Notice Inviting Tender TCIL/05/CHD/CHB/SCRAP/STEEL Dated

Notice Inviting Tender
Dated: 02.12.2014
Sealed Offers are invited from agencies for auctioning of TMT Steel of various sizes “As is
where is basis “situated at site Sector-63, Chandigarh.
The interested bidders are requested to visit the site on all working days between 10 AM to 5
PM and contact the following officers for any queries .For further details kindly see notice no
TCIL/05/CHD/CHB/SCRAP/STEEL at TCIL website Amendment/
corrigendum if any shall be available at TCIL website only. The Last date of submission of
offers is 3.00 PM on 23.12.2014 at O/o undersigned. The received offers shall be opened at
3.30 P.M on the same day.
Project Director (Chandigarh)
TCIL, project office
Sector-63, Chandigarh
Mobile 8699008613
Dated: 02.12.2014
Name of work: Auctioning of TMT Steel of various sizes (as per annexure-A) on “As is where is
basis “situated at site Sector-63, Chandigarh.
Details of work are as under:
Description of work
Auctioning of TMT Steel of various sizes (as per annexure-A) on “As is where is basis
“situated at site Sector-63, Chandigarh.
Tender documents shall be available from the office of Project Director, TCIL, project office, Sector63, Chandigarh on payment of non-refundable fee of INR 400.00 (INR Four Hundred only) by
Demand Draft in favour of “Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.”, Payable at Delhi.
Complete tender documents are also available on TCIL’s website, address given below:
The documents downloaded by the parties from the website shall be valid for participation in the
tender process. Those making use of the tender documents downloaded from the website shall have
to pay the fee of the document i.e. Rs. 400.00/- (Rs Four Hundred only) in the form of a demand draft
Payable at Delhi in favour of “Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.”, along with the tenders.
Tenders received without the requisite fee shall be considered as invalid. Last date for seeking
clarification if any is 3 (Three) days prior to the scheduled date of opening. The tenders shall be
submitted and opened in the Office of Project Director, TCIL ,project office, Sector-63, Chandigarh on
the due date and time mentioned in the N.I.T.
All updates such as Corrigendum, Amendments etc. to this tender will be uploaded only on TCIL
website. Bidders are advised to check the TCIL website regularly for the updates.
1. Eligibility Criteria: Agencies Experienced in auctioning works in government, semi government &
private organizations having the value of minimum 3 lacs.
2. Submission of offer:
Agency shall submit their offer in two separate envelops
Envelop No. 1 super scribed as Technical Bid shall contain the following:
a) A copy of NIT having every page signed by the authorized representative /tenderer indicating
Acceptance of tender document.
b) Documentary evidence in respect of the Eligibility Criteria mentioned in Para No. 1 above.
c) EMD of Rs 10,000/-(Ten thousand only) in the form of DD in favour of “Telecommunications
Consultants India limited” payable at New Delhi.
d) Demand Draft of Rs 400/- (Rs Four Hundred) in favour of “Telecommunications Consultants
India Ltd.” payable at New Delhi if the tender document is downloaded from the website or the
receipt of the Tender Fee if purchased from TCIL.
Envelope No. 2 super scribed as Price Bid shall contain the price bid. The price bid shall be
submitted in the annexed tender form as per annexure-C. Price bid of only those bidders will be
opened whose Technical bid are found to be qualified and acceptable to TCIL
A single sealed envelope containing both the envelopes (i.e. Envelope 1 & Envelope 2 sealed
separately) shall be addressed to Project Director, TCIL ,project office, Sector-63, Chandigarh and
the envelopes should be super scribed “Tender No: _____________________________(name of
the work)
3. EMD:
Interested party should deposit EMD of Rs 10,000/-(Ten thousand only) in the form of DD in favour of
“Telecommunications Consultants India limited” payable at New Delhi. Tenders received
without EMD/inadequate EMD, shall be summarily rejected in the technical evaluation. Earnest
money of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after acceptance of work order by successful
bidder & EMD of successful bidder shall be released after removal of mentioned items from site and
completion certificate from TCIL site engineer. No interest is payable on EMD. The EMD may be
forfeited under the following circumstances:a) If a bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified in NIT.
b) If he fails to execute the contract.
4. Experience: Similar works includes auctioning works in government, semi government & private
organizations having the value of minimum three lacs. Documentary evidence in support shall be
submitted with the bid.
5. Validity Period of Bid:
Bid shall remain valid for 30 days after the date of bid opening. The bid valid for a shorter period shall
be rejected. A bidder accepting the request and granting extension will not be permitted to modify his
6. Deadline for Submission of Bid:
Bid must be received by TCIL at the address specified and not later than the date and time specified
in the NIT.
