Lesson Plans – January 12

Lesson Plans – January 12-16 – D. Perkins
W.2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Students will explain:
How to blow bubbles with chewing gum.
TA Tell the students they will be
writing paragraphs that tell how to
do something. Pass out a piece
of gum and tell students they have
to blow a bubble.
Then have the students write in a
circle map things they thought of
with blowing bubbles.
SA Practice blowing bubbles,
create circle map about blowing
Materials: Paper , SmartBoard,
Assessment: TO, circle map
and flow map
TA Review the circle map from the
day before. Then have students
complete flow maps with main idea,
details steps using order words,
closing sentence. Then review how
to orally rehearse their paragraphs.
TA Model with a student how to orally
rehearse the informational paragraph.
Stress that teacher is getting the
sentences flowing with words and this
will help to create the sentences for
the story.
SA Complete a flow maps with main
idea, details steps using order
words, closing sentence. Orally
rehearse their paragraphs and if
time permits begin their paragraphs.
SA Orally rehearse their stories with
a partner. Begin their paragraphs
using their flow maps as a guide.
SA; Student will watch as the
teacher models writing each
sentence of her paragraph and
they will write the sentences for
their paragraphs.
Then circle the parts of the flow
Materials: chart paper, markers,
thinking maps, SmartBoard
Materials: chart paper, markers,
thinking maps, SmartBoard,
Assessment: TO, student
thinking maps
Materials: chart paper, markers,
thinking maps, SmartBoard,
Assessment: TO, student thinking
TA Demonstrate how to continue to
write the blowing bubbles
paragraph. Then go back and
reread to check for mistakes.
TA Demonstrate how students need
to review their writing for mistakes.
Read 4 times and remember Cops.
1. C- Capitalization
2. 0– Organization
3. P – Punctuation
4. S - Spelling
SA: Students will check their work,
correct mistakes, and use a
dictionary if necessary. They may be
asked to check a partner’s paper.
Materials: chart paper, markers,
thinking maps, SmartBoard
Assessment: TO, Student
Assessment: TO, Student Stories
Word Work/Handwriting
RF.2.3b Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.
Spelling Words: running, clapped, stopped, hopping, selling, pinned, cutting, missed, grabbed, mixed, rubbed, sitting,
Word Wall Words: gone, have, saw, said, sit, something
Making Words: mittens
TA Introduce spelling words and
word wall words.
Use white boards and have
students write the spelling words
and focus on letter formation.
TA Compass lesson LA423
SA: Participate in the compass
Assessment: Teacher observation
SA: Read spelling words. Sort the Materials: words, writing paper,
spelling words according to
ending. Explain when to double
Write spelling words focusing on
letter formation.
TA Review the spelling words and TA Give a practice test
word wall words. Then have
students make words, using the
SA Take the test
word as the mystery word
holidays. Use the Make Word
worksheet to come up with the
words the students.
Assessment: practice test
SA: Make two, three, four, five
letter words with mittens being the Homework: study for test
mystery word.
Assessment: student making
Assessment: Students’ writing of
spelling words
Materials: Make Words sheet
Materials: words, whiteboards,
TA review all words
Administer test
SA practice words; take test
Materials: words, writing paper,
Assessment: TO, tests, folders
2.E.2A.4 Obtain and communicate
information about severe weather
conditions to explain why certain
safety precautions are necessary.
Essential Question: What precautions
should be taken during bad weather?
Ask students to recall times when they
have heard about or seen reports of
dangerous weather conditions. Allow
students to talk about personal weather
stories. Ask them what they think they
might do to stay safe during some of
the weather they mentioned. Record
their ideas on the board for later
review. Tell the students that they are
going to watch a video on weather
safety and then create a Safety
Checklist that they can use at home if
they ever need to remember what to do
to stay safe.
Below are a couple of videos from
Learn 360 that might be helpful. You
may also search YouTube for
appropriate clips.
Severe Weather:
In groups of four, students will create a
safety list to help their family
remember to be safe during bad
weather. Afterwards, students will
share their poster with their peers.
