Folkestone West Controlled Parking Zone Folkestone (CPZ) –West Zone B Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) – Zone B Information for residents Information for residents Contact us: By phone 01303 853690 Email [email protected] Introduction Following consultation with local residents and businesses, a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is being introduced in roads around Folkestone West station. Your road is included in Zone B. The main aim of the CPZ is to discourage commuter and long-stay parking. The roads shown on the map overleaf have been marked with permit-only parking bays (where parking is considered safe and appropriate) or with yellow lines (where parking is considered to be dangerous or obstructive). Cul de sac type roads or roads with little or no through traffic will have “permit holder only past this point” entry signs which do not require bay markings. Parking will be controlled between 9am and 11am and only permit holders will be able to park during those hours. Motorcycles are allowed to park without a permit in permit spaces and disabled parking bays are unchanged. The CPZ will be enforced by uniformed Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs). Please see pages 5-16 for details of the types of permits available. An application pack for permits accompanies this leaflet. 3 PARKING PLACES Permit holder spaces There will be signs indicating that parking is for permit holders only. Only vehicles displaying a valid Zone B permit are permitted to park beyond the CPZ entry signs during the hours of control. Disabled persons parking places These parking places are only for use by blue badge holders, who display a valid blue badge. Single yellow lines indicate that there is no parking during the hours of operation of the CPZ. Double yellow lines indicate NO PARKING AT ANY TIME. These apply even when the CPZ is not in operation. PERMITS If you own a car or van and plan to park on the street between 9am and 11am from Monday to Friday, you will need a permit. You will also need to buy permits if people visit you in a vehicle and you want them to be able to park near your home. If you do not need to park on the street you will not need a permit. Permits are not transferable between vehicles or households, unless the vehicle registration number is displayed on the permit. A parking permit does not give an exemption to park on yellow lines. Display of Permits Permits should be displayed on the inside left corner of the front car windscreen. The details of the permit should all be visible from the outside of the vehicle. Vehicles parked in a designated parking place not displaying a valid permit are liable to be served with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). 4 PCNs SERVED BEFORE YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT WILL NOT NORMALLY BE CANCELLED TYPES OF PERMIT There are a number of types of permit. Each is described below. Resident Parking Permit If you live permanently within the CPZ Zone B, you can apply for up to two permits. Landlords who live outside the Zone do not qualify for a resident permit. This permit allows the holder to park within Zone B. A permit does not guarantee that you will be able to park outside your home nor does it guarantee the availability of a parking place within Zone B. Who is eligible? You are entitled to a Resident Parking Permit if: 1. You live within the CPZ Zone B. and 2. You either own, keep or have sole use of a vehicle. This vehicle can be: a passenger vehicle (car) an invalid carriage a goods vehicle (the overall height of which must not exceed 3.2 metres (10ft 6 ins), length less than 6.5 metres (21ft 4 ins) and a gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes). The vehicle must normally be registered to your CPZ address. If you borrow or share a vehicle you will not normally be entitled to a permit. Proof of residence and vehicle ownership or use must be provided. The council has the right to reject any application. It is your responsibility to supply satisfactory proof of residency. 5 How to apply for a Resident Parking Permit All permits must be obtained before the start of the new parking controls, or expiry of existing permits. Application forms are available by post, downloaded from or by phoning 01303 853380. Your completed application form should be addressed to Parking Services at Shepway District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2QY. You may bring the form to the Civic centre and leave it at the reception desk with the relevent payment. Your permit will be posted to you at a later date. To aviod queuing it is recommended that you send your application to this address. Proof of address and vehicle ownership You must include proof of address and vehicle ownership with your application form, if you do not enclose all the relevant documents your application will be returned with a request for the missing documents. The documents must show your name and address at which you are applying for a permit. Proof of residential address Any one of the following documents will be accepted: A copy of your current Council Tax bill or comprehensive tenancy agreement. A copy of a recent gas, water, electricity bill or a bank statement in your name. A copy of your pension book, benefit book, housing association rent book or a current Television licence. A copy of a valid 12 month home or contents insurance document. A most recent landline telephone bill. A copy of your full drivers licence. 6 Proof of vehicle ownership or use for each vehicle Any one of the following documents will be accepted: A copy of your vehicle registration document, registered to you at your CPZ address. Hire /leasing agreement in your name and CPZ address. Company vehicles – in this case the applicant must submit a letter on headed paper from their company secretary or a senior company representative confirming that the vehicle is owned / leased by the company and that the employee is the sole keeper or user of the vehicle. You will also need to supply a copy of the vehicle registration document if the company owns the vehicle, or a copy of the hire / lease agreement if the company leases the vehicle. If you have purchased the vehicle in the last three months, a copy of a Garage Bill of Sale or New Keeper supplement together with a copy of a valid insurance document. If you are the owner or hirer, the vehicle registration document or hiring agreement must show your name and address at which you are applying for a permit. If you have borrowed or shared a vehicle you will not be entitled to a permit unless there are exceptional circumstances. Motorcycles may be parked in permit spaces but do not require a permit. Original documents will be returned with your permit(s). THE COUNCIL IS UNABLE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DOCUMENTS SENT THROUGH THE POST. Photocopy of documents are normally acceptable. You are advised to use recorded delivery if sending original documents. The council reserves the right to view original documents. 