Syllabus 2013-2014 Class - I Subject - EVS Book - My World (Bharti Bhawan) Evaluation - I (Ist Week of August) Evaluation - III (End of February) Ls. - 7 Drawing with a computer Ls. - 8 Data and Memory L-1 L-2 Girls and Boys - Fill in the blanks. Parts of the body - Fill in the blanks (P) the right word Ls. - 9 Storage in a computer l Diagram 10 paint tools, CD and Pendrive L-3 L-4 More about my body - Fill in the blanks, Match, Q/ Ans. A Family - Fill in the blanks (P) the right box., Q/ Ans. l l L-5 L-6 l l Growing up - (P) the right word, Fill in the blanks Animals Rides - Match, Q/Ans. Activity Class Assessment - L-8 L-9 L-10 L-11 L-12 L-13 L-14 l l Fun with colours - Fill in the blanks, Q./Ans. Some colours we know things by - Fill in the blanks, Q./ Ans. Animals, Birds and Insects - Fill in the blanks (P) the correct Ans., Ques. / Ans. Fruits, vegetables and flowers - Fill up, Ques. / Ans. Parts of a Day - Fill up, Match, Ques. / Ans. Days of the week - Fill up, Ques. / Ans. Months of the year - Ques. / Ans., Name the following. Activity Class Assessment - L-15 A Day in school - (P) the right answer, Fill up, Name of L-16 things we use in class. A few things I need - (P) the right ans., Ques. / Ans. L-17 L-18 Healthy Habits - (P) the right box, Match the columns Taking Care of my things - (P) the right answer. L-19 L-20 l l Being Safe - Ques. / Ans., (P) and (X), Fill up Being Safe on the road - Fill in the blanks, Ques. / Ans. Evaluation - II (Middle of October) Evaluation - III (End of February) Activity Class Assessment - Subject - Computer Book - I.T. apps Evaluation - I (Ist Week of August) Ls. - 1 Ls. - 2 Ls. - 3 l l l Computer My Friend Computer A Machine Uses of a computer Diagram of Computer Page Nos. - 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 All questions answers and exercises done in the computer copy. Evaluation - II (Middle of October) Ls. - 4 Parts of a computer Ls. - 5 The Keyboard Ls. - 6 Using a Mouse l l Page nos. - 52, 55, 58, 61, 62 All questions, answers and exercises done in the computer copy. Subject - Maths Evaluation - I (Ist week of August) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. l l l Evaluation - II (Middle of October) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Diagram of enter key, spacebar key, caps lock key backspace key, delete ky. 9. Page nos. - 27, 28, 33, 41 All question, answers and exercises done in the 10. l l l computer copy. Number names and numerals upto 200 in class work copy. What comes before, after, between 1 to 100 in book pages 8, 40, 41 101 to 200 in class work copy Comparison of numbers 1 to 100 in book pages 9,51,52 101 to 200 in class work copy Numbers in expanded and short forms (two digit) Pgs. - 48,49,50 and in classwork copy. Addition of one digit and two digit (with out carry) Pgs. - 12,13,16,17,31,32,33,58,59,60,61,78,79,80 Problems on addition - Pages 29,62, 67 Subtraction of one digit and two digit (carry borrowing) pages - 18,19,21,22,34,63,64,65 Problems on subtraction - pgs. 30,66,67 Concept of zero - pgs. - 23,24,25 Tables 2 to 5 Activity Tables Mental Maths Number names and numerals upto 300 in class work copy What comes before, after, between upto 101 to 300 in class work copy Comparison of numbers upto 300 in class work copy. Numbers in expanded and short forms (two digit) pages - 48, 49, 50 and in classwork copy. Ascending and descending order - up to 300 pgs. - 54, 55 Encircle greatest and smallest number upto 300 1 to 100 pgs. - 10,53,54,55 101 to 300 in class work copy Addition two digit with and without carrying pgs. - 33, 58, 59, 60, 79, 80, 103, 104, 105 Subtraction two digit with and without borrowing. pgs. - 34, 63, 64, 65, 108, 109 Word problems on addition and subtraction in class work copy. Tables - 2 to 7 in classwork copy. Activity Tables Mental Maths Evaluation - III (End of February) 1. 