Krier - Christ the King Lutheran Church

November 2014
Christ the King Lutheran Church
President’s Report
Council Meeting Minutes 4
From the Music Room
Christ Care for Seniors
A Christ Encounter
Mental Health Update
Reasons to Celebrate
Bible Readings
November Calendar
8:30 AM
10:45 AM
Holy Communion is
offered at both services
50 Nutt Road
What? The Church Has
Left The Building!
The other morning driving to church, I saw Centerville
Community Church, to the south of us, put up a new
outdoor sign. The sign was so intriguing that I called their
church office to tell them I loved the sign. The sign read,
“The Church Has Left The Building.” Well we know that
“church” means the “people of God”. They told me last
Sunday, the pastor and people, locked the doors of the
church and left the building for their worship services. In
other words, they took church on the road; they loved
their neighbors. They went to Bethany Lutheran Village
and did a theatrical play, some helped out food servers in
a bistro, while others went into the parks of Centerville
and picked up trash. Later in the afternoon, they came
together to worship God; they shared their stories and pics
and it was quite a celebration.
We are doing much the same thing at CTK. The pics on the
next two pages tell a story of people—people from Christ
the King taking church to children in our neighborhoods.
Last week, we wrapped up a 9-week series “Oreos, Milk
and Jesus” teaching the nine “Fruits of The Spirit” Gal 5:22
with children at Chevy Chase. We ended with a pizza
party. It’s been truly amazing how these children and their
love for Jesus has transformed my life! I know Miss Gwen,
Miss Jodi, Miss Lynn and Ruth and Bob Olson were
instrumental in making this all happen. THANK-YOU!!
Continue on next page
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Becky has been taking Cláirsigh do Dhia, our harpists, on the road! Becky shares with the audience about CTK
and then Berta, Jodi, Judy and Becky perform.
Trunk of Treat was bigger than ever this year…as we opened wide our trunks to families and children. Some of
our families came from Chevy Chase to catch the Spirit. Becky led GraceNotes accompanying us with praise
music. It was a blast! Thank you to Becky Bromwell, Kay Duebner and Barb Tague for organizing and all the
faithful who decorated a trunk in costume.
Jesus sent out 72 messengers to prepare for His visit [Luke 10:1]. Jesus sends out the 12 during His Great
Commissioning [Matt 28:16-20]. Paul went out on three missionary journeys. There is a pattern here! Most of
Jesus’ ministry and Paul’s were spent not in the synagogue but on the road. Jesus sends his followers out from
the safety of the church and into the streets.
No longer can the church sit quietly on the sidelines waiting for people to walk through the front door. Jesus
calls us to reconsider church; to think outside the box and take ministry on the road.
Christian service has no unemployment issues. God
has enough work for everyone! And it’s every
believer’s responsibility to grow the church and
spread the Good News. Thank you to our neighbors
at Centerville Community Church—and thank you
Christ the King for taking Jesus on the road!!
Serving Jesus and Transforming Lives
Through Faith, Pastor Dona
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As I am writing today, I see the dark storm clouds contrasted to the beautiful colors
of autumn. There is freshness to the air, since a heavy rain storm just finished
within the last half hour. So what does this have to do with Christ the King (CTK)
and the activities during the month of October? Just as the weather was warm and
the fall foliage is beautiful, the ministries during October brought beauty to the soul
and the warmth of God’s love to those who participated and those who attended.
Christ Care for Seniors learned from Lisa Young, a clinical dietitian. We looked at
the portions and the various types of food we need to include in our diet each day.
What is a healthy weight for healthy older adults, supplements that can help,
special nutrient needs and how to read a food label.
Next came the Mental Illness Awareness Week Event on World Day of Prayer. The
speakers, Mayor Kingseed, Judge Dennis Adkins and Amy Simpson were excellent.
If you missed this event, put it on your calendar for next year and bring a friend. It
occurs on Tuesday of the first full week of October.
The very next day, Amy Simpson came to CTK to talk more about how we can help
those who live with mental illness. Again, her talk was meaningful and gave great
insights into how each of us can help remove the stigma of mental illness.
A morning Bible study called: “Your Make Me Crazy,” was offered. It helped people
understand how God wants us to respond to those people who trigger our hot
buttons. Look for more Bible studies, invite your friends and come learn about
ourselves and our God.
