Sensitization Workshop on Administrative Responsibilities for the Implementation of Societal Research Fellowship (SoRF)-DST/NASI Date & Venue: March 21, 2014 at the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI), Allahabad Tentative Programme Registration (8:30am to 10:00 am) Opening Session (10:00am to 11:30a.m) Welcome :Prof. U. C. Srivastava General Secretary, HQ, NASI Floral Welcome & lighting of lamp About the scheme : Dr. Jyoti Sharma Principal Scientific Officer, SEED Division DST, New Delhi Address by Guest of Honour :Dr. Prasad Raju Scientist ‘G’/ Adviser & Head Tech Mission Cell: Water & Solar Energy DST, New Delhi Inaugural Address :Prof. (Mrs.) Manju Sharma Distinguished Woman Scientist Chair, NASI & Former Secretary to the Govt. of India Felicitation of the Guests Vote of Thanks :Ms Archna Pant SRF, IASc-NASI Rapporteurs: Dr. Pavitra Tandon, AES, NASI & Dr. Sharda Sundaram Sanjay, Associate Prof. Dept of Chemistry, E.C.C, Allahabad Tea-Break (11:30am to 12 noon) Page 1 of 2 Sensitization Program (12 noon to 1:30 pm) Chairman : Prof. Krishna Misra NASI Senior Scientist Interactive Lecture : Prof. Paramjit Khurana Department of Plant Molecular Biology University of Delhi, South Campus Interactive Lecture Interactive Lecture Vote of Thanks : Prof. Rama Bhargava Dept of Mathematics, IIT, Roorkee : Dr. K.P.Singh Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad : Dr. Santosh Shukla, AES, NASI Rapporteurs: Dr. Manisha Tripathi, Astt Prof, Dept of Zoology, ISDC, Allahabad Anushree Tripathi, Div of Bioinformatics, IIIT, Allahabad & Ms. Lunch- Break (1:30 pm to 2.15 pm) Discussion & Interaction (2:15 pm to 3:45 pm) Chairman Co- chair Coordinators : Prof. Paramjit Khurana : Prof. Krishna Misra : Dr. Niraj Kumar, Executive Secretary, NASI Ms. Archna Pant (To be attended by: Dr. Suchitra Banerjee, Chief Scientist, Plant Biotechnology Division, CSIRCIMAP, Lucknow, Prof. Kavita Shah, Dept of Environment & Sustainable Development, IESD, BHU, Varanasi, Prof. Madhulika Agarwal, Dept of Botany, BHU, Varanasi, Prof. Pramod W Ramteke, Dean, Post Graduate Studies, SHIATS (formerly Allahabad Agricultural InstituteDeemed University), Allahabad ,Prof. Shivesh Pratap Singh , Dept of Zoology, P. G. College, Satna, Dr. Rashmi Singh, Associate Prof., Dept of Zoology, P. G. College, Satna; and all the participants) Rapporteurs: Dr. Rupali Sethi, Guest Faculty, Dept of Chemistry, University of Allahabad & Dr. Dr. Richa Tandon, Astt Prof, Dept of Botany, ISDC, Allahabad Tea- Break (3:45 pm to 4:00 pm) Concluding Session (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) Chairman Co- chair Coordinators : Prof. (Mrs.) Manju Sharma : Dr. Prasad Raju : Dr. Niraj Kumar Dr. Jyoti Sharma Rapporteurs: Dr. A.F. Rizvi, Woman Scientist, IASc & Dr. Archana Pandey, Associate Prof. Dept of Chemistry, C. M.P. Deg College, Allahabad Page 2 of 2
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