Katharina Stock

Curriculum vitae
Kathrin Friederike Stock
Born on 14 December 1976 in Freiburg in the
Southwest of Germany (Black Forrest)
Since 1980 living in the Northern part of
Germany (Lower Saxony)
Completion of graduate school in 1995
1996-2001 study of veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine
Hannover, Hanover, Germany
2002 veterinary approbation (allowance to work as a veterinarian)
doctoral thesis ("Radiographic findings in the limbs of Hanoverian
Warmblood horses: Genetic analyses and relationships with performance in
sports") at the Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary
Medicine Hannover, Hanover, Germany, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ottmar
November 2005 to March 2006
post-doctoral grant at Virginia Bioinformatics
Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg / Virginia,
November 2008 submission of teaching thesis ("Implementation of strategies to
utilize molecular genetic information for selection in horse and dog breeding")
July 2009 official acceptance as a private / external lecturer (German term:
Privatdozent, PD) for animal breeding at the University of Veterinary Medicine
February 2010 job change to better connect research and practical application of
innovations, with start of working in the genetic evaluation division of the
Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V. (vit), a company providing IT
solutions for animal production
since 2010 performance of routine genetic evaluations for dairy cattle (calving traits)
and riding horses (performance); intense involvement in research and
development activities in the field of functional traits and new phenotypes (direct
health traits in dairy cattle and horses, linear conformation and performance traits
in horses)
academic activities (since 2004):
involved in animal breeding education of veterinary students and post-graduate
statistical education at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, continued
under employment at vit,
supervision and co-supervision of doctoral, master and bachelor theses in
veterinary medicine and animal sciences in collaboration with different national
and international universities (Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics,
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover; Institute for Animal Breeding and
Husbandry, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel; Institute of Animal Science,
Animal Breeding and Husbandry, University of Bonn; Van Hall Larenstein
University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen),
scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals (about 40 papers, mostly as first
author and in English),
conference papers and presentations at several national and international
scientific conferences, symposia and workshops
member of national and international working groups
- dairy cattle: ICAR Functional Traits Working Group since 2010, DLQ Working
Group for Health Traits since 2011, ICAR Animal Welfare Recording Working
Group since 2014
- horses: Interstallion Linear Profiling Working Group of the EAAP horse
Commission since 2011, advisory board for Genetic Evaluations for Riding Horses
in Germany since 2013, steering committee of the German equine health project
since 2014
- dogs: advisory board of the Society of German Shepherd Dogs since 2013
ideas for future activities of the EAAP Horse Commission:
spread of information on main outcomes of EAAP horse sessions, workshops
and satellites - to be prepared by chair persons, distribution to studbooks (and
other interested organizations) by the HC board after the meetings - aim:
increasing awareness of latest European horse research in the practice
identification of relevant topics in the national equine sectors to be possibly
addressed or at least discussed at EAAP conferences - possible design of kind of
'HC survey' to be distributed (in connection with reminders on the upcoming
EAAP conference) by country representatives - aim: reducing / closing the gap
between science and practice
support of young scientists - improved communication of open positions in
research projects, support of project linking (exchange of information and
experiences) and networking, support of possible establishment of regular
meetings ('EAAP equine young scientists workshops', stand-alone or satellite /
part of satellite meeting at EAAP conferences) - aim: building up a more
collaborative generation of scientists
improvement of communication and collaboration of international equine
scientists - aim: strengthening the position (improving the political standing) of
equine research in Europe