PCMSC Newsletter May 2014

PCMSC Newsletter
May 2014
P.O. BOX 682577
PARK CITY, UTAH 84068-2577
Powder Perfect Tipsy Tuesday, April Fools Day
Mike Borrelli, Howard Cantor, Kathy Kelleher, and Bub Carlson
Photo by John Logan
Upcoming May 2014 TGIF
Potluck at Rob & Jeri Brooke's 9036 Sackett Dr., PC 84098
Jupiter Bowl Lift Room, 1090 Center Dr., PC 84098 435-776-3005
Potluck at Chuck & Paddy Mollard's, 2100 Bear Hollow Dr, Park City 84098
The Wine Dive 1251 Kearns Blvd. PC 84060 435-649-03913
The Crescent Room at Ruth Chris, 2001 Park Ave., PC 84060, 435-940-5070
If you know of a Bar, Club or Restaurant which would appreciate our Friday night business,
please contact Karen Halverson at [email protected].
All TGIFs begin at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced.
PCMSC Board of Directors
President’s Message
~ Honorary Trustees ~
Jan Peterson
Charlie Sturgis
Todd Thibalt
Jan’s Mtn Outfitters
White Pine Touring
Cole Sports
~ Board of Directors ~
President ~
Kathy Kelleher
[email protected]
Vice President ~
Rob Brooke
[email protected]
Past President~
Sue Johnson
[email protected]
Becky Hinton
[email protected]
Stan Hooley
[email protected]
Sylvia Bennion
[email protected]
Summer Sports~
Jon Scarlet
[email protected]
Winter Sports~
Lisa Hunter
770- 630-2233
[email protected]
Karen Halverson
[email protected]
Paddy Mollard
[email protected]
Peggy Hanson
[email protected]
~Non-Board Positions ~
David Anderson
[email protected]
Alpine Sports~
Bub Carlson
[email protected]
Public Relations/
Rob Brooke
[email protected]
ISC Reps~
PCMSC President
To Send Email ~
[email protected]
To Submit Newsletter Articles: E-mail to Rob
Brooke, [email protected]
Deadline is 10th of the month.
To Advertise in the Newsletter: Call David
Anderson 801-599-0618.
For Newsletter Subscription, Change of Mailing
or Email Address: contact Peggy Hanson at
435-604-0748 or [email protected]
By Kathy Kelleher
It has been an interesting winter here in Park City. We have experienced
spring like skiing conditions in winter and winter like skiing conditions in
spring. Many members turned out regularly for skiing, snowshoeing, and
cross-country events. I would like to extend a special thanks to our Winter
Activity coordinator, Lisa Hunter, our Ski coordinator, Bub Carlson, and to
all of our volunteers. Your efforts have made this an extraordinarily fun
season for all members of the Park City Mountain Sports Club.
Temperatures are now rising into the seventies, so we're beginning to switch
gears for our spring and summer activities. Chuck Mollard, our biking leader,
is busy setting up his schedule for three different biking levels. This summer,
club riders have the option of buying a cool club jersey, which proudly
displays the PCMSC logo.
Amazingly, all of our hiking leaders from last year will return to lead hikes
again this summer. Jon Scarlet is coordinating strenuous, moderate and slow
hike outings. This summer, Jan Jaworski's Slow Turtle Hikes, promise a few
surprises, and David Anderson returns with backpacking, to offer overnight
trail and camping opportunities.
Our TGIF coordinator, Karen Halverson, has some great Fridays planned,
some with new and different twists. Also, several non-club sponsored
trips will be open to our membership. Keep posted by reading Newsletter,
checking our online event calendar, and watching for PCMSC email blasts.
To our newer members, we ask you not to be shy about joining our events.
We're a friendly group and I'm sure our current members will make you feel
welcome. If you're interested in leading an event, just let us know; if you have
a new idea, send them in to the web site, we welcome all comments and
suggestions. Let the fun continue,
Happy Trails, Kathy :o)
TGIF Update
As many of you know, Karen Halverson has taken over the duties of TGIF
coordinator for Park City Mountain Sports Club. A recent misunderstanding
at one of the events has prompted her to submit comments for consideration
by all members.
