Group 6 - World Health Organization

Group 6
• Table 6: Structural recommendations: Recommendation
5 – 6 - Make health professionals count and launch a new
movement for better data and innovation
• Lead: Najeeb al Shorbaji , ITU: Hani Eskandar
• Resource Person: Anneke Schmider, Jyotsna Chikersal
• iERG resource: Kathleen Ferrier, Joy Phumaphi
Group 6/Topic R5. Make health professionals count: Deliver an
expanded and skilled health work force, which serves WCH with
measurable impact.
• What are the key steps to operationalize this recommendation:
• Galvanize high level political commitment for appropriate health
work force: Link training and securing of human resources with
UHC (WHA resolution)
Use appropriate tools to assess health WF wrt Health initiatives
needed – come up with the gaps, and National plan to fill the
gaps, and mobilize resources for it
South to south collaboration- sharing experiences between
Community Health workers/volunteers & midwives model, not
just relying on medical doctors for delivering health care, with
incentives scheme & good training
Using appropriate e/m Health & innovations – Eg. Telemedicine
for HCD, eLearning, mentorship programmes, empowering
leaders, compulsory rural health service
Group 2 /Topic R5
• What are the 2 outputs/ deliverables to be included in
plans for 2014-2015
• National Health WF plan = innovative thinking around
business models and CHV model & incentive scheme
• Advocacy & Resource mobilization plan
Group /Topic
• Which partner has the comparative advantage to move
this forward
• Partners at development level - WHO (lead partner),
USAIDS, World Bank, regional development banks
• Public Private Partnership
Group 6 /Topic 6: Launch a new movement for
better data: Make universal & effective civil
registration & vital statistics systems a post-2015 target.
• What are the key steps to operationalize this recommendation:
• Universal CR & effective VS be a development target in Post
Global Alliance & High level working group
Regional coordination mechanism
National Steering committee bringing relevant partners
together at country level– Registrar general offices, NSO,
Health, Local administration, CSO, etc
CRVS country assessments, develop strategic plans, Business
process analysis to embrace innovative approaches including
use of ICT, Services linked with registrations
CHW/CHV having appropriate role in Birth, Death & COD
notification & registration (with incentives schemes)
Group 6 /Topic R6
• What are the 2-3 outputs/ deliverables to be included in
plans for 2014-2015
• Universal CR (Birth, Death & COD) by 2035 by all
countries (sub-targets and country specific targets to be
• Effective VS generated from CR data & used for decision
making by 2035 (sub-targets and country specific targets
to be developed).
Group 6 /Topic R6
• Which partner has the comparative advantage to move
this forward
• World bank, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, Regional
• Facebook, PPP
Group 6
• Of the six recommendations, rank from 1-6
1. Strengthen country accountability: country-led, inclusive,
transparent and participatory national oversight mechanisms
2. Launch a new movement for better data: Make universal
and effective CR & VS systems a post-2015 development target.
3. Make health professionals count: Deliver an expanded and
skilled HWF with measurable impact.
4. Prioritise quality to reinforce the value of a human-rights
based approach to WCH: Quality of Care
5. Take adolescents seriously: adolescent indicator in all
monitoring mechanisms fro WCH
6. Demand global accountability for WCH: Advocate for and
win an independent accountability mechanism to deliver the
post-2015 sustainable development agenda.