AMC FortyPlus Newsletter APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB October-December, 2014 Forty Plus is a committee of the Boston Chapter of the AMC. It is open to all who enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, biking, canoeing, kayaking, snowshoeing, downhill and x-country skiing and local walks. Events are particularly aimed at active people over 40 who most like to share these events with people around their own age. About this Newsletter: The Forty Plus Newsletter is available on the Forty Plus website (http:// and is updated quarterly. To receive notifications that the updated Newsletter is available or other Forty Plus news, you can subscribe online at newsletter-2/. Forty Plus activities will continue to be published in the AMC Online Trip Listing, in the online MUD, and in OUTDOORS. Beginning with the September 2014 issue, the MUD will publish Boston Chapter trips online only at, which is continually updated. Click on "Download all trips." The news section of the MUD will be published quarterly at as a source of Boston Chapter news, stories, articles and photos. 40 PLUS BOARD & COORDINATORS Please feel free to contact any of the people listed below to obtain information or suggest an event. EXECUTIVE BOARD Co-Chair Co-Chair Past Chairs Treasurer Secretary Ellen Stanley, Cambridge Mary Hoffmann, Arlington Leslie Greer, Canton Uschi Kullman, Medford Don Provencher, Tewksbury PHONE # E-MAIL 617-547-4095 781-643-8732 617-233-6423 781-396-5602 978-766-5601 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] COORDINATORS Biking Hiking/Snowshoe Skiing Newsletter Local Walks - TBD Leslie Greer, Canton Lloyd Tarlin, Wellesley Marjorie Jordan, Newton Linda Greco, Winchester 617-233-6423 781-237-0859 617-969-6863 781-729-8046 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] YOU CAN NOW SEARCH AND BOOK FORTY PLUS ACTIVITIES ON-LINE AMC Outdoors is now listing only multi-day trips. The trips are listed by date and are not listed by Chapter or Committee. Forty Plus activities are listed on-line at AMC’s On Line Trip Listing web site. You can search for activities of interest and even initiate the sign-up process right on line. To check out this new service, go to: Drop down to the ‘Committee’ menu and click on ‘Forty Plus’; then to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Submit’. As you explore the capabilities of this page, you will find that you can also search for specific dates, activities, areas, and Chapters or committees. . Check it out! REQUEST WordPress expertise needed. Do you know WordPress, the content management system behind many websites today? Forty Plus is looking for help in adding new features to our new website,, which is built on WordPress. If you can help, contact Mary Hoffmann, [email protected]. ANNOUNCEMENT Forty Plus will be the focus for AMC's Third Wednesday Pot Luck Social on October 15, 7 p.m at the Trinitarian Congregational Church, 44 Walden St., Concord. Everyone is welcome! Our goal is to encourage new AMC members to get active. Please come and tell newcomers about the fun of hiking, biking and skiing with 40+ and bring a tasty dish! Contact Mary Hoffmann to learn more: [email protected]. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES Sat., Oct. 4. 52 with a View: Hike South/Middle Moat. Tired of the same old 4000 footers? Try 52 with a View, a list of NH peaks with great views. 7 mile round trip, 2100 ft elevation gain, at the moderate pace typical of the Forty Plus Committee. Can be combined with FortyPlus trip to Mt. Garfield on Sunday Oct. 5th. Reg. William Swanton (781-721-5945, [email protected]). L Maria Costantini ([email protected]. Sun., Oct. 5. Hike Garfield Ridge Trail to Mount Garfield Summit. Beautiful fall hike via the Mt. Garfield Trail to the summit of Mount Garfield (4,500 feet). The hike is 10 miles round trip and has an elevation gain of 3,000 feet. There is an excellent view from the summit. The hike will be at book pace and take about 6:30. Can be combined with Oct. 4th hike to South and Middle Moat. L Steven Dennen (781-799-9623 anytime, [email protected]) L Teresa Pagliuca ([email protected]) CL Katherine Blythe ([email protected]), Reg. Teresa Pagliuca ([email protected]). Sun., Oct. 5. Cape Cod Ride. Bike the rail trail after the crowds from Dennis out to Chatham. Mostly flat 30 mile ride at mod. pace with additional loops possible. L Leslie Greer (617-233-6423 Before 9PM). Sat., Oct. 11. Fall Foliage Hike - Welch/Dickey. Fall foliage at it's best. Join us as we traverse two summits on loop trail. 