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3 April 2014 at Balerno High School at 7.30pm
Tony Allen, David Brewster, Brian Conway, Max Downie, Kathleen Fiddes, Cllr Bill
Henderson, Cllr Ricky Henderson, , Richard Henderson, Ian Hynd, Marion Milne, Jim
Polasik, Ken Shade, Bill Stark, Hugh Watt
Trudy Allan, Finlay Anderson, Cllr Dominic Heslop, Jack Kerr, Lauchie Scougall
Preliminary Matters
Agenda Matters
2. Agenda for the evening was agreed
3. Declarations of Interest
• BVT: Richard Henderson,
• HH: Ian Hynd
• PHRP: Ken Shade, Hugh Watt
4. Draft Minutes of March Meeting
• These were agreed without change
5. Matters Arising
Tom McColl Memorial.. Transport and Environment Sub Committee to consider
further: It was agreed that the preferred option is the planting of an oak tree in the
planting area at the corner of Main Street and Ladycroft. This recognises Tom's
longstanding involvement in St Mungo's Church and his involvement in the reopening
of the pedestrianised Main Street. BCC asked that Jack Kerr speak to Craig Dunlop
at CEC and BVT, which prodes care of the planting area.
Manhole on A70 westbound at crash barriers east of station. This is owned by Cable
and Wireless. Cllr Bill Henderson has raised this matter already. THis has been
reported again.
Open manhole on A70 by former Pilmuir Farm. Now plated to make safe, awaiting
full repair. This has now been plated so long, weeds are growing from it. Manholes
are the responsibility of the utility company concerned.
Co-op car park. No progress on fixing potholes in conjunction with installation of
dropped kerbs to ease access for sheltered homes residents. This is getting worse.
Minutes of Balerno Community Council
3 April 2014
Cllr Bill Henderson advised that this was awaiting funding from 1st April, the
beginning of the new financial year.
Meeting to be arranged with DPPS re 'Millstone' project. Meeting to be arranged W/C
24/02/14. Outstanding currently. Given the recent changes to the roundabout, this
project is currently on hold, with no further action planned.
Village Sign. Grant money from PNP now agreed. Design to be sought, with possible
link to PHRP.
BCC Replacement Notice board. Money has been made available from the PNP, but
the replacement has not yet been ordered. BS offered to install it, once delivered.
The content should include the minutes, agenda and planning report.
Community Access to School Review. A meeting is planned with David Bruce of CEC
tomorrow (4th April). Tony Allen, Richard Henderson and Jack Kerr are attending.
BCC has already met with Graeme Sives (Head Teacher, BCHS), Rehana Shanks
(Head Teacher, DPPS) and the Chair of BCHS Parent Council. There is a
considerable degree of imprecision - what it is and how it will affect the local
community. a particular question is the assessment of community service provision in
Balerno. This has been done for South Queensferry High School, but not BCHS. This
is a breach of earlier undertakings given by CEC. Marion Milne on behalf of BCHS
Parent Council requested information on what CEC Councillor's position on the CAtS
review. Cllr Bill Henderson had met with David Bruce (CEC) to put the community
view, but is awaiting the Working Group report before forming a firm view. BCHS
Parent Council is concerned that the 'Holiday Headstart' and revision programme
may be adversely affected. Cllr Ricky Henderson advised that the idea of widening
community access to schools had been around for a long time. The current spread
was unequal and there was seen to be a need to move to a standard system with a
standard rate for facility use across Edinburgh. However, this requires a move away
from a locally managed model. It was also noted that whilst the ability to set fees
locally brought flexibility, it came with income generation targets, which are not
welcomed by all schools. there are seen to be benefits and counter arguments to the
proposals. It was noted that Scott Campbell (Community manager, Currie
Community High School) is on the Working Group. If it can be evidenced that BCHS
pupils and community would be disadvantaged by proposed changes, the councillors
would support the community. However, Cllr Ricky Henderson is looking to
understand the effects before forming a view. Richard Henderson (Chair) expressed
the view that the process outlined in the May 2013 report had not been followed. It
identified that Currie and Balerno are short of community facilities, with for example,
no 3G sports pitch available. The December 2013 report shows that Gracemount,
Royston and South Queensferry have been surveyed, but no action had been taken
to look in detail at community facilities in Currie and Balerno. The Chair expressed
concern at the potential for depletion of facilities. Cllr Ricky Henderson challenged
the view that depletion of facilities would occur. The Chair expressed the view that
the removal of local income would adversely affect the ability to sustain facilities. Cllr
Bill Henderson highlighted the different management models existing between BCHS
and Currie Community High School. The Chair was concerned at the apparent haste
with which changes were being brought about and the absence of information and
consultation on the proposals. This combination, it was viewed may result in a fait
accomplis, which could not be dealt with. Cllr Ricky Henderson again emphasised
that he wanted to understand the potential outcomes. Max Downie highlighted the
local relationships between Currie Rugby Club and BCHS, which allowed a degree of
facility sharing without charge. These relationships, it was argued should be
preserved and taken into account. There had not been any CEC Committee decision
as yet, but BCC concerned that it may result in a fait accomplis.
