. _______________________ Jane Batey, President Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 ________________________ Jane Batey, Acting Recording Secretary [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca BELLEVILLE GENERAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GENERAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2014 ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH CORRIDOR CAFÉ: Café hours are 8 AM until 6 PM Monday to Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Business as usual, busy days and slow days. There are a few new volunteers, however the Café needs more volunteers. A convenor is also needed. Draft Minutes of the Meeting President Jane Batey welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. AROMA CAFÉ: Convenor needed. Business is steady. More volunteers are needed. There was a quorum and there was no conflict of interest. HELPP LOTTERY: Convenor is needed. A new volunteer has started on Friday. The meeting opened with the saying of the Auxiliary Prayer. GIFT SHOP: Business doing well. Sufficient staff available at the moment. The Bake Sale held on April 18 made $535. More auxiliary members contributing both time and talent would have been appreciated. Thank you to the volunteers who did contribute their time, talent and money. MINUTES: On motion made by Marlene Corfield and seconded by Doreen Cook, the minutes of the meeting held on December 17, 2013, as shown in the Bulletin, were approved. CARRIED Business from previous meeting - Nil Correspondence Secretary – Bernice Ryan gave an oral report. She also spoke at this time of the new "Beat the Pump" raffle and asked for volunteers to help sell tickets. President’s Report – Attached in Bulletin. The President only added that there was no further news on changes within the hospital and that there was not likely to be until sometime in the Fall of 2014. She would try to keep the membership informed. CORNER STORE: Business steady. The books continue to be popular. Customers are buying the books as gifts for patients and for themselves. All staff have returned from the south, therefore all shifts are filled from 10 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday and an adult volunteers every other Sunday. Two or three more student volunteers would be welcome. OPPORTUNITY SHOP: Business doing well. Shop has two new ladies to volunteer. NEW SERVICE: Coffee Cart: This service has been approved by QHC management and BGH Auxiliary Board and will begin May 12. To start there will be a morning shift 8 AM to 11 AM. And two volunteers will work together. The Cart will visit the waiting rooms in Emergency, ICU, Day Surgery and clinic areas. The cart will carry coffee, tea, milk, muffins, breads, cookies and crackers. When more volunteers are available we will introduce an afternoon shift. Convenor is Judy Belnap with Shirley Noble as backup person. Many thanks to the volunteers who offered to serve on this new venture. Treasurer’s Report – Barbara Waugh presented the financial statements and budget, as attached, for the upcoming year. There were a few questions of a general nature from the floor. One motion made by Barbara Waugh and seconded by Jane Batey. CARRIED DIRECTORS’ REPORTS In-Hospital Services – Sharon Ostman (attached). Sharon also gave a short verbal report. Retail Services – Attached. Mary Jo voiced some concern about the drop in revenue from some of the retail services. Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Director of Retail Services Mary Jo Fortin HELPP LOTTERY PROCEEDS IN 2013 WENT TO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT FOR VARIOUS UNITS WITHIN BGH.... FEEDING PUMPS X 4, WHEELCHAIR, BARIATRIC WALKER, 2 WAVERLY GLENN LIFT SLINGS, MAYO STAND, 3 PUMPS FOR INHALATION TREATMENT AND 2 PULSE OXYMETERS. THE COST FOR THESE PURCHASES WAS AROUND $5100.00 THANK YOU STAFF, VOLUNTEERS, VISITORS AND PATIENTS FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE IN 2014 HELPP LOTTERY HAS COMMITTED TO PURCHASING ‐ 11 POCKET TALKERS WHICH ARE A PORTABLE HAND‐HELD DEVICE THAT ARE USED TO AMPLIFY A PERSON'S VOICE ‐ THEY ARE USED FOR THE PATIENT THAT IS HARD OF HEARING OR NEARLY DEAF. