® ® Advanced Thinking Superb Results In the protection of Vegetable Crops Discover outstanding crop protection with DuPont Coragen insecticide ™ ® 4 Highly effective in a broad range of vegetable crops Brassicas: Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage & Cauliflower Brassica leafy vegetables: Buk choy, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Choy sum, Gai choy/Am soy, Indian mustard spinach, Kai choy, Kale, Mibuna, Leafy mustard spinach, Pak choy & Tat soy Stalk and stem vegetables: Celery & Rhubarb Leafy vegetables: Cress , Endive, Silverbeet & Spinach Lettuce (leaf and closed head varieties) Fruiting vegetables: Capsicum, Egg plant, Peppers & Tomato (trellis and field) Cucurbits: Cucumbers, Melons, Pumpkins, Squash & Zucchini Potatoes 4 Combats major caterpillar pests Diamondback moth (DBM)/ Cabbage moth Cabbage-centre grub Cabbage cluster caterpillar 4 An entirely new mode of action 4 Excellent safety for mammals, most beneficial insects, spiders and mites Management (IPM) programs 4 Has a low impact on most non-target organism such as mammals, birds, fish, earthworms and bees making Coragen® an excellent option for the environment Cabbage white butterfly Cluster caterpillar ideal for modern Integrated Pest 4 Robust performance under a wide range of environmental conditions Cotton bollworm/Heliothis 4 Easy to Use Native bollworm/Heliothis Soybean looper Potato moth/Tomato leaf miner simple to mix and measure excellent compatibility The difference with Coragen ® Most existing insecticides used in vegetable spraying programs work on the nervous system. Unlike traditional insecticides, Coragen® controls caterpillars by acting on their muscle fibres. 5BSHFUTJUFTPG DVSSFOUMZBWBJMBCMF JOTFDUJDJEBMDMBTTFT DuPont™ Coragen® insecticide contains 200 g/L of Rynaxypyr ® (chlorantraniliprole), which is a member of a totally new family of insecticides called the Anthranilic diamides (Group 28). 5BSHFUTJUF PG$PSBHFO $IJUJO4LJO %JBDZMIZESB[JOFT "[BEJSBDIUJO #FO[PZMVSFBT C oragen® has very low mammalian toxicity &YDJUBUPSZ/FVSPOT 1ZSFUISPJET *OEPYBDBSC $BSCBNBUFT 0SHBOPQIPTQIBUFT ~caterpillars are 400 - 3000 times more sensitive to Coragen® than mammals. .VTDMF'JCSFT 3ZOBYZQZS .PUPS/FVSPOT /FPOJDPUJOPJET /BUVSBMZUFT Classic poisoning symptoms 1. Rapid feeding cessation 2. General lethargy oragen® is most potent by ingestion in the target C pest, either: 3. Regurgitation ~larvae feeding on plant material (larvicidal), or 4. Muscle paralysis ~ larvae (neonates) ingesting chemical from the egg case at hatching (ovi-larvicidal). 5. Severe growth stunting T here is also some activity on eggs (ovicidal), and contact activity against larvae in certain species. 6. Death within 72 hours $ZDMPEJFOFT 'JQSPOJM Outstanding performance with Coragen® Feeding ceases within minutes after ingestion. F inal mortality occurs within 72 hours or less (rate dependent on larvae size). Active on all instar stages/sizes of caterpillar pests. aximise crop protection by targeting hatching M eggs and early instar stages of pest ~monitor crop within 3 days after application. A new way to target vegetable caterpillar pests DuPont™ Coragen® insecticide 03 Robust residual activity When applied to the leaf surface, Coragen is rapidly absorbed into the leaf tissue providing: ® ~a reservoir of active ingredient for residual activity ~activity against caterpillars that feed on the under sides of leaves. T he rapid absorption into the crop enhances rainfastness (rainfast in 2 hours). xcellent residual control under all weather E conditions: ~unaffected by variations in field or spray solution temperature (4-40°C) ~stable under UV light ~wide pH stability (stable between pH 5-9). Excellent Diamondback moth control in Pak choy "WFSBHFOVNCFSPGMBSWBFQFSQMBOU Translaminar absorption ensures residual activity. B DPOUSPM DPOUSPM DPOUSPM C C $PSBHFO !N-IB "HSBM 1SPDMBJN !HIB "HSBM "WBUBS !HIB "HSBM C 6OUSFBUFE 1FSBDUPUSJBM8BOOFSPP8" Combats Cabbage-center grub in Broccoli /VNCFSPGMBSWBFQFSQMBOU B 1SFUSFBUNFOUDPVOU $PVOUEBZT BGUFSUSFBUNFOU 6OUSFBUFE C D $PSBHFO !N-IB "HSBM "WBUBS !HIB "HSBM %V1POUUSJBM$BOPXJOESB/48 Long-lasting crop protection under the Australian sun Superb protection against Heliothis sp. in Tomatoes BQQMJDBUJPOTBU EBZJOUFSWBMT B %BNBHFEGSVJU D C 6OUSFBUFE $PSBHFO !N-IB 4VDDFTT !N-IB "HSJTFBSDI4FSWJDFTUSJBM#VOEBCFSH2-% Superb protection against Heliothis sp. in Lettuce TFRVFOUJBMBQQMJDBUJPOTPO EBZTQSBZJOUFSWBM NBSLFUBCMFMFUUVDF )FMJPUIJTDPOUSPM IFMJPUIJTDPOUSPM $PSBHFO !N-IB "HSBM "WBUBS !HIB "HSBM 4VDDFTT !N-IB "HSBM 6OUSFBUFE .BSLFUBCMF-FUUVDFIFBET *)PSU2-%USJBM8ZSFFNB2-% It all adds up to improved vegetable quality at harvest time DuPont™ Coragen® insecticide 05 Coragen is highly selective to beneficial insects ® Little or no impact