7 Households Individual postal addresses are generally regarded as separate households. Legally divided houses, or flats with self-contained kitchens and bathrooms, are defined as separate households. A group of people using shared facilities or a group of people in a bedsit arrangement is defined as one household. Conditions of the Permits Parking permits will be issued subject to the following conditions: Duration of permits The permits will be issued with a start date from the first of the month and then valid for 12 months. Replacement permits There is an administration charge for replacing a permit if it is lost, stolen or damaged and a duplicate residents permit form must be completed. Change of vehicle If you change your vehicle during the validity of your existing permit you must complete another application form to obtain a new permit. You must return the original permit with your application and your administration fee. If you do not change your vehicle but you change your number plate e.g. personalised number plate, you must return your original permit and you will need to apply for a new permit by completing an application form and returning this with your administration fee. If you change your personalised number plate to another vehicle, you must notify the council of the new vehicle details together with proof of vehicle ownership. Renewal of permits You should apply at least four weeks in advance of the expiry date of your current permit. You are not entitled to park after the expiry 8 date of your permit. Unless your new permit is in your possession and displayed in the correct position in the vehicle, you are liable to be served with a Penalty Charge Notice. You are responsible for the renewal of your permit and you should not rely on receiving a reminder letter. Withdrawal of rights to use permits The Council reserves the right to withdraw a permit should the permit holder or any person using the permit threaten or physically attack any Civil Enforcement Officer, Police Officer or other authorised person responsible for parking management. Shared Permit If there are several cars registered at your address you can apply for a Shared Permit. This will show all the relevant registration numbers and can be ‘swapped’ and correctly displayed on whatever car you choose to park in the permit spaces during the hours of control. The same evidence will be required as for a Resident Permit. Resident Visitor Permit If you live within the zone, you may buy resident visitor permits for your friends/ relatives to park near your home during the controlled hours. You can buy visitor permits in advance. The permit is a scratch card that is validated by scratching the appropriate day, month and year that it is to be used and writing the registration number in the space provided. You don’t have to have a resident permit to buy visitor permits. A resident visitor permit consists of a booklet containing five permits. Each permit will be valid for the two hours that the time restriction applies for continuous parking in marked bay in the zone. Further details will be sent with the permit. Visitor permits are limited to 50 (10 booklets) a year – although this could be increased in exceptional circumstances. 9 Folkestone 621000 RO ST G DINE R OAD STA EO R G T IO N ES CPZ Boundary GERA L AD RO A D 620500 ROAD E C LO S CAR T NS ER S OND HO O K NE G ARD E SHOR NCL IF AP P R OA C HF RO M SH FE R O AD O R N ON DS E OS BA R LD AY W AD O CO E EY RO D LI N GE LA VE YA EV E NU L RS IC OA NE B AT PA K Y O AR O LE W RS HERN D E RI EV E S OU T ENBROO K RO AD TH E MN HE R D LE CL R 136000 OA Y C E RO NE SE TL YP SLE VER SE 620500 621000 Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right Shepway District Council 100019677 - 2014 0 50 D H E A LA C WI TH W FT ND AN ER CR O K CLOSE LO EM LM OC SA FR A O A YR DD PA W HY R AU D C LI FF E RO T EN SC R E S H O RN I CL E FF C AD BRA B OUR HAM M STA T I ON H RO AD ROA D S RO A D 136500 BEACHBORO UG LIM ES 100 200 300 400 500 Meters e West CPZ. 621500 WI LT RO A D E AVENU 136500 ITO N AD ALLIS CO RNW CHE R ON RO E A R LS BRO A D F IELD ROAD ROAD O N AVE OAD MR YN G ARD NUE RO AD RO AD NHA GO D W 136000 D O A T GRIM S R GO DW YN T N RO AD TURKETEL RS MARTE N RAVEN LE W EL LF IE L D A ROA D RO AD T WELS O E BO D T HU E AVENU IE L D CR E EN DF OA SC BR EN S T GRIM S ON GA R D EN S 621500 Drawn at 1: 3,250 on A3 ¯ How to apply for your Resident Visitor Permit You can apply by post or in person. Proof of residency will be required. The same evidence will be required as for a Resident Permit. Business Permit Business based within the CPZ Zone B may buy permits for vehicles that are essential for running the business, for example delivery vehicles. They are not issued to get staff to and from work. Businesses are entitled to the same number of permits as vehicles registered to them to meet operational needs. Who is eligible? A business is entitled to buy one or more permits if: It is operating from an address within Zone B; and The vehicle(s) are essential for the operation of the business. The vehicle(s) must be owned, hired or leased either by the business or an employee, and can be either: Vehicles may be owned, hired or leased by either the business or an employee. If the vehicle is not owned by the business, proof must be provided that the user is a bonafide employee. A business permit allows the holder to park in any Permit space in Zone B. The permit does not guarantee the use of any specific parking space. The permits will be issued with a start date from the first of the month and then valid for 12 months. A Business Permit is not a loading permit. Business Permit holders are required to abide by any waiting and loading restrictions that are in operation. How to apply for Business Permits All permits must be obtained before the start of the new parking controls, or expiry of existing permits. Application forms are available by post, downloaded from or by phoning 01303 853380. 