Guilderland Building Aide Quih THE KNICKERBOCKER NBYS Suburban News By BRUCE DANIELS The angry resignation of Guilderland Building SuperintenTK« Knkkarfcocktr N«wi * * dent Gene Falzano punctuated Albony, Tues., Jon. 3, 1967 4B an otherwise routine town organizational meeting yesterday at Guilderland Town Hall. Mr. Falzano announced his resignation and left the meeting after the Town Board voted 3-2 to appoint Joseph Gilmore as deputy building superintendent A total of 25 employes of the Watervliet plaint of the Ala $5,000 a year post newly legheny Ludlum Steel Corp. have received suggestion awards. created this year. Opposing Mr. The top winner was Elmer Clum, an electrician, who receivGilmore's appointment, in the ed a suggestion bonus check for $386 from his foreman, Frank only rollcaU vote taken for the Mprlock. more than 30 appointments an• MENANDS Mr. Clum recommended a nounced yesterday, were Town simple plunger spring for mani- Supervisor Carl Walters' and Peter Christopher, program pulator valves . . . a suggestion Councilman CadweUf/Magley. director of the Albany Boys Club, will speak on the work cf which, it is estimated, will save Mr. Falzano, who has held the Club at a th* firm $2,506 annually in main- the post of building superintendent for one year, later conmeeting of the tenance and "down" time for a tended — that Mr. Gilmore was Menands Ro2,000-ton fflkrging press. ''basically not qualified for the tary Club at A $50 cash award winner went position," and .he charged that 12:15 p.m. tomorrow at Panto Raymond McDonald of the the members of the town board who voted for Mr. Gilmore etta's Restauextrusion maintenance section were "playing politics" rant in Men- Taxpayers in the Town of Nasa n d s. Mr. sau shouldn't feel forgotten n and $26 awards went to: John "There was no room for both Christopher nas they receive their town tax bills Dunbar, Armand Loiselle, Lloyd of us in the same department," Lwo w e e k Burnett (who has won three said Mr. Falzano. $ ^' t € Christopher ^ e n affiliated | According to Supervisor Syl- similar awards), Henry Sim- Mr. Gilmore. who lives on with the Boys Club since 1947. Church Road and served "11 FACING A NEW YEAR — Ready to set the wheels of Guilderland town government humming for another year are, left to vester Currier, an error made „ years on the Guilderland Zon. r, i /-. J * winner), mons, Peter PerryBarbuto (a two-time Charles and ing Board of Appeals before right: seated, Town Clerk Mrs. Mildred Wise, Councilman Caldwell Magley, Supervisor Carl Walters and De'pnty Town Clerk C. Robert Sherwood, who reMrs, Verla McCarville; standing. Councilman Howard Hughes Jr., Marshall Hannan and Gerald Bucfejess. by Rensselaer County auditor signed in December, will delay Lloyd Blonshine, all of the ex- joining the town Board of AsLATHAM sessors last year, also charged the mailing of the statements. trusion department. peciali troller, $1,560: Mrs. Grace The basketball program, con- The insert showing the rates And, Thomas Reigert, Robert "politics" as the basis of Mr had been performing the dualjnan, George Eisle. Frank B>ge-;and MacDonald Kugle ducted by the Latham Commun- must be reprinted. dian and Donald Loncrine. (policemen, each at $300; ReginaiBuchanan, water and sanitation Falzano's opposition to him. function of building inspector Johnson (two awards); Richard ity Baptist Church for boys of The basic rate, compiled by Hoffay and Betty Alston of the Walters Comments and zoning administrator. The Town Republican Chairman ,RoSS, building superintendent's!department clerk. $2,500; Wilthe community will be contin- Mr. Sherwood, was listed as melt shop; Eugene Dooley Empie was re-appointed d e r k $2 m . Mrs Shlrl<?> . h a m 0 l M n h d e p u t y s u p e r i h t e n . ^^^Supervisor Walters said he board felt someone with zoning ued Friday nights this month in $24,837 for each $1,000 of assess- Arlie Bonesteel, of maintenance ^e.fuKfttght the differences between ^ as chairman of the Zoning Bowes, deputy tax receiver, dent of MeKownville Water Diithe gymnasium of Forts Ferry ed valuation. The rate an- and Alfred Mazula, of extrusion Mr. Falzano and Mr. Gilmore tnct, $2,500; Arthur Gregg, School, with a revised schedule nounced earlier by Mr. Currier maintenance. experience on would the ^ pressure" the 'ease superintenof Appeals, a $1,000 a $3,600; Lawrence Bronk, superwere 'personal" rather than town historian, $800; and Mrs. Fifth and sixth graders will play was $1673—a difference of more Also, Raymond St. Pierre and year post, and Joseph Rose will intendent of Fort