Thursday 20th November 2014

Thursday 20th November 2014
RVC Clinical 1
09.15 10.15
RVC Clinical 2
Chop it, pill it, feed it or nuke it best treatment for feline hyperthyroidism
Stijn Niessen DVM PhD DECVIM PGCVetEd
FHEA MRCVS , Lecturer in Internal Medicine
Royal Veterinary College
09.00 10.15
Making sense of liver biopsies are they worth doing and what do the results
really mean?
Dr Penny Watson MA VetMD CertVR DSAM
DipECVIM MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Small
Animal Medicine, Queen’s Veterinary School
Hospital, University of Cambridge
09.30 10.30
Taking the fear out of exotic consultations
in first opinion practice I - restraint, physical
examination and economics
John Chitty BVetMed CertZooMed MRCVS,
Vet, Anton Vets
10.15 11.15
Diagnosis and management of patellar
luxation in the dog is surgery always necessary?
Professor Stuart Carmichael BVMS MVM DSAO
MRCVS, Director, Fitzpatrick Referrals
10.45 11.45
Managing rabbit needs in your practice from the waiting room to the operating theatre
Brigitte Lord BVetMed(Hons) CertZooMed MRCVS,
Lecturer in Rabbit Medicine and Surgery,
University of Edinburgh
Sponsored by
10.30 11.30
Diagnostic approach to respiratory
patients in general practice do I have to have a bronchoscope?
Phil Padrid DVM, Associate Professor of SA
Medicine (adj), The Ohio State University
School of Vet Med
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
12.00 13.00
The epidemic of pet obesity are vets to blame?
Senior Lecturer, Royal Veterinary College
11.45 12.45
The Diabetic Remission Clinic: uncovering
the recipe for diabetic remission in the cat
Dr Stijn Niessen DVM PhD DECVIM PGCVetEd
FHEA MRCVS, Lecturer in Internal Medicine,
The Royal Veterinary College
14.10 15.10
Medical mystery tour 2014
Professor David Church BVSc PhD MACVSC
MRCVS ILTHM, Professor of Small Animal
Studies, The Royal Veterinary College
14.15 15.15
Responsible prescribing; when is
antimicrobial therapy the wrong choice
and why?
Senior Lecturer, The Royal Veterinary College
15.35 16.35
The second consult: the lame dog
Professor Stuart Carmichael BVMS MVM DSAO
MRCVS, Director, Fitzpatrick Referrals
16.50 17.50
Full mouth dental extraction in the
management of feline gingivostomatitis
Peter Southerden BVSc MBA Dip EVDC MRCVS,
Director, Eastcott Veterinary Hospital; RVCS
Recognised and European Veterinary
Specialist in Dentistry
Sponsored by
Your Practice. Our Support.
15.40 16.40
Wheezes and whistles diagnosis and management of feline
bronchitis and asthma
Phil Padrid DVM, Associate Professor of SA
Medicine (adj), The Ohio State University
School of Vet Med
16.55 17.55
Diagnosis and management of chronic
pancreatitis in dogs and cats similarities and differences
Dr Penny Watson MA VetMD CertVR DSAM
DipECVIM MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Small
Animal Medicine, Queen’s Veterinary School
Hospital, University of Cambridge
BVA Farm Theatre
09.00 10.00
Camelids beyond the first consult
Bob Broadbent BVet Med MRCVS, CPD Group
Member and Founder Member,
British Veterinary Camelid Society
10.15 11.15
Old diseases, new threats on the farm
Dr Sian Mitchell BVMS PhD MRCVS Dip
EVPC Dip ECSHRM, Veterinary Investigation
Officer, AHVLA
11.45 12.45
OV-synch, co-synch or kitchen sink?
Recognised Specialist Cattle Health and
Production, Technical Support,
Valley Ag Software
14.15 15.15
15.35 16.35
16.50 17.50
The post-mortem exam in the field - which
bits and when?
Alan Murphy BVMS DBR MRCVS, Senior
Veterinary Inspector, Animal Health and
Veterinary Laboratories Agency
An update on the responsible use of
medicines in food producing animals
Professor David Barrett BSc(Hons) BVSc (Hons)
of Bovine Medicine, Production and
Reproduction, The University of Bristol
Goat health planning
David Harwood BVetMed, MRCVS,
Independent Veterinary Surgeon, Honorary
Veterinary Surgeon to the British Goat Society
RVC Clinical 3
12.15 13.15
Taking the fear out of exotic consultations in
first opinion practice II solutions to common problems
John Chitty BVetMed CertZooMed MRCVS,
Vet, Anton Vets
13.45 14.45
Do’s and don’ts for effective scaling and
polishing - before, during and after
Peter Southerden BVSc MBA Dip EVDC MRCVS,
Director, Eastcott Veterinary Hospital; RVCS
Recognised and European Veterinary Specialist
in Dentistry
15.00 16.00
Feline gingivostomatitis complex causes and solutions
Martha Cannon BA VetMB DSAM(Fel) MRCVS,
RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine, Co-Director,
The Oxford Cat Clinic
16.15 17.15
Primary health care for rabbits what clients should know from the very first visit
Brigitte Lord BVetMed(Hons) CertZooMed MRCVS,
Lecturer in Rabbit Medicine and Surgery,
University of Edinburgh
Sponsored by
BVA Equine Theatre
09.00 10.00
Crashes, ditches and other equine rescues:
case based scenarios, practical tips and the
future of equine emergencies
Jim Green, Animal Rescue Manager, Hampshire
Fire and Rescue Service and Director of the British
Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association
Professor Josh Slater BVM&S PhD DipECEIM
MRCVS, Professor in Equine Clinical Studies,
The Royal Veterinary College
10.15 11.15
Treating equine colic when referral is not
an option
Andrew Higgins MA Vet MB MSc MRCVS,
Director, Avonvale Veterinary Practice,
Ratley Banbury Oxon
11.30 12.30
EMS or Cushing’s disease? How to investigate
laminitis cases?