Because the club cannot accurately predict how many members will be
attending on any given Friday, it is difficult for host establishments to
determine staff requirements to meet our needs. Karen has asked that
everyone be patient and understand that extra time may be needed to
calculate and enter individual tabs. We all pay our own way at TGIFs. If you
order food or drinks please know that you will run your own tab with server.
Since many restaurants are eager to “show off” their cuisine for locals, we
encourage all members to stay for dinner. Every effort is made to persuade
restaurants and bars to provide complimentary appetizers, but it is entirely
optional for our hosts, and members, who have badgered servers for
complimentary food, have embarrassed us.
TGIF’s at the more expensive restaurants are generally scheduled during the
shoulder season to take advantage of “two-for-ones”. We invite member
suggestions and recommendations for prospective TGIF venues and we
extend our thanks to all members who attend and support these Friday social
May 2014
Synopsis of Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting, April 1, 2014
By Becky Hinton
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Kathy.
A quorum was present, and the
minutes from the meeting on March 4, 2014, were approved as written.
The Board wishes to thank all those Club members who have led events this past winter season.
The participation was very good for all events.
Kathy noted that the annual meeting for the Far West Ski Association is being held in June. Further information and
the Association’s website link will be noted in the Club’s May newsletter for anyone who might be interested in
attending the meeting on their own.
Stan reported that our year-to-date revenues are currently ahead of budget and the finances continue to be in great
The Club is looking for a volunteer to edit the monthly newsletter. Please contact Kathy Kelleher if there is interest in
this opportunity.
The hiking/biking season is quickly approaching. Thanks to all the Club members who have agreed to serve as
monthly hiking leaders for the upcoming season. The biking kick-off is scheduled for April 19 and the first bike ride
is scheduled for May 3 (weather permitting).
The next meeting will be held on May 6, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Ruby Tuesday’s.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Club Finances Made Easy
Each year we share details of our club’s finances with the members. This year we had a few questions from members,
so we decided to take this opportunity to share more details of our finances with you.
All of the club’s revenue comes from member dues. For existing members, dues are renewed in October. While we
continue to acquire new members throughout the year, roughly 80% of our revenue is received during the year-end
renewal. These dues must fund the following year’s expenses. We therefore put this dues revenue into an accrual
account, which we draw from throughout the following year.
We have a formal budgeting process. Based upon historical data and current Board goals, the Finance Committee
prepares a proposed budget at the end of each calendar year. The preliminary budget is approved by the Board, and
then is presented to the members at the Bash, our annual business meeting, for final approval.
Some have asked why the club has “so much money in the bank.” Our current bank balance is around $30,000. Of
this, $10,000 is in the above mentioned accrual account to fund our 2014 budget. The balance is “working capital”, or
the accumulation of past year’s money that was not spent. It is important for our club to have adequate working
capital. As we organize our big parties, most hotels require pre-payment, prior to the time when we receive revenue
from ticket sales. My predecessor as Treasurer paid these obligations with her personal credit card, because the club
didn’t have the cash to do so. The Board established an objective to create a cash reserve and strengthen the club’s
finances. Through five years of budget constraint and a growth in membership, we have met this goal.
The Board believes our current working capital is sufficient to meet our cash flow needs and to cover unexpected and
unbudgeted expenses. We therefore prepared this year’s budget on a break-even basis, where our expenses nearly
equal our expected revenue. We increased our budget to subsidize our social events. This year, 68% of our budget will
be spent subsidizing social activities. The balance of the budget will pay for administrative expenses, such as printing
the Directories and Newsletters, postage, and supplies.
As a Corporation, Board members have a fiduciary responsible to manage the club’s assets. We have established
Financial Controls to assure accountability of our finances. As Treasurer, I am only a record keeper, and do not handle
cash. Dues are deposited into our bank account by the Membership Director. Ticket revenues for social events are
deposited by the Social Director. As Treasurer, I cannot write myself a check without prior Board approval. The
club’s finances are reviewed each month by a member of the Finance Committee, other than the Treasurer.