on beneficial species such as predatory mites, parasitic wasps, spiders, lacewings, damsel bugs, lady beetles and bees (at label rates). on-toxic to foraging bees – safe even with N topical exposure during foraging and will have no impact on hive activity. M inimal impact on key parasitoids, predators and pollinators at field use rates at all growth stages, with: ~no acute toxicity (mortality) ~no effect on reproductive behaviour (fecundity). Species Low to no impact on Mortality Low to no impact on Reproduction Predators Green lace wing Mallada signata 4 4 Ladybird beetles Hippodamia variegata 4 4 Damsel bugs Nabis kinbergii 4 4 Predatory mites Typhlodromus occidentalis Typhlodromus pyri 4 4 Trichogramma sp. 4 4 Parasitoids Parasitic wasps 4 = Low to No Impact (0–30% mortality). Rating according to the International Organisation for Biological Control. * Hover fly larvae are believed to be sensitive to Coragen®. Further studies are being conducted. Excellent environmental profile due to: ~low acute and chronic toxicity to mammals, birds, fish, spiders, mites and most beneficial insects ~low toxicity to soil microbes and earthworms ~low leaching potential. NB: Coragen® can be dangerous to some aquatic invertebrate species such as Daphnia. Do not contaminate waterways with the chemical or used containers. Let nature help with your overall pest control Coragen is easy to use ® Robust performance over a range of environmental conditions oragen® becomes rapidly rainfast – rainfast C period is 2 hours. xcellent residual control, even when application E (and absorption) is followed by adverse weather. Stable under high temperatures (4-40°C). Stable under UV light. Wide pH stability (pH 5-9). Simple to measure and mix uspension concentrate formulation available in S either a 250 mL or 1.0 L container. Includes inbuilt easy to use measuring device. ery low rates of application (100-150 mL/ha). V A 1.0 L pack will treat up to 10 ha of crop (see label for full instructions). = up to 10 ha Excellent compatibility oragen® is highly compatible with most C commonly used fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilisers (see label for full details). ore than 65 active ingredients have been tested, M with all demonstrating excellent compatibility. When preparing spray mixtures, follow the correct mixing sequence (while keeping it fully agitated), according to the formulation type: 1. Water soluble bags 2. D ry flowable water dispersible granules (Kocide® Blue Xtra™, Manzate® DF®) 3. Wettable powders 4. W ater based suspension concentrates (Coragen®) 5. Water soluble concentrates (Rubigan*) 6. Oil based suspension concentrates 7. Emulsifiable concentrates 8. Adjuvants, surfactants (Agral) 9. Soluble fertilisers (e.g. calcium nitrate) Active Ingredient Product acetamiprid Mospilan* azoxystrobin Amistar* bifenthrin Talstar* boscalid Filan* bupirimate Nimrod* chlorothalonil Bravo* copper-hydoxide Kocide® Blue Xtra™ deltamenthrin Decis* esfenvalerate Sumi-Alpha Flex* fenarimol Rubigan* SC imidacloprid Confidor* indoxacarb Avatar® iprodione Rovral* mancozeb Manzate® DF® metalaxyl Ridomil* methomyl Marlin® procymidone Sumisclex* flusilazole Nustar® DF® sulphur thiamethoxam Actara* ziram Zimram* Set your crop fields up for great vegetables from the start DuPont™ Coragen® insecticide 07 Surfactant/wetting agents D O NOT use BS1000* or Activator as it may cause crop phytotoxicity. The addition of surfactant can: ~aid in coverage of leaves and fruit ~increase absorption ~decrease the rainfast period ~maximise efficacy ~improve residual activity ~increase crop protection. F or Celery, Lettuce, Rhubarb and other leafy vegetables, use a non-ionic surfactant/wetting agent at 15 g active/100 L (e.g. Agral* @ 25 mL/100 L). Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage and For Cauliflower, use a non-ionic surfactant/wetting agent at 75 g active/100 L (e.g. Agral* @ 125 mL/100 L). Spray coverage Good spray coverage is essential for effective insect control and good crop protection ~apply DuPont™ Coragen® at optimum water volume whilst minimising spray runoff (see label for further details). oragen® has good translaminar activity and C is rapidly absorbed into plant tissue ~unsprayed leaves and fruit will not be protected. Respray intervals espray intervals are dependent on crop, crop R growth rate, target species, pest pressure and environmental conditions. T he minimum respray interval in vegetable crops is 7 days (see label directions for specific pest crop recommendations). D O NOT add a non-ionic surfactant/wetting agent if: ~m ixing with another product which already contains a surfactant and/or the product label advises not to add a surfactant ~m ixing with a liquid fertiliser. Restraints D O NOT apply if rainfall is expected