Indian J. Dairy Sci., 30, 3, 1977, pp 229-242 PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ISOLATED FROM BUFFALO MILK· R.S. SHARMAi' and N.C. GANGULI National Dairy Research Institute, Kamal, Haryana Roceived on 6 September, 1975 acrylamide was "Cyanogum 41", a product of American Cyanamide Co. The rennet was Hansen's products and trypsin was from E-Merck. EngJa~d. Cysteine was from Calbiocbern, Los Angeles, USA. INTRODUCTION Several workers (Zittle and Della Monica. 1952; Morton, 1953; Lyster and Aschaifenburg, 1962) bave purified alkaline pbosphatase (EC from the skim milk and creamery phases of bovine milk. Methods Only limited attempts bave been made to study this enzyme in buffalo milk (Ganguli, 1968; Laxminarayana and Dastur, 1968). Recently, Sharma and Ganguli (\9710, 1971 b) reported that the enzyme is nearly equally distributed in the skim milk and cream phase of buffalo milk. Utilizing such information, the present investigation was undertaken to purify and study the properties of the enzyme from both cream and skim milk phase of buffalo milk. To know the species differences, if any, cow milk enzyme was also studied. Alka line phospho ta se activity was assessed by the method of Aschaffenburg (1963) using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate. While using other substrates, the released inorganic phosphate was measured according to the method of Fiske and Subbarow (1925). Protein was estimated by the procedure of Lowry of al. (1951). Sialic acid was estimated by Warren's thiobarbituric acid procedure (1959) as descrihcd by Gupta and Ganguli ( 1965). One unit of t he enzyme was equivalent to a preparation liberating 1·0 I'g of p-nitrophenoi in 30 min at 37"C and specific aC1ivity was units of enzyme activity,lmg protein. Milk was skimmed in Alfa-Lava! cream separator and whole milk samples were spun at 73.000 g for 30 min in Beckman Model L preparative ultracentrifuge. The Km value for p-nitrophenyl phosphate was determined by the method of Lineweaver and Burk (1934) as modified by Dixon (1957). For thermal inactivation, purified enzyme preparation in Tris-HCI buffer of pH 6·8, MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials Milk samples: Fresh compo,>ite samples of milk from the Murrah buffaloes and Tharparkar cows were collected from the herd ma intained at this Institute. Chemicals: p-Nitrophenyl phosphate was prepared following the procedure of Bessey and Love (1952). Sephadex G-200 used was a product of Pharmacia , Upsala; agar used was "Agar Noble" a Difeo product and poly- ·N.D.R.I. Publicalion No. 75-125. tPrtstllt .""'OIIS: Department of Dairy Chemistry, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand·388110, Gujaral. I 2 Alkaline Phosphatase from Buffalo Milk was taken in thin walled glass tubes and exposed to different temperatures ranging from m' to 7S"C for 15 sec and then cooled immed iately in ice-water. The residual activity of the enzylDe was then determined. The DNP-derivative was prepared following the method used by Sud (1963) for casein. Urea and mercaptoet.hanol (2-MCE) treatments were carried out at different concentrations for different periods at 3TC. Dialysis of 2-MCE and urea treated enzyme samples was carried out at TC, first against distilled water and then aganst Tris-HC I buffer solution (pH 6'8). The enzyme was preincubaled with cysteine for 10 min at 37'C and then assayed for the activity. A 5·0 ml aliquot of enzyme at pH 7'0 was incubated with 0·2 ml. of rennet