C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Shoroshim Flash Cards (a Ba’er Hetev Program) Published by Torah Umesorah For years mechanchim used the Shoroshim Flash Cards to reinforce vocabulary skills in the teaching of Chumash. Research has shown that a child who has a mastery of 270 of the most frequent shoroshim in the first three parshios of Sefer Bereishis has the ability to decode more than 80% of the text himself. In other words, a Rebbi or Morah who teaches these 270 words to mas-tery will not only enrich his or her children with Lashon Hakodesh but also give students the tools for Chumash learning for the rest of their lives. Torah Umesorah’s Ba’er Hetev Program has developed a program that can help Rebbeim and Moros reach this great objec ve. Included in this boxed resource is an instruc on booklet for maximizing use of the cards. Each durable card has a large view of the shoresh without nekudos on one side (facing the class) and a small view WITH nekudos and the exact source in the chumash on the other side for the teacher/morah. A er several years of its being out of print, the highly demanded resource is now revised, revamped and ready to enhance your teaching. An eminently worthwhile investment for your class— or for your yeshiva. A134 $32.00 משנה ברורה עם פאר הלכה על הלכות ציצית Rabbi Dovid Hirsch This oversized, hardcover sefer is a phenomenal tool for the teaching of ,הלכות ציצית especially useful where the intricacies of the halachah and the details of how to prepare the ארבע כנפות are taught. Suggested as a rebbi’s resource, or as a library reference source, rather than as a text for every student to use. At the same me, many talmidim will surely wish to own it. It contains the full text of הלכות ציצית, including the צורת הדף of the משנה ברורה, with shading on the por ons that are illuminated via clear and detailed illustra ons on the opposite page. There is an appendix with explanatory notes as well. 150 pages. B x W M277 $12.00 New to the Minchas Yaakov - the Rashi Companion series by Rabbi Yaakov Marcus Over the past few years, Rabbi Marcus’s “The Rashi Companion” series has become one of the most popular tools used by yeshivos and Bais Yaakov’s everywhere for the teaching of bekiyus and for re-view of Chumash-Rashi. This newest member of the series is a teacher edi on for Bereishis, the third among the teachers edi ons to come out for the series. Call the Publica ons Order desk for more informa on about all the “Rashi Companions” and for prices. Bereishis M785B $9.00 You may wish to consider the earlier parts of this important series too. ~ BEREISHIS – M785 / SHEMOS – M786 / VAYIKRA – M787 /BAMIDBAR – M788 / DEVORIM – M789 $11.50 Bulk price $9.50 ~ Teacher’s EdiƟon VAYIKRA M787B—$9.00 ~ Teacher’s EdiƟon DEVORIM M789B—$9.00 Lamdeini Chukecha by Rabbi Avigdor Frankenhuis Sub tled, “Clarifying Fundamental Topics in Shas,” this new work is groundbreaking. The Lamdeini Chukecha series, of which we present Volume 1, presents Gemara topics in an easy-to-understand fashion, along with clear explana ons and systema c categoriza on. Authored by a veteran mechanech, these works are intended as an introduc on to and reference for learning Gemara. The simple and clear format will appeal equally to advanced talmidim, magidei shiurim, rebbeim and parents. Text is English and lashon hakodesh. Volume 1 covers the following areas: mitzvos and their applica ons, Onshim, the judicial system ad eidus, disqualified eidim, oaths (shevuos), vows (nedarim), marriage and divorce, forbidden marriages and adulthood according to Halachah. 242 pages, hardcover. Has haskamos from Gedolei Yisrael. M292 $18.00 -2- C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Anu Lomdim Chumash For Yiddish programs Ler’n Zich Leinen (series of two) by M. Braun and B. Y. Braun An original TU PublicaƟon A child's beginning of Torah study is a very special occasion, whose impact can last for many years to come. Offering him or her a book that is colorful and pleasant, while also being systema c, has the poten al to transform the experience of haschalas Chumash into an exci ng adventure that will last for months… and years! Anu Lomdim Chumash presents the first three perakim of Bereishis, which are narra ve by nature, by using varied types of review, building of skills, light exercises and graphics that will immediately enhance the child’s ability to learn. The text, which is 72 pages long and brightly colored, offers the en re text of the Chumash with easy-tonavigate linear transla on. This is both colorcoded and offers explanatory notes for words which are “lashon ha’Torah.” There are sec ons on “connec ng words,” “connec ng le ers,” “vav hahipuch,” “word families,” vocabulary building and more. There are also sec ons of text review, as well as a thorough introduc on to Rashi le ers and Rashi skills in the last sec on of the workbook. The text is suitable for either boys or girls schools from a mid-Grade One through end of Grade Two levels, for schools where children learn primarily in English (or where Hebrew is the language of instruc on) and where the Chumash curriculum commences with the beginning of Sefer Bereishis. A185 - $11.00 Many schools teach their Limudei Kodesh program in Yiddish. This includes the wri en parts of the program. One of the common challenges to teaching in Yiddish is that there are not many materials that actually teach children HOW to read and pronounce in Yiddish. Ler’n Zich Leinen—two volumes—is a perfect solu on for dealing with this challenge. In its simple progression of skills, the books achieve the goals to simplify reading Yiddish . The resource follows a phone c approach and imparts actual rules that are unique to Yiddish. The series is already used successfully in numerous schools; now it can be yours through Torah Umesorah Publica ons. The two books are colorful and clear; they contain 108 and 72 pages respec vely. Recommended for girls schools, Grades 1-2. Vol. 1- M284 $10.00 Vol. 2. M285 $10.00 Kitzur Hilchos Brochos— A PracƟcal Guide to our Daily Brochos by Rabbi Michoel Fletcher This new book is perfect for Brochos study in most schools. It is an overview of the hashkafos as well as the halachos/ guidelines for ברכות הנהנין. It also includes a list of foods and their brochos—and explana ons for differing opinions when that is relevant. The sefer has seven haskamos, including one from the Lakewood Mashgiach, Rav Solomon, shlita. The en re text is in English, is 100 pages in length, hardcover and fully annotated with מראי מקומות . Recommended for Grades 5 and higher. Siyata Li’Gemara A paperback resource with about 95 pages, translating and briefly explaining the recurring phraseology of the Gemara into English. This book includes a number of tables, charts and Rav Sherira Gaon’s in- troduc on to Gema ra, translated M269 / $9.50 (bulk, ten or more, $9.00) into English. -3 - M889 $15.