7. Late Bid:
Any bid received late after the deadline for submission of the bid shall be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder
8. Opening of Technical Bid:
TCIL shall open the technical bid in the presence of authorized bidder’s representatives who choose
to attend at date and time specified in the NIT. The bidder’s representatives who are present shall
sign the Attendance Register. A maximum of two representatives for any bidder shall be permitted
and authorized to attend the bid opening. The date fixed for opening of bids, if subsequently declared
as holiday by the TCIL, the revised date of schedule will be notified. However, in absence of such
notification, the bids will be opened on next working day, time and venue remaining unaltered.
9. Opening of Price Bid
Price bid of only those bidders will be opened whose Technical bid are found to be qualified and
acceptable to TCIL. Bidder’s representative may attend the Price bid opening. The qualified parties
shall be notified with the date, time & venue of the opening of the Price bid.
10. Payment terms
100% of the payment shall be deposited to TCIL, New Delhi within five (5) working days after
acceptance of work order by successful bidder.
11. Other Terms & Conditions:
a) Successful bidder implies the party/ agency who shall bid the highest quote for the above
mentioned work.
b) Rate shall be quoted in whole Rupees (exclusive of taxes). The tax as applicable under govt
norms shall be 4% (as on date).
c) The mentioned scrap items are sold on “as is where is basis” and the buyer shall have to
ascertain and get satisfied with conditions of material before tendering / participation in
bidding and no complaints what so ever about the conditions etc of the same will be
entertained by TCIL later.
d) The interested bidders may inspect the site on any working day between 10 AM – 5 PM after
contacting Sh Rajesh Kumar, Project Director; contact no 8699008613, at project office of
TCIL, Sector-63, Chandigarh.
e) Tender will be submitted in the office of undersigned up to 3PM on 23.12.2014
The successful bidder has to accept the work order within Five (3) working days of its issual.
g) The time period of completion is 15(fifteen) days after the deposition of demand draft in TCIL
h) Successful bidder has to clean the place after the removal of all the materials as per the
satisfaction of TCIL.
The bidder shall ensure all standard safety norms are followed while doing works. The buyer
will employ his own labour and means at his own cost and risk for dismantling/removal
/collection /shifting and carriage of material and payment of wages /compensation in case of
any mishap to the labours will be sole responsibility of the buyer.
Any damages to existing working masonry/plumbing/piping/electrical works/equipments shall
be rectified, in addition to this any damage to finishing works will have to be repaired and
make good at the own cost of bidder. Failing to do shall invite stringent penalizing measures.
k) The cost of electricity and water shall be borne by the bidder if required.
The buyer shall ensure that his work men do not loiter around in the site area. They shall not
touch any material except those materials shown to them/marked at site. If any of his
workmen is even found violating these restrictions the buyer shall be responsible for such
losses to the owners as per decision by competent authority of TCIL.
m) A ground rent charge of 1% of quoted amount will be charged if buyer fails to execute the
work within given time frame as specified in the work order. However in case extra time is
required it shall be under the discretion of competent authority.
n) In case of failure of party to execute/ to comply with the order as per the terms and conditions
of the order within 30 days, the all deposited payment submitted by the defaulter party will be
forfeited; the agency shall be blacklisted and debarred from taking part in any tender of TCIL.
o) Tenderer must not have been blacklisted or deregistered by any central / state government
department or public sector undertaking. Also no work of the tenderer must have been
rescinded by client after award of contract during last 10 years. The tenderer should submit
undertaking to this effect in Performa of Annexure-B.
p) Arbitration: Any dispute in relation to or arising out of this shall be resolved amicably by the
parties. Unresolved disputes shall be referred to Arbitration. The Arbitrator shall be appointed
by the CMD, TCIL. The venue of Arbitration shall be New Delhi. Laws of India shall be the
governing laws.
q) TCIL reserves the right to postpone/ withdraw/ cancel the tender without assigning any
Dated: 02.12.2014
1. TMT Steel bar of various sizes 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm dia.
Total weight of sizes 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm dia = 35 MT
Dated: ………….
We do hereby undertake that we have not been blacklisted or deregistered by any central / state
government department or public sector undertaking and also that none of our work was rescinded by
the client after award of contract during last 10 years.
Stamp & Signature of Authorized Signatory
Dated: ……………
Name of work: Auctioning of TMT Steel of various sizes (as per annexure-A) on “As is where is
basis “situated at site Sector-63, Chandigarh.
I/we _____________resident of_______________________________________ for and on behalf of
submit my/our offer for purchase, removal and carriage of all the mentioned items in annexure A
on““As is where is basis “situated at site Sector-63, Chandigarh.
The price offered for this work is Rs _______________________________ (in figures)
_________________________________________________________ (in words) exclusive of
If my tender is accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide and fulfill all the terms and conditions of the
tender annexed to this tender form.
The sum of Rs _____________________________________ towards EMD amount has been
deposited by me/us DD no _________________Dated__________ as enclosed.
If my offer is accepted I shall deposit the full amount along with the acceptance offer, failing to do so
the Earnest Money deposit shall stand forfeited to the TCIL.
I have visited the site and inspected the material ascertaining the condition of the same.
Signature: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________
Company: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________