solution (100 mg!ml distilled water) at 37'C and at every 30 min interval 1·0 ml aliquot of this mixture was w t hdrawn for assay. The conlrol samples contaioc(\ 0·2 ml distilled water in place of renoet solution. Another 5·0 ml aliquot of the enzyme solulion in Tris-HCI bulTer (pH g·O; O·05M) was incubated at 37'C WIth 0·3 ml of a solution prepared by dissolving 15·0 mg of trypsin/ml of disti led water and )·0 ml aliquot of th is mixture at 30 min interval was assayed for alkaline phosphatase. To the control samples 0· 3 ml of distilled water was added in place of trypsin solution. The enzyme preparation obtained at the 2nd butanol treatment step (Figs. 1 and 2) was fractionated on Sephadex 0-200 column 2·4 X 80 em). The preparation of gel and other essential steps were as described by Porath and Flodin (1959). Six ml aliquot of eluting buffer was collected in each tube during the fitration of the sample througb t he gel bed. Agar gel electrophoresis was carried out according to Wieme (1965) using LKB (Sweden) electrophoresis appa,dtus a nd veronal buffer, pH 8·4 a nd O·05M. Elcctrophorc ie separation was allowed for 3 hr at 150 volts. Stain used was Amido Black 108 and acetic acid (7 % v /v) solution was used for washing. For detection of enzyme bands, the gel plates were incubated at 37'C with p-nitrophenyl phosphate buffer substrate having 0'2 % (w Iv) magnesium chloride. The characteristic yellow bands developed on the gel were visually observed and the distance moved was measured. Polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis was performed according to Tombs and Akroyd (1967) in Shandon apparatus. A continuous buffer system (Tris glycine, pH 6·8; 0·05 M) was used. Electrophoretic run was carried using 2·0 rnA current per gel rod (0'5 X 8'5 em) for 2 hr. Staining, deslaining and enzyme detection procedures were salDe as followed in agar gel electrophoresis. RES U LTS A. Purification of the enzyme (i) Purification from the skim milk phase .The procedure followed fo r the purification of the enzyme from the skim milk phase is outlined in F ig. 1. T he ,ummary of purification results for a single batch is given in Table 1. The enzyme could be purified to about 490a nd 350-fold from buffalo and cow milk, respectively, wi th a recove ry of about 14 %. (ii) Purification from the cream phase: The proced ure adopted to purify the enzyme from the cream phase i, outlined in Fig. 2 and the results obtained are presented in Table 2. The results reveal that the enzyme could be purified to about 980- and lOOO-fold, respectively , in case of buffalo and cow. B. Properties of the eDzyme 1. General properties of the enzyme (i) Effect of .w bstrate cOrlcentratioll: The rate of enzymic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (Fig. 3) indicates a simple MichaelisMemen type kinetics. The Michaelis constant (Km) for p·nitrop~enyl phospate was 6·6 X IO- 4M fo r the skim milk and 2·6 x 10- 4 R.S. Sharma and N.C. Ganguli FIz. 1. 3 Plow Doe! sllowiaa: .tep. fo1l<>wtd In ""if\""'ion of alkalin.,ta .. fr.,. !be oJd.. aallk ph... (Opol"""Dt Jayer). MILK Fa. Ultraeentrifugal \ M~llar Opalescent layer <:aseba SCCUm diluted by 10 vol., n-butanol 40% (vfv) 8 t 37"C for 15 mio centrifu ged - - - ---- - - - -- - --- I n~Butanol Aqueous layer layer I. centrifuged pH 6-8 • -- --- - -1 SUpcfutant Precipitate pH 6'8. ammonium sUlph ate 70 % saturation, 1 , i centrifugation - - -- - - --- - ---- - -- I Supernatant Precipitate ! djss olved in Tris·HCt buffer, pH 6'8, dialysis I aa n im;~ water. dialysis aaaiast buffe r Dialysed solution n-butanol 30% (vlv). at 37::> C fOT to min, centrifuged I- - -- Aqueous layer I Sephadex G·200 gel filtration ---- -Butanollayet .... TABL E 1 Purification of alkal..., pbosplmt.." from buJJalo ad cowailk. Total units Specific activity (units/mg protein) Total protein --- -.. Purification steps B' C· B Foldputilkation Recovery ( %) ~. C B C B C B C ~ -~ S' <II ~ 1. Milk 2. Opalescent la~t 3. First butanol <:I . 