Hopefully this is helpful in removing any mystery from our club’s finances. If there are any lingering or unanswered
Questions, please let any Board member know and we will attempt to answer.
Stan Hooley, treasurer
Slow Turtles Hikes, Jan Jaworski, coordinator
Slow Turtles will return with the same format at last summer. This is the easiest hiking group in the
Sports Club. The goal of the hikes is to learn, laugh, and observe. Last year many of the experienced
hikers enjoyed our hikes. It is a nice way to spend a summer evening. We hike on Mondays because
then we don't conflict with too many other fun activities in our community. This summer we will visit
some new areas. My goal is to flip our hikes around to every other summer or so. 2014 is a new year
and a new bunch of hikes. Oh, the places we will go, and the things we may see, and trivia we will learn.
The hikes will be the first, third, and fifth Mondays of June, July, and August. No dogs are allowed on the hikes. The
hikes will start promptly at 5:30. The start location will be announced in a club eblast a few days before the hike with
an overview of what we will be doing. Following the hike we go to a local moderately price restaurant, or have a bring
your own picnic depending where we are, and continue our fellowship. I believe eating is the most popular sport in
PC. The choice of the restaurant is the hike leaders choice.
As always a club release form must be signed at the beginning of a hike. Shoes, shirt, water, and release form are our
essentials. I am always looking for hike ideas and leaders, remember this is your club so we need your help to make
Slow Turtles a success. Please contact me at [email protected] or 435-658-4903 to become a leader.
I will lead our first hike on Monday, June 2nd, at 5:30. We will meet in front of the Miners Hospital on Park Ave.
Moderate Hikes
Saturday May 3rd, Jay Frankenfield will lead a moderate hike at Glenwild. This will be a great opportunity to get
started with a beautiful hike up and through Glenwild (about 2.5 hours and 800 feet). Vistas sweep across the Swaner
Nature Preserve to the Mountain resorts on the other side. Meet at Park City Bagels at Quarry Village at 10:00 am.
Bring hiking essentials and a snack to eat at the top. Dogs are welcome. Contact Jay for any questions
([email protected], home office 801 485 0375, or cell 435 901 2744)
Diane & Paul Schnarr will lead a moderate hike May 11th on The Bonneville Shoreline Trail along the slope of the
Wasatch Mountains where the old shoreline of Lake Bonneville met the hills. This hike has varied terrain and usually
wonderful spring flowers. Meet at Park City Bread & Bagels at Pinebrook at 9:15 AM or at the Walmart parking lot at
Parleys Way in Salt Lake at 9:35 AM, or the trailhead at 10:00AM. We plan to have lunch at McCools afterwards so
choose your carpool companions based on lunch. Dogs are welcome.
Sun, May 25 , Bub Carlson will lead a moderate hike up Georges Hollow behind the Huntsman Cancer Research
Center at the U of Utah. This is adjacent to and south of the Living Room hike, but we will continue up to the ridge
overlooking the city and Red Butte Canyon. The hike will have about 1400 vertical and will take 2.5 hrs. A shorter
version just up to the Living Room, 1000 vertical, is an alternative for those who wish. Meet at Park City Bagels at
Quarry Village at 9:30 am or at the trailhead immediately north of the Huntsman on Colorow Dr at 10:00. Bring
hiking essentials and a snack to eat at the top. Dogs are welcome. We will go out for brunch afterward for those
interested. Contact Bub for any questions
([email protected] or 658-4728).
On Saturday May 17th, Meet at Margaret and Terry Riley's home at 8:30 AM to drop off food items. They will lead a
moderate out and back hike alongside Jordanelle Reservoir leaving from Rockcliff Nature Center. A BBQ/Pot Luck/
BYOB to follow at Riley's home. PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 15, and specify burger preference, (beef, salmon, or
veggie), and discuss what you will bring to the potluck, (side or dessert). RSVP to 435-333-7028.
Hike is approx. 6 miles. We will hike for 1 1/2 hours and turn around with a snack stop at the turn around point. The
trail is an easy walking trail that undulates multiple times. Dogs allowed but MUST BE LEASHED!!!