CTK worked with the kids at Chevy Chase with “Oreos, Milk and Jesus,” a study
about the 9 fruits of the spirit. The children are delightful and love the Lord. Come
to the next event so you can enjoy the enthusiasm and joy of the children as they
learn more about Jesus.
“Trunk or Treat” was a great event. This is another way to reach into the
community. We had 15 trunks this year. Please consider donating your decorated
trunk and candy next year so we can grow the event.
Christ the King ended October celebrating the Reformation. This is our Lutheran
heritage, of which we can be proud. Next year invite a friend or sit next to someone
you don’t know at church.
All of these activities are to learn more about Jesus and God and to reach out to
those who may not know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Build relationships with
those you invite and love them toward Jesus and the church.
Journeying with you and our Lord as we reach others with the saving grace of Jesus
Lynn Spatz
Congregational President
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Happy November!
I would like to say a big thank you and job well done to all who were involved in making our
2nd annual Trunk or Treat a big success! I would especially like to spotlight the ladies
involved in the planning team: Kay Deubner and Barb Tague. We estimated we had at least
100 children come through (approximately 70 last year), and it was a fun time for all. I would
also like to thank the members of Gracenotes for providing the festive music for the event as
well (thank you – Monte Bluebaum, Ryan Bowling, Sandy Cole, Kerry Kennard, and Lynn
Spatz). Also, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who came and helped and decorated
their trunks. THANK YOU!
If you attend the 8:30am service and are interested in becoming a Cantor, please contact me.
Cantors lead/sing all the hymns.
NEEDED: Volunteers to run Audio Visual for both services. This is an ever important ministry
that is vital to worship. As we strive for excellence in worship, we need help with running the
sound board, lights, and projectors. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please don’t
hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or call and leave a message with the
church office (937) 885-5785.
Here is the list of special music this month:
Sunday, November 2 (ALL SAINTS):
Sunday, November 23 (CHRIST THE KING):
8:30am – Becky Bromwell,
10:45am – Gracenotes
10:45am – Gracenotes
Sunday, November 9:
Sunday, November 30 (1st SUNDAY IN ADVENT):
8:30am – Becky Bromwell, Solo
8:30am – Cláirsigh do Dhia Celtic Harps
10:45am – Gracenotes
10:45am – Gracenotes
8:30am – Becky Bromwell, Solo
Sunday, November 16:
8:30am - Becky Bromwell, Solo
10:45am - Gracenotes
An open invitation: if you would like to suggest a hymn that you would like to have sung,
please write down your request or email me ([email protected]), and I would be
happy to include that in our service.
Musically yours in Christ,
Becky Bromwell
Christ the King (CTK) fixes and serves lunch each month for the Castle
on the 2nd Thursday. If you have time afterwards, the members of the
Castle would love for you to stay and play games with them or just
simply sit and talk with them. Please sign up to serve for the Castle
Luncheon on Thursday, November 13th on the bulletin board.
Please arrive at the Castle at 10:30 am so we can fix lunch in time to
eat at 11:30 am. If you have questions, please contact Lynn Spatz.
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CTK regular Church Council meeting was held on Monday, October 27, 2014 at
6:58 p.m.
Items presented at this meeting include:
Approval of Mike Johnson as Finance Chair
Approval of Tammy Robertson, CTK bookkeeper, to process CTK payroll at a
cost of $50/month
Approval of Rob Tomlinson and Kay Sager as Council nominees for one-year
CTK Congregational Annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 16,
Thank you:
Becky Bromwell, Barb Tague, and Kay Deubner for organizing “Trunk or Treat”.
Pastor Dona, Greg Darling, Ed Sellers, and Lynn Spatz for participating in
planning and organizing the Mental Illness Awareness Event (MIAE).
Pastor Dona for arranging Amy Simpson as the key note speaker at the MIAE
and also for bringing her to Christ the King to speak.
Jodi Hill, Ruth Olson, Bob Olson, Mrs. Gwen, Rashawna and Lynn Spatz for
helping with “Oreos, Milk and Jesus”. Thank you, Pastor Dona, for leading this
study on the fruits of the spirit.
Ann Palmer, Kay Sager, Allen Johnson, Linda Hooghe, Dick and Gladys Fuller,
John and RoseAnn Venis, Lisa Young, Kim Darling, Aimee Vannoy, Becky
Bromwell, Barb Tague, Kay Deubner, and 2 Preschool families for providing
“trunks” at the Trunk or Treat.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Deubner, Council Secretary
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On Wednesday, November 5 at 1:00 PM, Michael J. Millonig, Attorney At Law will be our
guest speaker.