within 2 hours of application. D O NOT apply when the wind speed is less than 3 km/hr or more than 20 km/hr, or during weather conditions when surface temperature inversions can develop. D O NOT use on container or hydroponic grown crops. Resistance management G ood resistance management practice, relating to restricting the label maximum number of applications and rotation to alternative mode of action insecticides should be followed (see label critical comments on resistance management guidelines). Withholding periods P otatoes – withholding period not required when used as directed. Brassica leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, leafy vegetables (including lettuce) – do not harvest for 3 days after application. Brassica vegetables (including Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower) – do not harvest for 7 days after application. Export market access Market access is pending in some countries - consult with your local exporter or DuPont before applying Coragen® on export crops. Coragen insecticide Directions for use ® CROP PEST RATE/HA WHP CRITICAL COMMENTS CRITICAL COMMENTS - ALL CROPS Regularly scout crops to monitor for eggs and larvae. Target sprays against eggs and newly hatched larvae before they become entrenched. Apply as egg and larvae reach threshold numbers. A maximum of three (3) applications are to be applied to any one crop. No more than two (2) consecutive sprays per crop, with a minimum spray interval of 7 days (unless stated otherwise). Further treatments should be made with alternative mode of action insecticides. Use enough water to ensure thorough coverage of the crop. Adjust water volumes to crop stage (200 – 1000 L/ha). Refer to Surfactant/Wetting agent section. Use in accordance with AIRAC Insecticide Resistance Management Strategy guidelines. As part of an Insecticide Resistance Management programme for Cotton bollworm, it is important to plough crops immediately after harvest. Brassica vegetables including: Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower Brassica leafy vegetables including: Buk choy, Chinese broccoli (Gai lum/Gai lan/Kai lan), Chinese cabbage (Pet sai/Wombok/Haksukai), Choy sum, Gai choy/Am soy, Kai choy, Kale, Mibuna, Leafy mustard including Indian mustard and Mustard spinach (Komatsuma), Pak choy, Tat soy Stalk and Stem vegetables; Celery, Rhubarb Leafy vegetables (excluding lettuce) including: Cress, Endive, Silverbeet, Spinach Cabbage-centre grub (Hellula hydralis) Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Crocidolomia pavonana) Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) 100 mL + 75 gai/100 L of non-ionic surfactant 7 days 3 days Cluster caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Soybean looper (Thysanoplusia orichalcea) Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Lettuce (leaf and closed head varieties) 100 mL + 15 gai/100 L of non-ionic surfactant 150 mL + 15 gai/100 L of non-ionic surfactant Fruiting vegetables (excluding cucurbits) including: Capsicum, Egg plant, Peppers, Tomato (trellis and field) Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Fruiting vegetables (cucurbits) including; Cucumbers, Melons, Pumpkin, Squash, Zucchini Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Potatoes Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) 100 mL or 10 mL/100 L (dilute) Tomato leaf miner (Phthorimaea operculella) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) 100 mL or 10 mL/100 L (dilute) 100 mL Apply with a minimum spray interval of 5 days. Not required Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Potato moth (Phthorimaea operculella) NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. Only target foliar infestations of Potato moth. Moth larvae in the soil or within stems will not be controlled. Apply with a spray interval of 10 - 14 days. DuPont™ Coragen® insecticide 09 For more information please contact: QLD NSW VIC Brisbane Kent Bell 0408 780 680 Tungamah Lance Loughrey 0428 365 677 Melbourne David Richards 0418 372 565 Toowoomba 0428 783 004 Echuca Ian Pearse 0407 344 561 Proserpine Stephen Newbury 0417 630 382 Goondiwindi Doug McCollum 0427 270 708 SA WA Adelaide Brendan Ahern 0417 581 496 Perth Wayne Loughrey 0408 943 490 Tanunda Andrew Downs 0429 009 909 ALWAYS REFER TO THE PRODUCT LABEL BEFORE USE. © 2008 E I du Pont de Nemours and Company (“DuPont”). All rights reserved. Du Pont (Australia) Ltd. 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ACN 000 716 469. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science ®, Coragen ®, Kocide ® Blue Xtra™, Manzate ® DF ®, Marlin ® , Nustar ® and Rynaxypyr ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates. H&T DP1309 *Non DuPont trademarks.
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