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Kuntress Kriah Nechonah Aleph-Bais Friends By Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Uhr by Mrs. S. Szanzer This fresh new resource represents a unique but effecve tool for teaching alephbais to children. Aleph-Bais Friends is a boxed set of 40 water-repellent cards (approx 5” x 7”) each of which imparts the sound of a le er (in some cases, separate cards to teach Ashkenazi and Sepharadi pronuncia ons). This is achieved via a simple process of associa on between le er sounds and iden fiable illustra ons. Each colorful visual corresponds to the shape and sound of the specific le er—this is on the front of each card. Then, visual, auditory and kinesthe c cues are provided for each le er on the back of the card. Included is also a card which is a clear teaching guide. This is a durable and proven-successful resource, which will be welcomed and enjoyed by chilldren, educators and parents alike. Increasingly the world of chinuch is taking no ce of the crucial role that kriah skills play—not only in the academic development of talmidim, but also in their overall personal and ruchniyusdige growth. For most children, the challenge is minimal and represents a simple part of scholas c maturity. For many, however, it is the beginning of a festering and moun ng problem… unless it is remediated—and the earlier, the be er. Rabbi A.Y. Uhr, of Lakewood, a veteran special ed. remediator, with emphasis on kriah, for years, has developed a tried and proven sy stem ofkriah remedia on, which can be administered in any school and by any designated rebbi/morah. He has noted me and me again the drama c change in the demeanor of children and adolescents once that they have been helped with his “Kriah Nechonah” system—with results o en visible a er a mere few weeks. This is a valuable resource that is appropriate for various venues: the school resource room, the classroom, the home of children that have encountered difficul es in kriah—indeed, any Jewish home would benefit from it. In fact, for certain youths, it would be recommended that they have one of their own. There are two versions of “Kriah Nechonah” - one designed for Litvish pronuncia on, and one for Chassidish pronuncia on. Spiral bound and onesided copying for specific pedagogic reasons, as well as for durability. Instruc ons are in English. (To have a copy of the instrucƟons in Yiddish mailed to you, please call 848-525-6650). Recommended for adolescents and younger. Litvish Havarah M286 $25.00 Chassidish Havarah M287 $25.00 M291 - $60.00 Phonemic Awareness Mrs. Elaine Rubinoff For early childhood and primary educators, the latest word in teaching children to read— especially children with learning issues— is a science known as “phonemic awareness”— different from “phonics” and widely accepted as the cu ng edge in educa onal science. Mrs. Rubinoff, well-known author of The Art of Teaching has created this new resource which includes the adapta on of phonemic awareness to Lashon Hakodesh and Kriah. This new TU Publica on will prove to be an invaluable resource to all mechanchim/os who face the challenge of teaching vital skills to students with impediments. Fullcolor, complete with assessment tools. Text is mostly in English. (8.5 x 11) M354 $13.00 -4- C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Ani Koreh Kriyah Series— Shlav Gimmel by Mrs. C.G. Hirschman Sefer Kriah M529B $11.00 $7.50 Kriah Decodable Books M529C $24.00 $14.50 SEE PAGE 17 FOR SHLAV DALED Kriyah Decodable Set—Shlav Gimmel (Level 3) Shlav Daled Ani Koreh Decodable Books include seven child friendly storybooks that are controlled to support each shva rule being taught. Designed for the beginning reader, these carefully sequenced books gradually increase in difficulty, reviewing phonic elements as they incorporate new skills. Children will delight in the engaging pictures and be empowered with their ability to read and understand each book. K’riah Without Nekudos Program by Rabbi Meir Gerber Exploring the World of Kriah Is your child struggling with his or her learning? Read this short eye opening booklet—designed with mechanchim and parents equally in mind—and find out why there may be an undetected kriah problem. Filled with pracƟcal advice and wri en in a user friendly format, this booklet is a must-read for all parents and educators of struggling learners. This ground-breaking program will enable you to help your students improve their ability to read without nekudos. Reading Words without Nekudos Volume 1 Rashi: Training students how to independently increase their bank of sight words through: Segmen ng and blending phonemes in oral language; and learning independent study skills for be er reten on. Volume 2 Gemara: Training students to use Aramaic dikduk to an cipate nekudos. Teaching- ps and how to handle student errors culled from the Lindamood Bell Phoneme Sequencing Program. Fully annotated, with references, theory, and a step by step methodology, this program will take your work to the next level. Exploring the World of Kriah M884 $10.00 Reading Words without Nekudos Volume 1 Rashi with CDM882 $25.00 Volume 2 Gemara with CD M883 $15.00 -5 - Sefer Kriyah—Shlav Gimmel (Level 3) Sefer Hakriya Shlav Daled is a one of a kind, systema c and easy to use instruc onal and prac ce reading tool. This Kriyah book is designed to teach and review the six basic rules of the shva. It is the founda on of your reading curriculum. Every page is laid out in a clear and visually appealing format, providing a comprehensive and cumula ve review of the shva rules. Shaar Aleph Bais by Rabbi Moshe Kravetz The master kriah rebbi, Rabbi Moshe Kravitz, of Lakewood, NJ, has created this authorita ve teaching guide to the aleph bais. It has now been augmented by the second chelek— together in one volume—called “Shaar Hanekudos.” This is the perfect kriah primer for the beginner who is ge ng ready to learn as well as for the child who is now mastering his reading. A great upsherin gi … and one the child will cherish for years! With haskamos from prominent Roshei Yeshivos, it is well suited to be the kriah text in schools interested in the classical kriah mesorah. Hardcover, 275 pages. Black and white with beau ful graphic design. M887 $20.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T L’ Tiferes Hakriyah—the Glory of Torah Reading Inadvertently omi ed from our recent catalogue! by M. Gellis and D. Gribetz Klalei Taamei Hamikra by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Gutman This resource is not new, but it is new to Torah Umesorah Publica ons. Wri en by an acclaimed expert in the issues related to grammar and nota ons (ta’amim) in the Mikra, this is a must-learn for those who are eager to fully understand aspects of kriyas ha’Torah, kriyas Shema and tefillah in accordance with the halachah. Klalei Taamei Hamikra received haskamos and brachos from scores of Gedolei Yisroel, including Harav Avrohom Pam, zt”l. This is a sefer to be learned, but also an indispensable source for teachers to acquire the mastery with which to teach their talmidim these areas with confidence. It contains comprehensive dikduk charts for verbs and nouns etc. Recommended for teachers at any level. M249 $23.00 For those mechanchim who are interested in first learning and then ul mately teaching the reading of Lashon Hakodesh and the pesukim of Torah and Neviim in a way that is steeped in both accuracy as well as the understanding the linguis c rules— that is, the correct nekudos as well as the “can lla on”—the “taamei hamikra,” this resource is strongly recommended. L’ Tiferes Hakrihyah—the Glory of Torah Reading targets not only baalei kriyah who “lein” in shul: it targets every individual who studies the language. The book is divided into two chapters: the first deals with the nekudos, while the second explains the taamei hamikra. The text is in English, lucid and easy to read and understand. The books also have several haskamos, including one from Harav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l. Hardcover, 96 pages. A resource for Mechanchim and talmidim alike. M266 $16.00 Taryag Mitzvos Hamevo’ar by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz & Rabbi Yosef Rawicki This is what so many of you have been wai ng for: Rabbis Yakov Horowitz and Y. Rawicki