Professor Andy Durham BSc BVSc CertEP DEIM
DipECEIM MRCVS, RCVS & European Specialist
in Equine Internal Medicine,
Liphook Equine Hospital
12.45 13.45
Non BVA Lunchtime Session
Equine gastric ulceration - today’s approach
Sponsored by
14.00 15.00
15.35 16.35
16.50 17.50
Chemical restraint in a fractious horse how to use drugs
MRCVS FHEA, Senior Teaching Fellow in
Veterinary Anaesthesia,
University of Bristol
Itching isn’t always sweet – investigation and
management of the pruritic horse
Rob Pilsworth MA Vet MB MSc MRCVS,
Associate, Newmarket Equine Hospital
Diagnostic approach to the coughing horse
Dr Scott Pirie BVM&S PhD Cert EP Cert EM (Int
Med) DipECEIM FRAgS MRCVS, Senior Lecturer
in Equine Medicine, University of Edinburgh
RVC Equine Theatre
09.15 10.15
Radiography: top tips to improve your images
10.30 11.30
Lameness : making science from the art
12.00 13.00
How to be a better radiologist in practice
14.10 15.10
Lameness workshop:
single limb lameness
15.40 16.40
How to make the most of ultrasonography in
equine practice
16.55 17.55
Lameness workshop:
complex and multi-limb lameness
Delivered by:
Renate Weller Dr Med.Vet PhD MRCVS MScVetEd.
FHEA, Professor in Comparative Imaging and
Biomechanics, Clinical Sciences and Services,
The Royal Veterinary College
Andy Fiske Jackson BVSc MVetMed Dipl.ECVS
MRCVS, Lecturer in Equine Surgery, Clinical
Sciences and Services, The Royal Veterinary College
Roger Smith MA VetMB PhD DEO DipECVS
MRCVS RCVS, Recognised Specialist in Equine
Surgery and Professor of Equine Orthopaedics,
Clinical Sciences and Services, The Royal
Veterinary College
To view the most up-to-date programme and to book your place visit or call 02476 719 687
Programme correct at time of going to print.
Thursday 20th November 2014
08.30 12.30
IDEXX lecture stream:
Case-based challenges
13.00 17.00
IDEXX masterclass:
Make your CBC talk to you
A Y!
’T O
IDEXX Advanced Diagnostics
Theatre (Olympia Room)
Both sessions delivered by:
Book before 31st July for
just £179 + VAT and an
additional 15% off for BVA
members. Register online at
or call 02476 719 687 using
promotional code WEB179
Dr Guillermo Couto DVM DACVIM
(Internal Medicine and Oncology)
Professor in the Department of Veterinary
Clinical Sciences and Veterinary Medical
Center, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Oncology/Haematology Service,
The Ohio State University
Dr Dennis DeNicola DVM PhD DACVP, IDEXX
Chief Veterinary Educator and Veterinary
Clinical Pathologist, IDEXX
IDEXX Advanced Diagnostics
Theatre (Anex Room)
13.00 17.00
IDEXX the basics: Endocrinology confuses
me - can we go back to the beginning?
Internal Medicine Consultant,
IDEXX Laboratories
Business Theatre
09.30 10.20
How to get the most out of the time you
have - the art of optimising your time
Carolyne Crowe, BSc BVetMed (Hons) MRCVS
Dip Coaching, Veterinary Coach and
Mentor, Veterinary Surgeon,
Carolyne Crowe Coaching
Sponsored by
10.30 11.20
BVA Careers Fair
09.00 10.10
Communication in the consulting room
Antimicrobial resistance –
one health, one problem
Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical
Officer & Chief Scientific Adviser,
Department of Health
Christophe Buhot, President, FVE
Christine Magrath BVMS HonFRCVS,
Director of Communications Training,
The Veterinary Defence Society Limited
10.30 11.20
Rabies – no reason for neglect
Dr Deborah J. Briggs, Chair, Board of Directors,
Global Alliance for Rabies Control
10.20 11.30
Converting complaints to compliments
Carol Wright BVSc CertVR CertSAS MRCVS,
Small Animal Claims Consultant,
Veterinary Defence Society
11.35 12.25
09.30 10.20
Geoff Little MVB MRCVS, Communications
Training Associate, Veterinary Defence Society
Your Practice. Our Support.