Looking ahead: On Wednesday, November 19 at 1:00 PM, Pastor Donna will be starting
a lesson titled Creating a Happy Retirement by Dr. Ronald W. Richardson.
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Quick Christ encounter: The harp choir was practicing on Wednesday, October 22, and
towards the end of our rehearsal, the door bell rang. There stood a young man (maybe 19 or
20 years old) named Zach asking to use our phone to call his boss to come pick him up (he was
selling magazines door to door). After he made his phone call, I told him if he stayed for a few
minutes, he’d hear some Celtic harps. His jaw dropped, said, “no way!”, and he proceeded to
roll up his left arm sleeve. Here, he had a Celtic cross tattoo and told me his father and
grandfather had the same tattoo in the same spot. He came and listened to the end of our
rehearsal, and I
invited him to come listen to us on Sunday. He said he’d like to come check
it out (pending transportation) and that he was from Arkansas and had gone to a youth camp
there. He thanked us several times and told us that we were the bright spot in his day (because
in trying to sell magazines, he said most people were “grumpy” didn’t want to talk to him). He
was very respectful and hugged the harpers a few times thanking us for all the warmth and
help. After everyone had left, I was at church alone, and it was now about 8:45pm. The door
bell rang again and there stood Zach. He was getting worried because his ride should have
picked him up 45 minutes prior, and he apologized for asking again, but he needed to call them
and see where they were. He said that he had been left once in downtown Chicago overnight
(because his ride couldn’t find him), and that he really didn’t want to repeat the experience
here. Zach told me that he didn’t know what he would’ve done had we not been there. The
neat thing about all of this is that the harps were originally scheduled to not be at church
practicing; we had a concert scheduled that fell through at the last minute. So there we were,
meeting and
helping a new person, and he stayed and prayed with us at the end of
rehearsal. It can be easy to invite a stranger to worship if you remove all the excuses. And, out
of this encounter, we helped a brother in Christ with his journey. I think it is so cool when God
gives you these
experiences because I believe that we were a bit of Christ to this young
man that night.
Sometimes, all it takes to love our neighbor is a smile and a small kind word
or deed to make a difference.
Let Christ’s love shine through you to someone you don’t know this week and be the blessing
for that person(s). Happy Thanksgiving, and see you on Sunday!
Yours in Christ,
Becky Bromwell
Just a friendly reminder that with the start of Preschool on September 2nd, CTK’s safety policy
will go into effect. Thank you for helping to keep our children safe.
Doors will be locked at all times while preschool is in session
Anyone entering the building during school hours must sign the visitor log and wear a badge
while in the building.
Only those that have been FBI checked are allowed to access the Preschool hallway. This
means that the large conference room will be unavailable during school hours, however the
small conference can still be used as well as the lower level.
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Our 4th Annual Mental Illness Awareness event was a real eye-opening event, with
guest speaker Amy Simpson, author of Troubled Minds. The evening’s event began
with Mayor C. Mark Kingseed giving a very meaningful message on how much each
of us has in common, rather than being defined by our differences.
Judge Dennis Adkins shared with us his work on Veteran’s Court, a
program that assists veterans involved in the criminal justice system due to PostTraumatic Stress or other trauma experienced in serving in the military—combat, etc.
Amy Simpson, author of Troubled Minds, editor of Christianity Today and
leadership coach, gave a powerful message, one which was both authentic and a real
eye-opener. Amy grew up in a family where her mother suffered from Schizophrenia and
her father was a pastor. Amy’s story speaks to the pain and isolation experienced by
both people who live with mental illness and their families. And yet, her faith gave her
family hope and empowerment. Amy is convinced that supporting people who are
affected by mental illness is not a job just for professionals. We’re all obligated to help!
Amy Simpson gave the church and community a few ways that all of us can help:
 Start by acknowledging your own problems. We are all broken. No one is perfect. Make your
community a safer place to suffer.
2. Wrestle with your own theology of suffering. Make sure you understand that following Christ
does not mean a pain-free life. There is illness. We are not immune.