have joined efforts again to produce this beau ful and colorful resource for haschalas Chumash. The appealing and user-friendly work-text covers the last four perakim of Parshas Lech Lecha and is perfect for schools that begin Chumash study with this curriculum. Excite your young students with the great illustra ons as well as the skill-based and analy cal presentaon of words and sentences. Over 200 pages, full color. (Includes a beau -ful chazoroh game.) Rabbi Alter Eliezer Lowen This beau ful and reasonable priced set 2volume set is a pervasive resource - for Yiddishspeaking yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs. It provides an easy-tounderstand exposi on of all most of Taryag mitzvos, outlining the concepts as well as the applica ons and halacha l’maaseh. The resource is hard-cover, black and white and nicely illustrated. Volume 1 has 448 pages, dealing with 233 mitzvos, while Volume 2 deals with 209 mitzvos in 446 pages. Numerous haskamos are printed in the text. The mitzvos are categorized and classified according to a logical system, making the seforim valuable either as a teacher-owned resource or as a curriculum that can be owned by each student. Each volume is sold separately M876B $ 23.00 Bulk price $21.00 Volume 1 Volume 2 Bright Beginnings Parashas Lech Lecha, II Order Volume One as well. You won’t regret it. M876 $ 20.00 Bulk price $18.50 -6- M288 $15.00 M289 $15.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Moreh Tzedek compiled by Rabbi Meir Pam Many of us had the dis nct privilege and zechus of having heard some of the inspiring addresses given by Harav Avrohom Pam, zt”l, Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. Their meless and well ar culated messages le audiences upli ed in a way that never seemed to fade. Rabbi Meir Pam, a grandson of the late Rosh Hayeshiva, has compiled a beau ful and collec on of moving drashos and addresses by Rav Pam. The collecon is sure to be seen as an asset not only for personal libraries but for mechanchim personally. A large por on of the sefer deals directly with topics of chinuch concern and includes addresses that were delivered by the Rosh Hayeshiva at Torah Umesorah conven ons and more. Moreh Tzedek is in lashon hakodesh; it is well indexed and has over 390 pages. This is a resource that does not belong only on the racks of a seforim store, but also in the inventory of Torah Umesorah’s Publica ons Store. A worthwhile investment for those eager to personally be er themselves as Torah educators. M278 $14.00 PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY PH: 718.259.1223 FAX: 718.259.1795 EMAIL: [email protected] Limud Hashas by Rabbi Avrohom Taubus The study of Gemara is systema c, following specific principles of raonale and logical sequence. Fathoming the system, however, is not a simple thing; and it is o en even harder when trying to teach it to talmidim. According to Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, zt”l, the Ramchal’s Derech Tevunos ia “a classical tool for teaching the Talmud.” Its new English transla on makes it eminently accessible. This easy-to-follow illustrated presentaƟon in English of the Ramchal’s trea se is almost certain to become a staple in the teaching of Gemara— whether at the level of haschalas Gemara or at the level of more advanced talmidim. The language of instruc on is, as noted, English, with lashon hakodesh cita on throughout. This 8.5 x 11 hardcover text contains 245 pages in black and white and includes a number of haskamos and the original lashon hakodesh text of the DerechTevunos (54 pages). Recommended for rebbeim and maggidei shiurim at any level. M293 $18.00 Ahavas Chessed by the Chofetz Chaim, zt”l Published by Rav Moshe Chaim Gura Rebbeim and Moros perennially search for level-appropriate and diges ble works of mussar and/or hashkafah to teach their talmidim/ os. A new publica on of the Chofetz Chaim’s classic, “Ahavas Chessed” was first published in the original lashon hakodesh and sold in tens of thousands among the Torah schools of Eretz Yisrael and abroad. Rav Moshe Chaim Gura, of Yerushalayim, has invested much me and effort to produce the resource as well as to promote its being used. Now, Rav Gura has invested once again to produce the English transla on of Ahavas Chessed for use in the English speaking world of chinuch. With haskamos of numerous leading Roshei Yeshivos, the sefer has been divided up in such a way that it could be a systema zed weekly study for today’s yeshivos and Bais Yaakov’s. 360 pages in lucid English, designed to inculcate the all important middah of chesed in our children. Make this not into a chesed “campaign,” but into an element of learning. -7 - Hard-cover, larger version SoŌ-cover, smaller size M862 $16.00 M862B $10.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Sefer Haparshiyos by Rabbi Elchonon Zimmerman TU Publica ons is most fortunate at having procured this most remarkable work on Parashas Hashavua. It is a resource that is not only good for Rebbeim and Moros to prepare from and give overviews of the parsha each week from —it is perfect for talmidim and laymen as well—anyone who wishes to review the weekly parsha. The approach is to summarize each pasuk in clear language (English), and according to the pshat of Rashi (unless another meforesh is annotated). Highly recommended for adults and students alike. Oversized, hardcover,355 pages. With haskamos from leading Roshei Yeshivos, Rabbonim and Mechanchim. M877 $25.00 Torah Teasers by Rabbi Moshe Erlbaum This book is a remake of the classic “Torah Teasers,” by Rabbi Moshe A k and is a must for any Rebbi or Morah who teaches Parsha each week. As the tle states, it is a wonderful compendium of “oĪeat quesƟons, tantalizing queries, and challenging riddles on the Parshas Hashavua.” The book, with haskamos from prominent chinuch personali es, offers 242 pages of ques ons (and answers) that your students—of almost any age—will enjoy, will be eager to answer, will take home with them to generate discussion and research at home. It encompasses all of the chumashim, it makes the weekly parsha a source of fun ac vity. Every educator will want to have this as a resource for easy and exci ng inquiry into the parsha. The new publica on is an enhanced and expanded version of the old one. Text is English with lashon hakodesh interspersed throughout. So cover. M878 “Good Shabbos” The 39 Melachos Illustrated with Photographs Rabbi Yisroel Mordechai Weber / Machon Halachah Layeled This item, in its original, Yiddish version, has become extremely popu-lar, and now there is much excitement with the recent publica on of the English-language edi on. It is a stunning book, which retails for much higher in the stores. It consists of 160, 8.5 x 11-inch heavy stock glossy pages with full color photographs depic ng the 39 melachos. Text is in English and a favorite for children 7-12, although it’s suited to any age. Green “push pins” signify what is mutar, while red ones indicate an issur. The text is clear, informa ve and easy to under-stand. Recommended as a classroom resource where a rebbi or morah is teaching about Shabbos. Good Shabbos is a wonderful addi on to any school or home library…and it makes for a magnificent, though affordable, gi to any deserving child. It contains haskamos from the following: Harav Eliyohu Falk, Gateshead; Harav Yoel C. Wenger, Montreal; Harav Shamai Gross, BelzYerushalayim; Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen, Lakewood; and the Bais Hora’ah of Bnai Brak. M897 $32.00 Sheilos on Parshas Hashavua by Mrs. P. Ellis An exci ng work by the author of the