U y Controlleer Offiice of the University Florrida State University y Sttudent Finanncial Servicees 11500 University Center A Tallahassee, FL L 32306-2394 4 Ph: (850) 644-99452 Fax: (8550) 644-5142 E Email: [email protected] u Parent PLUS Loan L Au uthorizaation Dear Parent PLUS Loan Borroweer: The Floriida State Un niversity (FS SU) administters Federal Title IV finaancial aid fuunds on behaalf of the U.S. Department of Educatio on. The Federal Direct P Parent PLUS S Loan that yyou may or have received as a part of your studeent’s financiial aid awarrd package from FSU iis categorizeed as Federal Title T IV finan ncial aid. Federal regulations r require all schools to apply a Title IV aid fundds to “allow wable chargges,” which aree tuition, maandatory fees, and housing charges. FSU allowss many depaartments to aapply charges to t the accou unt of studen nts in order to t consolidaate billing. S Some of thesse charges m might include parking p citattions, health center, book kstore, meall plans, and other misceellaneous chaarges that are considered d “non-allow wable charrges” accorrding to Feederal regullations. Federal regulations also requ uire FSU to obtain yourr authorizatiion to applyy your Parennt PLUS Loaan to these “no on-allowablee charges” ap ppearing on the student’ss account. Your perrmission to authorize a fin nancial aid to t pay for thhese chargess will expediite the settleement of your student s accou unt. If autho orization is not n received pprior to the settlement ddue date, the Title IV finan ncial aid fun nds will not be applied to all charrges. This m may result inn an outstannding balance on o your stud dent account and cause laate charges tto be assesseed. You are not required d to give au uthorization but if so, yoou may resccind the autthorization aat any time in person at Student Fiinancial Seervices durinng normal business hhours. Oncee the ucation consiiders the iniitial authorizzation to conntinue authorizaation is signeed the Secreetary of Edu to be vallid for futurre years so long l as the University nnotifies the student/pareent in subsequent years beffore applying g the Title IV V financial aid a to the stuudent's accouunt. If permisssion is graanted, this authorization a n will coverr the entire period thatt the studennt is enrolled at FSU forr current teerm chargees only andd you may rescind it aat any time by contactin ng our office by mail or via v email. The Department of Education E haas implemen nted federal rregulations tthat authorizze this Univeersity to admin nister Title IV financial aid funds. Title T IV funnds are finanncial aid youu may receiive in your finaancial aid pacckage from the t Universiity and incluude: Federal Pell P Grant, Federal F Supp plemental Ed ducation Oppportunity Grrant (SEOG)), Federal Peerkins Loan, Feederal Educaation Loan Program: P Staafford Loan P Program - S Subsidized annd Unsubsiddized, Parent Lo oan, and Fed deral Work Study S Prograam d 11/14 PLUS Tittle IV Revised Page 1 of 2 U y Controlleer Offiice of the University Florrida State University y Sttudent Finanncial Servicees 11500 University Center A Tallahassee, FL L 32306-2394 4 Ph: (850) 644-99452 Fax: (8550) 644-5142 E Email: [email protected] u Parent PLUS Loan L Au uthorizaation Federal regulations r stipulate s that Title IV fiinancial aid funds cannoot be appliedd to your stuudent account until u ten (10 0) days prior to the first day of claasses. Federaal regulationns further reequire that the University apply a your Title IV fin nancial aid funds to 'alllowable chaarges', whichh are tuition, mandatory m fees, f and ho ousing and board b chargges contracteed with the University.. The Universitty also allow ws many dep partments to o assess chaarges to yourr student account in ordder to consolidaate billing. Some of theese charges might incluude Parkingg Permit feees, Health C Center charges, and other miscellaneou m us charges. Federal F reguulations requuire the Uniiversity to oobtain horization to o apply yourr Title IV fin nancial aid tto all chargees appearingg on your stuudent your auth account. Your perrmission to authorize a thee Parent PLUS Loan too pay for theese “non-alloowable charges” will expeedite the settlement of your studen nt’s accountt. If authorrization is nnot received,, the Parent PL LUS Loan will w only be applied to th he allowablee charges duue. Please nnote that youu are not requiired to give authorizatio on. Howeverr, this may rresult in an outstandingg balance onn the student’ss account thaat may causee late fees to be assessedd, financial hholds, and thee delay of fuuture aid disbu ursements. E ONE: CHOOSE YES, I authorize th he Florida State S Univeersity to payy current tterm nonallowab ble charges with w my Federal Parentt PLUS Loaan(s) on thee student’s accountt listed below w. NO, I DO D NOT au uthorize the Florida F Statee Universityy to pay currrent term non-allo owable charrges with my m Federall Parent PL LUS Loan(ss) on the student’’s account lissted below. Name off Student wer Signature off Parent Borrow d 11/14 PLUS Tittle IV Revised Studentt’s EMPLID# Prinnt Name Date Page 2 of 2
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