明治大学開講科目 和泉キャンパス 春学期 月曜5限 (16:20~17:50) グローバル共通教養総論 単位数 配当年 Liberal Arts for Global Common 2単位 1~4 Yoko Sola 1Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標) Course Objectives This course provides students with an introduction to the United Nations system and global development issues through lectures by various guest speakers. Course Contents In the era of globalization, the market economy prevailed worldwide which resulted in widening the gap between the poor and the rich among nations and within nations; and diversified threats to the human security. This course will show the origins of these global issues and how the international community has been tackling them. Students will learn basics about the United Nations, the Human Rights, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Post-MDGs Agenda, the Climate Change, the Gender and the Global Compact. This course invites various distinguished experts including U.N. senior officials and an Ambassador. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, this course will host two public events on the day of 20 April and 25 May 2015 in partnership with the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) Tokyo. Your participation is requested as a part of this course. Expected outcome Students will understand the basics about the United Nations and global development issues before the U.N. Students are expected to be able to express their own opinions and develop analytical thinking to these issues. Course Contents(授業内容) 2 ○○○…Event for the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations 1. 4/13 Introduction Yoko Sola 2. 4/20 Your United Nations: past, present, and United Nations Information Centre future (UNIC), Kaoru Nemoto United Nations: its ideals and reality Kensaku Hogen, 3. 4/27 Former UN Undersecretary-General 4. 5/11 Human Rights and Refugees Center for Human Rights Education and Training, Yozo Yokota 5. 5/18 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Kiyotaka Akasaka, Former UN Undersecretary-General 6. 5/25 Post-2015 Development Agenda Kiyotaka Akasaka 7. 6/1 Post-2015 Agenda United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Tetsuo Kondo 8. 6/8 Interim Review Yoko Sola 9. 6/15 Post-2015 Agenda:Gender Equality and Gender Action Platform (GAP), Empowerment of Women Asako Osaki Post-2015 Agenda United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 10. 6/22 Junko Sazaki 11. 6/29 Climate Change and the Survival of the Masahiko Horie, Ambassador for Global Planet (Part I) Environmental Affairs 12. 7/6 Climate Change and the Survival of the Masahiko Horie Planet (Part II) 13. 7/13 Global Compact and GC-JN Global Compact Japan Network (GC-JN), Hideaki Yahiro 14. 3 7/20 Review Session Yoko Sola Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習) This course will host two events in partnership with UNIC Tokyo. Your participation is required. Please note that the time and campus remain same but the classroom will be changed on the following dates. 1) Date: 20 April 2014 Venue: Izumi Library Hall (First Floor, Izumi Library) 2) Date: 25 May 2014 Venue: Izumi Library Hall (First Floor, Izumi Library) Students are requested to use the online-tool manaba folio (https://hric-mri.manaba.jp) to get course materials and submit assignments. It is essential to read the materials and references before and after the class. 4 Textbook(s)(教科書) Materials will be distributed on manaba folio. 5 Reference(s)(参考書) 「緒方貞子―難民支援の現場から」 (集英社)東野真 「新国際機構論」上下(国際書院)横田洋三 「国際機関で見た「世界のエリート」の正体」(中央公論新社)赤阪清隆 「気候変動をめぐる国際交渉」 (日本記者クラブ)堀江正彦 YouTube http://youtu.be/7nFuJ8f9N5I 6 Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法) Comment sheet and in-class participation: 30% Mid-term assignment: 30% Final assignment: 40% 7 Other(その他) Please note that some classes will be filmed. For those who wish not to be filmed, please inform the lecturer. Facebook http://www.facebook.com/hric.mri
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