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3 April 2014
Sponsorship to help fund 'Balerno Forum'. One offer of sponsorship had been
received. Other options included reduction in frequency or limiting hard copies to the
noticeboard or library. The choice may end up being between electronic olnly or
sponsorship to produce a paper version. Options for funding might come from PNP
or the Co-op community grant scheme. an alternative, but labour intensive option,
would be to hand deliver and ask for donations. It was questioned whether it was
necessary to produce the Forum at regular intervals. However not to do so makes it
difficult to keep it contemporary. BS is to look at funding options. Future content
could include an article on the new LDP, due in mid May.
• Village Diary proposal. Arose from Community Learning (based at BCHS) who were
requested to look at community diary / community cohesion or 'glue'. Hugh Watt and
David Brewster to look at options further.
• Budget for Community Grants. None available. It is possible that BVT may have a
budget for community grants in future, but not yet. Requests should generally be
directed in future to PNP.
6. Public Questions
• Nil. No public present
7. Police and Fire
No report was received from Police Scotland this month. It was agreed to pursue a
monthly report by e-mail for delivery at the monthly meeting. However, this could be
delivered by the Police and Fire sub-group to minimise the need for Police personnel
to attend. The door would remain open for Police Scotland to attend any meeting.
• There is threatened civilian staff strike within Police Scotland associated with the
reduction in command and control centres to three. Formerly, each force had its own
command and control centre.
• Max Downie has made contact with local personnel in Police Scotland and Fire &
Rescue (Mike Smith, Sighthill)
8. Culture and Sport
Work on the '3G' artificial pitch at Malleny park is to commence on 3rd June,
immediately following the Balerno Children's Gala.
9. Health, Wellbeing and Housing
• Nil. No matters to report.
10. Planning Report, Circulated in advance by e-mail. Reproduced at Appendix 1
It was noted that with a further PAN submitted for half of the previous Mansfield Road
/ Cockburn Crescent site, the whole process will have to be gone through again.
It was noted that the Ravelrig Road / Pilmur Farm / Gladman application had been
recommended for refusal. It may go to Planning Committee on 9th April.
It was noted that the Curriemuirend site is considered to be nonviable at present.
28 Mansfield Road. It was noted that the application to remove trees subject to a
TPO had been refused. (CEC took the view that the trees, except one, were not
dangerous.) BCC will recognise this decision by CEC and its expertise in making this
decision. However, it was noted that some neighbours subject to overshadowing
retain concerns. Those affected may make representations to BCC.
Pentland Hills Regional Park. The rationale behind the planned extension was
discussed. The view was expressed that the PRHP was established to recognise the
hill landscape, not the farming or urban landscapes of the lower slopes. Alternative
views were also expressed. the Park currently includes some farmland. The
extension would potentially expand the number of landowners into the hundreds,
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3 April 2014
compared to the current thirty. With an increase in landowners, the representation
and voting arrangements were questioned. The planning remit of the PRHP is limited
to design and sustainability. There is no plans to create a parks authority. The logic is
to include Balerno , although it was noted that it is only the 8th most used access
point due to lack of public transport proximity. (More people access from Juniper
Green, in spite of the its poor access route). A draft paper of the proposals is to be
prepared by the Planning Sub Committee and circulated for comment.