Social Studies
Social Studies
Priority Standard1 I-2.2.1 Identify ways 2-1.4 Summarize changes that have Early Dismissal
that family friends and the media
occurred in the local community
can help a person stay safe and
over time, including changes in the
avoid injury.
use of land and in the way people
TA Have students verbally describe
Essential Question: What are things while recording on a list family safety earn their living.
that are and are not safe during a
rules. Then allow student to pair/share Teacher How has Florence
how their family or friends helped
them stay safe. Also talk about the
Watch the following video that
Review safety precautions during
media influence such as Smokey the
shows images of how Florence
severe weather. Complete Safety
Bear, etc.
looked in years past and slowly
Checklist is necessary.
Student Guided Independent: Discuss
changed as time went on:
common messages at home and in the
media that promote child safety.
Materials : board, markers, book
1gNFcQp4mlc. Throughout the
Have students to complete weather
video, stop and discuss places that
worksheet Thunderstorm Safety.
Assessment: discussion. chart
students may recognize and places
that have been remodeled.
2.E.2A.4 Obtain and communicate
information about severe weather
conditions to explain why certain
safety precautions are necessary.
Injury, avoid, safety.
SA/Independent: Students will view
and discuss changes over time in our
Closure: How has business changed
over time?
Assessment: Allow students to
write a one sentence summary
explaining one company that has
been built and the job opportunities
that it has provided in their
Vocabulary terms: Urban, suburban,
rural, population, outskirts, public
transportation (buses, trains, or
subways), communities,
neighborhood, farmland, local,
2. NBT.5: Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place vale, properties of operations to add and subtract.
2. NBT.6 Add up to four 2 digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
2. MD.2 Represent Whole numbers as lengths form 0 on a number line diagram with equally spaced points corresponding to the numbers 0,1,2,…, and represent whole number sums and difference with
100 on a number line diagram.
Objective: Relate
Use different methods to solve
addition to subtraction by using two-digit subtraction problems.
one operation to check the 
Essential Understanding:
All sums and
differences can be found using
Essential Understanding:.
models (cubes). Some
The inverse relationship
calculations are done easily
between addition and
using mental math or paper and
subtraction can be used to
pencil. More complex
check subtraction.
calculations can be done using a
Problem based interactive:
Problem based interactive:
Children will use different
Children will subtract two-digit methods to solve subtraction
numbers and check their
problems Interactive Learning:
answers by writing the related
addition problems.
Develop the Concept:
Develop the Concept:
Visual Learning Bridge, pp.
Visual Learning Bridge, pp. 284280-281, Show the video and
285, Show the video and discuss and
discuss and interact as the video
interact as the video progresses.
Guided Practice:
Guided Practice, p. 284
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
Guided Practice, p. 280,
Independent Practice, p. 285
Independent Practice:
Quick Check 9-8
Independent Practice, p. 281
Materials: connecting cubes
Assessment: Quick Check 9-7
Materials: connecting cubes
Objective: Solve two
question problems. Select the
operation to solve each
Essential Understanding:.
Sometimes the answer to one
problem/question is needed to
find the answer to another
Problem based interactive:
Problem-Based Interactive
Learning: : Children will solve
two-question problems by first
answering one question and
then using that result to answer
a second question.
Develop the Concept:
Visual Learning Bridge, pp.
288-289, Show the video and
discuss and interact as the video
Guided Practice: Guided
Practice, p. 288
Independent Practice: Students will
complete independent practice on
page 289. Teacher will work with
students who need assistance.
Students who finish will work on flash
masters, pattern packets, or Compass
Assessment: Independent practice
and quick check 9-9
Materials: flash masters, other story
problems, computers
. Objective: .Review for
Topic test 9
topic test
Essential Understanding:.
How to solve tw0-questionproblems/
interactive smart board problems.
Children will work in pairs, small group
instruction, peer tutoring.