47,02,j 193,730 20,315 17,325 2-3 11 '2 1'0 1'0 100'0 100-0 ~ 11 ,712 46,800 244 630 47'7 74'3 26-7 6'7 24-9 23-9 I:l 10,796 42,930 212 575 50-6 83-3 21-9 7'S 22'9 21 '9 ~ i:i ...., '1> ~ treatment <:I 4, Casein free serunl 8,78 1 34,500 119 165 73-9 209'1 32-() 18-8 18'7 17'6 3 5. Ammonium sulpha te fraclion 7,380 30,430 80 87 91 '6 384' 5 39'6 31-3 Is-? IS'S §I:l 6_ Second butanol treatment 7,240 29,990 75 76 9'-S 394-5 41-S 35'6 IS'S 15'2 7_ Sephadex G,200 6,800 21,020 6 6 1133'j 4012-8 490-6 359'8 14'3 1H fraction OR Bnd C stand for buffalo milk and cow milk, respectively. tx:J <:I ~ -, ~ R.S. Sharma and N.C. Ganguli Fie. 1. Fl ... _ I ,bowing .Ieps (oll ...e<! ill ,1Ir1llcn Uon or .lk. Ii•• phosphatase Ir.", tbe "'''-IT ,ba... Ml LK Sk imming I I Skimrnl", Cream <tiluted by equal volume of distilled water~ n·butanol 40% (v/v), eo! 37-tl C for 15 min. centrifuged . -T r Aqueous l.yer ···_···- 1 n·Butano! layer Fat- butanol-aqueous gel I diluted by distilled water, n·butanol, 30% (vlv), a l 3T'C for 10 min, centrifuged - _._-_ .- I nMButanoJ laye!." diluted. by distilled water, .-butanol, 30% (vlv), at 37°C for to mjo~ centrifuged --·r ...._--/- --_._-- . n-Butanol layer melted at 40' C, centrifuged I pH 4·6, .centrifueed I Precip itate - - n-Butanolillyer - - - _.. - • .• - • .• .. , I Supernatllnt pH 6-7, ammon.ium :>; uJphatc 10 ); saturation, C'.!ntrifuged I I Freci pitate SUptrnil ta nt dissolved jn Tris-HCI buffer pH 6'8, dialyse d against di:;tilled water , agaimt Tris. buffer n-buttlDO\ 30% (v t v) , at 3rC for 10 min, cen! rifugt:d -::-;=:,:;I ~::::-=-.- n·ButaDol layer ... -..... - - _... ....__._ -.._ .. =="'--"--Aq ueous layer I Sephadax G-2()O s et filt ration ~ TABLE 2 Purlficalloa or a",ali.., pl!o.phawe fro .. cream. Total unit. Pu~ation Total protein (mg) Sllecific activity uoits/mg Fold purifica lion Recovery (%) stePs ~ B' C' B B C C 0 C B C --""~ s::. :::t 1. Milk 1,525,000 2,275,00' 234,000 208,000 6-S 10'9 1'0 1-0 100-0 100'0 ~ Q 2. Cream 690,000 1,050,000 10,500 8,640 65-7 121'S 10'1 11.1 45,2 46-0 3. First butanol treatment 615,000 960,000 5,625 5,340 109-3 179'3 16-7 16-4 4{j'3 42-2 4_ Caseio-free serum <40,000 789,000 675 570 800'0 1384-2 122'9 126-6 35'4 34'7 5_ Ammonium sulphate fractionalion 480,000 719,000 485 508 969-7 1415-4 152'0 129-5 31" 31-7 475,000 680,000 375 436 1266-7 1559-6 194'S 142'7 31'1 29'8 6_ S<eond butanol Sepb.dcx G-200 Peak I Pe.I< II to and c Q Ir., :l "" ':;-. Q 3 b:l ~ s::. --,a:: <;:) treatment 7. ~ ;;::-. ~ 212,500 225,000 120,000 406,000 .tand for bulfaJo and cow milk, respectiVl)ly, 76 35 S5 1796-1 35 6429-5 1181'S 11600-0 429'5 987'6 200-1 1061') 13'9 14'7 5'3 11'8 R.S. Sharma and N.C. Gangult for cream enzyme (peaks I and JI). The Km calculated was ;ndent;cal for both buffalo a nd . cow enz~me . 7 studied at various temperatures for a holding period of 15 sec (Fig. 4) revealed that enzyme from the milk of both the species was inactivated at the same rate and at 70·C, the enzyme activity was lost completely with IS sec holding time. (ii) Effect ofpH; The influence of pH on the activity of the enzyme (Fig. 3) suggests of pH optimum at 9·5 a nd was similar for buffalo and cow enzymes. 