Monroe County Cruisers Car Club

Monroe County Cruisers Car Club
Monthly Meeting
Oct. 6, 2014 7:00 P.M
Monroe County Library
President: Sal Albanese
VP: Phil Conforti
Treasurer: Ruth Kindrew
Secretary: Dee Neal
Sergeant of Arms:
Richie Leath
Sign in-28members present:
Albanese, Sal
Beers, Ken
Beers, Sue
Blackmore, Helen
Blackmore, Richie
Brown, David
Brown, Flo
Conforti, Phil
Goldstein, Harold
Gunderman, Tom
Hein, Ray
Leath, Richie
Loss, Richard
Narciso, Joanie
Narciso, Pete
Neal, Dee
Novack, Shane
Novack, Jerry
Orey, Brad
Orey, Denise
Peters, Dan
Rodgers, Joey
Rolando, Emil
Timpone, Rich
Weakland, Carolyn
Weakland, Rich
Wuchter, Ed
President Sal brought the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Salute to the flag.
1. Sal made a motion to donate $1500 to Toys for Tots. Dave Brown seconded. All agreed.
John Dickson was present to receive the money for Toys for Tots. He also presented the
club and Sal with a Certificate of Appreciation for all the help with this year’s fundraiser.
2. New and returning members were voted into the club: John & Jeanette Alonis, 79 Chevy
and John & Donna Dickson, 70 Cadillac Coupe Deville were voted into the club.
Welcome everyone.
3. Secretary’s report was not read. Computer troubles caused Dee to forget the minutes!
They will be read for next meeting. Anyone wishing to see them should look on the
4. Treasurer’s report was read by Sal. Corrections were noted and Ruth will be notified.
Ray made a motion to accept the report. Joanie seconded. All agreed. This will be filed
for audit. Rich T. and Dee volunteered to be on the audit committee.
5. President’s Report-Sal complemented club members for doing amazing things this year.
He thanked all the club members for their support and generosity. Richie L. pointed out
that Sal did a lot of work behind the scenes to make things happen and we should also
give him a hand. Great job, everyone! Sal reminded everyone that nominations for
officers will be at the next meeting and again before voting in December. He pointed out
that a one year term for any office will not help get things done. Richie T. made a motion
that the club make an amendment to the bylaws that we have elections every 3 years.
Joanie seconded. Richie L. will look into that.
6. Old Business:
a. ESU show went great! Ruth and Jim did a fantastic job. The club will be able to
donate $2000 to United Way/SECA. It was voted on at the end of the show.
b. EACC had their October cruise at the Foodlane on Sullivan Trail outside of Easton’s
college hill. The weather was rainy in the morning but cleared up later on..
c. The BK cruise is advertised everywhere to end on Oct. 10th. Sal & Phil will not be
there so Dee and Ruth and Dave will run the cruise. Sal asked if the club would want
to do an end of the year Halloween Cruise on Oct. 24th starting at 5 pm. He will get
special trophies and the theme will be Halloween. The last Friday is actually
Halloween and we do not want to do it then.
d. Phil said that the club won the $100 club award from the WE Fire Co. show. Other
shows that club members won awards were Lehman Township, P.J.’s, Gasket Goons,
ESHSS, Pottstown, and High Point Cruisers shows. Congratulations club members
for all the awards. The Riegelsville show is coming up on November 2nd. Last year
there were 500 cars.
e. A menu will be emailed to members for the Christmas party. Cost will be
$35/person. A sign-up sheet is going around. Brad made a motion that members get
½ back at the party. Emil seconded. All agreed.
f. Motion was made by Harold to accept Old Business, seconded by Joanie. All agreed.
7. New Business:
a. Member’s wellness- Mike H. is doing worse with the change in the weather. Priscilla
is still going through treatments. Jim Schoch had his eyes operated on. Phil finally
had surgery for his kidney stones. Jim K. went into the hospital for a pace maker
today. We wish all members and their family members who have problems, little or
not so little, a speedy recovery. We love you guys. Get well soon!!!!!
b. A thank you and an invitation to the grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony of the
VALOR clinic on Oct. 12th was sent to the club. Other correspondence were
donation requests from the Salvation Army and Cancer Society. Dave Brown said
that SA would like us to ring bells one day between Nov. 1 and Dec. 21. We could
even park our cars in the front to draw attention.
c. Dee made a motion to donate $500 to this year’s Toys for Joy. Helen seconded. All
d. Oktoberfest will be at the Gilbert American Legion on October 19th. Meet at the
Peeples Plaza in Gilbert before the show.
e. LT is having a Harvest fest on October 11th at Sophie’s from 3-9. Bring a food item
for the Bushkill Food Bank.
f. Richie L. asked that Dee write a letter to the Wounded Warriors to have them use US
made shirts for fund raisers.
g. Bovinos at ES South gave out coupons to help collect money to help feed the police
officers who are searching for cop-killer Eric Frein. Donations were collected at
Friday’s BK.
h. Dave Cali had an accident today and totaled his car. Thankfully, Dave is not hurt.
i. Ed reported that he has all the plans for the poker run on Oct. 12th (RD 19th) Please
contact him if you plan to go.
j. Helen has been keeping the website up to date. Thank you!!!! Great job. If we all
get an email to do something, one of us will get it done immediately.
k. October 12th is the Trolley Shops end of the year cruise.
l. Motion was made to accept new business: Emil first, seconded by Harold... All
8. Richie B. won the pot.
9. Meeting was adjourned 8:05 p.m. Motion made by Emil and seconded by Joey. All
Respectfully submitted,
Dee Neal, MCCCC Secretary
Next meeting: Monday Nov. 3rd, 2014 at 7 p.m. Monroe County Library, Stroudsburg, PA
Next board meeting Oct. 27th at 7 p.m. at Monroe County Library