Problem based interactive:
Develop the Concept:
Independent Practice:
Materials: flash masters, other story
problems, computers
Date: January 12, 2015
Subject: Reading
Grade Level/Teacher: 2nd Grade
D. Perkins
Essential Question:
Common Core Standard:
RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.(L17)
RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. (L18)
Vocabulary (See CAD for “Tier Words”):
Target Vocabulary for the week:
Learning/Teaching Activities CT= Classroom Teacher
Harriet Tubman and the
Underground Railroad
Mini Lesson with Targets –
“I Do”
5-10 Minutes
Work Time:
Guided Practice
“We Do”
“Catch and Release” (2-5
Total Work Time: 40-45 Minutes
Independent Practice
Students read the next section Dreams of Escape and record information to help with a retelling
5-10 Minutes
Student Retellings
Date: January 13, 2015
Subject: Reading
Grade Level/Teacher: 2nd Grade
D. Perkins
Essential Question:
Common Core Standard:
RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.(L17)
RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. (L18)
Vocabulary (See CAD for “Tier Words”):
Target Vocabulary for the week:
Learning/Teaching Activities CT= Classroom Teacher
Mini Lesson with Targets –
“I Do”
5-10 Minutes
Retell the first two sections of the book Born A Slave and Dreams of Escape . (These sections were read on the previous day)
Work Time:
“We Do”
“Catch and Release” (2-5
Guided Practice:
Guide students in reading the next section Leading Others to Freedom and have students help record any important information needed
to retell this section. Guide a retelling of this section
Independent Practice:
Students will read the next 2 sections of the book How She Did It and The End of Slavery. For each section students will record
information needed to retell this section.
Total Work Time: 40-45 Minutes
5-10 Minutes
Student Retellings
Harriet Tubman and the
Underground Railroad
Date: January 14, 2015
Subject: Reading
Grade Level/Teacher: 2nd Grade
D. Perkins
Essential Question:
Common Core Standard:
Vocabulary (See CAD for “Tier Words”): Headings, subheadings, captions.
Target Vocabulary for the week:
Learning/Teaching Activities CT= Classroom Teacher
Mini Lesson with Targets –
I will discuss how the title helps us determine what a book is mostly about. This is the main idea. I will read and chart (example provided)
“I Do”
facts from When a Storm Comes Up by Allan Fowler. I will reread the facts and the title of the book and discuss how they all are about
5-10 inutes
different kinds of storms. . I will explain that the title gives me a clue about the main idea, but I need to put it in my own words. I will think
aloud about a sentence to describe the main idea. For example, "There are many different kinds of storms." I will write it on the chart.
Work Time:
“We Do”
“Catch and Release” (2-5
Ask: "How did I figure out the main idea of the book?" Students should respond that you read the title and the text. You then thought
about the title as the main idea of the book and put it into a sentence explaining what the book is about.
Guided Practice:
You need to read Super Storms and find the main idea.
We will read Page 231-237 in Super Storms (in students’ Journeys books.and we will record facts about that section of the story.
Independent Practice:
Students will continue to read the rest of the story and make notes about the details. When they finish reading they will write a sentence
describing the main idea of the story.
Total Work Time: 40-45 Minutes
Students share the notes they took and the sentence they wrote telling the main idea of Super Storms.
5-10 Minutes
How did I figure out the main idea of the book?" Students should respond that you read the title and the text. You then thought about the
title as the main idea of the book and put it into a sentence explaining what the book is about.
Notes taken and main idea sentence
Super Storms in
Journey’s book
Chart paper or
Date: January 15, 2015
Subject: Reading
Grade Level/Teacher: 2nd Grade
Essential Question:
Common Core Standard:
D. Perkins
Vocabulary (See CAD for “Tier Words”):
Target Vocabulary for the week:
Learning/Teaching Activities CT= Classroom Teacher
Mini Lesson with Targets –
“I Do”
5-11 inutes
Work Time:
Compass lesson LA386
“We Do”
Independent Practice:
“Reading passage and questions from “Creature from the Past”-
Guided Practice:
Contiue compass lesson LA286- Class will do 4 different examples of finding the main idea using text and illustrations
“Catch and Release” (2-5
Total Work Time: 40-45 Minutes
Share their answers
5-10 Minutes
Reading passage and
answer sheet
Date: January 16, 2015
Subject: Reading
Grade Level/Teacher: 2nd Grade
Essential Question:
Common Core Standard:
M. Steele
Vocabulary (See CAD for “Tier Words”):
Target Vocabulary for the week:
Learning/Teaching Activities CT= Classroom Teacher
Mini Lesson with Targets –
Weekly Assessment
“I Do”
5-10 Minutes
Work Time:
“We Do”
“Catch and Release” (2-5
Total Work Time: 40-45 Minutes
5-10 Minutes