2. Substrate speclflcity (iii) Th ermal inactivation ; The kinetics of thermal inactivatio n of a lkaline phosphatase 0) Action 0/1 organic phosphares .. The enzyme from the milk of both the species FitI·3 .-.-e, Effect of """.Iule ..,a.,._1ioJI (ouler tune) lUld pH (o..e, btock) 0_ oIlI.allDo Butralo 0-0-0 CO". 30 30 >- 20 ~ :;; ;::: o « II> ~ ~ ~ 10 >N 10 ... Z 2 !>-NITROPHcNYL PHOSPHAn (10-3 M) phoopa'''' octirily. Alkaline Phosphatase from Buffalo Milk 8 FIg. 4 Rate of loactlvatioo of all",l1... ph•• holding temperature. """!.,,, TABLE 3 ";I~ Actt.., or mlIk .Ikidl.. pkospbltue on dlff.reJ>t \lIlaopbote est... Inore.nic pho'pbate (ug) 100 Substrate· P-nitropbcnyl phosphate Glucose-6-phos phate Gluco;e-I-pho,phate Galactosc-6.phosphate Fruclo;e· 6·phosphale Manoose-6-ph05phate Ribose-6.phosphale PyridoJtai phosp-hate Sodium pyrophospha te 80 ...., 60 ~ & z ~ ... ~ 40 Cow 12'80 ]4'40 S'12 3'84 3'20 7'04 4'30 5-80 5'80 4'48 3'36 1'92 40 5'91 5·92 4'80 2'40 1'92 "Values represent the average of duplicate experiment with a single cnz.yme preparation in each caSe. 0- ~ ,; 20 !fOLDING T~M9. hydrolysed different phosphoric ester corn· pounds at varying rates (Table 3). 1" general, most of the sugar 6-phosphate compounds were hydrolysed at a comparable rate, but slower than the reference substrate, i.e. p-llitrophenyl phosphate. The enzyme hydrolysed glucose6-phosphate faster than glucose-l-phospltatc. 3. Buffalo Characteristics of the enzyme <i) lIzfiuence of metal ions melal chclatiilgagents Thlol compounds and Ihiol blocking compoW/ds: Addition of MgH to the enzyme assay system stimulated the activity whereas the addition of EDTA at various concentrations inhibited the enzyme. Such inhibition could be restored by the addition of magensiulll "hlo ride solution to the EDTA-treated enzyme. Addition of cysteine up to 0-05 mM showed an activating effect and above this concentration it acted as an inhibitor. The thiol group binding reagents namely pCMB and NEM inhibited the enzyme from milk of both hulTalo and cow with increasing concentration (0 to 10 mM). (ii) influence. q( N-Ierminal amino group blocking reagents: The N-terminal group of the enzyme was blocked by treatment with f1uorodinitrobenzene_ It was observed that the addition of sodium bicarbonate to the enzyme re,,,lted in a loss of ahout 45 /~ of the enzyme activity. Effect of urea and 2-merraptoethanol The effects of various concentrations of urea on the enzyme for various periods of incubation at 37' C arc presented in Fig. 5. Los> in enzyme ac ti vity was observed with the increase in conccntration of urea and with incubation period as well. A loss of about 50 and 100% in enzyme activity was also apparent in presence of 3 M and 6M urea concentration. (iii) (2~,}lCE): R.S. Sharma and NC. Ganguli Fig. 5 Elrod or""", (loCI) and 2-MCE (rigbt) alkali•• pbospbatase 100 100 80 90 10 8 70- , 50 z z 0 ..,~ 4() ~ l;! 