Diagnosing and managing staff
Nick Steele BSc (hons) CIPD Cert. L&D
National Consulting Manager,
Zoetis UK Limited
BVA Congress
(Please note, the BVA Careers Fair
is only open to BVA Members)
The soft sales process
Steve Holman, Trainer,
Pet Health Plans from Denplan
Martin Hosegood BVSc MRCVS, Claims
Consultant, The Veterinary Defence Society
Sharon Edwards, Animal Health Inspector,
City of London
11.30 13.00
Ask the CVOs
Sheila Voas BVM&S MRCVS, Chief Veterinary
Officer for Scotland Animal Health and Welfare
Division, Scottish Government
Nigel Gibbens BVetMed MSc MRCVS,
Chief Veterinary Officer for the UK, DEFRA
13.00 14.00
Lunch break bonus
£50,000 per vet per year
11.50 13.00
Alan Robinson, Managing partner at Vet
Dynamics and Founder of The Platinum
Practice Veterinary Business Builder
Toxins, trauma and tall tales a career in ECC
Amanda Boag MA VetMB DipACVIM
DipACVECC FHEA MRCVS, Clinical Director,
Vets Now
Chief Veterinary Officer for Northern Ireland
Department of Agriculture and Rural
Sponsored by
14.45 15.45
Cutting edge tax planning
14.30 15.40
Assertiveness in 60 minutes
Hilary Moor, Senior Careers Consultant,
C2 Consultancy
Phil Swan FCA, Partner,
16.00 16.50
Employment law for vets the top seven
secrets you should know
James Cronin BSc PGDL LLM, Director,
Eight Legal Ltd
13.15 14.15
Wooldridge Memorial Lecture - How to admit we
can’t know or don’t know: communicating risk
and uncertainty to policy-makers and the public
Professor David Spiegelhalter FRS OBE,
Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of
Risk, University of Cambridge
15.30 17.00
The state of the profession – where are we now?
John Blackwell BVSc MRCVS, BVA President,
September 2014 – September 2015
Mark Beaney ACIB MBA, Partner,
Sponsored by
Christianne Glossop BVetMed PhD MRCVS
Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales
Department for Natural Resources and Food
16.10 17.20
Top tips on managing up as well as down
Helen Frewin MSc C.Psychol,
Chartered Occupational Psychologist,
Talent Director, Totem Consulting
Professor Stuart Reid BVMS PhD DVM DipECVPH FRSE
MRCVS, RCVS President July 2014 – July 2015, RCVS
Jane Balmain, Managing Director
Vets4Pets and Companion Care Group
Martin Alder MA HonAssoc RCVS, Editor,
Veterinary Record and In Practice
17.00 17.50
The good, the bad and the perfectionist
Brian Faulkner BSc(hons) BVM&S MBA MSc
(Psych) CertGP (BPS) CertGP (SAM) MRCVS,
Consultant and Practising Veterinary
Myfanwy Hill BSc BVSc MRCVS, Recent graduate
and Junior Clinical Training Scholar, The Royal
Veterinary College
Professor Joanna Price, BSc BVSc PhD,
Head of Veterinary School, University of Bristol
To view the most up-to-date programme and to book your place visit or call 02476 719 687
Programme correct at time of going to print.
Thursday 20th November 2014
Henley Suite 1
09.00 13.00
Practical internal fixation for the beginner
Gareth Arthurs PGCertMedEd MA VetMB
RVCS Recognised Specialist in Small
Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics)Consultant
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Arthurs Orthopaedics
Henley Suite 2
10.15 11.15
MMP - TTA for Canine Cruciate Disease
Dr Malcolm Ness BVetMed, CertSAO, DipECVS,
FRCVS and European Specialist in Surgery,
Clinical Director, Croft Veterinary Hospital,
13.00 14.00
14.15 15.15
The London Room
A lifetime of tax economies for efficient
veterinary practices
Steve Vryonides CTA FCCA, Tax Manager,
RA Accountants LLP
Delivered by
13.45 14.45
Anaesthesia: is your patient safe?
Principle Clinical Anaesthetist, Queen’s Veterinary
School Hospital, University of Cambridge
When the going gets tough:
How to be effective with CPCR
Louise Clark BVMS CertVA DiplECVAA MRCVS
RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary
Anaesthesia Davies Veterinary Specialists
Sponsored by
10.15 11.15
Neil A. Forbes BVetMed DipECZM (avian) FRCVS
RCVS and EU Recognised Specialist Avian
Medicine, Head of Exotics, Vets Now Referrals
Delivered by
Sponsored by
11.15 12.15
15.30 16.30
14.00 15.00
15.00 15.45
Parasites, Politics and People:
Echinococcus spp.: a problem for Wales or
Phil Craig BSc MSc PhD, Professor,
School of Environment and Life Sciences,
University of Salford
Sponsored by
12.15 13.15
16.45 17.45
Balanced anaesthesia: Is the premed really
that important?
