Australian Packaging Convenant Action Plan 2014 -2019 3/12/2013 Company Profile BKK Australia Pty Ltd is a leading importer and distributor of authentic Asian food products with an annual turnover of ~$30M. Established in 1980, BKK was the first Australian company to import genuine Thai Jasmine Rice into Australia. BKK has continued to source exotic and authentic food and beverage products from the world, for retail, food service and commercial markets. These products include rice, flour, oil, curry pastes, sauces, canned foods, coconut milk, seasonings, noodles, drinks, coffee, tea, assorted snacks and frozen foods. All products are leading brands and carry both OH&S and HACCP accreditations. BKK Australia is based in Sydney (Smithfield) with offices and warehouse also located in Melbourne. BKK supplies chain (Woolworths) and independent supermarkets as well as Asian Grocery retailers and other Wholesalers. BKK owned brands include Lion Brand, Asian Banquet, Orchid, Pontiac Distributes and sells local Australian brands: Sunrice and CSR sugar. Commitment As a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC), BKK Australia is committed to the following action plan with the aim to reduce the environmental impacts of packaging. With this in mind, BKK Australia is focussed to attain the three major goals of the APC: Sustainable packaging design Recovery and recycling of used packaging materials resulting in reduced waste and litter The engagement of all participants in the supply chain in the sustainable use of packaging materials. Contact BKK Australia Pty Ltd 4/120 Warren Road Smithfield NSW 2164 Ph: +61 2 96320072 F: +61 2 96320885 Hendra Ho Warehouse Manager E: [email protected] Peter Tan Administrator Officer E: [email protected] Managing Director’s Approval Sunee Kumpoon Action Plan BKK Australia will undertake steps to achieve the three goals outlined by the APC Design – packaging optimised to achieve resource efficiency and reduced environmental impact without compromising product quality and safety. 2. Recycling – the efficient collection and recycling of packaging. 3. Product Stewardship – a demonstrated commitment to product stewardship by the supply chain and other signatories. 1. Goal 1: Design – packaging optimised to achieve resource efficiency and reduced environmental impact without compromising product quality and safety. BKK Australia will develop a review process/template based on the strategies outlined in schedule 2 of the APC handbook: 1. Maximise water and energy efficiency 2. Minimise materials 3. Use recycled materials 4. Use renewable materials 5. Minimise risks association with toxic and hazardous materials 6. Use materials from responsible suppliers 7. Design for transport 8. Design for reuse 9. Design for recovery 10. Design for litter reduction 11. Design for consumer accessibility 12. Provide consumer information on sustainability This review process will be undertaken for both new and existing products as outlined below Performance goals and KPIs KPI 1 – Proportion of signatories in the supply chain implementing the SPG for design or procurement of packaging. Actions All new products to be reviewed using new review process % of existing products to be reviewed each year for the next 5 years Responsibility Targets Purchasing 3% improvement of packaging by 2016, 5% by 2019 Purchasing 3% improvement of packaging by 2016, 5% by 2019 Milestones 5% existing products reviewed by 2015, 20 % by 2017, 20 % by 2019 Goal 2: Recycling – the efficient collection and recycling of packaging. At present BKK Australia does not have an on-site recovery system for recycling used packaging. We are currently researching possibilities of on-site recycling of plastic packaging. Performance goals and KPIs KPI 3 – Proportion of signatories with on-site recovery systems for recycling used packaging Actions Research into on-site recycling Responsibility Warehouse manager Establish formal process with our waste management provider for recycling packaging materials As a result of research to implement a new on-site recycling system Warehouse manager Targets Research completed and opportunities identified Procedure established with our waste Management provider for paper, cardboard and plastic recycling New system in place and volumes of packaging recovered documented and reported annually. Milestones June 2014 Dec 2014 System in place: Dec 2014 Annual reporting At present there is no existing policy to buy products made from recycled packaging. Performance goals and KPIs KPI 4 – Proportion of signatories with a policy to buy products made from recycled packaging. All APC signatories will have a formal, documented policy of buying recycled products or materials Actions Responsibility Targets Milestones Establish policy to buy products made from recycled packaging Purchasing 2014 Educate staff and suppliers about new policy to buy products made from recyclable material Policy in place Staff educated: Dec 2014 Purchasing Staff and suppliers educated Suppliers educated: Dec 2014 Goal 3: Product Stewardship – a demonstrated commitment to product stewardship by the supply chain and other signatories. At present BKK Australia’s waste management and recycling is conducted by JJ Richard waste management. BKK participates in workshops conducted by the Australian Packaging Covenant to share knowledge of industry initiatives for application in the organisation. BKK will implement the following initiatives a) Questionnaires to request information from suppliers on key criteria against Sustainable Packaging Guidelines b) Plan to have anti-litter and recycling education programs in BKK offices c) To have the APC logo on the BKK website Performance goals and KPIs PI 6 – Proportion of signatories that have formal processes for working with others to improve design and recycling of packaging KPI 7 – Proportion of signatories demonstrating other product stewardship outcomes Actions Inform BKK customers and suppliers that BKK is a signatory of the APC Attend APC workshops to apply knowledge to BKK Australia Require suppliers to follow BKK packaging requirements KPI 8 – Reduction in the number of packaging items in litter Responsibility Targets Sales To make customers aware of recycling of packaging Purchasing Learn and share knowledge on improving packaging and recycling Purchasing Determine supplier compliance level with the APC BKK website to display APC logo BKK website to display APC logo Establish Anti-litter and recycling program in BKK offices by educating staff at BKK on recycling and litter Design of packaging and ensuring packaging has appropriate disposal labels All employees briefed Purchasing Require suppliers to follow BKK packaging requirements Milestones
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