Transfer inovácií 29/2014 2014 CONTROLLING OF ROBOTIC HAND THROUGH DATA GLOVE Ing. Juraj Kováč, PhD. KVTaR, SjF, TU Košice Nemcovej 32, 04001, Košice e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Article deals with the application of mixed reality in the laboratory and practical work. It characterizes the project aimed to develop an integrated management system of robotic hands, controlled by data gloves. The project is an integral part of the laboratory system used for research and verification of virtual reality in design and project work in conditions of machine production. The system is used commercially CAx products (CATIA, DELMIA, Inventor, TECNOMATIC and special software products to work in virtual reality). Departments are used in the development and modeling products, subproducts, selected types of technology. The main activities are focused on conceptual and detailed design of classic and agile manufacturing, which are presented by physical, digital or virtual 3D models of production systems. The functionality is verified through end-to-end simulation. [4] The structure of the basic types of work and technical means of virtual reality is presented in Fig. 1. Key words: Virtual reality, mixed reality, data gloves, robotic hand. INTRODUCTION Mixed reality (MR-mixed properties), as a field of computer research deals with the combination of real world and computer generated data (virtual reality), where computer-generated synthetic objects are introduced into the real environment and vice versa, in real time. MR combines real and virtual environment, it is interactive and takes place in real time and is registered in three dimensions. Integrated systems of virtual and physical reality are also applicable in the management of robotic subsystems. Integration of some kind of physical and virtual technical means opening up new application possibilities not only in the implementation of laboratory experiments but also the practice of mechanical engineering.[3] Technical and software support virtual reality applications Laboratory system for research and validation of virtual reality uses multiple workstations, technical and software tools. Supporting of virtual reality is provided by: 192 computer network with 2 workstation and 8 PCs, multi-touch desing systems, technical resources to support virtual reality - the left and right data gloves, headband display 3D projection system, A3 tablets, etc.). Fig. 1 Structure of the basic types of work and technical means of virtual reality Integration project of virtual CyberGlove II data glove and physical robotic hand MechaTE Robot In the project integration are used the CyberGlove II data glove (right and left) as an essential technical means from Immersion Corporation. Each data glove has 18 motion sensors and communicates with the computer using Bluetooth technology. For more technical parameters of glove see in table Tab.1 Transfer inovácií 29/2014 Tab. 1Specifications CyberGlove II data glove 2014 Hands can be controlled PWM servo controller, microcontrollers or simple RC system. For the management and control of robotic hands MechaTE Robot is used servocontroller, which is equipped with 6 outputs to servo motors and serial USB interface. The design of robotic hands MechaTE Robot servocontroller and their management is in Fig. 4. Experimental verification of activity data glove was and is also currently applied in solving several types of projects and student work. Example of record motion trajectory CyberGlove II data glove in virtual reality is presented in Figure 2. [7] Fig. 4 MechaTE Robot robot hand and the servocontroller Description of software product development for managing the integrated systems of virtual CyberGlove II data glove and physical robotic hand MechaTE Robot Fig. 2 Records of trajectory motion of CyberGlove II data glove in virtual reality The programming environment CyberGlove II data glove, which configure the data gloves and sets up communication with the computer using Bluetooth technology is shown in Fig. 3 For the conncetion and synchronization of data glove and the robotic system has been developed customized software Cyberglove2 RoboticHand. The software is developed in C + + programming language. By using the software, the robotic system can be controlled via the data glove. Software enables to calibrate each servo motor to adjust the sensitivity of motion and control. Each servo motor can be calibrated separately with a different range of motion and various sensitivity. The programming environment software product Cyberglove 2 RoboticHand is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 3 Immersion Corp. programming environment. Device Configuration Utility As another essential technical means for the integration project are used robotic hands MechaTE Robot (right and left) from Custom Entertainment Solutions. The hands are made of anodized aircraft aluminum. There are 14 points of movement, have 5 degrees of freedom and 5 are controlled by servo motors. Robotic arms are designed primarily to demonstrate their application possibilities and not to implement the handling of material objects. It is a lowcost structural design. Fig.5Integrated System data glove and the robotic Hand 193 Transfer inovácií 29/2014 Fig.6 Programming environment Cyberglove 2 Robotic Hand Developed and experimentally verified of integrated system of mixed reality using CyberGlove II data glove and MechaTE Robot Robotic hand is applicable in practice, especially in the process of assembly and disassembly of products, palletising parts of manual activities etc, where the operator carries out various actions with the data gloves. Then robotic hands repeat these repetitive tasks in an automated way. This creates a space for saving personnel and automation of the handling process. The system itself is in the process of further development accompanied by other components such as the wrist joints, motion axis, sensors, etc., which allows to extend its application possibilities. CONCLUSION Potential of virtual technologies in the current period greatly affects innovation activities in many areas of human activity. Progress reflected in the development of technical and software resources significantly affects the previously established working methods and procedures for working with such systems. Results of the study that have been already realized in laboratory experiments point to an important application area of mixed reality, which can be used in different areas of mechanical engineering. References [1] Bracht, G., Geckler, D., Wenzel, S.: Digitale fabrik. Methoden und Praxisbeispiele. SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISBN 978-3-54089038-6, e-ISBN 978-3-540-88973-1 [2] Hagbi, N.; Grasset, R.; Bergig, O.; Billinghurst , M.; El-Sana, J.; , "In-Place Sketching for content authoring in Augmented Reality games," Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 20 10 IEEE, vol., no., pp.91-94, 20-24 March 2010 194 2014 [3] Juan, C.; Beatrice, F.; Cano, J.; , "An Augmented Reality System for Learning the Interior of the Human Body," Advan- ced Learning Technologies, 2008. ICALT '08. 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