Hunter Water' dent, Mr. Walters said. "political," though he added. Ruth Lawlor. secretary to the at 6:30 p.m.; seventh and eighth than $8. serve another one-year term as District $500. "Clayton F. Belleard of the bar A letter announcing Mr. Giltown sup°rvLiKjr, $5,000. It is true Mr. Falzano was my graders at 7:30 p.m. and ninth chairman of the Town Planning mill division; Joseph Baron oflappointment After checking with county Also, Howard Jacob-on, and Mr. Gilmoreimore's resignation from the' fur town officials. -mer through twelfth graders at 8:30 Board, also at $1,000 a Year Serving another term as eounounting and John W officials, Mr. Currier found the ntendent if Guilderland. Birch-'p. of has always been connected with|town Board of Assessors was, opo * > d a bud'e p.m. James L. Wikoff, coach, is -- — 'iiuciiuciii 'i vru.iu-i i<uu. r>.mi- nropo '>u a: ouage; near.ngs in the chemical laboratory. Ithe (town Republican) organi- read at yesterday's meeting,!sel to the zoning and planning mmin{ a n d McKownv;lle Water the fall, were formally approvbeing assisted by Harold Hemp- error had been made by u. and the appointment of Josephjboards, at $3,000 a year, is Districts and the McKownvi al >f>.cida>. 'lne National sation.'-' stead. A total of 54 boys have the assessed valuations of the I "We had thought that this ap- L. Scrabus to fill the vacancy!Harry DuBrin Salvaicre Amato Sewer District, combined salarv Commercial Bank & TrtflLCo registered for the athletic pro- village alone. The basic rate of $16.73 is He Finds Boat pointment might help salve as a part-time assessor was ap-jwill serve in the new position!$6,800: Regina Ros>. Town Hall and the Mechanics & F«lfter> gram this season. i of counsel for the town a<rses-!switchboard operator, $1,800. Savings Bank were r.amen*<>fLpaid by the residents of the things over," said Mr. Walters proved by the town board. Also approved yesterday was ^r's office, at $500 a year j Andrew Alsdorf. town hall cus- cial depositories for the town. • * * village. "But I was abashed when I --and Problem Falzano intended'the appointment of Durward Others Named j:*xhan. $1,700: Floyd Johnson, Taxpayers residing outside the learned Mr Brewer as superintendent of William J. MacDonald was ap dog warden. $600 ELSMERE village pay a higher town tax. IPSWICH, England (LTD to resign." Snow Removal water and sanitation for the pointed for a seven-year term Mr. Walters explained that he water and sanitation for the pointed for a seven-year term Mrs. Mildred Wise, registrar The monthly meeting of the Added to the $16.73 figure are Michael Stiff a 26-vear-old vote< a ain5t Mr Town of Guilderland. The a member of the Town PlanMr. Gilmore Gilmore be-Town befound a 35-foot cabin voted * against 8 of Guilderland. The newly as a member of the Town Plan-of vital statistics, r.o salarv a u 5 e -I n a d Women's Auxiliary of 'he Els- $18.86 for highways and 39 cents clerk created post post will will pay pay $2,500 $2,500 perjning per[ning Board Board at at $750 $750 per per year. year.;Charles Houghtahng J r . direc cruiser floatin* in the Owell wccause ' wind.that Falzano created for health producing a tax total "I had wind.that Falzano Draws Praise oul mere Fire Co; will be held at 8 The supervisor] year. River last \pril But his everv ?would d quit " supervisor!year. land Fred Crapser was re-namtor of youtb and recreation proof $35.98 for $1,000 of assesse' a d p.m. Jan. 12 in the firehouse. nothing against' against; Mr. Brewer was also al re-nam-led for a five-year term on the grams. $3,000; Dr Milford BHX' ' he ment as a basic rate for pro- attempt to find the owner said he had had "nothing The Chamber of Commerce f j] j j Gilmore's integrity, or honesty." ed as chairman of ihe Town-Zoning Board of Appeals, also ker. chairman of Youth Corn a e( perty outside the village. A • • • ar! praised the Bethlehem MidFinallv the police gave up thel d he crtetf" --Mr. Gilmore's!wide Water Advisory ^oard'at $750 a year. jmiss:<n. no salary; Robert further tax of $7,832 is then r way Department for a susearch—and awarded the cra t'"many years on the zon.r.glOther water board members! Other appointments and reap-jNick'as. director of Civil Deadded for fire. DELMAR to its finder. iboard." inamed yesterday are: Heiki pointments approved ye-' $400: Joseph" Bank. s!reet perb job of j, snow removal and cleaning" during the Edwin L. Collins, president"Naturally I'm delighted."' he!" According to Mr. Walters. the|Parts:*Robert Thomson. John'and the yearly salaries are:[sign custodian. $1,080. elect of the Delmar Kiwanis said. "But it will take a prettyjmain reason the new post of:Heller, Joseph Mihal. John Van-';Mr.