Elizabeth Leece BVSc CVA DipECVAA MRCVS
Consultant Anaesthetist, Dick White Referrals
Delivered by
Additional sessions from:
Parasites, Politics and People:
Toxocara: a personal responsibility or the
public’s problem?
Maggie Fisher BVetMed Cbiol MIBiol MRCVS,
Parasitology Consultant, Director,
Shernacare Enterprise Limited
16.30 17.15
Parasites, Politics and People:
Leishmania: live and let live?
Laura Kramer DVM PhD Dip. EVPC,
Associate Professor of Veterinary Parasitology,
Department of Veterinary Science, University
of Parma Italy
17.15 18.00
Parasites, Politics and People:
what do you think?
An opportunity for delegates to express their
opinion as we draw the conclusion for this
session into key points to create a consensus
document for publication.
Phil Craig BSc MSc PhD, Professor,
School of Environment and Life Sciences,
University of Salford
Eric Morgan MA VetMB PhD DipEVPC MRCVS,
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Parasitology,
University of Bristol
Maggie Fisher BVetMed Cbiol MIBiol MRCVS,
Parasitology Consultant, Director,
Shernacare Enterprise Limited
Laura Kramer DVM PhD Dip. EVPC,
Associate Professor of Veterinary Parasitology,
Department of Veterinary Science, University
of Parma Italy
Zoos, zoo inspections and what your
responsibilities are to your zoo client
Jon Cracknell BVMS CertVA CertZooMed MRCVS
Director of Animal Operations,
Longleat Safari and Adventure Park
Delivered by
Sponsored by
13.45 18.00
Intermediate TTA using Everost Bioabsorbale
Mark Bush CertSAS DSAS (Orth) MRCVS,
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Everost
Martin Owen PhD DSAS (Orth) DipECVS MRCVS,
Orthopaedic Specialist, Everost
Parasites, Politics and People: Emerging
vector borne diseases: a ticking timebomb?
Eric Morgan MA VetMB PhD DipEVPC MRCVS,
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Parasitology,
University of Bristol
15.45 16.30
First aid in wildlife
Joanna Hedley BVM&S DZooMed (Reptilian)
DipECZM (Herpetology) MRCVS, Lecturer in Exotic
Species and Small Mammal Medicine and
Surgery, The Royal Veterinary College
Delivered by
New drugs for acute pain management:
putting theory into practice
Jo Murrell BVSC. (hons) PhD DiplECVAA MRCVS,
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia,
University of Bristol
Delivered by
The Dark Room
Avian imaging - seeing the pathology
from through the feathers
Delivered by
Light years ahead – Class IV Laser Therapy
John C. Godbold, Jr., DVM, Stonehaven
Veterinary Consulting - Jackson, Tennessee
Delivered by
Veterinary care of snakes
Mark Rowland BVSc CertZooMed MRCVS,
Director, Trinity Vet Centre
Delivered by
Delivered by
Delivered by
08.30 09.30
09.15 10.15
Delivered by
Delivered by
13.30 17.30
The use of acupuncture in veterinary
Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz BSc DVM MRCVS
Cert Vet Ac, Course Director & Instructor, ABVA
(Association of British Vet Acupuncturists)
Henley Suite 4
Delivered by
98% of our delegates would recommend
the show to a colleague
Within 3 months of the show 85% of
delegates had been able to put new
procedures into practice or develop the
way they treated patients as a result of the
clinical sessions they attended
To view the most up-to-date programme and to book your place visit or call 02476 719 687
Programme correct at time of going to print.
Friday 21st November 2014
RVC Clinical 1
09.00 09.50
Diagnosis of allergic skin disease fact and fiction
FHEA, Associate Professor and Reader in
Veterinary Dermatology,
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA)
RVC Clinical 3
RVC Clinical 2
09.15 10.05
Assessment and management of entropion in
first opinion practice
Rick Sanchez BSciBiol DVM DipECVO FHEA
MRCVS, Lecturer, Head of Opthalmology,
The Royal Veterinary College
10.20 11.10
Wounds that won’t heal causes and solutions
Gert ter Haar DVM PhD MRCVS DECVS,
Senior Lecturer in Soft Tissue Surgery,
Clinical Sciences and Services,
The Royal Veterinary College
12.00 12.50
Management of allergic skin disease in dogs and
cats - what really works in general practice?
FHEA, Associate Professor and Reader in
Veterinary Dermatology,
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA)
09.30 10.20
Imaging the abdomen does ultrasound always trump radiology?
Panagiotis Mantis DVM DipECVDI FHEA MRCVS,
Senior Lecturer in Radiology,
The Royal Veterinary College
10.35 11.25
The lame cat - causes, consequences and
Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedics,
The Royal Veterinary College
11.40 12.30
The 2nd consult: Anorexia and normal blood
work - where’s the disease?
Professor of Small Animal Medicine,
University of Bristol
13.30 14.20
Heart murmurs in dogs - when should I worry?