well-known “Bas Melech” series. This Parsha program is set up according to the school year, that is, beginning with Sho im and ending with Parshas Shelach. Each two–page spread shares the inyanim of the parsha, per nent expressions, vocabulary… and has room for students to write transla ons and even a dvar Torah. It is a pleasant looking, hands-on, work text, recommended for Junior High School and for Senior Hugh School. Spiral-bound, so -cover. The text is mostly n English, with a blend of English and Lashon Hakodesh. $13.00 A495B $16.50 A495 $16.50 HEBREW VERSION -8- C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Eight years in the making... Strike on Heaven (DVD) Tragedy and Rebirth By TU’s Zechor Yemos Olam Program Recently over three hundred schools across North America took part in the Zechor Yemos Olam Asara B’Teves Na onal Assembly Program, which featured the latest in our series of documentaries. “Strike on Heaven.” It is a most compelling account of the Third Reich’s a ack on Yiddishkeit as a central part of their war against the Jewish people. The documentary has two versions. The “Yeshiva Edi on” runs 33 minutes, while the “Bais Yaakov Edi on” runs a few minute longer. If your school was unable to take part in the assembly program… and especially if your school has a program of teaching Churban Europa, you will definitely want to have this DVD as a resource. by Rabbi Yoseph Elias (with Yaakov Astor) This joint Torah Umesorah / Artscroll endeavor is what many individuals involved in teaching the Holocaust have been wai ng for. The venerable Rabbi Yoseph Elias has compiled a history of Churban Europa as seen through the eyes of a pre-eminent Bais Yaakov Menahel. It is a virtual trea se brimming with divrei musar and hashkafah and the links to Hashgachah PraƟs that the author draws to the events of the Holocaust. Rabbi Elias, the founder of Torah Umesorah’s Zechor Yemos Olam Division for the study of the Churban, traces Jewish heroism, “Hatzalah” rescue ac vi es, global apathy to the plight of Klal Yisrael during WWII… and the miracles of Jewish survival and rebuilding. This powerful work has the haskamos of several of the world’s most renowned Roshei Yeshivos and is a must read for teachers of the material as well as for every Jewish youth. M290 (Special Torah Umesorah) $23.00 N226 Yeshiva EdiƟon N226B Bais Yaakov EdiƟon Regular price $30.00 Price for schools $25.00 Yedios Ba’Torah Holocaust through the Prism of Tanach by Rabbi Gershon Weiss A new Torah Umesorah PublicaƟons original! Rabbi Gershon Weiss is not only a fixture in theworld of yeshivos, of chinuch and rabbanus: he is a proverbial “staple” in discussions of the Holocaust. We at Torah Umesorah Publicaons and the Zechor Yemos Olam Division for Holocaust Studies are proud and privileged to offer Rabbi Weiss’s latest volume on understanding chur-ban Europe according to a proper Torah hash-kafah. “Prism,” sub tled “Tzaddik V’Ra Lo” explores various as-pects of the classical ques on of so-called evil in this world— especially as it was manifest during the Second World War —and examines them through the perspec ve of Tanach, Chazal and later Torah sources. The emo onal and psychological aspects of Holocaust study are treated in this 361-page trea se along with basic tenets of emunas Yisrael. Can easily serve as a text for Holocaust hashkafah study at the high-school level. It is certainly recommended reading for senior students as well as Holocaust studies teachers at all levels. So cover. A517 $20.00 by Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Hausmann This beau ful new book combines content, graphic design, color and general appeal to provide what should become a popular new resource in the teaching of ידיעה כללית at the intermediate grades, levels 4-6. Rabbi Hausmann, a renowned Bri sh mechanech, has produced Volume 1 and is in the midst of the next part of the series. The topics that are covered in the first volume include: the lists of mitzvos; bircas hamazon; the other brachos; “In the Field— mitzvos hateluyos ba’aretz”; the journeys of the Mishkan; measurements; direc ons and Eretz Yisrael; historical overview. The illustra ons are both a rac ve and clear; they include charts, maps, sketches and more. A resource that every educator will love to have in the class— perfect also both for school and home libraries and most suitable as gi s. Hardcover, glossy paper, text is mostly English with Hebrew words wri en in Lashon Hakodesh; 118 pages, 8.5” x 11” size. With haskamos from Rabbonim of Manchester, U.K. Special Bulk Rate :$18.00 -9 - M885 $18.00 Bulk price (for 10 or more) - $16.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Halachos of Tefillin (Student EdiƟon) Rabbi Shimon Eider Over 190 pages of text—mostly in Eng-lish with highlights in Lashon Hakodesh, this is a clear and easy-to-understand presenta on of the halachos of tefillin by a renowned posek, Rabbi Shimon Eider, shlita. Well suited to serve as a text for yeshivos that teach the materi-al to talmidim in prep-ara on for Bar Mitz-vah; equally suited as a source for handy and clear reference for talmidim, rebbim and/or general readership. Con-tains a detailed and convenient table of contents as well as an index of terms at the back. Available in hardcover or soŌ cover formats. Hardcover M294 $20.00 SoŌ cover M295 $15.00 A en on Menahalim/os and Dinim Teachers Journey of Faith – “A Comprehensive Teachers Guide to Teaching Dinim” by Rabbi Dov Liebenstein There is important news for the teaching of Dinim. As important as this subject is in the chinuch of our talmidim, the formula on of a curriculum that includes methodologies and objec ves in addi on to a syllabus of study has not yet been created. This has made teaching the subject difficult for many. Now, a step-by-step resource has been created by one of the most venerated names in chinuch in North America, Chicago’s Rabbi Dov Liebenstein. The “Comprehensive Guide,” in its five units outlines the details of “How to Teach Dinim,” an overview of the “Goals of Teaching Dinim,” “Components of a Halachah Unit,” Teaching and Reading Halachos Bein Adam Lachaveiro” and “Teaching the Moadim.” The valuable tool is something that every rebbi/morah who teaches Halachah will want to have for constant consultaon. The appealing book is 8.5 x 11, glossy and in full color—so cover. CO75 $10.00 Note Price Change: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch L’talmidim (p. 13 in our catalog) , item number M495 has been reprinted and slightly revised. S ll a tremendous buy for a universally useful sefer/text.New price is $15.00 and $14.00 for bulk. OLD VERSION STILL AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNTED PRICE #M495A - 10 - A Comprehensive Commentary on Sefer Bamidbar by Rabbi Yonasan Arenias This is an ideal resource/ text to provide teachers with all they need to teach Sefer Bamidbar in depth or to give a s mula ng parashah shiur. Built on the principle that a student first needs to understand the big picture before studying the details, the book first provides outlines and overviews of each parashah before presen ng a comprehensive commentary of it, explaining exactly what happened and the major approaches of the classic meforshim. The book also discusses chronology and puts special emphasis on understanding the sequence of the parshiyos, explaining how all the subjects in a parashah are linked. It includes detailed tables organizing and summarizing each parashah, in depth sec ons that analyze key topics, copious footnotes and sources, and the complete Chumash text with an excep onally accurate and