- Virginia Becker. , ch efj Mrs. Verlan McCarv.lie, . de- Christmas season. Club will preside at the club's Robert Pike, president of superintendent was'dervoort. Leon Besha, Dr. j clerk, assessor' ; office. $4.700;Iputy town clerk, $2,200, Mrs penny to make her seaworthy |deputy organization conference at 6:15 the chamber, suggested that John BrenFlovd Johnson. Arthur. Rose Ian Florence Choules. deputy oompwas that Mr. Falzano!Daniel Burns, Dr •created again. p.m. today in the Center Inn, Bethlehem might be a mode! Glenmont. He will outline his for other communities beobjectives for the new year. cause of its effective tltw removal. He made this observation in a letter ref£to the Bethlehem Town Btard DORMANSVILLE Winners of the Latham K;-|Pappas of 713 Watervliet-Shakan Street Extension, Latham. asjChurch of the Re-urrection, arfd;joh« Osterhout. resider.ial sale yesterday. •*• Mrs. Helen Hartle. a lan^uagtjsupervisor for Niagara M hawk won third placedse<x)nd and third place winners warns Club's 1966 holiday light--Ro d, Latham a He cited fte work dajftby The Hiawatha Grange will The prize-winners will be arts director from Hawaii who;Power Corp ; Mrs Mary Chap Martin Cross. superisteOtfQit. serve a chicken supper from Carmen Basilio. former wel- ing competition have been an-| h o n o r s guests of the Kiwanians at their is -pending the holidays in thellin, art teacher at St Agne.^ and Jerry Day. foreimwMn 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 14 terweight and middleweight ndunced by Dr. Jesse E. Vic It was the second consecutive Jan. 12 dinner-meeting in the area. j School, Loudonville; Stepp*Ji contest chairman. at its hall on Route 32 in Dor- boxing champion of the world, of I win for Mrs. Brandon Timpane Judges for the o.her 'hree Winn, art teacher at Shaker the highway departmeni.Crossroads Restaurant Contest Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zuba "This is organized town mansville. wLl headline the annual FartherMiller Road, Latham, took of 5 Loudon Road. Loudonville. judges also will be on hand. categories were: Prof Harry- High School, and Mrs Margaret government at its best.'^J^1. Son Sports Night of the Water- 89 for the best-decorated doorway Prizes will be presented at this Rodman of the architectural en- Carroll, art teacher in the ele- pikes letter said. first place in the over-all light^J vliet Arsenal eForemens Associ- ing division with Mr. and Mrs. Second prize was awarded to time gineering department at Rens- mentary" schools of the North ation at 8 p.nv today in the Mr and Mrs. William Sedu-ki Co'.ome Central Schxx 1 D.-Jnct Michael Davis cf Russo Road. First place winners will re- selaer Polytechnic Institute: BERNE Arsenal1 Restaurant. •sir Loudonville and Mr. and Mrs of 20 Skyview Drive, LalhaTr. ceive inscribed plaques; second An expert on -physical fitness, and third place was taken by Franklin L. Shultes of Berne William Saffares of 12 Campus place. $25 Savings Bonds, and was elected chairman of the Basilio will also tell of his View Drive, Loudonville as sec- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris of third prize, $5 cash awards. State Insurance Producers Joint views on diet, exercise and con- ond and third place winners. 27 Eberly Road. Latham Judges for this year's comMr and Mr^. Fhrold P. Smith oetition were: for the religious Council at a recent oj^aniza- ditioning, besides discussing his resoectively in this categorv tional meeting of the newly boxing experiences. First place honors for rh? b?njnf 124 Latham Rmd La t t*ihting displays, the Rev f,con formed group in Albany. Mr. A na:ive of Canastota. Bas:lio religious theme went to Mr 5 n J i'ham. took top honor- f:r th- M .V'kins Jr . pa?t">r of NewShultes is currently serving as began boxing as" an So-pou^d. M's, William T'o-tigan of 27! best decora ted outdcor •ee onv.lle Methodist Church: the first vice president of the Inde- 14-year old. winning the Adiron- Perry Avenue, Latham St Col- jwith Mr. and Mrs. .John P Sa Rev William T Cornelius, paspendent Mutual I n s u r a n c e dack*- District amateur cham- man's Home in Colonie was 'mascott of 2 S'rathmore Drive. or of Latham Community BapAgents of New York. pionship as a lightweight in judged second best in this cate- Loudonville and Mr and Mrs tist Church; the Rev. Norman 1944 At 17, he enlisted in the gory and Mr. and Mrs. John P'rancis T. Cutie of 517 Columbia B. Filing, pastor of the Lutheran Marines, serving two years in the