12. Number names and numerals 1 to 500 401 to 500 in class work copy. What comes before, after, between upto 500 in class work copy Comparison of numbers 1 to 500 in class work copy. Encirlce the greatest and smallest numbers 1 to 500 in class work copy. Ascending and descending order 1 to 500 in classwork copy. Addition two digit with and without carrying. pgs. - 33,58,59,60,79,80,103,104,105 Subtraction two digit with and without borrowing. pgs. - 34, 63, 64, 65, 108, 109 Word problems on addition and subtraction in classwork copy. Time - pgs. 110, 111 Calendar - Pgs. 112, 113 Money Pgs. - 69, 70, 71, 72 Words Problems of money in class work copy. Shapes - Circle, square, Rectangle, Triangle Pgs. - 73, 74, 75, 76 Tables 2 to 10 l l Activity Tables l Mental Maths 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Subject - Bangla Evaluation - I (Ist Week of August) Poem ``Àã•ãã ºã콺ãã`` Word meaning, 1-10 (number name) number 1-50 in Bangla Fill in the blanks, Writing Match the number Evaluation - II (Middle October) Poem ``¶ããèÊã •ããõÊãñ'' Í㺪 ‚ã©ãà 1-50 in Bangla, number names 1-10 (‡ãŠ Ôãñ Ý) Writing Evaluation - III (End of February) Poems - ``Àã•ãã - ºã콺ãã'' and ¶ããèÊã •ããõÊãñ, Word meaning 1-50 in Bangla, Match the number, Fill in the blanks (‚ã - ‚ããõ) (‡ãŠ- Ý) Writing Subject - Hindi Book - Medha (Kriti Prakashan) Evaluation - (Ist week of August) L-1 ¹ãÆã©ãöãã (‡ãŠãäÌã¦ãã) - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãà ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆͶã (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì „§ãÀãè¾ã) Ex. - 1,2,3 L-2 ãäØãÊãÖÀãè ¶ãñ ãäÔãŒãã¾ãã - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì Ôãâ—ãã) Ôãâ—ãã œãú›ãñ Ex. - 1, 2 L-3 ‚ãã‚ããñ ¹ãñü¡ ÊãØãã†ú - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ, (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) ÌãÞã¶ã ºãªÊããñ Ex. - 1,2,3 l Reading, Handwriting, Spellings Poem ¹ãÆã©ãöãã Evaluation - II (Middle of October) L-4 Ôã½ã¢ãªãÀ ãåÞã›î - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2,3,4 L-5 Ö½ããÀñ ºãã¹ãî - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2,3 L-6 Ÿãè‡ãŠ Ôã½ã¾ã ¹ãÀ - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2 L-7 Àãñ›ãè ‡ãŠã ºãú›ÌããÀã - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãà ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2,3,4 l Reading, Handwriting, Spellings l Poem Ÿãè‡ãŠ Ôã½ã¾ã ¹ãÀ Evaluation - III (End of February) L-8 ªãªã •ããè ‡ãŠã ØããúÌã - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, Ìãã‡ã‹¾ã ºã¶ãã‚ããñ ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2 L-9 ªãèÌããÊããè ¹¾ããÀãè ‚ãã¦ããè Öõ - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, ãåÊãØã ºãªÊããñ ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2,4 L-10 ÊããÊãÞããè ºãºãÊãî - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, Ôã½ãã¶ãã©ããê, ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì) Ex. - 1,2,3,4 L-11 ‡ã슛‡ã슛 ‡ãŠãè Ôãî¢ã ºãî¢ã - ‡ãŠã䟶ã Í㺪, Í㺪 ‚ã©ãÃ, †ñ ‡ãŠãè ½ãã¨ãã ÊãØãã‡ãŠÀ Í㺪 ºã¶ãã‚ããñ - ½ããõãäŒã‡ãŠ (‚ããä¦ã ÊãÜãì), ‡ãŠãõ¶ã ‡ãõŠÔãñ ºããñÊã¦ãã Öõ ý Ex. - 1,2,3,4 l Reading, Handwriting, Spellings Recitation ªãèÌããÊããè ¹¾ããÀãè ‚ãã¦ããè Öõ Subject - G.K. Book - General Knowledge Times Evaluation - (Ist week of August) Ls.-1 Ls.-2 Ls.-3 Ls.-4 Ls.-5 Ls.-6 Ls.-7 Ls.-8 Ls.-9 Ls.-10 Ls.-11 Ls.-12 Animal World Little Ones Feeding Time Animal Home Vegetables we eat Beautiful Flowers Save Every Drop Be a smart child Fun with Rhymes Famous Stories Comic Characters Finding Things Evaluation - II (Middle of October) Ls.-13 Ls.-14 Ls.-15 Ls.-16 Ls.-17 Ls.-18 Ls.-19 Ls.-20 Ls.-21 Ls.-22 Ls.