Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) Accelerator – Installation Bootcamp (v4.0.5) Workbook 1 – Core DWA/Jazz Install Deploying IBM Rational DOORS with IBM Jazz™ Team Server and DB2 Express-C Edition on Windows Server 2008. An IBM Proof of Technology PoT.Rational. – InstallBootcamp_SSE405WithDWA9520_CoreWorkbook_V1.doc © Copyright IBM Corporation, 2014 US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM Software Contents LAB 0 TERMINOLOGIES .............................................................................................................................................. 7 LAB 1 PART A: GETTING THE FILES YOU NEED ...................................................................................................... 9 1.1 PART A: DOWNLOADS FOR JAZZ WITH DB 9.7 EXPRESS C .......................................................................... 9 1.1.1 DOWNLOAD IBM INSTALLATION MANAGER 1.7 FROM JAZZ.NET ...................................................... 9 1.1.2 DOWNLOAD THE SSE SERVER INSTALLATION PACKAGE FROM JAZZ.NET ....................................... 11 1.1.3 DOWNLOAD DB9.7 EXPRESS-C VERSION FROM JAZZ.NET ........................................................... 12 1.2 PART B: DOWNLOADS FOR DOORS AND DOORS W EB ACCESS .............................................................. 12 1.2.1 DOORS CLIENT AND SERVER ................................................................................................... 13 1.2.2 RATIONAL DOORS W EB ACCESS ............................................................................................ 13 1.2.3 RATIONAL LICENSE KEY SERVER 8.1.4...................................................................................... 13 1.2.4 IBM INSTALLATION MANAGER 1.7 ............................................................................................. 13 1.2.5 A DOORS LICENSE ................................................................................................................ 13 1.2.6 A DOORS SAMPLE PROJECT DPA FILE ...................................................................................... 13 LAB 2 CREATING A VMWARE IMAGE USING AN ISO FILE ................................................................................... 14 2.1 DOWNLOAD AN ISO FILE FOR W INDOWS SERVER 2008 .............................................................................. 14 2.2 RUN THE VMWARE NEW VIRTUAL MACHINE WIZARD ................................................................................. 15 2.3 GENERATE THE LICENSES YOU WILL NEED ................................................................................................ 25 LAB 3 ADD SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAMS TO THE IMAGE ................................................................................ 27 3.1 INSTALL A STABLE ESR VERSION OF FIREFOX ........................................................................................... 27 3.2 INSTALL ADOBE READER ........................................................................................................................ 28 3.3 INSTALL MICROSOFT W ORD VIEWER........................................................................................................ 28 3.4 COPY THE IBM INSTALLERS TO THE IMAGE ............................................................................................... 29 3.5 ACTIVATE WINDOWS ............................................................................................................................... 29 3.6 CREATE A SNAPSHOT ............................................................................................................................. 29 LAB 4 THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU START ............................................................................................. 31 4.1 IS MY TARGET ENVIRONMENT SUPPORTED? .............................................................................................. 31 4.2 W ILL YOUR SERVER MEET CURRENT AND FUTURE REQUIREMENTS? ............................................................. 31 4.3 W ILL THE SIMPLE TOPOLOGY BE GOOD ENOUGH? ...................................................................................... 31 4.4 PLANNING YOUR URLS .......................................................................................................................... 31 LAB 5 INSTALL IBM INSTALLATION MANAGER (32 BIT)....................................................................................... 33 5.1 INSTALL IBM INSTALLATION MANAGER (IM) .............................................................................................. 34 LAB 6 INSTALLING THE JAZZ TEAM SERVER (PART A – START POINT) ........................................................... 41 6.1 RUN THE INSTALLATION MANAGER WIZARD ................................................................................................ 41 LAB 7 RUNNING THE DB2 INSTALLER .................................................................................................................... 53 7.1 RUN THE INSTALLER ............................................................................................................................... 