Virginia Luis Fuentes MA VetMB PhD CertVR DVC
Professor of Veterinary Cardiology,
The Royal Veterinary College
14.35 15.25
Surgical and non-surgical management of
the lame cat
Karen Perry BVM&S CertSAS DipECVS FHEA
MRCVS, Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedics,
The Royal Veterinary College
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
10.00 10.50
11.30 12.20
Chronic nasal disease in dogs and cats bacteria is NEVER the primary cause!
Phil Padrid DVM Associate Professor of SA
Medicine (adj), The Ohio State University
School of Vet Med
The 2nd consult: Corneal ulcers
Rick Sanchez BSciBiol DVM DipECVO FHEA
MRCVS, Lecturer, Head of Opthalmology,
The Royal Veterinary College
Sponsored by
13.50 14.40
14.50 15.40
16.00 16.50
The 2nd consult: Persistent diarrhoea should I try another antibiotic?
Edward Hall MA VetMB PhD DipECVIM-CA
MRCVS, Professor of Small Animal Medicine,
University of Bristol
13.50 14.40
Watch this space diagnosis and management of pleural
space disorders in the 21st century
Phil Padrid DVM Associate Professor of SA
Medicine (adj), The Ohio State University
School of Vet Med
15.05 15.55
Practical use of local analgesia in small
animal practice indications and approaches
Elizabeth Leece BVSc CVA DipECVAA MRCVS,
Consultant Anaesthetist, Dick White Referrals
16.05 16.55
Managing anaesthetic risks in the geriatric
patient - fact and fiction
Elizabeth Leece BVSc CVA DipECVAA MRCVS,
Consultant Anaesthetist,
Dick White Referrals
The problems with brachycephalics snorting, snoring and much, much more
Gert ter Haar DVM PhD MRCVS DECVS,
Senior Lecturer in Soft Tissue Surgery,
Clinical Sciences and Services,
The Royal Veterinary College
Heart murmurs in cats - when should I worry?
Virginia Luis Fuentes MA VetMB PhD CertVR
Veterinary Cardiology,
The Royal Veterinary College
Sponsored by
15.40 16.30
A Division of MWI
Imaging the thorax does radiography always trump ultrasound?
Panagiotis Mantis DVM DipECVDI FHEA MRCVS,
Senior Lecturer in Radiology,
The Royal Veterinary College
Sponsored by
BVA Farm Theatre
09.00 09.55
10.10 11.05
11.15 12.10
12.25 13.10
Cattle lameness in the digital age
Roger Blowey BSc BVSc FRCVS FRAgS,
Farm Animal Vet, Wood Veterinary Group
Bio-security beyond the boot dip
Dr John Carr BVSc PhD DPM MRCVS,
Consultant Veterinarian,
Howells Veterinary Services
The joys and perils of pet pigs
David Chennell MA VetMB CertPM MRCVS,
Senior Partner in mixed General Practice,
Acorn House Veterinary Surgery, Bedford
09.00 09.50
10.00 10.50
11.30 12.20
Non BVA session
AB Vista sponsored session
Sponsored by
13.30 14.25
Food for thought – integrating nutrition with
routine veterinary services
Lecturer in Production Animal Medicine,
University of Glasgow
14.40 15.35
Where there’s muck there’s brass –
practical sheep parasitology
Dr Andrew Forbes BVM&S PhD DipEVPC MBS
Cbiol MRCVS, Veterinary Parasitologist,
Glasgow University
15.50 16.45
BVA Equine Theatre
The hen do’s and don’ts
Steve Smith BVetMed (Hons.) CertZooMed
DipECZM (Avian) MRCVS, Veterinary
Surgeon, Wendover Heights Birds & Exotics
Sponsored by
13.50 14.40
14.50 15.40
16.00 16.50
Castration, its complications and their
Professor Tim Greet BVMS, MVM, Cert EO, DESTS,
Dip ECVS, FRCVS, Senior Partner and Senior
Surgeon, Rossdales LLP
The sick neonatal foal in the field practical first opinion management
DACVECC MRCVS, Specialist in Equine Medicine
and Critical Care, Veterinary Advances Ltd
Critical emergencies in the field
AssocECVDI MRCVS, Director,
Bell Equine Veterinary Clinic
Bugs going viral - how to keep outbreaks
under control at the yard
Professor Josh Slater BVM&S PhD DipECEIM
MRCVS, Professor in Equine Clinical Studies,
The Royal Veterinary College
RVC Equine Theatre
09.15 10.05
Dental and sinus disease:
the view from practice
10.20 11.10
Advanced imaging: what, how and when
12.00 12.50
Decision making in dental and sinus disease
13.50 14.40
Advanced imaging:
getting more out of your orthopaedic referrals
15.05 15.55
Dental and sinus disease: what are you
16.05 16.55
Advanced imaging: getting more out of your
non-orthopaedic referrals
Delivered by:
Dr Thomas Witte BVetMed MRCVS FHEA PhD
DipACVS/ECVS, RCVS, European and American
recognised Specialist in Equine Surgery and Senior
Lecturer in Equine Surgery, Clinical Sciences and
Services, The Royal Veterinary College
Neuromuscular gait deficits
Dr Richard Piercy MA VetMB MS PhD
DipACVIM MRCVS, Professor of Comparative
Neuromuscular Disease, Clinical Sciences and
Services, The Royal Veterinary College
Safia Barakzai BVSc MSc DESTS Dipl ECVS Assoc
ECDVI MRCVS, RCVS and European Specialist in
Equine Surgery, Chine House Veterinary Hospital
Challenging vetting scenarios - and how to
manage them
Malcolm Morley BVSc MRCVS,
Veterinary Surgeon and Director,
Stable Close Equine Practice
AssocECVDI MRCVS, Director,
Bell Equine Veterinary Clinic
Dr Renate Weller Dr Med.Vet PhD MRCVS MScVetEd.