readable transla on. The sefer has a stunning layout, with hundreds of ques ons and answers lining the margins, and the material is presented in manageable sec ons. Includes haskamos from prominent rabbonim. A sample of Parashas Shelach is available at chinuch.org. 639 pages, hardcover. M888 $30.00 NOW $25.90 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Story Experience by Shimmy Shtauber / Nachman Seltzer The name Nachman Seltzer needs no introduc on. His ar cles and books are known and loved the world over. His amazing true stories are read with passion and enjoyed by young and old. Now he brings us his latest project, an audio collec on of some of his classic tales. Produced by the talented Shimmy Shtauber, this produc on was created with a team of incredible voice actors, surround-sound effects and fully orchestrated music. It will transport listeners from a Beis Mid-rash in Lakewood...to the vineyards of Washing-ton State...to a Chabad House in the Far East...to a sukkah in Yerushalayim with breathtaking ad-venture every step of the way. This upli ing and inspiring resource is well suited to being used in a school’s reading and/or crea ve wri ng program… or a simply as a healthy di-version during and a er class. And now, enjoy the exclusive Torah Umesorah pro-mo onal price, available only through Torah Umesorah Publica ons. N261 $9.00 / Bulk price (5 or more)- $8.00 In the Footsteps of Yonah Hanavi by A. Bat Melech This fantasc new release— much more than for pre -Yom Kippur depicts the story of Yonah Hanavi en rely al pi Chazal in a way that will cap vate young readers and talmidim. From primary- to middle- schoolers. Oversized, hardcover and in beau ful color. M296 $22.00 -11 - Morah Music’s “Music and Movement” Volume 5 by Mrs. S. Levilev TU Publica ons is pleased to distribute the Morah Music series of CD’s, great for a wide array of uses in the classroom and beyond. Music & Movement, parts 1,2, 3, 4—AND NOW VOLUME 5— are perfect for children’s exercise and/or dance programs, providing lively Jewish music! Well-suited to “Mommy & Me” programs, pre-schools, playgroups, and ‘kids’ of all ages. These are single CD’s with Song Booklets. Join Morah Music as she celebrates life through music and Jewish song! (For ladies and girls) Vol. 5 N609 $16.50 Also… Music & Movement, part 1, N600 $16.50 Music & Movement, part 2, N601 $16.50 Music & Movement, part 3, N604 $16.50 Music & Movement, part 4, N606 $16.50 L’shon Limudim—Vol. 1 by Rabbi Avigdor Spitzer & Rabbi Moshe Steinberg The rebbeim and moros of early Chumash levels will take delight in using this new resource, designed for yeshivos where English is the language of instruc on. The objec- ve of this series—a popular Yid-dish text, translated into English by popular demand—is to teach young learners of Chumash to be selfsufficient in the transla on of the text. Volumes 2 and 3 of the 3-part series are currently in the works and will become available shortly. The recommenda on is either that all three parts be used in the first year of Chumash in-struc on or that vol. 3 be used in the second year. The clarity, userfriendliness and beauty of its graphics make L’shon Limudim a wonderful choice for breeding mastery as well as excitement for learning on the part of young talmidim. Each shoresh is selected with a specific purpose; the worksheets that are included right in the text are mul -varied and interes ng for young children. Color, 113 pages; language of instruc on is English. M894 $16.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Around the Year New Posters!!! by M. Greenhouse TU Publica ons has acquired two beau ful new posters to adorn your classroom. These are not merely col-orful and decora ve: they are informa ve and/or a source of halachos. They are the work of Rabbi Avrohom Hirsch of Eretz Yisrael. Both are 20 in x 28 in. and are fully laminated. Order yours today. (Take 10% OFF the price if you order 10 or more—e.g. for each classroom.) This CD is a new tool with many uses. It consists of 230 pictures, categorized thema -cally, and ready for a variety of uses for making the early childhood learning experi-ence much more meaningful and produc ve. Recommended levels are K through 4th Grade. Materials can be used for a review; to develop vocabulary; reading and wri ng prac ce; teaching sequencing; development of memory; honing of fine motor skills. Around the Year is a visual aid for special needs; a collec on of games. A mossad that purchases this disc from TU may copy pages for their own use (within their premi es) without lim ta on, providing reasonable precau ons are taken to prevent unlawful use. F410 $30.00 Z488 ברכת המזון מאה ברכות Z489 $10.00 (Bulk price $9.00. Save 10%.) Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba’aretz—L’Talmidim (in English) By Rabbi Chaim Krieger This easy-to-use booklet is one of the most popular resources available on the market for the teaching of the מצוות התלויות בארץ. One year from now we will commence the next Shmi ah year, which means that the year now star ng will be when many schools will teach the all-important material to talmidim and talmidos. By special arrangement, Torah Umesorah Publica ons has arranged for a more reasonable purchase price for schools that order through us. Text is in English, with Hebrew expressions in לשון הקודש. 8.5 x 11 is full color throughout. The 54-page booklet is printed on glossy stock and is beau fully illustrated and contains a number of הסכמות. Recommended for intermediate, mididle and high schools alike. This will be a cherished item among your students, who will hold on to it into the future. M893 $10.00 - 12 - The Navi Journey by Rabbi Ilan Ginian Sefer Yehoshua, Sefer ShoŌim, Sefer Yonah (with Shiras De-vorah) And now, NEW… on Megillas Rus The Navi Journey is the fine work of Rabbi Ilan Ginian, a mechanech and a magid shiur in Navi. Each פרקis presented in two components. One is the narra ve as seen through the eyes of the primary , מפרשיםwhile the other is an in depth presenta on of its themes, again according to Chazal and the . מפרשים These texts are made such that תלמידיםcould actually use them in tandem with their . נביאThe Navi Journey opens vistas for teachers presen ng the subject as not yet seen in the past. English, hardcover. Sefer Yehoshua #M870 $15.50 Sefer Yehoshua SoŌcover Workbook EdiƟon #M870B $10.00 Sefer ShoŌim #M880 $15.50 Sefer Yonah #M881 $13.00 Megillas Rus Cat. # M881B, Cost 10.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Jewish Virtues—Card Sets by Rabbi Mendel Raskin Among the best ways to movate talmidim is engaging them through play. Many children already like to trade and collect cards: the color, imagina ve graphics and interes ng text that trading cards can have provide something new for them to learn in every card. In this new Jewish Virtues series, children are presented with important informa on in a way that gets them excited about midos tovos and bein adam lachaveiro. These deligh ully illustrated cards focus on Jewish values and virtues in the context of everyday living. Each card presents a different concept along with a wri en explana ons and de-scrip ve images to facilitate understanding. The series is ideally used as an incen ve program within the classroom: The rebbi/morah controls the release of the cards, and decides on the most effec ve method to award them to students. The idea is to make certain cards harder to earn, thereby crea ng a hype and excitement regarding collec ng the whole set. The aim of the student is to collect a full set of cards. The cards are geared towards talmidim/os between the ages of 