53 7.2 CHECK DB2 IS LICENSED ........................................................................................................................ 61 7.3 CREATE THE NECESSARY DB2 TABLES FOR JAZZ ...................................................................................... 62 LAB 8 CREATE SHORTCUTS AND MODIFY THE HOSTS FILE .............................................................................. 66 8.1 SETUP UP ALIASES FOR THE SERVERS ...................................................................................................... 67 8.2 CREATE SOME SHORTCUTS ..................................................................................................................... 69 LAB 9 RUN THE JTS SETUP WIZARD TO CONFIGURE THE JAZZ INSTALLATION ............................................. 75 9.1 START THE JAZZ TEAM SERVER .............................................................................................................. 75 LAB 10 INSTALL RATIONAL COMMON LICENSING (PART B – START POINT) ................................................... 112 10.1 INSTALL RATIONAL LICENSE KEY SERVER .............................................................................................. 112 10.2 INSTALL THE FLEXLM LICENSES YOU PLAN TO USE .................................................................................. 119 LAB 11 INSTALL DOORS CLIENT AND SERVER .................................................................................................... 125 11.1 VERIFY ALIASES HAVE BEEN SETUP FOR THE SERVERS ............................................................................. 125 11.2 INSTALLATION OF DOORS CLIENT ........................................................................................................ 127 11.3 INSTALL THE DOORS SERVER .............................................................................................................. 136 11.4 LAUNCH THE DOORS CLIENT AND ADD A PROJECT SAMPLE FOR TESTING .................................................. 140 LAB 12 INSTALLING DOORS WEB ACCESS FOR HTTP ........................................................................................ 144 12.1 RUN THE DWA INSTALLER .................................................................................................................... 144 12.2 RUN DBADMIN COMMAND TO ENABLE DATA CHANGE NOTIFICATIONS FOR HTTP .......................................... 147 Contents Page 3 An IBM Proof of Technology PoT.Rational. – InstallBootcamp_SSE405WithDWA9520_CoreWorkbook_V1.doc 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 DETERMINE THE DOORS DATABASE URN ............................................................................................ 149 MODIFY THE FESTIVAL.XML FOR HTTP..................................................................................................... 151 EDIT THE DOORSREDIRECTOR.PROPERTIES FILE TO CONFIGURE THE DOORS REDIRECTOR SERVICE ........... 159 TEST THAT DWA IS WORKING WITH HTTP ............................................................................................... 162 LAB 13 CONVERTING DOORS WEB ACCESS TO SECURE HTTPS (SSL) ............................................................ 173 13.1 GENERATING AND KEYSTORE AND CERTIFICATE....................................................................................... 174 13.2 MODIFY THE DWA CONFIGURATION FILES FOR HTTPS .............................................................................. 178 13.3 RUN DBADMIN COMMAND TO ENABLE HTTPS ........................................................................................... 184 13.4 TEST DWA IS WORKING ON HTTPS ........................................................................................................ 189 13.5 TEST THE DOORS CLIENT ON ANOTHER MACHINE .................................................................................. 193 APPENDIX A. NOTICES ........................................................................................................................................................ 195 APPENDIX B. TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS ............................................................................................................. 197 © Copyright IBM Corporation, 2014 US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM Software Overview This “bootcamp” workbook is intended to support the creation of a fresh installation of IBM Rational’s Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) Accelerator Solution on a completely new Vmware image. There are two parts to this. Part A involves the installation of the server components for the following Jazz tools: IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 4.0.5. IBM Rational Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.5. IBM Rational Team Concert 4.0.5. IBM Rational Quality Manager 4.0.5. To support the installation of the above, part A also covers the installation of: IBM Installation Manager 1.7. DB2 Express C Edition 9.7 (instead of Derby). Part B involves the installation of the server components for the following non-Jazz tooling to support OSLC interfacing