FHEA, Professor in Comparative Imaging and
Biomechanics, Clinical Sciences and Services, The
Royal Veterinary College
Philip Ivens MA VetMB Cert EM (Int. Med.) DipECEIM
MRCVS, European Specialist in Equine Internal
Medicine and Director, Buckingham Equine Vets Ltd
To view the most up-to-date programme and to book your place visit or call 02476 719 687
Programme correct at time of going to print.
Friday 21st November 2014
IDEXX Advanced Diagnostics
Theatre (Olympia Room)
08.30 12.30
IDEXX lecture stream:
Case-based challenges
Dr Guillermo Couto DVM DACVIM
(Internal Medicine and Oncology)
Professor in the Department of Veterinary
Clinical Sciences and Veterinary Medical
Center, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Oncology/Haematology Service,
The Ohio State University
Dr Dennis DeNicola DVM PhD DACVP, IDEXX
Chief Veterinary Educator and Veterinary
Clinical Pathologist, IDEXX
Dr Stan Marks BVSc PhD DACVIM (Internal
Medicine, Oncology) DACVN, Director and
Veterinary gastroenterologist and nutritionist
of the Companion Animal Gastrointestinal
Laboratory and Professor in the Department
of Medicine and Epidemiology,
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
13.00 17.00
IDEXX masterclass: Gastroenterology
Dr Stan Marks BVSc PhD DACVIM (Internal
Medicine, Oncology) DACVN, Director and
Veterinary gastroenterologist and nutritionist
of the Companion Animal Gastrointestinal
Laboratory and Professor in the Department
of Medicine and Epidemiology,
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
IDEXX Advanced Diagnostics
Theatre (Anex Room)
13.00 17.00
FOR 2014
09.00 10.00
Analgesia from a surgical perspective Susanna Taylor RVN VTS(Anaesthesia)
NCert (A&CC), Theatre/Anaesthesia Nurse,
Wood Street Veterinary Hospital
10.15 11.15
Planning lump removal and reconstruction
(don’t get in a flap about big margins!)
Julian HoadBSc(Hons) BVetMed MRCVS,
Partner, Crossways Veterinary Group, Storrington,
West Sussex
11.30 12.30
Drains and sutures:
tubes and ropes what can we use this for?
Pieter Nelissen DVM CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS,
European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal
Surgery; Hon. Assoc. Professor of Small Animal
Surgery, University of Nottingham
13.30 14.30
Wound management:
Help! My wound has broken down!
Pieter Nelissen DVM CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS,
European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal
Surgery; Hon. Assoc. Professor of Small Animal
Surgery, University of Nottingham
14.45 15.45
Evidence based practice;
does this apply to wound care?
Georgie Hollis BSc MEWMA Hon CITER,
Independent Wound Specialist,
Independent Wound Care
16.00 17.00
Is it a lungworm, Is it a heartworm?
Joy Howell RVN Dip AVN (surgical) Hon MBVNA,
Senior Practice Support Advisor,
Bayer Animal Health
1. Call us on 02476 719 687 and
book your place over the phone
or we can send you a booking
IDEXX masterclass:
Oncology in my clinic: do’s and don’ts
form to complete and return.