• Leasing of CEC ground for use as private gardens. BCC holds the general position
that there should be a presumption against transfer of any public open space into
private ownership or into the exclusive use of individuals. In general terms the
Council does not favour restricting the public's right of access to public open space.
Looking at this case on its merits, BCC members voted 8 votes to 4 in against
objecting to the lease application, subject to conditions including: no fence or hedge
above 1m height (to preserve open aspects); no vehicle access or storage on the
leased ground; no building, temporary or otherwise; and no automatic transfer of
leases with home sales.
• Dangerous Trees on Private Ground. 2 dangerous trees were noted in Glenbrook
Road, one of which is already leaning on another. CEC has notified the landowner
(Simon Thomson) . Dangerous trees on private land are the responsibility of the
landowner. If they fall on a road, CEC will charge for clearance.
11. Communities, Neighbourhood, Education, Children and Families
Balerno Community High School. BCHS is applying to be the first Rights Respecting
High School. Jennifer Grassick , Principal Teacher, Health, is retiring tomorrow. BCC
expressed its appreciation for the many years service to the pupils anc ommunity of
• Dean Park Primary School. No Report
• Community Access. Covered at 'Matters Arising'.
• No subgroup report.
12. Transport and Environment
No report. Most matters covered in item 5,'Matters Arising'.
Results of Balerno Walkabout 18/03/2014 (circulated by e-mail 20/03 by Secretary)
Results of Balerno Walkabout 18/03/2014 (circulated by e-mail 20/03 by Secretary)
Use of garden /trees at junction of LRW and Bridge Road for commercial advertising.
Advertising material now removed.
13. Communications:
Balerno Forum. Covered in Item 5, 'Matters Arising'.
C&B News. Report Submitted and published in April Edition. DLB to prepare atricle
for May edition.
• Web Site. LS not present, but approved minutes provided for upload to web site.
• Presence at Market to be pursued. BCC Banner kept with stall materials
• Notice Boards. Covered at item 5,'Matters Arising'
• Presence at Balerno Gala Day. Agreed in principle, but form of presence to be
considered further.
• Use of BCC e-mail address. It was apparent that Trudy's personal e-mail address
would not necessarily be covered whilst absent. Lauchie Scougall is to look further at
a single BCC in box. In the short term, the Chair will contact PNP to request contact
in Trudy's absence.
14. Pentland Hills Regional Park.
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3 April 2014
No report, but the following had been received since the last meeting:
• Minutes of PNP meeting on 03/03/2014 (circulated by e-mail 22/03 by Secretary)
• PNP Meeting on 25/03/2014 at 7pm (circulated by e-mail 20/03 by Secretary)
15. Pentland Neighbourhood Partnership.
The principal matter arising was that of the Pentland Community Plan and associated
survey / consultation, although no detail was yet available. Once available, it will need
reviewed and responded to.
16. BVT Report / Update
General. A £73, 500 grant to allow employment of a Development Manager and
Administration Manager to allow long term sustainability has been granted. It is
hoped they will be located within BCHS. The posts will be advertised in the next
week to 10 days. Kirknewton is a good example of what can be achieved with paid
• Harlaw Hydro. Final works contracts are to be let as soon as the paperwork for the
lease comes through from CEC. It is hoped to remove a few trees at the base of the
dam for access, however, it proving difficult to pin down contact within CEC.
17. Arrangements for Council Business. Nil
18. Upcoming Events
(i) Balerno farmers' Market, 12th April
(ii) Balerno Children's Gala, 24-31 May
19. Councillors' Reports
Cllr Bill Henderson:
Newmills Road is to be resurfaced and receive new lighting. BCC is requested to
represent residents' views.
Cllr Ricky Henderson:
Expects BGC Committee to receive a reduced rate for their licence application. This
is the first year a licence is being applied for.