Directions to Riley's: From SR 248 turn into Deer Mountain development (at Todd Hollow apartment entrance). Pass
under a large wooden arch with Deer Mountain written under it. Go up hill around the hairpin and take the first left
onto Slalom Run, go to first house on left after the house under construction. Address 12841 Slalom Run, Phone
May 2014
May 2014
Wednesday Thursday
A ride, B-ride,
Potluck at Rob &
Jeri Brooke's
Moderate hike, at
Jupiter Bowl
B-ride, C-ride
Potluck at Chuck
& Paddy
Easy walk/BBQ
Board Meeting
Moderate hike,
Shoreline Trail,
Conditioning hike,
Mt. Wire
A ride, B-ride, Cride,
The Wine Dive
A ride, B-ride,
Ruth Chris
Easy Hike
Conditioning hike,
Iron Mountain
Moderate hike,
Georges Hollow –
hike, Grandeur Peak
PCMSC May 2013 Strenuous Hikes
Mt. Wire, a conditioning hike, Sunday, May 11, 2014. Meet informally at 9:00 a.m.
at Park City Bagels to carpool to the trailhead where the leader will meet you for a 10 a.m.
departure. The trailhead is the same one used for the “living room” hike, and is located
behind the University Neuropsychiatric Institute at approximately 550 South Colorow
Way, Salt Lake City (part of the University campus). Since this is a conditioning hike for
later strenuous hikes the pace will be brisk with fewer rest stops than moderate hikes. The
hike is about 4.2 miles with 2,197 vertical feet gain. The duration should be three hours
with a snack at the top. Call the leader David Anderson (801.599.0618,
[email protected]) with questions. Dogs are welcome. Bring adequate food, fluids
and the remainder of the six essentials. There are no unusual conditions.
Iron Mountain, a conditioning hike, Sunday, May 18, 2014. Meet the leader at 9:30 a.m. at Wasatch
Bagels to carpool to the trailhead for a 9:45 a.m. departure. Since this is a conditioning hike for later
strenuous hikes the pace will be brisk with fewer rest stops than moderate hikes. The hike is about four miles
with 1,800 vertical feet gain. The duration should be three hours with a snack at the top. Snow probably will
be present so bring traction aids for your shoes and sticks if you like them. . Call the leader David Anderson
(801.599.0618, [email protected]) with questions. Dogs are welcome. Bring adequate food, fluids and
the remainder of the six essentials. There are no unusual conditions.
Grandeur Peak via West Ridge, a semi-strenuous hike, Sunday, May 25, 2014. Meet informally at Park
City Bagels in Pinebrook at 8:30 a.m. to carpool to the trailhead where the leader will meet you for a 9 a.m.
start. This hike is different than the hike to the same peak that starts in Mill Creek Canyon. It is steeper with
greater elevation gain starting in Salt Lake valley. To arrive at the trailhead proceed on I-215 south from I-80
at the mouth of Parleys Canyon and take the 33rd South exit. At the light turn left proceeding over the
freeway on 3300 South which immediately becomes Wasatch Blvd. Stay on this street going north a few
blocks (parallel to the freeway) to its end in the parking area. The hike will take about four hours, cover
slightly less than five miles and has 3,400 vertical feet elevation gain. . Call the leader David Anderson
(801.599.0618, [email protected]) with questions. Dogs are welcome. Bring adequate food, fluids and
the remainder of the six essentials and possible traction aids for your shoes if snow persists. There are no
unusual conditions with slight scrambling.
Anke Meek will lead a hike Saturday May 31st. The hike winds between Glenwild and the Hawks. The terrain is
easy--- moderate. We will meet at PETCO parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Then we will carpool to the trailhead, which is
only a few minutes from Petco. The hike will be finished in time for lunch. Dogs are welcome. Any questions call
Anke Meek [email protected], cell 435-901-1084.
Be sure to hold the date of Friday, June 20 for the annual "Dogs & Suds" BBQ to be held at City Park.