30 i II: 40 '0 10 15 5 0 (WITH ..1£1,) respectively, and the enzyme preparations from both the species showed similar trend. The effect of incubation of buffalo and cow milk alkaline phosphatase with various concentrations of 2-MCE is depicted in Fig. 5. At a concentration of 0·4 % the enzyme was inactivated completely. About 75 to 88 % activity of the enzyme could be revived in case of 2-MCE treated samples after dialysis, but no such appearance of activity was noticed in urea treated and dialysed enzyme from both the species. Effect of prot.olytic enzymes Trypsin treated enzymes showed an increase in the activity of the enzyme and such effect appeared to be more pronounced (3()~'-;;) in case of cow enzyme than buffalo (16 ~-~). Treatment with rennet had no effect on the activity of the enzyme. ~ 40 u • 10 ., :(,,0 0 20 S- 1 ;:: to MINUTES 4. SO 0 0 BulJalo. Q-O-o Co.., ...".60 -.;.. "'- l60 ., e_._. 9 ~ 20 0-' Qo4 0-' 02-M[RCAPTOHHAHOL (-/0) • UREA 5. 4 5 .. 7 ("') Isozymic studies (i) From the Sephadex G-200 gel filtration pattern of the enzyme preparations (Fig. 6) it is apparent that the cream phase enzyme contained 2 isozymes of alkaline phosphatase, namely peak 1 and peak II, whereas the skim milk enzyme preparation contained only one enzyme corresponding to the peak II enzyme of cream phase. The 2 isozymes of cream were distinctly different in their molecular sizes, peak I enzyme being heavier than the peak IT enzyme. The results further suggested that the 2 enzymes in cream phase of both the species were almost identical in their molecular sizes with a distinct difference in the ratio of peak I and peak II. Such ratio was about I ; I (45 and 55 %) in case of buffalo milk cream whereas I ; 4 (20 and 80 %) in case of cow milk cream, respectively. However, repeated experiments in different samples of milk did not show any consistency towards 10 Alkaline Phosphatase from Buffalo Milk Fill- 6 SepiladeJ: G-lOO eel 1lltratloo ,ott..". for albllue pllo.pbata •• from bulf.1<! milk (loft) .ad eo" milk (rigbt). ~oo 500 •• 400 .. ZOO 5. , I 40<1 ~EI" .00 .'~;N : ZOQ zz I >8 TUBE this ratio. Tllis could be due to individual variation in the milk. (ii) Associatioll of sialic acid.' The analytical data on the sialic acid content ofgkim milk alkaline phosphatru>e (Table 4) revealed tllat buffalo milk enzyme contained higher sialic acid per unit weight ofl'rotein and also per unit activity of the enzyme. Similar data on the peak I and II enzyme of cream phase are presented in Table 5. It will be seell from Table 5 that peak I enzyme from cream of both Ihe species contained higher sialic acid per unit protein as well · as per unit enzyme activity than the peak II enzyme. The results al,o sbow that the cream phase enzyme of buffalo milk contained lower sialic acid than the corresponding cow milk enzyme. (iii) Agar gel eleclrophoresis: Tbe agar gel electrophoresis of the enzyme preparations (Fig. 7) reveal that cream alkaline phosphatase 0 •• .,.' Z2 T"IIE ~6 30 -.. ~. '" resolved into 3 enzyme bands namely A, Band C. The C band migrated towards tbe negative electrode. The skim milk phase enzyme resolved into only ODe spot corresponding to B band of the cream phase. The pattern of isozymes was almost identical in case of botb buffalo and cow. 0") Polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis: The alkaline phosphatase positive peak I and 11 whcn subjected to polyacrylamide disc electrophoresi, (Fig. 7) revealed that peak I enzyme of cream phase resolved into 2 alkaline phosphatase bands, namely Al and A2, and also contained some non-migrating enzyme protein. The peak II enzyme of cream phase also resol¥ed to give a similar pattern except that tbe uon-migrating enzyme band at the point of application was absent. Tbe skim milk enzyme peak also sbowed the bands corresponding to AI and A2. R.S. Sharma and N.c. Ganguli A_lyti ..1 data