SCBOOLETS I W M T A * Gill of Dover, Vacation School dirI f e Butt-Hart of "Dover- will^-^>^%^^^^^^^^M^^&. ector for the, M t Olive Larger iParr_ ect a .group of singers from the ish. A meeting for Sunday School Pleasant Grove and Chester Federand Vacation School; teachers was ated Churches next Sunday night at Announcements for; Sunday, Jury iheld^id^mornfiD^iand-rp^ans^were the local church service at 7:30 p. 21, 1935. Sunday SdKKJ, 10 o'clock. discussed for carrying-over into the m. Everybody is welcome. No adLesson, "David."' Homer Mackey, Sunday School the lessons learned mission charge. superintendent Evening worship, during- the two weeks' period. Those j Tuesday, July 30th, has been set :T:30j>._m,.Christian Endeavor, 8:30 who attended included Mrs. Samuel [as the date for the annual Sunday : daughter, Ethel, were at! their sum-JHouck and Mrs. Anna Day of New- p. m. Topic, "Keeping One's Word.'' Gill, Jean Hardy, - Alma Hoffman, j School picnic. mer home for the week-end. lark apeak Tuesday with Mrs. Simon The Vacation School closed Friday,! Helen P^rrine, Mrs. George Zellers,! Mr. James O. Boone is training a July 12th, after a two-weeks' pro- Mrs. George Simpson and the Rev. J community chorus which meets each Mr. and Mrs. Archer, Bachman and Mr. and Mrs. John Ditmas, Jr., of Ayers, Mrs. Burton Van Ness [ week on Thursday night. The meetcncnpanied them, to her home in gram: supervised" by Mrs. Samuel.] G. L. Winn. ..tamily of East Orange are at the- Indian Lake, spent Sunday evening Newark after spending several-days at the home of Mr. Ditmas' parents; Hance homestead which Mr. Bachwith her mother, Mrs. Ayers. man recently purchased. They will Mr. and Mrs. John Ditmas. Mrs. Lillian Burrows of BloomM5£s "Julia Selvage and her remain here for the summer, nephew, Roger Selvage, were callfield is visiting Mrs. A. C HowelL Mrs. Arthur Heiser of Easton ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. o spent Thursday with her family. George Guttridge on Thursday eveAlan Van Kirk of Dover has conL0N6VAILET. cluded a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B k h - ning. o ard Blau a i d family. Miss Mary Neighbour and Mr. and O. H. Hardin and son, Richard, Mrs. Edison J. Neighbour have reDRAKSTOWN •spent a day recently with Mrs. R. turned from spending a few days Fauteck and family at Ridgefield Mr. and Mrs. Anson Leary and with their brother-in-law and sis-_4SHi** Park. ter, the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas SimMr. and Mrs. Arthur Hehnes of sons ot^Westport, Conn-, were week- aton, at Pleasantville. : Pleasant Grove spent Sunday after- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Miss Helen Coursen of Branchnon with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nunn. T, Thomas. •m ville, spent the week-end with her Mr. and Mrs. Tileston and famGuests on Tuesday of Mr: and mother, Mrs. Dora Coursen. Mrs. H. W. Hendershot were Mr. ily have returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmitt, of and Mrs. Charles Cramer of Alia- New York City after visiting Mr. Wharton, spent Sunday with their muchy; Mrs. Carrie Hendershot of and Mrs. Charles Owens at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ap\ Johnsonburg and Mr. and Mrs. summer cottage here. gar. Miss Emily Thomas is *atriT>g a James Rogers of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Seals, of Dovtrip to Alaska. She will be away all Miss Dora Nunn accompanied the er, and* Mrs. Wesley Munger of St. this month. Misses Mary Pool, Adeline Strand The church fair and supper will Augustine, Fla~, have ended a visit The soapiest short-cat bookkeeping method ever sweated. and Evelyn Sergent of Hackettstown with their sister, Miss Lydia Thomon a. ttfe to Bridgeport, Coni, over] ^ h e l d Wednesday, .July 24. Sran&Bed to the last degree. Cats bookkeeping time oneas. t t h e week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George N. McLean half to one-third. Mistakes are almost impossible for this VIENNA. Mrs. Richard Blau has recovered! had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. system "checks" itsetf. Designed to fit yoar fine of busifrom her recent illness. Relatives and friends joined in Graham of Tampa, Fla.. Mrs. Anna ~ Mrs. Arthur Hance spent the ness, large or smalt giving a surprise birthday party on Freeman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. week-end' with her son-in-law and Sunday to Mr. Simon Ayers in hon- Alonzo Freeman of Boonton. ..daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. George A. Diehl of or of his eighty-second birthday. The THE EASIEST WAY TO COaWLY WITH