For the month of May, road bike rides will start at 10:30 or 11:00 to let the temperature warm up before the start of
the ride. The following persons have agreed to lead rides during the month of May:
May 3 – 9
May 4 – B-ride – leader Chuck Mollard (917-881-9022)
May 6 – A-ride – leader Ben Koerselman (801-792-9173)
May 7 – B-ride – leader Mary Gootjes (773-248-3392)
May 7 – C-ride – leader Lisa Hunter (770-630-2233)
May 10 – 16
May 10 – B-ride – leader Lita Hoffman (415-595-8880)
May 13 – B-ride – leader Mary Gootjes (773-248-3392)
May 10 – C-ride – Annemarie Ferrari (801-706-5117)
May 17 – 23
May 18 – A-ride – leader Chuck Mollard (917-881-9022)
May 18 – B-ride – Robin Reade (860-989-1519)
May 18 – C-ride – Don Twiggs (860-989-1517)
May 24 - 30
May 24 – A ride - leader Bob Johnson (908-310-3842)
May 24 – B-ride – leader Lita Hoffman (415-595-8880)
May 24 – C-ride - leader Sue Johnson (908-310-6617)
May 28 – B-ride – Mary Gootjes (773-248-3392)
The description of the ride and meeting location will appear in the email blast that will go out each Wednesday. For
the month of May, please advise the ride leader if you plan to ride with them, so they can contact you if the ride is
cancelled. Also, during the month of May, if the temperature is below 50 F one hour before the start of the ride, please
contact the ride leader to confirm status.
Details on the road cycling format can be found on the PCMSC website under the “Biking” tab – “2014 Road Bike
Format”. Anyone interested in road biking should become familiar with the description of the three levels of road
biking rides, so that you can choose the right fit for your ability and interest.
Sarah Dunlap, a member of PCMSC as well as the Wasatch Triathlon Club, will be leading “A” level rides each
Thursday for the Wasatch Triathlon Club and has invited PCMSC members to participate. These rides will meet at
Storm Cycles, next to PC Coffee Roasters in Kimball Junction at 10:00AM. The pace will be at 15+ MPH and
distance will start around 30 miles in April and increase each week to about 75 miles later in the summer. If you are
interested in “A” level rides on Thursday, please email Sarah at: “[email protected]” to be included in her email
ride announcements.
In additions, Sarah is leading Tuesday “FUN rides”: These rides are beginner friendly, with most riding-taking place
on the trails around PC. The rides will be 60-90 minutes and any bike is acceptable. Meet at Storm Cycles in Kimball
Junction, next to PC Coffee Roasters at 10:00AM starting in April.
Sarah is also conducting some bike clinics on safety skills and conquering hills for which she charges a nominal fee.
Members interested in these clinics can contact Sarah directly via the above email address.
Due to the small participation in the Mountain Bike rides last year; we are going to try a different format this year,
which is similar to what was used for skiing in the Cottonwoods. Persons interested in mountain biking are requested
to send Bob Johnson and Chuck Mollard their contact details, (name, cell number and email address) so that they can
be placed on a special mountain bike alert list. Then, when one of the mountain bike leaders wish to schedule a
mountain bike ride, they will send an email to just the members who have indicated interest in these rides. If the
mountain bike ridership increases this year, we will endeavor to add mountain bike rides to the regular weekly
The contact details for the bike coordinators are as follows:
Bob Johnson – cell 908-310-3824 – email “[email protected]”
Chuck Mollard – cell 917-881-9022 – email “[email protected]”
If you have any questions or comments regarding the cycling program, please contact the above.
May 2014
April helicopter skiing in Alaska, photo submitted by Bill Silliman
Far West Ski Association 82nd Annual Convention June 12-15, 2014, Bend, Oregon (home of the Mt. Bachelor
ski area). The Riverhouse Resort, Hotel & Convention Center Reservations call 800-547-3928 or 541-389-3111
Find out all about the convention at http://www.fwsa.org/.
• Air transportation is via Redmond Municipal Airport (RDM), located 15 minutes from The Riverhouse.
• Rental cars and shuttle service are available at the airport.
