BRINGING PALADIN INTO THE 21st CENTURY 30 July 2014 Background • Beyond the Paladin Digital Fire Control System, previous upgrades hadn’t altered much of the M109’s 1950’s chassis configuration • To meet the present day performance requirements as well as establishing a path to implementing future capability and growth initiatives, it was clear that the M109A6 needed to evolve from the heterogeneous (legacy analog) to a digital implementation. 30 July 2014 2 Background • M109A7 significantly enhances the reliability, mission maintainability, sustainability, and responsiveness of the M109A6 while establishing current and future commonality within the US. Army Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) • Platform needed to meet the following requirements – Provide an open and scalable architecture that would network various subsystems and Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) – Seamlessly combine existing components with emerging technologies – Maintain a reduced lifecycle cost through logistics support 30 July 2014 3 Power Generation, Distribution and Management • Due to the howitzer’s vehicle maximum electrical load dual 28Vdc generators would be necessary • This required an innovative design to drive the dual alternator configuration and increased volume to accommodate the output cabling to the power distribution subsystem • These issues led the BAE Systems Land and Armaments, York, PA electrical power generation and management design team to establish a joint interdivisional effort with BAE Systems, Hybrid-drive Systems, Endicott, NY for a different technical approach 30 July 2014 4 Power Generation, Distribution and Management • BAE Systems, Electronic Systems, Endicott, NY was manufacturing Hybrid Electric Drive (HED) power electronic components for the transit bus market – leveraging this technology to design/integrate a Common Modular Power System (CMPS) onto a Stryker vehicle platform – BAE Systems ES and TARDEC believed a CMPS was possible where all combat vehicles could utilize a common power architecture and common components where possible • The M109A7 electrical power generation and management design team recognized this as an opportunity to integrate a proven CMPS on the M109A7 vehicle platform 30 July 2014 5 Power Generation, Distribution and Management SV-1 FUNCTIONAL PERSPECTIVE Power Sources Sub-Systems Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) Vehicle Battery System Energy Storage System Auxiliary Power Generation Network/Data 28 V Hi Voltage Power Conversion Sub-Systems Vehicle Power Manager Hi Voltage Power Manager Functions Load Management Energy Storage Ctrl Power Control Aux Pwr Ctrl Fault Monitoring Status Reporting 120V/208V 60Hz Inverter(s) Network/Data DC-DC Converter(s) 28 V Hi Voltage 28 V To vehicle Mission & Weapons Computers Network/Data Network/Data Loads & Distribution Power Distribution Controller(s) Vehicle Battery Charger 30 July 2014 Energy Storage Sys Charger 28 V To individual vehicle loads: Vehicle Accessories - Lights, Motors, Fans Mission Loads - Computers, Radios, Diplays Weapson Loads - Computers, Fire Controllers, etc. Thermal Management System NBC System etc. 6 Digital Backbone • The M109A6 SPH’s automotive/auxiliary/electrical power subsystems were analog providing discrete input/output to the non-smart electrical Line Replaceable Units (LRU)s • The SOW required – ‘a Vehicle Health Management System (VHMS) which monitors and reports the health of the vehicle and its subsystems’ – ‘power management system shall manage electrical power distribution and utilization, monitor and protect the power system and loads, provide host vehicle electrical system status information to the crew and maintenance personnel’ • These requirements resulted in the decision to implement a vehicle platform with a digital backbone 30 July 2014 7 Electric replaces Hydraulic • M109A7 replaces the M109A6’s legacy hydraulicallyoperated elevation and azimuth drives with electric drive technology leveraged from the Future Combat Systems 155mm NLOS-C (Non-Line-of-Sight Cannon) • Replacing the hydraulics with electrically operated drives drastically reduces maintenance and eases the logistics burden – Manual backups mitigate loss of electrical power • Additional maintainability and reliability improvements were gained by the replacement of the slip ring with a Cable Management System (CMS) 30 July 2014 8 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS EVOLUTION FROM THE M109A6 • Electrical power is separated into two systems 30 July 2014 9 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS EVOLUTION