Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai – 625 002. (A Unit of Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation Limited) TENDER CUM PUBLIC AUCTION FOR THE DISPOSAL OF WATER LORRY Sl. Particulars No. 1 Tata 1210 E Water Tanker Lorry ( (Year of Manufacturing-1978) 2 Tender Form Sales from 3 Cost of Tender form 4 Tender Form sales 5 Inspection at 6 Laste Date, Time and place of submission of Sealed Tender 7 Date and place of opening of Tender Cum Public Auctoion Place : Date : Quantity One Date of advertisement 29.10.14 to 18.11.14 3.00 pm (on all working days) Rs.105/Free if downloaded from and The Senior Manager, Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai-2. Phone Nos.0452-253761-62. Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai-2. (Near Pandian Hotel). 18.11.2014 (3.30 pm) Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai-2. 19.11.2014 (4.00 pm) Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil Road, M adurai-2. Xl;ly; jkpo;ehL> A+dpl;-2> mofh;Nfhapy; NuhL> kJiu-625 002. (jkpo;ehL Rw;Wyh tsh;r;rpf; fofk;> nrd;id-600 002 MSiff;Fl;gl;lJ) nlz;lh; kw;Wk; nghJ Vyk; t.vz;. 1. 2. tptuk; lhlh 1210 E jz;zPh; Vw;wp tUk; yhhp (1978 Mz;L jahhpf;fg;gl;lJ) nlz;lh; ghuk; tpw;gid Njjp vz;zpf;if xd;W tpsk;guk; tUk; Njjp 29.10.14 Kjy; 18.11.14 3.00 pm tiu midj;J Ntiy ehl;fs; kw;Wk; Ntiy Neuq;fspy; kl;Lk;). 3. nlz;lh; ghuj;jpd; tpiy &.105.00 (thpfs; cl;gl) 4. nlz;lh; ghuk; fpilf;Fk; ,lk; KJepiy Nkyhsh;> Xl;ly; jkpo;ehL> a+dpl;-2> mofh;Nfhapy; NuhL> kJiu-2 njhiyNgrp vz;fs; : 2537461 – 62. 5. ghh;itapLk; ,lk; Xl;ly; jkpo;ehL> a+dpl;-2> mofh;Nfhapy; NuhL> kJiu-2. njhiyNgrp vz;fs; : 2537461 – 62. 6. G+h;j;jp nra;ag;gl;L %bKj;jpiuapl;L nlz;lh; mDg;g Ntz;ba filrp ehs; Neuk; kw;Wk; ,lk;. 18.11.2014 khiy 3.30 Xl;ly; jkpo;ehL> A+dpl; - 2> Mofh;Nfhapy; NuhL> kJiu – 2. njhiyNgrp vz;fs; : 2537461 – 62. 7. nlz;lh; jpwf;Fk; Neuk; kw;Wk; nghJ Vyk; elj;Jk; ,lk;. 19.11.2014 khiy 4.00 Xl;ly; jkpo;ehL> A+dpl; - 2> Mofh;Nfhapy; NuhL> kJiu – 2 ,lk; : kJiu – 2. ehs; : HOTEL TAMILNADU, UNIT-II, ALAGARKOIL ROAD, MADURAI – 625 002. (UNIT OF TAMILNADU TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD, CHENNAI-2. TENDER FORM FOR SALE OF ONE NUMBER OF TATA 12 10 E WATER LORRY Tender Due before 3.30 P.M. Tender form to be On 18.11.2014. submitted at Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil Road, Madurai-2. 1. Sealed tender should be submitted in the Tender Schedule enclosed and sent in a sealed cover, superscribed “Tender” for the purchase of condemned water lorry on or before 18.11.2014 at 3.30 PM. 2. While furnishing tender, this form containing terms and conditions should be attached along with the schedule and duly signed in each page for acceptance and sent in a sealed cover. 3. The vehicle can be inspected from date of advertisement to 18.11.14 (3.00 PM) from 10.00 A.M. to 6.00 PM (on working days) at Hotel Tamilnadu, Unit-II, Alagarkoil road, Madurai-2 after obtaining permission of the Senior Manager, Hotel Tamilnadu, Madurai2 before furnishing tenders. 4. Tender should reach the Senior Manager, Hotel Tamilnadu, Madurai-2 by 3.30 P.M. on 18.11.2014. 5. Tender should be accompanied by cash receipt or Demand draft in favour TTDC Ltd., Madurai-2 as noted below. Rs.30,000/- or 25% of the tender value whichever is higher for Water lorry. The Earnest Money Deposit amount will be adjusted against balance amount with VAT to be paid for the water lorry. Tender not accompanied by prescribed EMD will be summarily rejected. 6. Without prejudice to the right to resell, the Managing Director, TTDC, or his authorized representative may in his discretion permit the purchaser to remove the said lot or lots within an extended period on payment of ground rent at Rs.200/- per day till date of final payment/removal. 7. Tenders will be opened on 19.11.2014 in the Hotel Tamilnadu, Madurai-2 after conduct of Public Auction at 4.00 PM. The offer at the Public Auction or in the Tender which ever is higher will be considered by TTDC. 8. The Tenderers or their authorized representative will be permitted to be present at the time of opening the tender. 