4.4-mi. RT. Mod. hike with stops to take in the incredible views both on the way up and down the summits. Steep ledges (some exposure). L Lloyd Tarlin ([email protected]) L Linda Greco L Virginia Ryan (781-326-8783, [email protected]), Reg. Virginia Ryan ([email protected]) Sat., Oct. 11. Mount Chocorua Fall Foliage Hike. Moderately paced hike fall hike on steep terrain with views of Champney falls and fantastic summit views. Approximately 6 miles and 2200 feet elevation gain. L Maria Costantini ([email protected]) L Ellen Stanley. Sun., Oct.12. Lisa Bryant Memorial Hike. Rye, NH. 5 miles on beach and road the way Lisa did it many times. Lunch at a local fish spot après hike to share stories of this wonderful woman. Register with Barbara Fay at [email protected] (617-694-5612). Sun., Oct. 12. Shining Sea Bay Bike Path. Mostly flat roughly 25 mile ride at a modest pace. Nice shoreline passages. L Leslie Greer (617-233-6423 Before 9PM) CL Sunny Steadman CL Penny Blevins. Sat., Oct. 18-19. HikeThe Bonds in the Fall. Hike up to Galehead Hut-Gale River Trail 4.6 miles. Stay Sat .-Dinner/Breakfast included $126.48. Leave early Sun. morning for 14.6 -hike (15.6 mile if we do W. Bond) -Twinway, over Bond, Bond Cliff -out Lincoln Woods Trail (last few miles flat). L Teresa Pagliuca (508-654-9031 after 5:00 before 7:30, [email protected]) L Steven Dennen ([email protected]), R Teresa pagliuca ([email protected]) Sun., Oct. 19. Nashua River Bike Path. Mostly flat roughly 25+ mile ride at a modest pace. Nice river views. L Leslie Greer (617-233-6423 Before 9PM) CL Dorothy Halsey CL Maria Constantini Sun., Oct. 26. Mount Monadnock Fall Hike. Moderately paced hike on steep terrain. About 6 miles and 1,500- feet elevation gain. Exposed ledges and steep terrain. Experience the mountain in the cooler weather and with fewer people in this fall hike to the summit. Please register after October 1. L Maria Costantini ([email protected]) L Ellen Stanley Sat., Nov. 1. Mt. Kearsage South Hike. A moderate hike of 6 miles with 1000+ ft. of elevation gain. Moderate pace and nice views. Reg. After Oct. 14 Leslie Greer (617-233-6423 Before 9PM) CL Virginia Ryan CL Janet Penn. Tuesday, Nov. 4. Stonehurst Estate Tour and Walk in Waltham. Tour the beautiful Robert Treat Paine Estate, “Stonehurst,” followed by a walk in the Storer Conservation Lands and the Western Greenway, option of 3 or 6 miles, spotting cars. Stonehurst is a collaboration of architect Henry Hobson Richardson and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Learn more at http:// Meet at 9:45 for a 10 a.m. optional guided tour ($7 fee), or 11 a.m. for hike only. Limited to 15. Register with L Laura Bernstein, [email protected]. CL Mary Hoffmann. Tue., Nov. 11. Hike the Bay Circuit Trail. Nobscot/Tippling Rock. Map 8 Sudbury, 5.4 miles with 400 ft. elevation. Very moderate hiking. L Barbara Fay ([email protected]), Reg. W/CL Laura Bernstein ([email protected]) Sun., Nov. 16. Historic Concord Walk. Join us for a walk in the Hapgood Wright Town Forest in Concord, MA. Includes the Bay Circuit Trail, Emerson-Thoreau Amble and Thoreau Interpretive Walk at Brister's Hill, marked by quotes from Thoreau and others. This is a 4-mile flat walk in the woods at a moderate pace, with lunch at the "reflection circle." Limited to 10. L Mary Hoffmann ([email protected]. Reg. W/CL Virginia Ryan ([email protected]). Fri., Nov. 28. Forty Plus Blue Hills Skyline Hike. Hike along the 9-mile skyline trail from Quincy to the Trailside museum in Milton. We will walk at a moderate pace and enjoy the views of the Boston skyline. Reg. Maria Costantini ([email protected]). CL Peter McPherson. Wed., Dec. 3, 2014-Mar. 4, 2015. Great Brook Farm, Mid-Week X-C Ski or walk if no snow. The day of the week may vary depending on weather conditions. Also will list the day weekly on the AMC, On Line Trip Listings. Send your e-mail address to Leader Margie Jordan. New co-leaders and beginner skiers welcome. L Marjorie Jordan ([email protected]) Sat., Dec. 6. Mt. Wachusett Hike/Snow Shoe. This is a 7-mile hike starting at the Wachusett's Meadow Sanctuary at a moderate pace. Reg. Steven Dennen (781-799-9623 Anytime, [email protected]) L Teresa Pagliuca ([email protected]), CL Penny Blevins. Fri., Dec. 26-28. Hike, X-Country Ski, Socialize Weekend. 