TEST 10-A p1s2-p3s2 ID No. Q1 名前 点数( / 25) 3×2(6) 次の英文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1 We are all equal in this, that we all have twenty-four hours in the day. □ 2 The ideal society will enable every man and woman to make the best of their inborn possibilities. □ Q2 波線部に注意してあてはまる英単語を,下の語群から選びなさい。 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] 1×5(5) a covering for the hand, with a separate division for each finger, made of leather, wool, etc. loud noise following flash of lightning and due to discharge of electricity through the air a piece of ground, usually enclosed, where fruit-trees are grown the act of intentionally taking one's own life a movement of the arms or hands, or an expression of the face, to show an idea or feeling or to emphasize what is being said (あ)orchard (い)glove (え)thunder (う)suicide (お)gesture Q3 下の語群より4つ選んで指定された品詞に書き換えなさい。 knowledge [動詞に] select curious important [名詞に] [形容詞に] natural [名詞に] [名詞に] various [動詞に] 1×4(4) Q4 次の対話で,下線部を英訳するのに最も適当な表現を下から選びなさい。 1 □ 【 え 】 2 □ 【 う 】 3 □ 【 お 】 1×3(3) A: “Will this pencil do? It's got blunt though.” B: 「けっこうです。ちょっとメモをとるだけです」 A: “How about leaving it to me ? It seems too difficult for you.” B: 「けっこうです。とにかく,全力をつくしてやってみましょう」 A : “Do you mind my staying here a little longer?” B: 「けっこうです。お好きなだけいてください。別にすることもありません」 あ. Yes, with pleasure い. That’s right う. No, thanks. え. That’ll do お. Certainly not. Q7 以下の3文より空欄に共通して用いられる語を書きなさい。 If she goes with us, so much the ( 2×4(8) ). 1 □ You had ( ) not travel by plane. You should know ( ) at your age. If ( ) you had been with us! 【 better 】 2 □ You have ( ) to try hard. You cannot blame him ( ) for that reason. The thief ran away for his ( ). 【 only 】 3 □ He risked his ( ) in trying to save the child. I cannot, for the ( ) of me, remember his name. Don’t stand in my ( ). 【 life 】 4 □ You can’t have your own ( ) in everything. I don’t like his ( ) of laughing. 【 way 】
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