3. Treat hurting people like people. Make eye contact. Don’t pretend they are not there.
4. Be a friend.
5. Talk openly and redemptively about your own problems.
6. Use good boundaries. You don’t have to have to get sucked into unhealthy patterns.
7. Consider training for your leaders and form alliances with professionals.
Twenty five percent of people who seek treatment/help for mental illness go to clergy first. So the
church is on the front line. Helping and supporting people with mental illness is part of the Church’s
mission and calling. We were very blessed this year to have Amy Simpson share her knowledge of
mental illness and her passion for healing a broken world. Thanks Amy!!
Prayer Vigil and Candle Lighting…guests shared in a community confession, were able
to write prayers for healing and bring them forward.
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A Community meal was shared, a time for networking and relationship building.
Thank you to our MIAW Planning Team:
Greg Darling, Exe. Dir of The Castle,
Ed Sellers, Centerville Community Church
for purchasing and preparing the food,
Lynn Spatz, Lori Zehring, Linda Troutman,
Beverly Henning, Mark Metzger, Michelle
Malloy-Kidder, Richard Conrad.
Hope4Us is a new Christian faith-based peer-to-peer support group for anyone in the
community who wants to improve their mental health and work towards wellness and
recovery. This includes people who live with mental illness and those who are
supporting a family member living with mental illness. We believe recovery is for
everyone. In other words, each of us will experience mental health issues in our
lifetime—depression, bi-polar, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and mental disabilities.
Hope4Us seeks to Hope, Talk, Empower, Engage and Pray creating a safe place which
serves everyday ordinary people helping each other towards recovery—professionals
and domestic professionals, people in transition or students. All are welcome—adults
18 and older. The first meeting will be Wednesday, December 3 at 6:00 pm – 8:00
pm. Our Purpose: To promote wellness and sustain recovery thru healing
outcomes, prayer and engagement.
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Starting on Wednesday, November 5th at 4:00pm Becky Bromwell the Worship Leader from
Christ the King Lutheran Church will be teaching music skills, while rehearsing for an evening
of Christmas Caroling. This event will run from November 5 - December 3 from
4:00pm - 5:00pm. In the Chevy Chase Community Room .
Join our Adult Sunday School class each Sunday between services at 9:30 am in the Fellowship
Hall. A great discussion and fellowship await you!
Thursday Morning Men's Fellowship will meet at 9:00 a.m. on November 20th for coffee and
donuts followed by a speaker who was an officer on the USS Enterprise during the Cuban
Missile Crisis in 1962. The ship was the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and for
part of his career Officer Cragg had the responsibility of "steering" the vessel. Don't miss this
very unique and exciting program. Also, help pick our December tour.
Come join us for a 5 week journey into the Lutheran faith, our history,
the Reformation and what we believe about:
1. The Word
2. Historical Roots
3. Our Lutheran Confession
4. Baptism/Holy Communion
5. Liturgy/Worship
6. Mission/Vocation
New Member Classes will begin on November 18th from 11am - 12pm.
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Mr. & Mrs. Brian Taulbee
Kendall Clay
Mr. & Mrs. William Kolb
Pastor Dona
Becky Bromwell
The Children of Chevy Chase Community - pray that their hearts will be touched by
the message they have received, that they will feel the love God has for them.
Geri Bowling - terminal cancer
Jim Barecek – as he continues his treatment
Don Kimple (Brother-in-Law to RoseAnn & John Venis) - pray for healing during his
cancer treatments.
Tim Olson - as he heals from foot surgery
2nd - Rev 7:9-14; Psalm 34:1-10, 22; I John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12
9th - Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; I John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12
16th - Zeph 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90:1-8[9-11] 12; I Thess 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30
23rd - Ezek 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7a; Eph 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46
27th - Deut 8:7-18; Psalm 65; 2 Cor 9:6-15; Luke 17:11-19
Pastor: Reverend Dona Johnson
Pastor Email: [email protected]
Ministry Coordinator: Lynn Spatz
Lynn’s Email: [email protected]
Worship Leader: Becky Bromwell
Music & Choir Email: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant: Lori Zehring
Office phone: (937) 885-5785
Office Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Preschool Director: Kimberly Darling
Preschool Email: [email protected]
Preschool phone: (937) 619-0393
Church Website:
The Castle Website:
King’s Krier
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November 16th - Annual Congregational
Meeting at 12:00 Noon. The congregation will
approve the 2015 budget and approve council
Christmas Eve Services
Family Service 7:00p.m.
Candlelight Service 9:00p.m.
Cartoons courtesy of The
Lutheran Magazine September
King’s Krier
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50 Nutt Road
Centerville, Ohio 45458