with Jazz: IBM Rational DOORS IBM Rational DOORS Web Access To support the installation of the above, part B also covers the installation of: IBM Rational License Key Server. It is possible to choose to do Part B before Part A. DOORS Web Access is technically - in the authors opinion - the more complicated product to install because of the amount of manual steps that need to be performed. In you want to focus on learning how to install DOORS Web Access then it is recommended to start with Part B and do the DOORS Web Access installation before installing Jazz. If you fall into this category then you may also opt to do an Express, rather than custom, install of the Jazz products and thus skip the lab associated with installing DB2 (since use of DB2 makes no difference to how you configure DOORS and Jazz products to work together). In the instance where you want to use the Community Edition of RTC then it is recommended to a client that they consider using the Express-C DB2 Edition rather than Derby. This will enable the team size to grow beyond 10 (Derby is strictly limited to 10 users whereas the Express-C you can have 25 or more users). Part A thus covers the installation of the Jazz products with the Express-C Edition of DB2. This DB2 edition is available on and can be used with the free Community Edition of Rational Team Concert. The steps for installing with the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition of DB2 are the same apart from some additional pages in the installation wizard. The DB2 ESE is licensed for use with the Jazz products as a “supporting programme” and has more capabilities than the free Express-C edition. However, DB2 ESE requires that you activate an additional license (obtained via a customers passport advantage Contents Page 5 IBM Software login). If you don’t activate the license then the tempaorary license would expire within 90 days and the program would stop working. When a client installs DB2 ESE it’s important to install the version that is given for download in Passport Advantage as this will match the DB2 license activation kit that it also provided for download. Icons The following symbols appear in this document at places where additional guidance is available. Icon 6 Purpose Explanation Important! This symbol calls attention to a particular step or command. For example, it might alert you to type a command carefully because it is case sensitive. Information This symbol indicates information that might not be necessary to complete a step, but is helpful or good to know. Troubleshooting This symbol indicates that you can fix a specific problem by completing the associated troubleshooting information. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 0 Terminologies Term Signification CLM Collaborative Lifecycle Management DOORS Rational DOORS DOORS Server Doors Machine Name hosting the Doors Server DOORS NG Rational DOORS Next Generation DWA Doors Web Access Host Hosting machine Name IM IBM Installation Manager JTS Jazz Team Server LQE Lifecycle Query Engine RDM Rational Design Manager RELM Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager RQM Rational Quality Manager RRC Rational Requirements Composer RTC Rational Team Concert SSE Systems and Software Engineering Solution TRS Tracked Resource Set VVC Version and Variant Control WAS Websphere Application Server Appendix Page 7 IBM Software 8 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 1 Part A: Getting the files you need *IMPORTANT* This lab is intended for those that don’t have a starting image, or who wish to repeat the steps on their own machines. If you have been supplied with an IBM laptop with an existing image, then you can consider this lab as information only and you can move straight on to Lab 4. The open development philosophy of means this is very easy. For real use be careful to obtain the Generally Available (GA) Release versions rather than the Beta versions for the next release (which are also available on for customers to download and try). . 1.1 Part A: Downloads for Jazz with DB 9.7 Express C 1.1.1 Download IBM Installation Manager 1.7 from The IM is used to install a number of Rational tools, including the Rational Jazz products: Team Concert, Quality Manager, Requirements Composer/DOORS Next Generation, and Rhapsody Design Manager. Newer releases of IBM products may require you to install a newer version of IM. For example, version 1.7 is required for the CLM 4.0.5 and SSE 4.0.5 products. __1. Navigate to the download page on Appendix Page 9 IBM Software __2. Choose the 32 bit Windows x86 version. This is because the Rational License Key Server used by Rational DOORS is 32 bit, hence if you want to install this then the version of IM must also be 32 bit. __3. You should now have the file stored locally. __4. Copy the zip file into a folder for collecting the installers together, e.g., C:\IBMInstallers. 