Spedes·· Butralo Cow Jl TBBLE 4 tIIo .klm milk . _•. OB Activity Protein Sialic ae-id (units/ml) (lls/m1) <).Ill/lUI) protein Sialic acidl activity 0'0024 0'0015 0'013 0'004 5'71 31'~ 0'076 2993 75'16 0'121 Sialic add! ·Combined eluanu of tube No. 11 to 16 when fractionated On Sephade,= G·200 column of 2'5 X 30 em. ··Values represent analytical data or a single expedment io each case. TABLE 5 Alkaline phosphata.. attivit" protein .Ia sialic acid eo.te.t of peak I .Dd p••k II • ..,.... of CrfJIm pbase (combl.ed .Iua.t. of tobe No. 15 to 13 for P I and tube No. 35 ror P 11). Specie!- En;r.yme Act!vjty peak (unit'/ml) Protein (J.lBlml) 76 80 19 184 110 52 40 29 Buff.lo I' I Cow PII I' I I'll Sjalic acid/ Sialic acid/ Sialic acid! rol protein a~tivity 1'66 0'80 1'43 0'015 0'015 0'36 0'021 Oill0 0'075 0'77 0'026 0 -041 .Values represent the analy tical data of a single experiment in each case. 2'4xSO em. DISCUSSION Puri fication of al kaline phosphatase from cream and the skim milk phase of buffalo milk has been attempted for the fi rst r;me. The enzyme- from these 2 fractions of buffalo milk <:ould be purified to abou t 950- and 450-fold, respectively (Table I). Similar results have been obtained from the cow milk enzyme also (Table 2). However, this enzyme from bovine skim m ilk and cream has been purified to 1000- and 5000-fold by Zittle and Della Monica (1952) and Morton (1953). respectively. Thelinal preparation of alkaline phosplk'ltase from buffalo milk had lower specific activi ty as compared to that of cow milk enzyme. The pH optimum for alkaline phosphatase from the milk of both the species appear to be at about 9·5 (Fig. 3). A wide variation of pH optimum has been observed by various The column size in this case was workers for different substrates in different buffer systems. Aschaffenburg (1963) found an optimum pH of 10·0 for bovine milk enzyme using p-nitrophcnyl phosphate in carbonate-bicarbonate buffer system. Mohamed and EI-Rafey (1956) reported an optimum pH at 9·5 for bulTalo and cow milk enzyme using disodium phenyl phosphate as substrate. The observed thermal inactivation of the purified enzyme suggests that almost complete loss of enzyme activity occurs at 70'C with a holding period of 15 sec and such thermal inact ivation is similar for both huffalo and cow milk el1Zyme, (Fig. 4). Mohamed aud ElRafey (J 956) reported that the enzyme in milk system gets inactivated at 70·C. The enzyme from both the species hydrolysed various sugar phosphates at comparable rates, but slower than the reference substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate (Table 3). Alkaline Phosphatase from Buffalo Milk 12 Fig. 7 Electropber<>gram, of alkali.e phosphot.,. on agar gel (left) aod polyacrylamide gel ., c : I B r • • A B (rig~t). AI A2 f3 • 0<: , ~ ________ --L--______ ~ 2 The purified enzyme from both buffalo and cow milk was activated by Mg++. EDTA iuhibited the enzyme and addition of Mgt+ ions could reverse the inhibition. The observations of Anderson (1961) lend snpport to the present findings. Inhibition of the enzyme by the addition of pCMB snggested tbe involvement of SH group of the enzyme in its catalytic action_ A similar conclusion is drawn from the inhibition of the enzyme by N-ethylmaleimide. The par\lclpation of free-SH groups of alkaline phosphatase from other sources has been well esta!i,hed (Fishman and Ghosh, 1967). On the basis of the present experimental resnlts, metal. thiol and amino groups can be implicated in the