9. The tender will be valid for 30 days from the due date of the tender. 10. The rate should be quoted in figure and words specifically mentioning the Vehicle Registration Number/Name of the item. In the event of variation in figures and words, the amount quoted in words will prevail. 11. VAT Tax and other taxes if any, will be levied from the parties, at the existing prevailing rates in Tamilnadu. 12. The Corporation will inform the acceptance of rates, by Registered Post Courier Service Or Messenger. The successful tenderer or bidder shall remit the balance amount with taxes, at the prevailing rates within 5 working days, from the date of receipt of confirmation letter, by cash or demand draft drawn in favour of TTDC, Madurai. If the successful tenderer or bidder, fails to pay the balance amount and take delivery of the vehicle/item for which acceptance of the Corporation is communicated within 5 days as above, he is liable to pay interest at 18% per annum, on the outstanding balance for any delay upto 5 days and there after the Earnest Money Deposit amount will be forfeited and order is liable for cancellation. Failure to clear the vehicle/item within the specified time during working hours as stated above all result in extra payment of rental charges at Rs.200/- per day till the date of final payment/removal. Ground rent is payable for the date of payment/removal. 13. The tenderer or bidder shall be responsible for any damage that may be caused to the premises while removing the lot or lots bought by them. The Managing Director, TTDC Ltd., reserves the right to recover the cost of such damage and the tenderer shall pay the same on demand. The cost fixed by the Managing Director, TTDC will be final. 14. No claim will be made against the Managing Director, TTDC in respect of interest, towards Earnest Money Deposit. 15. Earnest Money will be forfeited, if the tenderer withdraws the tender before finalization by the Managing Director, TTDC Ltd. 16. The Managing Director, TTDC reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders, bids on auction, without assigning any reason thereof. 17. The Managing Director, TTDC Ltd., reserves the right to cancel the sale at any stage, before the vehicle cleared without assigning any reason thereof. 18. The Earnest Money Deposit in the case of unsuccessful tenderers, will be refunded to the parties concerned, within one month from the date of intimation of the rejection of the tender by means of cheque only. 19. The details of the vehicle are given in the annexure. 20. In case of dispute, the place of jurisdiction shall be Chennai. MANAGING DIRECTOR TTDC LTD.,CHENNAI-2. HOTEL TAMILNADU, ALAGARKOIL ROAD, UNIT-II, MADURAI-2. UNIT OF TAMILNADU TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPN. LTD., CHENNAI-2. DETAILS OF VEHICLE TO BE AUCTIONED / DISPOSED OFF Sl. No/ Lot No 1 Registration Number Year of Manufacture Type of vehicle Vehicle/items available Place location for inspection TMN 3426 1978 TATA 12 10 E Hotel Tamilnadu, Alagarkoil Road, Unit-II, Madurai-2. HOTEL TAMILNADU, ALAGARKOIL ROAD, UNIT-II, MADURAI-2. UNIT OF TAMILNADU TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED, CHENNAI-2. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT PARTICULAR FOR VEHICLE Enclosed demand draft bearing No. ____________ dated ____________ for __________ ________________________________ Rs. _______________ (Rupees ___________________ _______________________________________________only) drawn on __________________ Bank _____________ Branch / TTDC Cash receipt No. ________________ Dated. __________ SCHEDULE I /We tender for the Vehicle bearing Regn.No. ____________________________/ Lot No. _______________/ Item ____________________________ for a sum of Rs.___________________ (Rupees ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ excluding taxes. SIGNATURE : NAME : ADDRESS : SEAL :
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