May 9, 2014 is the deadline for early registration of $154, a savings of $21. The price goes up to $175 on May
May 9, 2014 is the deadline for submission of ALL event fees. These include Thursday’s Pub Crawling Bend
Friday’s 8th Annual Michael German Memorial Golf Tournament, Smith Rock Geologic Wonderland Tour and Old
District Shop-Dine-Wine. For Thursday’s Mt. Bachelor Tour, Lunch & Activities contact Mt. Bachelor directly for
deadlines and sign-up.
May 23, 2014 is the deadline for fees at $175. Fees go up to $190 beginning May 24.
Please submit all forms and payments to: FWSA Registrar, c/o Karen James, 1812 Vickers Drive., Glendale, CA
Make Your Hotel Reservations NOW!
Lodging at our group rate (double occupancy) is available at The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center. Per our
Contact Information:
Jane Wyckoff FWSA Convention Chairperson [email protected] 949-933-9607
Mary Olhausen Host Council Convention Coordinator [email protected] 503-880-7383
Karen James Convention Registrar [email protected] 818-249-5982
May 2014
> > > “Free Advertising For Our Members” <<<
Contact [email protected].
The following is an advertisement by a member for other members’ consideration. It is NOT sponsored by the
PCMSC. Cost: Varies with activities
Dear Sports Club members,
I would like to invite PCMSC club members to join me in Moab, May 15 - 18, 2014 for a Rafting, Golf, Hike and
Bike Adventure. I will be camping in Moab at the Moab Valley RV Resort. Moab Valley RV Resort offers RV sites,
Cabins and Tent site rentals (435 259-4469). Other campgrounds and motels are available. On Friday, May 16th I plan
to play golf (Moab Golf Course 435 259-6488) and on Saturday the 17th raft West Water Canyon. My rafting
reservation is with Western River Expeditions (1-866-904-1160). Other companies offering West Water Canyon trips
on may 17th include Tag-a-Long (435 259-8946) and Moab Adventure Center (435 259-7019. Please make your
reservations directly with the companies of your choice. After golf on Friday I will have a TGIF/potluck at my
campsite. If anyone would like to lead a hike or a bike ride, please contact Bill Whitaker 801 2686215 [email protected]
I am an avid kayaker in need of a partner(s). I usually spend several mornings each week during the summer and
fall on the Jordanelle or Rockport. If you are interested in this sport please contact me at my e-mail address or 435
-782-2193. Thank you so much. Sincerely,Susan LeGlise
May 2014
2 Chuck Wells
26 Nora Fling
3 Lisa Hunter
27 Mary Gootjes, Ivan Krska
6 Chris Hague
28 Max Miller Max will be 94, he
7 Soozi Redkey
was born in 1919.
8 Donna Kozlowski
29 Duane Karren
10 Mark Crook
12 David Stuart, Michael Grimme 30 Pam Carlquist, Anke Meek,
David Fletcher, Jan McLaughlin,
13 Jill Evans
30 Alida Kehrl
14 Pennie Strebel
31 Mark Peterman 15 Rob Follett
16 Gennie Mulqueen
17 June Krigman
19 David Kehrl
23 Jack Watson
24 Patricia Kravtin, Cheryl Leonard,
Richard Codell, Lisa Jordan, Carole Casten
25 Terry Riley, Pat Pond, Nils Hultgren
PCMSC Welcomes New Members
Tricia and Ted Browne, Sedona and Kevin Callahan, Craig and Barbara
Dennis, Sarah Dunlap, Jacques and Diane Ferber, Ivan and Katarina Krska,
Bjorn and Michele Liencres, Mark and Marilyn Merrill, Chris Simons,
Michael Tavolarella, and Sue Turner.
Special Interests Resource
PCMSC now has a number of people who
have volunteered to provide our members
with information on activities available in
Park City. Please contact the following
people if you would like to receive the
information they have put together:
We do not teach but if you wish to play in
one of the Club Bridge groups, please
contact Bub Carlson [email protected]
Cindy Gastonguay
[email protected]
Jackie Fehr [email protected]
Peggy Stuart [email protected]
P.O. Box 682577
Park City, Utah 84068-2577
Visit the PCMSC website
at www.pcmsc.org