mechanism of catalysis of hydrolysis of monophosphoric acid esters by mi Ik alkaline pho,phatase. The irreversible inhibition of alkaline phosphatase with urea suggests an irreversible 2 3 4 denaturation of the enzyme (Fig. 5). Such stndies have been reported on liver, kidney and intestinal enzymes (Bntterworth and Moss, 1967). The results of present stndy relate the milk and intestinal alkaline phosphatase as regards the irreversible denatnration of the enzyme. The inactivation effect of 2-MCE was found to be reversible after dialysis (Fig. 5). This inhibition may be because of inhibitory effect of the reagent or it may be due to the cleavage of the -S-S- linkage of the enzyme molecule. The enzyme purified from the milk of both bnffalo and cow contained bound sialic acid (Tahles 4 ,wd 5) and it was found to be high in the enzyme prenaration from Cream phase (Table 5). The findings of Peereboom (1968) that neuraminidase releases sialic acid from alkaline phosphatase of milk leads the clne to their occnrrence in our preparations. Sharma and Ganguli (969) have also reported 13 R.S. Sharma and N.C. Ganguli the association of sialic acid with buffalo and cow skim milk enzyme. An alteration in the electrophoretic mobilities of alkaline phosphatase due to neuraminidase action was also ohserved by Peereboom (1968). Association of sialic acid with alkaline phosphatase of other sources like kidney, human placenta and sheep brain was also reported by Moss et al. (1966), Ghosh et al. (1967) and Saraswathi and Bachhawat (1968), respectively. The molecular sieving of the whole cream extract (2nd butanol step, Fig. 2) on Sephadex 0·200 column resolved int.o 2 enzyme peaks (Fig. 6), namely peak I (high molecular weight) and peak II (low molecular weight). The enzyme prepacatiou from the skim milk phase resolved to give only one peak corresponding to the P II of the cream phase enzyme (Fig. 6). These observatiom suggested that the cream pbase contained at least 2 multi" pIe forms of the enzyme and the P I (high molecular weight) enzyme appeared to be missing in the skim milk phase. Peereboom (1968) found that the Cream phase enzyme resolved to give 2 isozyme spots on Sephadex gel by permeation chromatography. The agar gel electrophoresis of the whole cream extract (2nd butanol step. Fig. 2) showed the presence of 3 alkaline phosphatase zones, namely 'A' (slow moving) 'B' (fast moving) and 'C' migrating towards the negative electrode (Fig. 7). The skim milk phase enzyme preparation isolated from the opalescent layer had only 'B' enzyme zone (Fig. 7). This ob· servation suggested a differential isozyme pattern of alkaline phosphatase in the 2 phases of milk of both the species. The polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis of the whole cream extract showed the presence of at least 3 alkaline phosphatase bands, namely 'A2' (fast moving) 'AI' (slow moving) and another 'B' band which did not migrate much from the point of application of the gel rod (Fig. 7). The peak I enzyme of cream also showed similar pattern (Fig. 7). The peak II (low molecular weight) resolved only into 2 bands (AI and A,) as in the peak I enzyme. although it showed high concentration of Al and A2 enzymes. From the foregoing discussion it may be concluded that the isozyme pattern of buffalo milk alkaline phosphatase closely resembles the bovine milk alkaline phos. phatase. On the basis of electrophoretic mobilities and the molecular size, if a faster moving (Band B) lower molecular