June 2014 - American Industrial Hygiene Association

Dawn Errede
June 2014
American Industrial Hygiene Association
Upper Midwest Local Section
Dawn Errede, PhD, CIH
[email protected]
Phil Jensen, MS, CIH, CSP,
[email protected]
President –elect
Heather Heil, CSP
[email protected]
New AIHA Upper Midwest Section Board Officers
Congratulations and welcome to our new board
members! President Elect –
Tricia Shearen , CIH,
(formerly Carmody) is a Certified Industrial Hygienist with
3M, working in the Corporate
Environmental Operations
group. She also has worked
in the Lab Safety department
at 3M Center,
3M's research
Tim Blodgett, MS, CIH, CSP
Treasurer Elect – Jodi Quam,
MS, CIH, CSP, is an Industrial
Hygiene Specialist in the
Safety and
Hygiene Department at
3M. She is the chair of the
AIHA Real Time Detection
Systems Committee.
She has a
degree and
in clinical
science and has been an active
volunteer and board member
with the Nokomis East Neighborhood.
Thank you to everyone who
stepped up to run for these
Finally, Secretary Elect – Lisa positions. Your willingness to
Lundberg, MS, CIH, is a new throw your hat in the ring and
graduate of the U of MN In- serve the local UMS is much
dustrial Hygiene program.
[email protected]
Jessica Hauge
[email protected]
Neil Carlson, MS, CIH
Programming: Save These Dates
On Tuesday, June 24, AIHA
will be offering another webinar entitled:
Urgent Workplace Health
Challenges Demand New
Strategies – Learn the Latest
Recommendations from
NIOSH Total Worker Health
[email protected]
Time: Check in at 11:45.
Webinar is from 12-1 p.m.
Molly Coskran, CIH
[email protected]
Past President
Location: 2221 University Ave
SE, Minneapolis
CE: Earn 1.0 CM Credit
Hours/1.0 Contact Hours/0.1
Neil Carlson speaking on
Indoor Air Quality: Custodian
Cleaning Effectiveness.
6— for our annual Boat Cruise
with ASSE. This year we hope
Our first lunch meeting of the to move back to the St. Croix
seasons will be September
with a ‘BoatStock’ theme—
18th at Grumpy’s, featuring U summer of luv—safety and
of MN Industrial Hygienist
health edition!
Out-going Upper Midwest Local Section Board Officers
A heart-felt THANK YOU to our outgoing board members: Past President Molly Coskran,
Treasurer Heather Heil, and Secretary Jessica Hauge. Your patience, mentorship and
dedication to the local section, its members and mission is sincerely appreciated!
AIHce Wrap Up and Congratulations Award Recipients!
Members who traveled to San Antonio for this year’s AIHce were able to attend the
sessions recognizing our award-winning, local-section members! David Downs, was nominated
by the local section and honored by the AIHA as a Distinguished Fellow. Cathy Hovde was also
nominated by the local section and won the Kusnetz Award, recognizing the leadership and
safety and health contributions of young CIHs. Congratulations David and Cathy!