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR AROUND $3600.00 TIME WELL SPENT ‐ THANK YOU ALL HELPP LOTTERY VOLUNTEERS FOR SELLING THESE WORTHWHILE TICKETS TO HELP PURCHASE MUCH NEEDED EQUIPMENT FOR BELLEVILLE GENERAL. HELPP Convenor Leah Johnson Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca BGHA YEARS OF SERVICE PINS 2014 MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING AND AN ACTIVE VOLUNTEER QUALIFY FOR SERVICE PINS. none Outstanding Service Awards & Life Memberships announced at the mee ng Any errors or omissions Maureen Burke Anna Byrne Nancy Clarey Pauline Foster Marilyn Guay Vera Jordan Helen Klein Ana McCaw Rosemary Rutledge Anita Towill Mildred Trumble (2006) updated Mona Tummon‐Lyon LEAH JOHNSON Awards Chairperson 613 968‐9479 [email protected] Linda Cook Leah Johnson Patricia Norton Marilyn Wright 15 YEAR PIN – Started 1999 Valerie Carr Doreen Frederick Awards/Strawberry Social/General Mee ng Louise Kouri Sharon Ostman Anthea Savidge 20 YEAR PIN – Started 1994 John Gosson Leona Gosson Alma Tosh Joan Van Norman Gloria‐Jean Williams 25 YEAR PIN – Started 1989 Mary Bould Joan Cassidy 30 YEAR PIN – Started 1984 The Vital Signs can be picked up in various areas around the hospital including the volunteer office, or you can check it out online at www.qhc.on.ca . please contact 10 YEAR PIN – Started 2004 Marilyn Allan Nancy Dafoe Doreen Johnstone Diane Kort Sara Marino Sandra Rychman Don’t miss the special volunteer week edition of QHC’s Vital Signs April newsletter! Volunteers with all four Auxiliaries supporting QHC hospitals are featured including a picture of our very own “Super Heroes” Liz St. Pierre, Louise Kouri and Tom Vandusen. (Over 45 years – every 5 years awarded) 50 YEARS – Started 1966 55 YEARS – Started 1959 60 YEARS – Started 1954 5 YEAR PIN – Started 2009 Judy Belnap Lois Garrison Irene Mitobe Bernice Ryan LONG TERM SERVICE PINS Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 Time: 12:00 noon St. Ma hew's United Church 25 Holloway St. Belleville, Ontario Florence Fyfe Word of mouth is one of the best ways to recruit new volunteers! We invite all Auxiliary members to ‘pass it on’ to family and friends! Volunteer Orientation Session! Held the last Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm. RSVP by calling the volunteer office at 613-9697400 extension 2297. Volunteer Orientation can now be started online as well. Visit the volunteer section at www.qhc.on.ca. 35 YEAR PIN – Started 1979 40 YEAR PIN – Started 1974 45 YEAR PIN – Started 1969 none Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Welcome to BGHA Volunteers Adults: Patricia Chapman, Karen Colmenares, Babak Katiraee, Renata Sumner, Bill Waugh and Helen White Welcome Back: Elizabeth Stapley Student: Tia Svoboda Adult Students: Tristan Hadley, Haris Imsirovic, Simone Kroes Volunteers (start left side) Grace Grills, Hilda Dean, Jean Capstick, Linda McPherson, Shirley Noble and Ken Capstick on Easter Sunday delivering gifts to the patients in the hospital. A big thank you is extended to Jean Capstick. On April 1st the new Resource materials for Oncology were officially handed over to the volunteers and staff, thanks to the generosity of the BGHA Auxiliary. Pictured at this special event were (start left side) back Joanne Petrie– Convenor, John Petrie, Anne Morrison, Sharon Ostman—BGHA Director of In-Services, (front) Natalie Hart, Hilda Dean, Jane Palmateer and Marilyn Wright. Thanks to Margie Burness for her assistance. A special thank you to Joanne and her husband John for their continued support of the Oncology Dept. Thank you to the BGH Auxiliary volunteers that helped during Hand Hygiene Day on May 5th! You are a valued part of our team! Follow the bouncing ball…. and join BGH’s staff - Dan and Jay as they provided musical entertainment in the Sills Wing as part of the Easter festivities for patients, family, friends, volunteers and patients. From QHC’s Infection Control Department. Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca A Message from Catherine Walker Volunteer & Spiritual Care Liaison Communications, Quinte Health Care Most people are well aware of the fact that the hospital has strict privacy requirements when it comes to patient information. In order to make sure we are doing our best to protect patient information, I’ve worked with the Auxiliary in minimizing the distribution of the patient lists and eventually we will be phasing out paper lists completely. The information desk volunteers will eventually have access to a computer that they can look up a patient name if they wish and receive the room number to provide that information to visitors. Volunteers in other areas are asked to contact switchboard to inquire about a room number if a visitor is trying to locate a patient. If anyone has questions or concerns, please come see me, call or email. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our Spring General Meeting on June 17th. This is our annual Award Luncheon wherein we have a chance to honour our volunteers not only those receiving anniversary awards but also those who have contributed outstanding and special services to the Auxiliary. "SAVE THE DATE - JUNE 17, 2014" and come out and salute your fellow volunteers, enjoy good company and share a meal. See you there! As we move forward into our 76th year we will face new challenges. We need more volunteers to help out in all of our services - so if you know of anyone who might be interested, please have them get in touch with the office or let them know we are available online. New and potential volunteers are welcome to attend the Intake Sessions on the last Wednesday of every month. A quick call to Pat or to the office will take care of the registration. All the best to everyone, again my thanks for all you do and we'll see you in June! Also, if you volunteer in the hospital, you may find the following information helpful (I know I did)! I give directions several times a day when I’m working in my office in Belleville as it’s located at the corner of WCA and Hastings 2. I was still confused about where to send people coming in for various procedures to ensure they are properly registered. I asked the coordinator of patient registration if she could kindly demystify that for me. She send me the following information: When an individual asks for directions to registration, feel free to politely inquire about what procedure they are here to have in order to determine where they register. Registered in Hastings 3 Patient Registration Same Day Surgery Endoscopy Clinics – pediatrics, fracture, pediatric gastro, cystoscopy Direct Admissions The following procedures DO Not Register at Hastings 3 and should be told they can register when they arrive in the area and provide them directions: X-ray – ultrasounds, mammography, PICC line insertions Cardiopulmonary – pulmonary function, ECG’s Lab Nuclear Medicine Pre-op – patients will often have a yellow “request for surgery” form – they should be sent to the diagnostic area Maternity patients – direct to Q7 Medical Day Clinic Oncology ER Mental Health Clinic Physician office appointments – WCA 3 – Dr. Steintz, Dr. Grant, Dr. Cleminson and Quinte 4 – Dr. Yee President Jane Batey 17. Recreational Therapy Sills—The volunteers on Sills 5 continue to play an essential role on the unit. They provide so much support to Recreation Therapy. The volunteers (Angela Ford, Heather Rutledge, and Kim Hodges) each volunteer one morning per week and assist with exercise, creative arts, cooking, games, special event luncheons, outings to the café, and much more. Pet therapy with Petra and “Muffy” continues to be very popular with the patients as they now visit 2 to 3 times weekly. I appreciate each volunteer’s continuous commitment and support. Thank you! I would like to thank the Auxiliary for the generous donation of an X Box video game and Karaoke machine for Sills 3, 4, and 5. The patients have thoroughly enjoyed the equipment. And, thank you to the Auxiliary for the ongoing financial support for recreation supplies which certainly enriches the Recreation Therapy program. Margot McIntosh, Recreation Therapist The volunteer program continues to thrive on Sills 3 and 4 with volunteers coming in 6 days a week. On a daily basis, Sills 3 and 4 volunteers assist in the delivery of Recreation Therapy programs, provide much needed one to one companionship, as well as assist with meal set-up in the dining room. Over the last few months volunteers have been coming in on Monday evenings and Saturday afternoons to assist patients with setting up their meals in the dining room. The staff have reported that it has been a huge success having the volunteers to assist with the supper program throughout the week. Another new initiative has been volunteers helping to bring patients to the various therapy times which have also been beneficial for patients and staff. Volunteers continue to play a vital role on the unit and we can’t thank them enough. Jay Moxness, Recreation Therapist I thank all convenors and volunteers who participate in all services on a regular, weekly basis. Your time, care, and compassion is so appreciated! Director of In-Hospital Services Sharon Ostman Thank you so much for all you do!!! Have a wonderful summer. Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca Contact: (613)969-7400 ext. 2297 [email protected] www.qhc.on.ca
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