FROM THE M109A6 • High Voltage System Architecture 30 July 2014 10 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS EVOLUTION FROM THE M109A6 • Generator Hydraulic Pump Generator PTO Housing 30 July 2014 11 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS EVOLUTION FROM THE M109A6 • Generator Inverter (GINV) – converts the 3-Phase AC power from the generator to 610VDC • High Voltage Distribution Box (HVDB) – takes power from the Inverter and distributes it to the BiDi, the PESA (SPH Only), and the MCS • Bi-Directional Converter (BiDi) – takes 610VDC power from the HVDB and converts it to 28V power in order to supply the low voltage components 30 July 2014 12 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS EVOLUTION FROM THE M109A6 • Cable Management System (CMS) – electrically links the cab and hull – allows the cab to rotate in relation to the hull • Paladin Electric Servo Amplifier (PESA) – distributes power to and controls the electric drives and rammer subsystems – interfaces with the vehicle’s fire control system • Microclimate conditioning system (MCS) – affects environmental temperature conditions by heat exchange 30 July 2014 13 High Voltage Safety • High voltage systems of the SPH and CAT are capable of mitigating hazardous situations and protecting equipment and personnel from potential injury • Safety feature capabilities include aspects of ground fault protections, interlocks, high voltage/energy discharge protection, awareness, and training • HV components are designed to withstand partial and total submersion 30 July 2014 14 Ground Fault Protections • Ground fault protection systems have been designed into the Generator Inverter (GINV) and PIM Electric Servo Amplifier (PESA) • Multiple layers of insulation, shielding and conduit if compromised help trigger a ground fault condition and safely shut down HV/HE in the system • Upon detection of a ground fault the GINV will shut down and disconnect from the 610VDC high voltage output 30 July 2014 15 High Voltage Safety • Hazardous Voltage electrical circuits are provided with an appropriate set of – Automatic disconnects – Manual disconnects – Interlocks to prevent inadvertent contact with the hazardous voltage • High Voltage/Energy Discharge Protection • Awareness 30 July 2014 16 Distributed vs. Federated Architecture • The M109 had evolved primarily in a bottom-up fashion driven by the opportunities to bolt on new capability • It was clear that a flexible architecture was needed – primary design goal was to maintain high reliability and mission readiness, limit variables included within the critical path of mission critical capabilities – secondary design goal was to leverage common components as much as possible to reduce the logistic burdens on the battlefield 30 July 2014 17 Distributed vs. Federated Architecture Vetronics Control and Distribution Module (VCDM) Distributed Architecture vs. Digital Vehicle Distribution Box (DVDB) Federated Architecture Comparison Distributed Architecture (VCDM) Federated Architecture (DVDB) Modular and Flexible Design Point and Vehicle Specific Design Promotes Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) and Shop Replaceable Unit (SRU) Commonality and Building Block Design Approach Does Not Promote LRU and SRU Commonality and Building Block Design Approach Cost is Dependent on System Architecture Complexity and Partitioning of Functions Routinely Less Expensive than Distributed Architecture PIM – SPH/CAT Federated Architecture (DVDB) is more expensive than Distributed Architecture (VCDM) PIM-SPH/CAT Distributed Architecture (VCDM) is less expensive than Federated Architecture (DVDB) Allows For Good Design Practices to be Implemented (Example: Status and Control Processing should be isolated from Low Voltage High Power Distribution) Designed to be interchangeable between vehicle locations and vehicle(s) 30 July 2014 All functions are integrated into one LRU creating EMI/RFI, Thermal and Reliability Design Challenges (DVDB consolidates status/control processing, video processing, low voltage low power distribution and low voltage high power distribution, NATO slave connector functions into one LRU) Point solution does not require interchangeability 18 Distributed vs. Federated Architecture • It was concluded that a digital distributed architecture was the right choice to meet the vehicle health management and electrical power management requirements – The key Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) for meeting much of the M109A7/M99A2A3 digital architectural requirements is the Vetronics Control and Distribution Module (VCDM) • Modular LRU that provides networked point-of-load power distribution and management, serves as a digital bus gateway, and is a key enabler for diagnostics, fault detection and fault isolation – Smart Display Unit (SDU) is a 10.4” display and computer integrated into one package • Provides the driver with a virtual instrument cluster and serves as the main diagnostics interface to support fault detection and isolation 30 July 2014 19 SOFTWARE ARCHITCTURE • Legacy M109A6 contained some electronic components that had software was limited to the components related to the Fire Control System DAGR RS422 Dynamic Reference Unit Hybrid (DRU-H) RS232 MVRS RS422 RS422 SDLC PDFCS PIK RS422 Ethernet ` AT System (Off Board) CoS Display C SINCGARS INC RS-232 Keypad SINCGARS TAC M109A6 SW Architecture 30 July 2014 20 SOFTWARE ARCHITCTURE • SW Phase 1 provided a significant increase in smart LRU’s and provided the opportunity to allow the components to share information as needed M109A7 SW Architecture 30 July 2014 M992A3 SW Architecture 21 SOFTWARE ARCHITCTURE • Two major focus areas of Software Phase II. – Take the lessons learned from contractor and government testing and introduce the Diagnostics and System Health M109A7 SW Architecture 30 July 2014 M992A3 SW Architecture 22 SOFTWARE ARCHITCTURE • Two major focus areas of Software Phase III. – Support LRU hardware changes and build on DASH to provide an interface to IETMs resulting in improvements in fault isolation DAGR RS-232 RS-422 Dynamic Reference Unit Hybrid Replacement (DRU-H-R) SINCGARS INC Gun Drive & Rammer (GDR) TACKLINK RS-422 PIK RS-422 SDLC RS-422 MVRS Vetronics Control & Distribution Module (VCDM) JV-5 Ethernet Display Unit (DU) KVG Switch Discrete (CoS Display) Dedicated Ethernet Vetronics Control & Distribution Module (VCDM) Drivers Display UI Dedicated Video Line J-1939 CAN Bus Dash Display Unit (DU) E-net Switch J-1939 CAN Bus SW Installer C RS-422 Smart Display Unit (SDU) Ethernet KGV-72 Ethernet Smart Display Unit (SDU) LVDS | USB Dedicated Ethernet E-net Switch PDCU-R (PDFCS-R) Dedicated Ethernet FBCB2 Transceiver Ethernet MSD (DASH, IETMs, Downloader) Ethernet FBCB2 FBCB2 AFATDS SINCGARS (Voice) Keypad Drivers Display UI Vetronics Control & Distribution Module (VCDM) JV-5 BFT2 Dash Dedicated Ethernet SW Installer Vetronics Control & Distribution Module (VCDM) Electronics Cooling (WEG) Pump Vetronics Control & Distribution Module (VCDM) Electronics Cooling (WEG) Pump KGV-72 Engine Control Module (ECM) Engine Cooling (BODAS) Engine Control Module (ECM) MSD (DASH, ITEMs, Downloader) Engine Cooling (BODAS) Common Modular Power System (CMPS) Transmission Electronics BFT2 Transceiver Dedicated Ethernet Common Modular Power System (CMPS) Transmission Electronics Automatic Fire Extinguishing System (AFES) J-1939 CAN Bus BiDi BiDi Automatic Fire Extinguishing System (AFES) GINV J-1939 CAN Bus BiDi MicroClimatic Conditioning System (MCS) MicroClimatic Conditioning System (MCS) GINV M109A7 SW Architecture 30 July 2014 M992A3 SW Architecture 23 LESSONS LEARNED • High Voltage Safety – The USG and industry had to develop new infrastructure, logistics and procedures to safely operate and maintain the M109A7 High Voltage CMPS • Grounding and Bonding – Special attention is required to make sure electrical bonds/grounds are properly installed to avoid DC and AC ground faults • High Voltage Maturity – As a result of the addition of the new technology it was necessary to convince USG that the High Voltage CMPS electronic components were at a high enough readiness level 30 July 2014 24 LESSONS LEARNED • Information Assurance – Awareness of the threat due to computer security issues has grown significantly since the fielding of the M109A6 – While the digital architecture provided a mechanism for the communication of information between the various subsystems and improved overall diagnostic capabilities it also then required additional work to insure that the proper security measures were satisfied – Satisfying the Information Assurance requirements has proven to be a significant effort in cost and schedule – It would have been better to start this process as early as possible during the initial system design discussions 30 July 2014 25 LESSONS LEARNED • Commonality – For each hardware commonality effort ensure that the LRU requirements and qualification tests encompass all necessary operational and environmental requirements (shock & vibration, hot and cold operational temperatures, radiated emissions etc.) for all vehicle types being considered 30 July 2014 26
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