2-Night stay at Joe Dodge Lodge includes breakfast, happy hour and dinners. Relaxed Atmosphere. Choose to X-country Ski or Hike. Participate in Lead Activities or go on your own. For the 2- Night stay $172.00/$181.18 with tax. Reg. Teresa Pagliuca ([email protected] 508-654-9031 5:00- 7:30 pm) L Steven Dennen ([email protected]). ADVANCE NOTICE: Fri., Jan. 30-Feb. 1. Annual Forty Plus Winter Weekend to hike, snowshoe and ski at the AMC Joe Dodge Lodge, Pinkham Notch NH. $170.00/person includes Friday & Sat night dinner, 2 hearty breakfasts, cozy fireplaces, and relaxing happy hours. Cross Country skiing at Jackson or Great Glen touring centers, or right out the door. Challenging and intermediate hikes with experienced leaders. Full payment by December 20. Reg. Ellen Stanley (617-547-4095 after 8:00 pm, [email protected]). L Marjorie Jordan. Fri., Feb. 6-8. X-C Ski Waterville Valley, NH. Stay at leader's own facility with comfy beds, fireplaces, hot tub. Enjoy Friday night light supper, 2 breakfasts, lunches, and Sat. night supper. $75.00/pp. Geared to the slower skier, limited to 5 participants. L Marjorie Jordan ([email protected]). Sun., Feb. 15-20. 20th Annual X-C SKI AND SNOWSHOE WEEK, VAL DAVID, QUEBEC. Accommodations include a double room with a private bath, five nights lodging, five full breakfasts, five gourmet dinners. Includes free access to over 100 km of groomed trails for all abilities, including those at Far Hills. Indoor Sauna and large outdoor hot tub. Rate $645/per pp/do, $820 single occupancy, all taxes not included. $130.00 deposit required with registration. Reg. Marjorie Jordan (617-969-6863 7-9 PM, [email protected]). Thu.-Mon., Mar. 5-9. Cross Country Skiing through Maine's 100-mile Wilderness Region on groomed lodge-to-lodge trails. Gear sags permit use of classic skis and small day packs to roam far on wooded trails at mostly low effort. Daily base tour 7-8 miles with optional bonus afternoon snowshoe trips, including to Gulf Hagas . $550 cost includes four nights at Gorman Chairback/ Little Lyford lodges in shared cabins, all meals + trail lunches, inter-lodge gear sag, and two happy hours. This is a joint Boston Chapter Ski Committee/Forty Plus trip and all are welcome! 1-bag gear sag between both lodges and daily guided ski/snowshoe tours. Reg. W/CL Virginia Ryan (781-326-8783, [email protected]) L Rami Haddad. ____________________________________________________________________________________ LEADERSHIP Forty Plus shows its appreciation for its active Leaders (those who have led or co-led at least 3 events in the past 12 months) at an annual Leader Appreciation dinner party, and by offering certain subsidies. For example, you can be reimbursed for 2/3rd the cost up to $100 for AMCsponsored or safety-related courses such as Solo First Aid. CPR training is available to Leaders for a nominal fee. Leaders also receive subsidies (percentage of cost) for safety-related equipment, such as a large first aid kit or winter gear for groups. Leaders can talk to the coordinator of the sport/activity in which they participate to check out the details. As most of our trips are limited in number, we suggest you register early to ensure a place. If you register for an event and cannot attend, PLEASE call the Leader ASAP to cancel. Most trips have waiting lists and your courtesy will enable another to attend. Also, a group wait for you needlessly if they expect you. It is important to cancel! When planning trips we try to keep costs reasonable. Checks should always be made payable to the person specified and NOT to Forty Plus or AMC unless so indicated. Please be very sure to enclose your address and telephone number. If we have planned for you and you cancel within 14 days of the trip, we will try to fill your place and refund your deposit. If you are a passenger in carpooling, we suggest you pay the driver $.10 per mile plus sharing the cost of any tolls. Free admission to all MA State Parks for senior citizens, age 62 or older. This one-time application for a State Park Pass requires proof of age (copy of driver’s license) with a letter requesting a pass. Mail to Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dept. of Conservation and Recreation, 251 Causeway St., Suite 600, Boston, MA 02114 617-626-1250. Attention: Senior Citizen ParksPass Coordinator. For those not 62 years or older, an annual MA Parks Pass is available for $35.00 for in-state vehicles and $45.00 for out of state vehicles which includes unlimited visits to all parks that charge a fee. Senior Passes to National Parks are available to any U.S. Citizen or permanent resident who are 62 years or older for $20.00. For more information on how to purchase a National Park and Federal Recreation Land Senior pass visit
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