U. S. Linker at Manhasset, L. L following sons and daughters and Berkley Heights spent the week-end Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Price and with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Plus 10c State Tax INCOME TAX AND STATE SALES TAX LAWS daughter" of Washington spent M o n - i * * ^ were P™^** * £ ' ^ *Jf' Charles Hall. day at the Heath and Price home. = » » * " » of Hackettstown ^Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Farre! and Mrs. Burton Van Ness of Newj ark; Mr. and Mrs. John Tims ana day of East Orange, and Mrs. Ollie 1 CHURCH NOTES daughter, Lillian; Mr. and Mrs. Morrison of Springfield, have ended Sunday, 9:30 a m. Sunday School'j Howard Tims of West Orange; Mrs. a visit with Mrs. Alice Fields and classes for all ages. iLeroy Titus and son, Gilbert; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Fields. 10:30 a. m., morning worship. 8. Customers ledger, indexed. Extra sheets free l . Complete income and out-go record for one J Charles Van Ness of Long Island; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rockefeller and daughter, of Dover, and Mr. and | Arthur Van Ness, Miss Helen Black0 year. on request [burn and aunt of Bloomfield, and Mrs. Gilbert Ader of Peapack, have 9. Inventory record. Extra sheets free on re2. Yearly recapitulation of weekly records. SCHOOLEYS MOUNTAIN ! Miss Lydia Van Ness and sister, ended a visit with their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ader. f Guests at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. Annie Thompson of Brookside. quest 3. Monthly expense analyses record. Mrs. Earl Ayers and daughter, Mrs. George Apgar for the week- A dinner was served at noon and oc4. Monthly expense figare sheets. 10. Free advisory service. end were Mr. and Mrs. Wendell cupying a prominent place on the Miss Ethel Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. William Schenawolf and family of Kenj dinner table was the large birthday -Cristie of Hollis, Long Island; Mrs. 5. Ittsarance record. H> Seven rales for saccessraretanmg. Andrew Brown and daughter, Ruth, cake with eighty-two light- vilL spent the week-end at River-:l! wood Beach, Martins Creek, Pa. 12. How to figure profit 6. Notes receivable record. of Bogota: Miss Ruth is going to ed candles. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers reMiss Jayne Lay and James Lay of ceived other guests during the afterspend the summer at the Apgar best Nutley are spending several weeks 7. Notes payable record. 3 3 . Your own state tax record. home; Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Olsen and noon who came with their at Rocky Run Farm, with Miss Gertheir twin daughters, Marilyn and! wishes in honor of the day. trude Kline. Lois of Bogota; Mrs. Olsen and| The local churches have appointed Mr. and Mrs. Ervirt Ader and Robdaughter will spend the summer at' a committee to arrange the date l_ of the the Union Sunday School picnic ert Ayers have returned from a visit HACKETTSTOWN GAZETTE the Apgar home; Mr. and Mrs. Irv- ' of *ng Browne of New York also spent and they are as follows: John Bal- with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ader at 168 Main Street, Hackettstown, N. J. AND MAIL TO THE the week-end at the Gtenwood Cot- moos, Clyde Stidworthy, Mrs. Isaac Calif on. Mrs. Emma Germer of Hammond, Wheeler, George Criger and Miss Please check tage. j Ind., who has concluded a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Larrison of Gussie Deats. Miss Alice Henderson of Jersey! Miss Marie Porsch, is visiting her I will pay $££• pins fax for a ledger on delivery~Wn»ndtiar" spent Sunday at the home City has been spending a couple of j sister, at Long Island, before ^return- of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rice. I wish farther information about the ledger Miss Lucille Ward of Trenton was weeks with her grandparents, Mr. j ing home, i Mr. and Mrs. Anson T. Leary and , at the home of her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. .'Henderson. Name 168 MAW STREET, HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. Miss/Ruth* WilEams entertained at sons of Westport, Conn., and Mr. Mrs. Robert Ward for fee week-end. Address ^Mrs. Alice King of Hackettstown a benefit bridge party at her home and Mrs. Frank Hankinson and Mr. on Thursday afternoon for the Beland Mrs. Arthur G. Boettiger of spent Monday at the home of Mrs. videre White Shrine. t Hackettstown have concluded a visit .Alice Mackey. I with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Applegate. Miss Jean Roafiffs of Newark has ^Mrs. Mabel Naughright of Madison Funeral services for Harry Ader been spending a couple of"-" weeks -was visiting her parents, Mr. and with her grandfather. Andrew Bar[ was held Wednesday afternoon in "Mrs. W. Searles this week e , tow. i t h Presbyterian Church, the Rev. I f c . and Mrs. Abraham Ditmas Miss Doris Linaberry has been a Frank E. DePue and the Rev. G. B. and son of Pleasantville and Miss - Caroline Ditmas of Atlantic CityJj guest this week of her sister-in-law, Schultz, officiating. Mr. Ader died Sunday night after a lingering illspent the week-end with their par- Mrs. Clyde Linaberry of Rahway. ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ditmas. The Warren - County Epworth ness. He was the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharp and'League picnic will be held tomor- and spent his entire life in Long family spent the week-end on the row on the Methodist Parish House Valley. He is survived by two sons, Mrs. Morris Ader and he was born grounds. Mountain. Lawrence and Howard Ader, of Mrs. Floyd Pitt. Mrs. John Bartow Miss Ruth Mackey called at the Newark, two grandchildren, Harold and Mrs. Archie Skinner were borne of Mr. and Mrs. George Gutand Florence Ader of Elizabeth, two guests on Wednesday of Mrs. tridge on Sunday. sisters, Mrs. John Nunn of Long Francis Pitt of Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horner of East Valley,Mrs. Alvah Bulmer of Union, The Rev. Bell, will exchange pulOrange and Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. N. J., three brothers, Holaway Ader pits on Sunday evening with the Weiner of Chatham spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Rev. Wright, pastor of the M. E. of Bartley, William Ader of Eastern, and Bert Ader, and his father, MorChurch at Buttzville. "K. Laird. ris Ader of Long Valley. Interment Mrs. Edna Huff. Mrs. Margaret Mr. Henry J. Henschkel and pin Naughright Union Cemetery. o WaSSBF" RJY H HAcmrsrow > Bp Keeping 'Accurate ^—BOOKKEEPING MADE EASY WEEKLY PidOME RECORD ONLY HERE'S WHAT YOU GET IN ONE COMPLEIE LEDGER FILL IN THIS COUPON HaekettstowH Gazette TODAY! PORT MURRAY. . SURE«DEBTS AND By creating a l i f e Insurance Trust you can provide your executor with ready cash to pay the inevitable estate taxes and debts. Unless money for such purposes is available it may be necessary to sacrifice assets of the estate at a forced sale—when, by holding them for a time, better prices might be obtained. A l i f e Insurance Trust it therefore of great value in imrmniring J We shall be glad t o consult with you on tfaii and other phrnci of our trust service. MORRISTOWN TBUST COMPANY \ MOMlSTOWJt, N . J . Mrs. Harry Tenny and Mrs. Samuel Perry spent Tuesday in Easton. J. W. Hummer of South Orange is spending two weeks with his brother, Daniel Hummer. Mrs. Evelyn Marlatt is visiting her children in PhiHipsburg and Easton. The M. E. Sunday School will hold its picnic July 24 at Butler Park. The firemen were called out on Monday morning at 2 o'clock to the home of Harry Johnson of the Mt» Bethel road. The house was completely destroyed. The cause of the fire was unknown, as there was no one at heme at the time. Mrs. Munn and daughter, Emma, and some other friends of Arlington are spending two weeks at their summer home: here. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Apgar spent Sunday in High Bridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Cravat. Mrs. EUa Groover who has been spending some time in Washington, is at her home here for a couple of weeks before returning. Mrs. Gustave Sauck is in at her htwnft. There were twenty-five guests at the Sauck boarding house over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Connelly e n tertained relatives from Lyndhurst on Sunday; The car is yours... the sheets and highways, loo... we vrant you to drive THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT Your Chevrolet dealer is hostl You axe Ins invited gnestl Invited to drew the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet without any obligation! Try tins new Chevrolet in traffic, on die hHb, on the straightaway, and learn how i fimr k k than any other low-priced carl And now much more satisfied you'll be to own car in the lowest price range with a beautifully styled Body by Fisher, solid steel Turret-Top construction, and the famous gliding Knee-Action Bide! Come drive the Master D© Line Chevrolet. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROTTV MICH. GMJk.C ttrm*. A Gmtni Motor* Vdm CHEVROLET x' T h o m a s Motors 114 Main Street HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. :A -^^-\-~srK2-:
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