Dr Guillermo Couto DVM DACVIM
(Internal Medicine and Oncology)
Professor in the Department of Veterinary
Clinical Sciences and Veterinary Medical
Center, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Oncology/Haematology Service,
The Ohio State University
2. Register online at
Dr Dennis DeNicola DVM PhD DACVP, IDEXX
Chief Veterinary Educator and Veterinary
Clinical Pathologist, IDEXX
Business Theatre
09.00 09.50
10.00 10.50
11.30 12.20
12.30 13.30
What happens when competition sets up
over the road
Alan Robinson, Managing partner at Vet
Dynamics and Founder of The Platinum
Practice Veterinary Business Builder
09.00 10.10
Ian Nanjiani BVMS MSc MRCVS, Head of
Clinical Research, Westpoint Veterinary Group
09.30 10.20
10.20 11.30
11.50 13.00
Life as a vet in government and research
Richard Irvine BVetMed PGCert ILHP MSc(CIDA)
Dipl. ECPVS MRCVS, Head of National
Reference Laboratory (UK) for Viral Diseases
of Poultry and Deputy Head, EU/OIE/FAO
International Reference Laboratory for Avian
Influenza & Newcastle Disease,
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories
Agency (AHVLA), Weybridge
Learning doesn’t stop when you leave
Dr Christine Goodall BSc(Hons) BDS(Hons) FHEA
FDS(OS)Hon MFPH PhD, Senior Clinical Lecturer
(Honorary Consultant), University of Glasgow
School of Medicine
10.30 11.20
Keith Evans, Advisor to National Policing Lead on
Dangerous Dogs and Companion Animals and Dog
Legislation Officer, West Midlands Police
11.35 12.25
Getting a deeper insight into your team:
can you all get along or is it just wishful
Helen Goldberg Dip M MCIM BVM&S MRCVS,
Director, Clavis Marketing Limited
Professor Dirk Pfeiffer DrMedVet MANZCVSc PhD
DipECVPH, Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology,
Royal Veterinary College
14.45 15.35
Peter Jeffries B.V.Sc M.Sc MRCVS,
Chief Executive, GALVmed
Ellie Milnes MA VetMB MRCVS, Veterinarian
Veterinary Enterprises Group, New Zealand
Professor John E. Cooper DTVM FRCPath FSB CBiol
FRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Pathology
Diplomate, European College of Veterinary
Pathologists, European Veterinary Specialist,
Zoological Medicine
Specialisation within practice and how
to go about it
Padraig Egan BVM&S CertAVP (GSAS) MRCVS,
Surgical Resident, Fitzpatrick Referrals
What else are vets good for?
Gemma Ludgate Occ Psy MSc BSc CEIAG in
HE, Head of C2 Education and RVC Careers
Consultant, The Careers Group,
University of London
Overseas projects:
veterinary tourism or long-term aid?
Professor the Lord Trees BVM&S PhD DipEVPC
DVetMed(hc) MRCVS, House of Lords
Rachael Kilroy BVM&S CertSAS MRCVS,
Senior Veterinary Surgeon, PDSA
15.50 17.00
Surveillance cuts –
threats or opportunities for vets?
Chris Hadkiss BSc, Chief Executive, Animal Health
& Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)
16.00 16.50
16.00 16.45
Dangerous dogs – culprits or victims?
Elizabeth Kendal Shepherd BVSc CCAB MRCVS
Veterinary Behaviourist
Jon Mouncey, BVetMed MRCVS, CPD Group
Member and Clinical Director/Consultant
Veterinary Surgeon, Westpoint Veterinary
Group Limited
14.10 15.20
The uncomfortable truth –
links between human and animal abuse
Phil Wilson, Senior Prosecutions Case Manager,
RSPCA Prosecutions Department
Jane Balmain, Managing Director,
Vets4Pets and Companion Care Group
The customer and pet experience from the first consult to the last
Alison Lambert BVSc MMRS,
Managing Director, Onswitch
Mindful business taking time to be more effective
Helen Frewin MSc C.Psychol, Chartered
Occupational Psychologist, Talent Director,
Totem Consulting
Juggling kids, cows, cats and dogs
Carolyne Crowe BSc BVetMed (Hons) MRCVS
Dip Coaching, Veterinary Coach and Mentor,
Veterinary Surgeon, Carolyne Crowe Coaching
Sponsored by
15.00 15.50
BVA Congress
MRCVS, Clinician in Veterinary Oncology,
The University of Glasgow
Sponsored Lunchtime Session by RBS
Sponsored by
13.45 14.35
BVA Careers Fair
(Please note, the BVA Careers Fair
is only open to BVA Members)
Top 5 digital marketing priorities for
veterinary practices in 2015
Susie Samuel MA VetMB MRCVS,
Managing Director, Vet Help Direct
PR made easy
Marc Abraham BVM&S MRCVS CEVA’s Vet
of the Year 2014, Marc the Vet, Founder,
The Club Room
BVNA Advanced
Nursing Programme
Closer than you think: one health and wildlife
Nic Masters MA VetMB MSc (Wild Animal Health)
MRCVS, Head of Veterinary Services, Zoological
Society of London
Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka BVetMed MRCVS
MsPVM, Founder and CEO, Conservation Through Public Health To view the most up-to-date programme and to book your place visit or call 02476 719 687
Programme correct at time of going to print.