8 to 13. All text is wri en in simple English, with the most basic of Hebrew words, making them accessible to stu-dents of a wide range of back-grounds. Sets consist of 40 cards. Some of the illustra on depict girls. Single Set of cards - M895B $7.00 In bulk of 24 sets of cards M895 4.50/set Single Album. Card holder M896B $5.50 Albums in bulk of 24 $4.50 each M896 Tosim Lifneihem Workbooks (HamaŅid and Eilu Metzios) Designed to help students clea ly understand the Gemoro. The resource is wri ten in large, clear le ers and in a pleas-ant style. It makes young talmidim comfortable with even the most difficult topics and concepts discussed in the Gemoro. Contains numerous worksheets, using varied formats such as ques on pages, and much more. Instruc ons are mostly in English. Spiral bound. NOW the re-done version of Hama id is on ALL OF PEREK HAMAFKID. M516E $23.50 Bulk price $21.50 M516F OLD VERSION STILL AVAILABLE $16.50 Brand new!!! Perek Eilu Metzios M892 $24.50 Bulk price $22.50 Yiddish in 10 Lessons— Workbook and CD’s by Chaim Werdyger This exci ng new resource is a genuine “ONE-OF-AKIND.” It is a 345 page self -contained program to teach Yiddish to students (teens and older) and adults—from scratch to a comprehensive command of the language. This is ideal for rebbeim who seek to perfect their skills in order to teach, or for individuals eager to learn the language propely. It contains a thorough treatment of dic- on, grammar and conven onal usage. The book—two years in the making— is a workbook, with review lessons and exercises... and is accompanied by TWO CD’s, each with 5 of the total of 10 lessons. Instruc ons and explana ons are in English. This is a most worthwhile investment for Yiddish-speaking schools as well as schools with a Yiddish-speaking “track.” Spiral-bound. M891 $95.00 -13 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Jewish Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum by Mrs. E. Wilyamowsky The Jewish Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum is designed to help talented teachers inspire and educate young minds without having to waste their precious me in "reinven ng the wheel". It incorporates the best in developmental appropriate prac ces for young children together with everything a teacher needs to plan every day of the school year. Parsha, Yamim Tovim, Aleph Bais and Judaic and Secular units are all covered in an organized manner that puts all the informa on that a teacher needs right at her finger ps. Both experi-enced and new teachers will discover that this program can take their classroom to a new level of excel-lence. The Jewish Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum consists of five books, over 600 pages, and a CD. The five books cover Parsha, Aleph Bais, Units, Months and General Informa on. The CD has printable, revisable samples of Parsha Ques ons, Yom Tov Ques ons, Tes ng Material, a Faculty Manual, a Parent Manual, and more. You can make as many copies as you wish. Not only does the curriculum clearly outline the concepts needed to be taught but every concept and ac vity is consistent with tried and true early childhood "best prac ce", and there are abundant crea ve projects to do for every topic taught. All materials are clear, easy to use and appealing to he eye. Effec vely what this curriculum offers is a resource that enables you or your staff to plan everyday of the school year. All they need to do is open up the Parsha, Holiday, Aleph Bais or Unit Book to the place they are teaching and everything they need is on the page in front of them. This new curriculum, a boxed set of books, is the product of years research and experience from a veteran early childhood professional. Its pervasive scope will take the worry and toil that face many pre-school direc-tors and teachers when they set out to devise a program for their schools. Mrs. Wilyamowsky’s resource is not a book: it is a most worthwhile mulƟ-year investment in the structuring of an effec ve early child pro-gram. M898 $300.00 Aleph Bais Playland by Rabbi Yitzchak Lish Set consists of CD and accompanying guide book It is no secret that music is one of the most effec ve tools that can be u lized to teach children. Rabbi Lish, an experienced mechanech, has harnessed this tool in his kriah instruc on to young children, with GREAT RESULTS. Although the original version was tailored to Yiddish-speaking schools, he has now released the English version. Treat your kriah class to a most enjoyable experience which will also ingrain the “osiyos” and their sounds into them. The set allows for a combined auditory and visual approach. F326 $16.00 - 14 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Guide to Lashon Hakodesh— Mastering the Basics (updated and reprinted) Do You S.E.A. What I See? By Shani Methal Do You S.E.A. What I See? is a social emo onal curriculum for preschool teachers. Its purpose is to help bring social awareness to typically developing children, by breaking down social skills that children encounter through the day into a ainable segments. This book uses a hands-on mul -sensory approach in a fun and exci ng way while at the same me developing and increasing children's social awareness, selfconfidence and self-esteem. There are over 25 weekly lessons including a detailed circle me, discussion topics, pictures, games, projects, suggested books, ac vi es, scenarios and so much more! This curriculum incorporates skills such as gross motor, fine motor, language, preposi ons, spa al, art, music, science, cogni ve, memory recall, coun ng, graphing, pa erning, ordering, auditory, wri ng, webbing etc. Sample topics include: body language, recognizing your own feelings and the feelings of others, volume and tone of voice, using your words to express yourself, being fair and pa ent, problem solving with peers, team work, perspec ve taking, laughing vs. making fun of others, paying a en on etc. The goal of this book is to help pave the way for the appropriate social to development that children will need be successful in the future. Guide to Lashon Hakodesh—Mastering Hebrew Verbs (brand new resource) By Nachman Marcuson Teaching the Hebrew language has never been a simple task. Nachman Marcuson has pro-duced a pair of resources—both wri en al taharas hakodesh— that vastly help realize the ob-jec ves. These are extremely useful tools for those who want to learn lashon hakodesh and teach it as well as selfsufficiency in reading Tanach . The Guide to Lashon Hakodesh—Mastering Basics is an updated version of what TUP has been carrying for a coupl eof years. The new volume— Mastering Hebrew Verbs—simplifies the complexi es of the 7 binyanim. The rules of loshon hakodesh are taught in an uncomplicated way. English grammar terms are avoided where possible, as they tend to confuse. When introducing a new rule, the fine details and excep ons to it are not discussed at all (they are taught later on) – allowing students to focus on the rule itself. Each lesson ends with a summary of that lesson and also of everything learned up to that date – allowing for review of all the rules in the book every me one finishes a new lesson. English. Recommended for Junior High to adults . Each of these two books comes with its own answer key booklet. M821 $33.00 Guide to Lashon Hakodesh—Mastering the Basics (170 pages; 58 page answer booklet included) M873 $27.00 Guide to Lashon Hakodesh—Mastering Hebrew Dikduk Lamaschil Verbs (174 pages; 75 page answer booklet incl.) By Rabbi Mendel Balsam Rabbi Balsam, in conjunction with Yeshivat M873B—Price $27.00 Shaare Torah of Brooklyn, has produced a phenomenal resource, which promises to become a staple in many mosdos across North America. It is well known that the teaching of dikduk is a challenge, especially to rebbeim, many of whom may not have been adequately trained in the basics. It is also well known that the regular use of dikduk is becoming increasingly prominent in schools everywhere, as it cons tutes a vitally important tool for the comprehension of what our talmidim learn. This new resource is especially designed for rebbeim in boys’ schools (e.g. instruc ons to talmidim are in “lashon zachar”) although it can easily be used with girls as well. It will make rebbeim feel perfectly comfortable with the basic rules of dikduk. Recommended for use in Grades 2-3. (The sequels for higher levels are a work in progress at this me, but this component certainly provides an objec ve in its own right.) Text is mostly Hebrew with introduc on and divider pages in English. 