Pacific. GUILDERLAND Arrangements far Basilio's appearance at t h e annual The Longhouse Association of event are under the the Mohawk Village develop^atervliet direction of Frank G. Quinn, A Court of Honor was con- Six scouts were promoted to W illiamr add F Jr. and S ment, recently named officers ducted recently by Boy Scout first class rank; two to'second Patrol Leader Robert Pfieffen chairman of the association's for the coming year. They are: Troop 47 of St. Clare's Church class, and six new members be- berger were awarded eertifi Frank Pezze, president; Mannie program committee. in Maywood. with Scoutmaster came tenderfoot scouts. Lieberman. vice president: Mrs The program will be followed Donald McCafferty presiding Junior .Assistant Scoutmaster cates of appreciation for their Thomas J. Brady, secretary- by a social hour and refresh"exceptional leadership" in furtreasurer, and Mrs. William men s. thering the scouting pnigram Giallonardo, publicity chairman The Longhouse Association withing the troop. The certififormed in 1960. is currently encates were presented by Stephen gaged in a lighting project for W. Duda. institutional representhe three main roads in the tative and scout committee housing development chairman In an additional presentation, Mr McCafferty, Assistant Scoutmaster Richard Doody and Mr. ; Fairchild were awarded certifiMrs Margaret B. H lls of cates of appreciation by the Rt. Newton Road, Newtonville. has Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Ryan. been elected president of the pastor of St. Clare's Church, for Ro'arv Altar Society of Our their "devotion, marked leadLadv of the Assumption Church ership and persona! time given More than 250 children from in La'ham to the youths of Troop 47." St. Colman's Home in Colonie Mrs. Hills is executive se Martin Novak, neighborhood and Cobb Memorial Home in cretary to Colonie Supervisor commissioner and Walter Park, Altamont, an affiliate of the William K. Sanford. district representative of Fort Colonie home, were entertained Other new officers tre: Vice Orange-Uncle Sam Boy Scout recently at a holiday party giv- president. Mrs Ravmond Glea4 Council attended the ceremonen by employes of the Allegheny son: treasurer. Mrs. Michae' ies. Ludlum Steel Corp Szomjasey; recording secreThe party, a traditional event tary, Mrs Harry Bigelman. for the last 15 years, was head- and corresponding secretary. Hearing Date Set ed this year by Donald Halletl Mrs. Francis thristensen. Society members will meet and Arthur Albarelli. On Kail Merger The young guests were enter- at 8:15 p m today in the church tained by The Hustlers" a hall WASHINGTON (AP)-TVe Inteenage band from W^tervliet terstate Commerce Commission and pupils of the LeSaon School has set next April 17, for the Frost Memorial of the Dance RefreahmeoU start of hearings on the prowere served and gifts were dis- MIDDLEBURY, Vt. W\ posed merger of the Norfolk & tributed. The farm in Ripton, Vt., which ARSENAL COUPLE TO RETIRE - JAM. "Bing" Millen and Western and Chesapeake & Women employes of the steel was home for poet Robert Frost his wile, Vivian, recall a combined total of 56 years ser- Ohio-Baltimore & Ohio Railfirm decorated a Christmas for 22 years, has been pur- vice at the Watervllet Arsenal as they prepare to leave the roads. entertainment and assisted the chased by Mkidlebury College .nstallation fo~ retirement. Mr. Miller has been with the Ar. The merger would create a n%en during the party Mrs. Do- which will establish a memorial senal staff for 23 years and Ms wife has had 17 years of system worth absut $46 billior lores Ray and Mrs. HalleU were there to him. Dr. James I. Arm- service there. They live at 22 Martin Terrace, Albany. The —second in the East only to the in charge of the women's parti- strong, president of the college. couple, whose, immediate plans call for a Florida vacation, Pennsylvania-New York Central cipation in the party. said an anonymous gift enabled has two daughters, Barbara, a first grade teacher in Wap- system which will be worth Joseph Navojosky acted as the purchase of the 150-acre pingers Falls and Martha, a nurse at Memorial Hospital in about If billion once its merfer farm. master of ceremonies. Albany. is consummated. Ouf Your Allegheny Workers Receive Awards Tax Bills To Be Late At Nassau Ex-Champ \JTo Speak At Arsenal Latham Families Win Yule Light Maywood Scouts Promoted Mrs. Hills To Head St. Colman's Church Unit Youngsters Have Partv Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Prizes
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