FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) Life Fund Factsheet March 2014 This factsheet has been produced to provide you with information on the FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) and to help you review your investment. It includes information on the investment objective of the fund, where the fund is invested, how it has performed in the last 5 years and the risk rating we give the fund. Our factsheets are updated every month. The most up to date factsheet is available from www.friendslife.co.uk/investments. This factsheet is for information only and is not designed to provide advice on the suitability of an investment for your personal financial situation. If you have any questions on the information included in this factsheet please speak to your Financial Adviser. Investment Objective To exceed the returns from an average managed fund. FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) Information (as at 28/02/2014) Fund Risk Rating ABI Sector Launch Date Adventurous* Fund Size (£m) 28.6 Unclassified SEDOL/ MEXID 7421/ YVSNAQ 31/12/1992 *previously 5 - Moderately Speculative Asset Allocation (as at 03/02/2014) UK EQUITY FUND 38.9% MONEY MARKET FUND 6.1% EUROPEAN FUND 13.6% JAPAN FUND 4.0% AMERICAN EQ FUND 12.8% PACIFIC FUND 4.0% INT'L BOND FUND 9.5% CASH 0.6% FIXED INTEREST FUND 9.4% Others 1.0% Top 10 Holdings (as at 28/02/2014) No holdings data available FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) Life Fund Factsheet March 2014 Please be aware that the value of investments may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed which means you may get back less than you invest. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Fund performance is the percentage increase or decrease of the value of the fund over the period specified. You will pay charges for fund management and expenses, any advice provided (unless a fee is paid directly to an adviser) and policy administration, which is often taken through a yearly management charge. The performance figures shown are based on the charges applied to the standard pricing series of the Fund, which may or may not be the same as your policy. The figures assume a 1% yearly management charge and any initial fund charge but do not include any policy charges, which will reduce the performance figures shown. Please refer to your Key Features document for the charges which apply to your policy and fund. These charges could have the affect of reducing the past performance figures shown. If you are considering switching funds or making an additional investment into a different fund, the fund selected could have the same or differing charges which could also reduce the past performance figures shown. If you have any questions, or are considering switching funds or making an additional investment, please speak to your Financial Adviser and request a personal illustration. Table 1 shows the annual performance of the FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business), up to the end of the last quarter. The figures shown are calculated on a bid price to bid price basis. Any income paid to the fund from interest or dividend payments is reinvested within the fund. Table 1. Percentage growth of the FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) for the last 5 years to end of December (31/12/08-31/12/09) (31/12/09-31/12/10) (31/12/10-31/12/11) (31/12/11-31/12/12) (31/12/12-31/12/13) Performance (%) 14.2% 12.2% -5.1% 7.6% 12.5% Friends Life registers all its funds with the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The ABI will group together funds which have a similar investment objective and asset allocation, so their performance and characteristics can be compared against similar funds. The table below shows the annual discrete performance of the ABI sector, the rank and quartile of the fund. The rank is how the fund has performed relative to all the funds included in that sector for that time period. The quartile demonstrates relative performance. For example, if the fund is in the first quartile then it is in the top 25% of funds. Table 2. Discrete Performance comparison against ABI sector for the last 5 years to end of December (31/12/08-31/12/09) (31/12/09-31/12/10) (31/12/10-31/12/11) (31/12/11-31/12/12) (31/12/12-31/12/13) % Sector Average Quartile Rank 18.8% 11.6% -4.5% 9.3% 12.1% 4 2 3 4 2 352/403 199/423 296/446 392/464 212/477 The table below shows the performance of the fund over different time periods. It also shows a comparison with the ABI sector average and the fund’s rank and quartile in that ABI sector. Table 3. Cumulative performance of the FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) over different time periods to end of February Performance (%) Quartile Rank 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years 6.5% 16.0% 16.7% 67.6% 69.2% 3 3 3 3 4 252/495 278/480 299/460 293/417 254/299 If you would like more recent data, please call us on 0117 989 3000. The statistics on this page come from a company called Financial Express. Their website is www.financialexpress.net. FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) Life Fund Factsheet March 2014 Important Notes Table 2 shows discrete past performance figures and Table 3 shows cumulative past performance. Discrete performance is on a yearly basis and is shown to the end of the last calendar quarter. Cumulative is totalled and is shown over various periods to the end of the last month available. Fund information and performance figures are compiled using data sourced by Financial Express. Although Friends Life takes every care to ensure that the data provided to external sources about their own funds is accurate, occasionally discrepancies may occur, for example due to pricing delays. In all cases Friends Life will endeavour to ensure that these discrepancies are corrected. Friends Life accept no liability for loss due to such discrepancies where the investor has relied on the information contained in this factsheet to assist investment decisions. The price of units of the fund normally reflects the price at which the underlying assets can be purchased. However, when there are more units being cancelled from a fund than are being purchased, the price of units will normally be lower to