116 pages BxW; 8.5”x11” size pages. M886 $14.00 -15 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T ExciƟng news! It’s Here! OLOMEINU Have an Olomeinu Pesach —Volume 1 COMMEMORATIVE BOOK TU Publica ons recently issued a beau ful “Olomeinu CommemoraƟve Book,” which traces the magazine’s history via le ers and tes monials from – or about – the key figures who were responsible for the publicaon from its incep on un l its closing. It is a “coffee-table” sized book in full color, with glossy pages filled with actual images from the glorious pages of Olomeinu over the decades. If you wish to secure your copy of this limited hard-cover edi on, please call us at 718-259-1223 . K105 $25.00 K110 $30.00 $22.00 Have an Olomeinu Summer—Volume 1 Nothing is be er than Olomeinu except… MORE Olomeinu! Many of you saw and enjoyed “Have an Olomeinu Pesach, Vol. 1.” We ran a limited edi on to learn what the response would be. Well, we ran out and could not keep up with the demand. More importantly, we knew that we must move forward. We are pleased to now offer you the next in what will ul mately be a mul volumes series— “Have an Olomeinu Summer, Vol. 1.” We all recall how Olomeinu was cherished by genera ons of educators, parents and children of all ages. Now, veteran and new Olomeinu readers alike will want to own these beau ful, new compila ons of the original material, which will provide a powerful source of limud ha’Torah on inyanei d’yoma for its readers. This much more affordable volume—of over 180 pages—is so cover and in full-color gloss throughout. Material is culled from various intervals from the years in our 50-year archive. K120 Regular Price: $24.00 / Special Bulk Rate (for ten copies or more):$18.00 - 16 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Large-Size Toras Hadoros Chart by Rabbi Mordechai Menachem Reich This new re-source is a re-print of an ex-is ng chart that gives a compre-hensive look at the history of Klal Yisrael—from Brias Haolam un- l our own day. This 13 x 20 inch chart is wall-mountable and double laminat-ed for durability. The chart is a perfect reference for students who need informa on on any period of history and the major personali es of that tekufah. The detail is inclusive of the en re saga oif Jewish history un l the recent surge in Jewish outreach and the baal teshuvah move-ment. M710H $10.00 Sefer Hakriya Shlav Daled By Mrs. C.G. Hirschmann Sefer Hakriya Shlav Daled is a one-of-a-kind, systema c and easy-to-use instruc onal and prac ce reading tool. This Kriyah book is designed to teach and review advanced kriyah rules. It is the founda on of your reading curriculum. Every page is laid out in a clear and visually appealing format, providing a comprehensive and cumula ve review of the ad-vanced Kriyah rules. M529D $7.50 Shalomstamps - Great new product!!! M165 M166 M167 M168 “Shalomstamps” is a series of stamp kits, icluding an acrylic mount and individual s ckers that are placed on the mount for beau ful teacher feedback. These last for years and years. (Stamp pads not included.) New at TU; the Hebrew Edion Hamishkan B’Tifarto—The Mishkan Illuminated By Rabbi Dovid Meyers Despite review of the parshios that describe the Mishkan, many have a poor under-standing of its appearance. Rabbi Dovid Meyers, recog-nizing the sig-nificance of clarifying this topic, re-searched the topic and pub-lished The Mishkan Illuminated (adapted from of his Hebrew sefer, Meleches HaMishkan V'Kailav). Now, the Hebrew Edi on of the larger work is available. It features: the complete text of Parashas Terumah plus por ons from Tetzaveh and Ki Sisa, with Onkelos and Rashi; explana ons of all aspects of the Mishkan and the kei-lim; footnotes; full-color illustra ons; scholarship. An unparalleled way to review the parshios. Both the English and the Hebrew edi ons are recommended as teacher’s re-sources as well as for libraries. Coffee table size, over 180 pages. English version: M538 Hebrew version: M538B For Hebrew Teachers M165 Price $15.00 Bracha SenƟments M166 Price $15.00 For Yiddish Teachers M167 Price $15.00 Aleph Bais M168 Price $15.00 Ink pad M169 Price $10.00 -17 - $24.00 $22.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Mishnayos Biur Hamishnah Rabbi Yosef Mordechai Yudaikin The Mishnayos Biur Hamishnah (MBH) is a work in progress, with masechtos being added to the list of what is already available. Meanwhile, three commonly taught masechtos are ready in wai ng— Berachos, Pesachim and Sukkah. The author has prepared a comprehensive text to be used for a complete treatment of the Mishnah. Rabbi Yudaikin, of Bnei Brak, has included six components in his work. These include the following: The full text of the Mishnah The full commentary of the Rav (Bartenura) “Biur Hamishnah” which offers a complete easyto understand FULL explana on of the words and ideas in the Mishnah. “Iyunim”- printed on the page itself— with a more in-depth look at the issues that emerge from the Mishnah. “Miluim v’hosafos” - an even deeper discussion of many core issues A clear index of all expressions and topics This is perfect for a rebbi who wishes to fully prepare himself for the Mishnah lessons he gives… as well as for any individual who seeks to learn the Mishnayos in an allencompassing way. — מסכת פסחים M899 — מסכת סוכה M899A — מסכת ברכות M899B — מסכתות ביצה ומועד קטן Unit price- $17.50 Bulk price (5 or more*)- $16.50 *Masechtos can be mixed M899C Halachah Yomis—Bar Mitzvah By Rabbi Sholom Pesach Greenberg This sefer is somewhat new but is already being used in a num-ber of yeshivos to teach the basics about bar mitzvah. It is hardcover, with 186 pages of clear, navigable and concise informa on regarding he hala-chos, the hashkafos and the orienta ons that a bochur ha-bar mitzvah should have. It is also an excellent source for chazarah of the per -nent halachos for post-b.m. and even for adults—such as hoilchos tefillin, tefillah nd more. Text is all in lashon hakodesh and includes haskamos and a sec on with sippurei tzaddikim. Apart for its usabil-ity as a learning text, it is also a handsome matanah for boys as they experience this life-changing rite of passage. M279 $12.00 Note: This item had been on back order but has now been delivered to our warehouse. 49 Steps to Greatness By Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum The 49 days following Pesach represent the countdown to Kabolas HaTorah. They are also the days when it is customary to study Pirkei Avos. Bringing these two things together are the 48 ways in which one can acquire Torah. This topic, known as “Kinyan Torah” is delineated in the sixth perek of Avos. When one adds the customary summa on of the 48 ways at he end, it equals 49. A fascina ng and eminently worthwhile project for your talmidim might be to have them study “Kinyan Torah” on a day-today basis as they prepare for Shavuos. Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum has produced an English-language text to make the endeavor both easier and more interes ng. Each of the 48 ways is discussed in its own minichapter and draws on the vast sea of sifrei Mussar to guide the individual in the par cular theme. “49 Steps to Greatness” is suited to being used by a rebbi to teach from and to generate discussion. Or it can be read directly by the talmidim themselves. 185 pages / English/ includes Haskamos and a Glossary M879 $14.00 - 18 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Posters...Posters...Posters!!! More colorful... Revised... Updated… More durable … These are truly “signs” of the mes!!! Order quickly. Many of the classroom posters that have been favorites for years have now been reprinted and revised. With double lamina on, they are now much more durable. Some of the newer posters (including some by Rabbi Haber) have been given the same royal treatment too. These are materials that are not merely decora ve— but useful in teaching too. Most are 20 by 26 in., while the melines are 48 by 18. Take a look at the new posters on this and the next couple of pages… and order now. Masaos of Bnai Yisrael in the Midbar (Hebrew) Z091 $11.00 Masaos of Bnai Yisrael in the Midbar (English) Z093 $11.00 The Kings of Bnei Yisroel Z320 $9.00 The 39 Melachos Z340 $9.00 Seder Parshios HaTorah -19 - Z240 $11.00 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T The Student’s Guide to the Laws of Shmi ah Rabbi Shimon Grama New, updated version for תשע“ה What be er me than the coming year, 5775, to become familiar with the laws of ShmiƩah? ShmiƩah is not only directed to Eretz YIsrael’s farmers: it affects all Jews—in Eretz Yisroel and outside it. Farmers who are shomrei Shviis are called by Chazal “giborei ko’ach.” What a great opportunity to connect with them by learning the halachos that guide them! A workbook has been published just in me for this year, (as it was for the previous ShmiƩah year of 2007). The Student’s Guide to the Laws of ShmiƩah is organized in eleven separate chapters. The first 9—hashkofos and laws, the last 2 general mitzvos hateluyos ba’aretz. This book also discusses the laws that are applicable to chutz la’aretz. For students of Gr. 4—high school. Full color with beau ful graphics on every page. Schools would do well to include this book in their curriculum. Each lesson is wri en in a concise, accessible way followed by straigh orward review ques ons. When The...Guide first ap-peared 7 years ago, mechanchim at once realized its superb chinuch value. This year, the workbook has been further enhanced. Includes haskamos from Harav Yisroel Belsky shlit’a, and Harav Malkiel Kotler shlit’a. Also recommended for adults and shul youth groups as well. M137 11.50 Bulk (10 or more—$10.00) Kitzur Shulchan Aruch—Special New Edi on for Talmidim This beau ful edi on of the classical text of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch is especially designed for use in our schools. The paper quality and color are easy on the eyes, with crisp and bright le ering. The text is complete, save for various passages (and or simanim) that are of a sensi ve nature and cannot be taught in many situa ons. If you use Kitzur as your halachah text, you and your talmidim will truly enjoy this new edi on— specially priced for schools. Hardcover, textbook sized. M327 $12.00 (Bulk 10 or more— $11.00) Talmudo B’Yado Rabbi Moshe Trachtman Fantas c Card Sets for Chazarah of Gemara. Hard stock and spiral bound for easy use. Cards are 3 in x 5.5 inches. Each set is for a specific perek of Gemara from among those commonly studies in yeshivos. One side of the card has ques ons about he main points of the amud, and the responses are on the back with light explana on. Used in hundreds of schools and learning venues. A must for training in bekius skills. Eilu Metzios Arba’ah Avos Sukkah 1-2 Sukkah 3-5 Beitzah Keitzad Ha’regel HamaŅid Giƫn 1 Giƫn 2-3 Brachos 1 -5 Brachos 6-9 - 20 - M175A M175B M175C M175D M175E M175F M175G M175H M175J M175K M175L $12 $12 $12 $12 $20 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T Dot by Dot—Kriah (Nekudos) Workbooks, Volumes 1,2,3 by Tamar Shuchat 'Dot by Dot' is a Kriah workbook designed for chil-dren learning nekudos. Each volume includes 3 nekudos. (1 - kamatz, pasach, tzerei. 2 – segol, shva, cholom. 3 – chirik, kubutz, shuruk. 'Dot by Dot' uses a variety of skills, to make this book enjoyable for each talmid/ah to learn in his or her own way. Children are guided step by step as they learn the different nekudos. A few of the most popular features are: Full color worksheets; only real words from Tanach or Modern Day Hebrew throughout the book; 25 worksheets per nekudah; a variety of skill based worksheets; short stories to read and illustrate, with each nekudah. Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 M170 $15.00 M171 $15.00 M172 $15.00 The “Today You Will Learn…” Series, Books 1 and 2 by Rabbi S. Binyomin Ginsberg Book One: Today You Will Learn Preparing and Teaching Masterful Lessons Intended to help the teacher succeed in the classroom despite the daily challenges. Rabbi Ginsberg, master teacher, principal, and acclaimed educa onal consultant offers the key to success in the classroom. With proven techniques, methods, and ideas on everything from crea ng a lesson plan to its implementa on, this work is a must-have for any teacher, veterans or newcomer. Equivalent to countless hours a ending courses on lesson planning, teaching techniques, and managing the learning in the classroom. This work goes through every step of a successful lesson and explains the necessity of that aspect of the lesson, how to plan it, and how to execute it. The teacher is guided how to teach the lesson so as to leave each student with a las ng impression of it. So Cover – Approximately 290 pages Book Two: Today You Will Learn Mastering Classroom Management This volume focuses on successful classroom management, including disci-pline, punishment/reward, procedures and rou nes, as well as what it means to be a true teacher. Studies show that the primary reason teaches leave the profession is a result of poor management skills. This book will em-power the teacher to manage the class with ease and allow for quality educa- on to take place and can help the teacher succeed in overcoming challenges. This volume, like the first is highly recommended for all teachers. Equivalent to countless hours a ending courses on discipline and managing the classroom. Hard Cover – Approximately 340 pages Book One: M297 $24.00 Book Two: M298 $24.00 PracƟcal Halachos of Shabbos Rabbi Mayer Birnbaum Teaches many of the halachos of Shabbos that students need to know, in a prac -cal way. With eye-opening examples, challenging stories and dozens of illustra ons, learning is bound to be interes ng. Geared to bar/bas Mitzvah age, it is split into 30 convenient lessons, includes review ques ons and quizzes to help students remem-ber it, and has a source cited for each halachah. A110 $11.00 , bulk $8.00 New lower price: $8.00, bulk $7.00 -21 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T - 22 - C ATA L O G U E S U P P L E M E N T -23 - 718.259.1223 Thank you for your interest in Torah Umesorah PublicaƟons 620 Foster Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11230 Phone: 718-259-1223 Email: publicaƟ[email protected]
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