weight enzyme (Peak Il) is named as alkaline phosphatase conventionally the slower moving (Band A) higher molecular weight enzyme (Peak I) becomes the ~ and the enzyme migrating towards the negative electrode may be termed as "I·isozyme of alkaline phospbatase (Fig. 7). Peereboom (1966, 1968) also observed presence of at least 3 enzyme zones in cream phase. The skim milk phase enzyme may, therefore, represent the a-alkaline phosphatase since it showed the similar mobility and molecular size as the a-isozyme in cream phase (Fig. 7). The results thus showed that in cream fraction more number of isozymes are present than the skim milk. . SUMMARY Buffalo milk alkaline phospbatase (EC was purified to about 98()· and 49()· fold from the cream and skim milk phase, respectively. The optimum pH was 9'5 and the Km value for p.nitropbenyl phosphate was 6·6 x 1O--4M and 2'6 x 1O-4M for the skim milk and cream enzyme, respectively. The purified enzyme also hydrolyses monophosphoric esters of various sugars. The enzyme was activated by Mg++ and inhibited by EDTA. pCMB and NEM. Cysteine at low concentration (0·05 mM) stimulated the enzyme whereas at concentration higher than 0·05 mM, inhibited. Treatment with DNP caused about 30% loss in enzyme activity. Rennet treatment did not 14 Alkaline Phosphatase from Buffalo Milk show any effect but trypsin appeared to sti- Fiske CH. and Subbarow, Y. (1925) f . BIo[. Cl>em., 66, 375. mulate. The enzyme was inactivated irreversia.Dguli , N.C. (1968) Ind[an f. V.t , Sci, and A.H" bly by 6 M urea whereas reversibly by 1 % 38, I. (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol. Enzyme activity Gho,h, N.K., Goldman, g,S, and Fiwman, W.H. was lost at 70"C with 15 sec holding period (1967) Enzy mologia, 31, 113. at pH 6·8. Resolution of the cream phase enzyme on Sephadex G -200 showed 2 enzyme peaks (P I and P II) of which P I being of larger molecular size. The skim milk enzyme resolved to give only peak II. Agar gel electrophoresis of the cream phase enzyme showed prese nce of (l-, p- and r-isozyme. The polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis also showed the presence of at least 3 isozymes, but skim milk 'showed only 2 isozymes. The peak J enzyme contained higher sialic acid than peak II enzyme. Buffalo cream enzyme contained lower sialic acid than the cow cream enzyme. Other properties of buffalo milk enzyme were identical to tbat of cow milk enzyme. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mr. R.S. Sharma is indebted to Indian Council of AgriCUltural Research, New Delhi for the award of a senior fellowship d uring the course of investigation. REFERENCES Anderson, A.B. (1961) Biochem. Biophys. Acta" 54, 101, 110. Ashaffenburg, R. (1953) Dairy Ind., 18, 316. Barunan, T.E. and Gutfreund, H. (1966) Biock", f. , 101, %0. Bessey, O,A, and Love, R.H. (1 952) f, Bioi. Chem., 196, 175. Butterworth, P.J. and Moss, D ,W. gia, 32, 269. Dlxon, M, (1967) En.ymolo· (1 967) (1965) Indian J. Laxminarayana, H . and Dostur, N .N . ([968) Dairy Sci. Ab, ,,,, 3D, 177; 231. Lineweaver, H. and Burk. D. (I934) J . Chern. Soc" ~6, 658. lowry. O.H .. Rosebrough. N.J., Parr, A.L. and RandaU, R.L. (!95[) J. BioI, Chern., 193, 265. Lyster, R ,J.L. and Aschaffenbur,.. R. Ru" 2~. 21. (1962) f. Dalr), Mohamed, M.S. and EI·Ra fey, M.s. (19~6) Proe. XIV Int. Dairy C.f)Rgr' 3, 510. j Morton, R .K. (1953) Bi<x:km. J" 5S, 795. Morton, R.K. (1955) Biochem. I., 60, 573. 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