Friday 21st November 2014
Henley Suite 1
08.30 10.30
RidgeStop™ - For Patella Luxation
Dr Malcolm Ness, BVetMed, CertSAO,
DipECVS, FRCVS and European Specialist
in Surgery, Senior Surgeon and Clinical
Director, Croft Veterinary Hospital,
Henley Suite 2
10.00 11.45
Tommy Hargittai DVM, MRCVS
RidgeStop™ Developer,
Delivered by
10.30 12.30
RidgeStop™ - For Patella Luxation
Dr Malcolm Ness, BVetMed, CertSAO,
DipECVS, FRCVS and European Specialist
in Surgery, Senior Surgeon and Clinical
Director, Croft Veterinary Hospital,
Tommy Hargittai DVM, MRCVS
RidgeStop™ Developer,
Delivered by
13.00 17.00
Henley Suite 4
Management of pelvic fractures in
cats and dogs
Mark Bush MA VetMB CertSAS DSAS(Orth)
MRCVS RCVS Diplomate & Recognised
Specialist in Small Animal Orthopaedics
RCVS Diplomate and Recognised Specialist
in Small Animal Orthopaedics; Orthopaedic
Surgeon, British Veterinary Association (BVOA)
Delivered by
09.00 10.00
BAVECC’s guide on how to cope with small
animal emergencies
Tobias Grave TA GP Cert SAP DipACVECC MRCVS,
American Veterinary Specialist in Emergency and
Critical Care, Vets Now Referrals, Glasgow
10.05 11.05
General approach to intoxications
Tobias Grave TA GP Cert SAP DipACVECC MRCVS,
American Veterinary Specialist in Emergency and
Critical Care, Vets Now Referrals, Glasgow
11.10 12.10
General approach to the trauma patient
Tobias Grave TA GP Cert SAP DipACVECC MRCVS,
American Veterinary Specialist in Emergency and
Critical Care, Vets Now Referrals, Glasgow
12.15 13.15
Common emergency presentations in
small animal practice
Tobias Grave TA GP Cert SAP DipACVECC MRCVS,
American Veterinary Specialist in Emergency and
Critical Care, Vets Now Referrals, Glasgow
Sponsored by
12.15 13.15
Introduction to TTA Rapid
Steve Butterworth MA VetMB CertVR DSAO
MRCVS RCVS, Specialist in Small Animal
Surgery (Orthopaedics), Veterinary Surgeon
and Director, Weighbridge Referral Service Ltd
Feline Hyperthyroidism; evidence-based
medicine, possible aetiology and prevention
Andrew Bodey BVSc CertVR MRCVS,
Founder and Veterinary Surgeon,
The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre
Delivered by
Additional sessions from:
Delivered by
The London Room
08.30 09.30
A lifetime of tax economies for efficient
veterinary practices
Steve Vryonides CTA FCCA, Tax Manager,
RA Accountants LLP
Henley Suite 3
11.45 12.45
Delivered by
11.00 11.30
Rehabilitation Medicine for general
practice - science and finances for
progressive practices: Regenerative
medicine involving platelet rich plasma
Dr Volker Luibl, Pall Corporation, Germany
11.30 12.00
Rehabilitation Medicine for general
practice - science and finances for
progressive practices: Class IV Laser
therapy - pain management and
rehabilitation medicine
Dr David Bradley,
Delivered by
The Dark Room
Delivered by
13.30 14.30
Current thinking in the pain management
of companion animals
Delivered by
14.45 15.45
Light years ahead – Class IV Laser Therapy
John C. Godbold, Jr., DVM, Stonehaven
Veterinary Consulting - Jackson, Tennessee
Inter-dog aggression outside the home what’s the motivation?
Claire Hargrave BSc(Hons) MSc PGCE
C.Sci C.Chem MRSC CCAB, Clinical
Animal Behaviourist, Companion
Animal Behaviour
Delivered by
11.00 11.30
“When cats attack!”- tips to manage and reduce
cat aggression
Vicky Halls RVN Dip Couns Reg Member
BACP, Cat Behaviour Counsellor,
Vicky Halls Cat Behaviour
Referral Practice
Delivered by
12.00 12.30
Whatever happened to “man’s best friend”?
David Ryan PG Dip (CABC) CCAB,
Dog Behaviour Consultant
The treatment of cancer using homeopathy
Geoff Johnson MA Vet MB MRCVS VetMFHom
RSHom PCH, Principal, Wiveliscombe
Homeopathic Veterinary Surgery
Delivered by
14.15 15.15
10.00 10.30
Cutting anaesthetic costs, better anaesthesia
and reducing pollution – what makes the
Humphrey ADE-circle system so efficient?
Dr David Humphrey MBBS DA, Research
Anaesthetist, Senior Lecturer University of KZN
(retired), South Africa, Anaequip-Vet UK
Delivered by
Additional sessions from:
Delivered by
13.00 17.00
The Supreme Rabbit Room
Charly Pignon DVM, Head of Exotics
Medicine Service, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Vétérinaire d’Alfort, France
Molly Varga BVetMed DZooMed
(Mammalian) MRCVS RCVS, Recognised
Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
and Veterinary Surgeon, Cheshire Pet
Jo Hedley BVM&S DZooMed (Reptilian) DipECZM
(Herpetology), Lecturer in Exotic Species and
Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery ,
Royal Veterinary College
Delivered by
V on
et d
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£ IN
+ A
Delivered by
Access the entire 2014 London Vet Show programme online,
after the show, as CPD webinars! Just £50 + VAT for access to up
to 100 hours CPD, whenever you want, as often as you want!
To book, call the delegate team on
02476 719687 or email [email protected]
To view the most up-to-date programme and to book your place visit or call 02476 719 687
Programme correct at time of going to print.