Cllr Dominic Heslop:
• Not present
20. Office Bearers' Reports
Treasurer. Current balance is £3515.94, including recently received grant for
replacement notice board on Main Street. Insurance renewed with Zurich for £75.00.
• Secretary. Not present
• Chair. Nothing further to add to what already discussed.
21. AOCB
Invite to Edinburgh Civic Forum 25/03/2014 (circulated by e-mail 21/03 by Secretary).
Now past.
Invite to attend conference (06/05/2014) on Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
(circulated by e-mail 21/03 by Secretary). BVT may be attending
E-mail from BBC re house swap programme (circulated by e-mail 20/03 by
Secretary). No further action
Enquiry about Bung Mill, Harlaw Road. Passed to Jack McCaig for response
Enquiry regarding lease of council ground for garden extension. Covered under item
10, Planning.
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3 April 2014
22. Dates of next meetings
05/06/2014 (AGM, 7pm start)
(No meeting in July)
Appendix 1. Planning Update Report for 3rd April 2014
Green Belt
The Mansfield Road/Cockburn Crescent appeal, as expected it has been refused on GB
grounds. However we remain under pressure affecting the Balerno & Currie Green Belt, as
1. Mansfield Road/Cockburn Crescent. (Appeal refused) but a PAN has been submitted for
1/2 the original site?
2. Goodtrees Farm.
3. Glenbrook.
4. Harlaw Gait.
5. Ravelrig Road/Pilmuir Farm
6. 469 LRW (Appeal refused). It is contained within the Balerno & Currie GB boundary, but
the owner wants it removed from GB.
7. Newmills (This area is contained within the Currie GB)
8. Curriehill (This area is contained within the Currie GB)
Number 6,7&8 form part of an important link in the Balerno & Currie green belt corridors, it
is vitally important that they are retained otherwise Balerno would no longer be encircled by
it's own GB. It would simply be absorbed into the Currie & Edinburgh GB.
9. Currievale/Riccarton Mains Road
10. Riccarton area on the North side of Curriehill rail station.
11. Hermiston/Garden District, part of the Garden District is within the Ratho areas.
12 Muirwood Field
Number 12 also forms part of an important link in the Currie green belt corridor, it is very
important that it is retained otherwise Currie would no longer have its own complete GB
boundary. It would then simply be absorbed into the Edinburgh GB.
Juniper Green
1. Curriemuiend (near Gillespie Crossroads, it has been suggested that the site is not viable)
Other Balerno Issues
24A Harlaw Road. Second planning application for a new house to be built within a house
garden. (No decision yet)
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3 April 2014
28 Mansfield Road. TPO we have supported the removal of dangerous trees. (unfortunately
permission has been refused)
572 LRW. Mr J Brady - Permission has been granted for the demolition of the existing house
and the erection of a new house.
PHRP There is a proposal to extend the park. There may be some advantage to the
boundaries being extended, for example giving further protection to the surrounding Balerno
greenbelt countryside, but I think it should exclude the built up urban area of Balerno.
SES Plan We are waiting for an update, perhaps our CEC councillors may wish to make
ELDP We are waiting for an update, possibly new LDP consultation from the 26th May.
Regards - Ken Shade (Balerno CC - Planning Convener)
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3 April 2014
Abbreviations Used
Balerno Community Council
Balerno Children's Gala
Balerno Community High School
Balerno Music Festival
Balerno Village Trust
Balerno Parish Church
City of Edinburgh Council
Community Investigation Team (Police)
Community Policing Team
Dean Park Primary School
Harlaw Hydro
Local Development Plan (Planning)
Local Review Body (Planning)
Lanark Road West
Member of Parliament
Member of Scottish Parliament
Pre Application Notification (Planning)
Pentland Hills Regional Park
Pentlands Neighbourhood Partnership
Police Scotland
South East Scotland [Strategic] Plan
Supplementary Planning Guidance
Supplementary Planning Policy
South West Community Forum
Tree Preservation Order
Traffic Regulation Order
For abbreviations used - see end of Minutes
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