Nutritional Supplements Human milk fortifier Lactodex – HMF (2G

Nutritional Supplements
Human milk fortifier
Lactodex – HMF (2G sachet to be dissolved in 50ml of expressed breast milk)
Fortification is started in infants <32 weeks gestation after 2 weeks when the baby is growing
Fortified expressed breast milk can not be stored and should be consumed within 2-4 hrs
Iron salts for all preterm babies (<37 weeks gestation)
4mg/kg/day. Start at 4 weeks of age .Stop Iron once weaned on to mixed diet (6months)
Multi vitamin drops
5 drops once a day
Simyl MCT oil
5 drops added to milk once a day for very low birth weight babies
Vitamin K at birth
Vitamin K IV/IM at birth (0. 5mg if <1500g, 1mg if >1500g).
Vitamin D
Vitamin D 400 Units per day for breast fed babies