12 You may bring your completed application form to the Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2QY and leave it at the Reception desk with the relevent payment. Your permit will be posted to you at a later date. To aviod queuing it is recommended that you send your application to this address. Proof of address and vehicle ownership You must include proof of address and vehicle ownership with your application form, if you do not enclose all the relevant documents your application will be returned with a request for the missing documents. The documents must show your name and address at which you are applying for a permit. Proof of address Any one of the following documents will be accepted: A copy of your current Shepway District Council, non-domestic rate demand. An official lease agreement in the business name. A copy of a recent gas, water, electricity bill or a bank statement in the business name. Certificate of incorporation for limited companies if the registered office is at the address within the CPZ. Proof of vehicle ownership or use for each vehicle Any one of the following documents will be accepted: Vehicle registration document. Copy of hire / leasing agreement in respect of the vehicle showing the name of the company or an employee. If the vehicle is registered to an employee, proof of employment in the form of copies of salary/wage slips or a contract of employment is required, together with a typed letter on headed stationery from 13 the company secretary or a senior representative confirming that the vehicle is necessary for the efficient running of the business. If you have purchased the vehicle in the last three months, a copy of a Garage Bill of Sale or New Keeper supplement together with a copy of a valid insurance document. Original documents will be returned with your permit(s). THE COUNCIL IS UNABLE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DOCUMENTS SENT THROUGH THE POST. Photocopies of documents are normally acceptable. You are advised to use recorded delivery if sending original documents. The council reserves the right to view original documents. Conditions of the Permits Parking permits will be issued subject to the following conditions: Duration of permits The permits will be issued with a start date from the first of the month and then valid for 12 months. Replacement permits There is an administration charge for replacing a permit if it is lost, stolen or damaged and a duplicate business permit form must be completed. Change of vehicle If you change your vehicle during the validity of your existing permit you must complete another application form to obtain a new permit. You must return the original permit with your application and your administration fee. If you do not change your vehicle but you change your number plate e.g. personalised number plate, you must return your original permit and you will need to apply for a new permit by completing an application form and returning this with your administration fee. 14 If you change your personalised number plate to another vehicle, you must notify the council of the new vehicle details together with proof of vehicle ownership. Change of Business address If your business moves from within Zone B of the CPZ, you must surrender your permit. No refunds will be given. It is illegal to use a parking permit to park in the Zone if you no longer have a business there, or you are no longer employed by the business. Renewal of permits You should apply at least four weeks in advance of the expiry date of your current permit. You are not entitled to park after the expiry date of your permit. Unless your new permit is in your possession and displayed in the correct position in the vehicle, you are liable to be served with a Penalty Charge Notice. You are responsible for the renewal of your permit and you should not rely on receiving a reminder letter. 15 Health and Care Worker Permit If you receive regular visits from care or other support service organisations, like home helps and carers, you can apply for a Special Permit. This permit is free. These permits are issued at the discretion of the Council. Your application must be supported by medical or other appropriate evidence. Applications for these permits can also be accepted from Doctors or Managers of Primary Care/Health Trusts and care agencies. How to apply All applications for these permits are judged on their own merits and should be submitted on a headed paper of the relevant organisation. The permit entitles vehicles to park in Permit spaces within Zone B. Applications from individual employees are not accepted. Tradesperson’s Permit Builders and other tradespersons can use resident’s visitor permits to allow vehicles to park close to their client’s homes while work is being carried out. Tradesmen can buy these permits direct from the council and will need to provide evidence that work is being carried out within the Zone. Blue Badge Holders Vehicles displaying a disabled person’s Blue Badge are allowed to park in permit spaces without displaying a CPZ permit. Normal exemptions apply on double yellow lines. 16 COST OF PERMITS Type of permit Charge Resident parking permit £25 per annum Additional resident permit £25 per annum Shared permit £25 per annum Resident Visitor Permit sold in books of 5 - £5.20 per book Maximum of 50 a year Business Permit £52 per annum Replacement Permit £5.20 per replacement Special Permit (i.e. Medical practitioners and emergency services) Free of charge PENALTY CHARGE NOTICES (PCNS) Penalty Charge Notices may be served to any vehicle parked in contravention of the Traffic Regulation Order, which includes: Parking in a “Permit Space” without a valid permit. Parking on a yellow line Parking in a disabled person’s parking place without displaying a disabled badge Not parking completely within a bay in roadswhere there are bay markings. 17 Larger print or different format? Prekladatelská Pomoc ˇ Pomoc w tłumaczeniach Pomoc pre prekladaní Tercüme Yardımı ✆ 01303 853000 Shepway District Council Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue Folkestone, Kent CT20 2QY Telephone: 01303 853 000 Email: [email protected]
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