CBB at Home Level 1 Week 4

©Classes by Beth 2013
Your Materials
Included Documents and Materials
How to Write a Paragraph Sheet
Student binder
Prepositional Phrase Definition Sheet (DS)
White index cards
Common Prepositions List
Markers or colored pencils
Prep Phrase Worksheet
Additional materials that may be needed to
Conjunctions Worksheet
complete certain spelling assignments on the
Spelling Activities
Spelling Activities sheet.
Letter Cards
Lesson Plans - Week 4
Week 4, Day 1
Writing Skills
Level 1
PARTS OF SPEECH – Prepositional Phrases
In order to complete the first major writing
assignment: Narrative Writing, your child will
need to be able to create well developed
You and your child should choose a favorite book
or a book you’re using for reading, history or
science to complete the following:
1. Discuss Prepositional Phrase DS being sure that
your child fully understands the role of this part
of speech. Introduce the Common Prepositions
©Classes by Beth 2013
PARTS OF SPEECH - Prepositional Phrases
Complete the Prep Phrase worksheet.
Copy Work: Choose a 2-3 sentence passage
from the your child’s chosen book that
contains prepositional phrases. After
copying the passage, underline the
prepositional phrases and circle the
Paragraphs provide the backbone for every
academic writing project, so before moving
forward, make sure your child can produce
excellent paragraphs. Feel free to stay on
2. Utilizing the book your child chose, work
paragraph creation as long as necessary to insure together to find prepositions in the first few
WRITING - Paragraph Practice
that your child will be a strong writer.
pages. As well, note the prepositional phrases
Choose a topic that interests you and write a
connected to the prepositions.
Use the How to Write a Paragraph sheet to
paragraph about it. Start by writing a topic
sentence. Then add three supporting
discuss the process of creating paragraphs with
3. Put the Prepositional Phrase DS in your
sentences. Finally, finish with a closing
your child. Work through at least one paragraph notebook under the "Parts of Speech" divider.
with your child to insure that he or she fully
understands the different parts of the paragraph
and how to effectively combine sentences.
SPELLING - Long e (ē) Vowel Sound
Use the same book for this week’s spelling:
Use basic paragraph topics that are interesting to 1. Orally review the short vowel sounds
SPELLING - Long o (ō) Vowel Sounds
your child to complete the practice paragraphs.
(a,e,I,o,u), the long a (ā) and the long o (ō)
Neatly copy each of the spelling words. As
You don’t want to focus on challenging content
you write each word, spell the word aloud.
before your child has developed the essential
2. Go over the ē vowel sound and the different
Place the word list in the Spelling section of
paragraph writing skills.
spellings: e_e, ee, e, ea, ei, ie, y and ey.
your notebook.
3. Choose ten words (a mix of the various ē
Choose one assignment from the Spelling
spellings) from the your child’s book. For this
Activities list to complete.
level, words should be 5-8 letters long such as
Copy Work: Copy the sentences from the
speak, sheets, brief and crazy. Be sure to add any
book for five of the spelling words. After
words that were not spelled correctly from last
copying the sentences, compare your
week’s list.
sentences with those in the book to check
4. Go over the words in the book, so your child
spelling, capitalization and punctuation
can see the words in context. Have your child
before submitting it to your parent.
read each word, spelling it aloud and discuss each
word’s meaning, if not already known.
Lesson Plans - Week 4
Week 4, Day 2
Writing Skills
Level 1
PARTS OF SPEECH – Conjunctions
Use your child’s paragraph from yesterday to
review writing well developed paragraphs. If
there is anything that your child did incorrectly
on that paragraph, be sure to address it before
today’s paragraph practice.
You and your child should choose a favorite book
or a book you’re using for reading, history or
science to complete the following:
Be sure to address the following:
♦ Is the paragraph indented?
♦ Does the paragraph have a topic sentence?
♦ Do the other sentences in the paragraph
support the topic sentence?
♦ Do the sentences all make sense together?
♦ Is there a closing sentence to wrap up the
♦ Is the paragraph properly formatted?
♦ Are there any other errors such as
capitalization, punctuation or spelling?
If your child has multiple errors in yesterday’s
paragraph, work together to correct and then
have your child rewrite the paragraph correctly.
Correcting and rewriting are essential steps of
the writing process.
1. Discuss the definition for conjunctions on the
Conjunctions worksheet.
2. Utilizing the book your child chose, work
together to find conjunctions in the first few
SPELLING - Long e (ē) Vowel Sound
1. Orally review the spellings for the long o (ō)
vowel sound: e_e, ee, e, ea, ei, ie, y and ey.
2. Use the spelling method previously taught in
the Skills section of week 1 to practice the ten
words selected on day one.
©Classes by Beth 2013
PARTS OF SPEECH – Conjunctions
Complete the Conjunctions worksheet.
Copy Work: Choose a 2-3 sentence passage
from the your child’s chosen book that
contains conjunctions. After copying the
passage, circle the conjunctions and
underline the words they connect.
WRITING - Paragraph Practice
Choose another topic that interests you and
write a paragraph about it. Start by writing a
topic sentence. Then add three supporting
sentences. Finally, finish with a closing
SPELLING - Long e (ē) Vowel Sound
Use the Letter Cards to create each of the
spelling words. As you create the words, spell
them aloud.
Choose one assignment from the Spelling
Activities list to complete.
Copy Work: Copy the sentences from the
book for the other five spelling words. After
copying the sentences, compare your
sentences with those in the book to check
spelling, capitalization and punctuation
before submitting it to your parent.
Lesson Plans - Week 4
Week 4, Day 3
Writing Skills
Level 1
Use your child’s paragraph from yesterday to
review writing well developed paragraphs. If
there is anything that your child did incorrectly
on that paragraph, be sure to address it before
today’s paragraph practice.
1. Go back over the definition sheets for parts of
speech including: nouns, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs, prepositional phrases and conjunctions.
Be sure to address the following:
♦ Is the paragraph indented?
♦ Does the paragraph have a topic sentence?
♦ Do the other sentences in the paragraph
support the topic sentence?
♦ Do the sentences all make sense together?
♦ Is there a closing sentence to wrap up the
♦ Is the paragraph properly formatted?
♦ Are there any other errors such as
capitalization, punctuation or spelling?
If your child has multiple errors in yesterday’s
paragraph, work together to correct and then
have your child rewrite the paragraph correctly.
Correcting and rewriting are essential steps of
the writing process.
2. Using the chosen book, have your child
randomly select the different parts of speech in
the book. If there is a part of speech that your
child still has not mastered, select copy work for
that part of speech.
SPELLING - Long e (ē) Vowel Sound
1. Orally review the spellings for the long o (ō)
vowel sound: e_e, ee, e, ea, ei, ie, y and ey.
©Classes by Beth 2013
WRITING - Narrative Writing
Using the topic that you outlined the beginning,
middle and end for last week, write one well
developed paragraph to start telling your
narrative. Next week, you will work on
completing the narrative.
Copy Work: Choose two paragraphs from
your student’s book to use as copy work.
Have your child color code the parts of
speech in the paragraphs as explained in
Week 2, Day 1. Be sure to include a color for
all of the parts of speech mastered up to this
SPELLING - Long e (ē) Vowel Sound
2. Use the spelling method under the Skills
section from day 2 to practice the ten words
selected on day one.
Have your child use the Letter Cards to create
each of the spelling words as you call them out.
Note any missed words to place on next week’s