10 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 1.1.2 Download the SSE Server installation package from A single installation file can be used to install multiple Jazz products. For 4.0.5 there is a choice of either the SSE or the CLM installation package. The SSE is the same as CLM except that it also includes Rhapsody Design Manager. Interestingly, the Jazz products are also available in the Rhapsody Design Manager repository file and hence this is another option to obtain the server component for all the Jazz products in a single repository. If the GA version of DM installer is newer than the SSE installer file then it probably makes sense to choose the DM installer instead. __1. Navigate to the download page on __2. Choose All downloads. __3. Scroll to the bottom and download the Jazz Team Server and CCM, QM, RM and DM Applications with Trial Licenses (60 day). __4. Download the resulting file. __5. Copy the zip file into C:\Installers. Appendix Page 11 IBM Software 1.1.3 Download DB9.7 Express-C version from A single installation file can be used to install multiple Jazz products. For 4.0.5 there is a choice of either the SSE or the CLM installation package. The SSE is the same as CLM except that it also includes Rhapsody Design Manager. __1. Navigate to the download page on __2. Select the 64 bit version for windows. __3. Download the db2exc_975_WIN_x86_64.exe (453.15 MB) file to local file system. __4. Copy the exe file into C:\Installers. 1.2 Part B: Downloads for DOORS and DOORS Web Access *This lab is provided for information only* since the image already has all the files installed. Ensure you have the files needed. The DOORS and DOORS Web Access download can be reached via links contained here: 12 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 1.2.1 DOORS client and server __1. If not already present, copy the file into your C:/IBMInstallers on the image. 1.2.2 Rational DOORS Web Access __1. If not already present, copy the file into your C:/IBMInstallers on the image. 1.2.3 Rational License Key Server 8.1.4 __1. Navigate to the download page on Fix central: Rational+Common+Licensing&release=8.1.4&platform=All&function=all __2. Select and download the IBM_Rational_License_Key_Server_814 refresh pack. __3. This pack will consist of multiple zip files (for all the different host OS, Linux, Windows etc). The one you want is as follows. Locate this file: (Licensing Server) __4. Copy it to the C:/IBMInstallers folder on the machine. 1.2.4 IBM Installation Manager 1.7 This is needed to install the Rational License Key Server (see earlier in lab). 1.2.5 A DOORS license It is assumed that C:\IBMInstallers contains a DOORS license.dat file. 1.2.6 A DOORS sample project dpa file New family care sample is provided in C:\IBMInstallers. Appendix Page 13 IBM Software Lab 2 Creating a Vmware image using an iso file This lab is provided to illustrate the steps used to create the Vmware image from scratch. In this procedure we will create a fresh Windows Server 2008 image using Vmware Workstation 8. The choice of Windows Server 2008 is intended to give participants understanding of the additional security that this provides. In particular, User Access rights to files and the effect this can have if the user who is running the servers does not have the correct permissions over the files. To perform this lab you would need to have licensing for both Wmware Workstation 8 and Windows Server 2008. 2.1 Download an iso file for Windows Server 2008 If you’re going to install with Vmware and you don’t have a blank image then you can create one from a fresh install using the Vmware workstation wizard. This assumes that you have valid license entitlement for both Vmware workstation and Microsoft Windows. __1. 14 Download an iso file and make a note of the Product Keys for Windows Server 2008 SP1. __a. Obtain the iso file for a Windows Server 2008 SP1 together with product key, .e.g, from Microsoft. __b. Copy to local file system. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 2.2 Run the VMware New Virtual Machine wizard This shows how to create a fresh image if you don’t have one. You will need WMWare Workstation to do this. The version used for the screenshots is version 8. __1. Run the New Virtual Machine Wizard. __a. Appendix Launch the MWare Workstation 8 wizard. Page 15 IBM Software 16 __b. Select the iso file (en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_x64_dvd_617601.iso) and click Next >. __c. On the next page of the wizard, enter the product key and version to install, e.g., Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Appendix Enter the user name rational and a password (e.g. Passw0rd with capital P and a zero) and confirm it. Check the Log on automatically box. Click Next > Page 17 IBM Software 18 __e. Create a location, e.g., cut and paste the name to create a folder. __f. Increase the maximum disk size to 110 GB and click Next > Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __g. Click to Customize Hardware… __h. Increase the Memory for this virtual machine to 10GB. Appendix Page 19 IBM Software __i. 20 Change Number of processors to 4 to Close. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __j. Click Power on this virtual machine after creation and then click Finish. __k. Wait. Go and make a coffee. 