-23 Ls.-24 Things we use Follow the signs Things at home Ready to Help They help me a let In the Kitchen Clothes Around my home In the farm Our Sky My Sense Organs Parts of a computer Evaluation - III (End of February) Ls.-25 Great Indians Ls.-26 Festive India Ls.-27 New Delhi-The Capital City Ls.-28 Places in India Ls.-29 Countries of the world Ls.-30 Popular in the world Ls.-31 I love cartoons Ls.-32 Let's Have Fun Ls.-33 Matching Ls.-34 Classification Ls.-35 Ordering Ls.-36 Patterns Quiz - 1 and 2 Subject - English Book - Success with Buzzword (Orient Blackswan) Evaluation - (Ist week of August) Main Course Book Ls.-1 The Cat with No Tail (Hard words, Ques./Ans. sentence making, Exs. on Pgs. 4,5,6,7,9) Ls. - 2 Jumbo, The Elephant Hard words, Ques./Ans. sentence making, Exs. on Pgs. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Ls.-3 The Naughty Tee-Shirt (Hard words, Ques./Ans., Sentence making Exs. on pgs. 25,26,27,28) Ls.-4 The Pet Doctor (Hard words, Ques./Ans. Sentence making Exs. on pgs. 32,33,34,35, 36) Literature Reader Ls. - 4 Vegetable salad (Exs. on Pg. 12) Ls. - 6 Who will Bell the Cat ? (Ex. on Pg. 17) Workbook Worksheet 5 to 7 and Summative Assessment - I Poems for Recitationl Seeds (Main Course Book) l The Mango tree (Literature book) l O' Look at the moon (Literature book) Reading, handwriting, spellings, conversation, Recitation, Listening comprehension, Activity, Paragraph Writing, Cursive Writing - Pages 17 to 32 Evaluation - III (End of February) Main Course Book Ls.-8 The Talking Toy (Hard words, Ques./Ans. sentence making, Exs. on pgs. 68,69,70,71,72,73) Ls.-9 Winter (Hard words, Ques./Ans. sentence making, Exs. on pgs. 76,77,78,79,80) Ls.-10 The Birthday Ride (Hard words, Ques./Ans. sentence making, Exs. on pgs. 83,84,85,86,87) Ls.-11 Where are the Peanuts ? (Hard words, Ques./Ans. sentence making, Exs. on pgs. 94,95,96,97,98,99,100) Literature Reader Ls.-8 The Story of the Magic Porridge Pot Exs. on Pgs. 22,23 Ls.-10 The Enormous Turnip (Ex. on pg. 30) Ls.-11 The Letter (Ex. on pg. 35) Workbook Worksheet 8 to 11 and Summative Assessment II Literature Reader Ls.-1 Rain, Rain, Come Again ! Ls.-2 The Dog and the bone (Exs. on Pg. 6) Workbook Worksheet 1 to 4 Poems for Recitationl Clouds (Main Coursebook) l My Birthday (Main Coursebook) l I'd like to be a lighthouse (Literature Reader) Poems for Recitation l Elephant (Main Course book) l Here's a rabbit (Main Course Book) l Bhelpuri (Literature Book) Reading, handwriting, spellings, conversation, Recitation, listening comprehension, Activity, paragraph, writing. Reading, Handwriting, Spellings, Conversation, Recitation, Listening Comprehension, Activity, Paragraph Writing Cursive Writing Pages 33 to 48. Subject - Value Education Book - Rise With Values Cursive Writing Pages 1 to 16 Evaluation - II (Middle of October) Main Course Book Ls.-5 Summer (Hard words, Ques./Ans., Sentence making, Exs. on pgs. 41,42,43,44,45) Ls.-6 A Beautiful Sunday Morning (Hard words, Ques./Ans., Sentence making, Exs. on pgs. 49,50,51,52,53,54) Ls.-7 A trip to the market (Hard words, Ques./Ans., Sentence making, Exs. - on pgs. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 Evaluation - (Ist week of August) 1. 2. Being Helpful........The helpful little boy. Be kind to Animals...........Anil And Toto 3. Honesty......Joy Becomes An Honest Boy. Evaluation - II (Middle of October) 4. 5. Be Punctual.........Why The Bear Got No tail ? Sharing........The Farmer. 6. Self help..........An Essay Competition Evaluation - III (End of February) 7. 8. 9. Love Your Family........Tickets To The Circus. Don't be Greedy.........The Greeedy Crane. Thanksfulness............God's Gifts.
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