reflect the price at which the underlying assets can be sold. Friends Life may delay dealings in a fund such as surrenders or switches for up to 1 month (for example when dealings on a stock exchange are suspended), or 6 months for funds that invest in property (so that property can be sold if necessary). In exceptional circumstances these periods may be extended where this is fair to policyholders invested in a fund. Any transactions delayed will be based on the unit price when the transaction actually takes place. Where a fund invests in shares or other assets designated in a different currency to the fund, or where the underlying fund is denominated in a different currency, prices may rise and fall purely as a result of exchange rate fluctuations. If you would like details about the performance of your policy, please call the telephone number on your policy documents. The aim of the fund may make reference to 'medium' (which is at least 5 years) and 'long' term (which is over 10 years). It is therefore important that you regularly review your arrangements and the fund's current investment aim and risk category. Risk Category There are various ways to measure risk. We have categorised the risks involved in our fund range by taking into account the 'volatility' of each asset class. This means the ups and downs in the returns of an investment in relation to its value over a fixed period. Volatility is used as a guide to help you understand the potential risks and rewards involved with our funds and the types of assets they hold. Each increase in risk level represents an increase in the potential for your money to grow and an increase in the likelihood of the value of your investment fluctuating dramatically or falling and losing all or part of your money. These risk categories are Friends Life's interpretation of risk, only meant as a guide and may change in the future. None of our risk categories imply or offer any form of guarantee. You should seek professional advice regarding the suitability of your investment choices. The fund has been assigned a risk category based on our methodology for assessing risk. It is important that you read the appropriate risk category description. The name of the fund is not a description of its risk. FL BZW Balanced AL fund (Closed To New Business) Life Fund Factsheet March 2014 We grade our investment funds on a scale of Very Cautious to Very Adventurous, with Very Cautious being the lowest and Very Adventurous being the highest level of risk. The risk category assigned to each fund will match one of the defined categories, or investment approaches, below: Very Cautious You are not willing to accept any risk to your investment in the short term and wish typically to invest wholly in money market assets. You understand that the potential for growth is small and that over the long term inflation will reduce the buying power of money market assets. As you typically wish to invest wholly in money market assets, an investment product is likely to be unsuitable for you as investments in such products will fluctuate in value. Product charges could exceed any growth and you could get back less than you invest. Cautious Managed These funds will hold investment in shares and other non-cash investments so there may be potential risk to the amount you invest. You are looking for an investment where the return over the long-term is expected to be an improvement on that available on high street deposit accounts. You are willing to take some risk in order to seek some growth potential. You understand that this will increase the amount by which your investment will fall and rise in value. However, under normal circumstances, you would feel uncomfortable if your investments fell and rose sharply in value. You could get back less than you invest. Typically, you would consider investing in Money Markets, Gilts, Bonds, Property and also in Equities. Balanced Managed You are looking for a balance of risk and reward with the aim that, in the long term, higher returns may result than those available from more cautious investments. You are willing to accept that the value of your investment will fall and rise in value. You could get back less than you invest. Typically, you would consider investing in a wide variety of assets, such as Shares, Money Markets, Fixed Interest and Property. Risk will usually be reduced by spreading investment across a variety of sectors and markets and/or limiting exposure to overseas markets. Adventurous You are willing to accept a high level of risk on your investment in order to seek higher growth potential, in the longer term, than is available on less speculative investments. You are prepared to accept that this will increase the risk of large fluctuations in the value of your investment and of losing some or possibly all of your capital. You could get back less than you invest. Typically, you would consider investing in a narrow range of asset classes, primarily in Shares. There may also be exposure to currency risk via investment in overseas markets. Very Adventurous You are willing to accept a very high level of risk on your investment in order to seek very high growth potential in the long term. You are willing to accept sudden and large day-to-day fluctuations in the value of your investments and you accept the risk of losing some or all of your capital. Typically, you would consider investing in Shares in specialist equity markets or sectors, which are expected to be particularly volatile e.g. Emerging Markets. There will be exposure to currency risk via significant investment in overseas markets. You could get back less than you invest. The address for written communications is Friends Life, PO Box 1810, Bristol, BS99 5SN. The telephone number of Friends Life is 0117 989 9000. Friends Life Services Limited distributes and administers financial products and services and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, register No. 185746 (www.fsa.gov.uk/register/home.do). A company limited by shares, registered in England No. 3424940, registered office: Pixham End, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1QA. As part of our commitment to quality service, telephone calls may be recorded.
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