10-15 mins. Appendix Page 21 IBM Software __l. __2. Add a shared folder so that you can copy files to the image. __a. 22 Vmware should also install some tools automatically also. Choose VM > Settings… Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Appendix Click on the Options tab and select the Shared Folders setting. Page 23 IBM Software __c. 24 Add a shared folder (choice here will depend on where you want to copy files to the image from) and click OK. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 2.3 Generate the licenses you will need At this point you have an image with a hostname and disk id, so you can cut the licenses that you will need for additional tools such as IBM Rational DOORS and IBM Rational Rhapsody so that license.dat can be copied to image. __1. Obtain the host information: __a. E.g., Obtain the disk serial number, e.g., type dir __b. Obtain the host name, e.g., type hostname. __c. Assuming you have permissions generate floating licenses for Rational Rhapsody and Rational DOORS using the Rational license site. In the case of these labs the resulting license.dat file has x3 floating licenses for IBM Rational TL Pack DOORS Floating and IBM RATIONAL INTERNAL RHAPSODY PACK FLOATING. These packages are internal license package types for use by IBM Rational. Appendix Page 25 IBM Software 26 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 3 Add supplementary programs to the image In this procedure we will install support programs that are needed later that are not included in a Windows Server 2008 install. These include a supported version of Firefox and readers for Word and PDF format files. 3.1 Install a stable ESR version of Firefox Be wary of running with an unsupported browser. The complete system requirements for the Jazz products are listed here: Generally,Firefox is recommended over IE for demos as it is possible to accept security certificate more easily. Appendix Page 27 IBM Software __1. If necessary, download the offline installer for Firefox 24 ESR from: __2. Run the installer. Select the default settings. 3.2 Install Adobe Reader To be able to demo document generation, e.g., from DOORS NG then it will be necessary to have a pdf reader installed. __1. If necessary, obtain a free Adobe Reader offline installer from the Adobe website: __2. Check you have the right file and start the installer. 3.3 Install Microsoft Word Viewer To be able to demo document generation, e.g., from DOORS NG then it will be necessary to have a Microsoft Word reader installed. If the image you have already has Word installed then this section is not necessary. __1. If necessary, obtain a free Word reader: __2. Check you have the right file and start the installer. 28 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 3.4 Copy the IBM installers to the image __1. Copy the downloaded IBM files to an C:\IBMInstallers folder on the image. It is suggested to not put this in the documents folder to avoid problems with long path names for some of the Eclipse applications you might install later. 3.5 Activate windows It is worth doing this early on since the activation will then be captured in subsequent snapshots. 3.6 Create a snapshot Now is a good time to create a snapshot, so that you can roll back and repeat labs. __1. Shutdown the image. Appendix Page 29 IBM Software __2. 30 Create a snapshot: Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 4 Things to consider before you start The best source of information on the Jazz products is the Help centre. This included interactive wizards on how to install Jazz. There is also a wealth of information on This sections covers key topics to consider, particularly for a real installation. 4.1 Is my target environment supported? 4.2 Will your server meet current and future requirements? 4.3 Will the simple topology be good enough? 4.4 Planning your URLs cs/c_planning_URLs.html&scope=null Appendix Page 31 IBM Software 32 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 5 Install IBM Installation Manager (32 bit) IBM Installation Manager helps you manage the install, update and uninstall of IBM applications, or packages, on your computer. Check to see if IBM Installation Manager 1.7 is installed; If it is then you can skip this lab. Appendix Page 33 IBM Software 5.1 Install IBM Installation Manager (IM) __1. Power up the snapshot. Click No if asked to __2. Install the IM 1.7 (32 bit). __a. 34 Locate the C:\IBMInstallers folder that was copied to the local drive and unzip the IM installer. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Double click the install.exe. __c. Click Yes to allow the program to make changes to the computer. Appendix Page 35 IBM Software 36 __d. Double-click the IBM Installation Manager title bar to expand to it to full screen (otherwise you can’t see the wizard buttons in the bottom right). __e. Ensure that IBM Installation Manager > Version 1.7 is selected and click Next > __f. Assuming that you do, select the I accept the terms in the license agreement radio button and click Next >. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __g. Although spaces don’t matter for this application, some of the applications we’re going to install are eased by putting them in an installation folder without spaces. It’s nice to have all the applications installed in one place, hence we’ve chosen IBM as the root. Click in the box and press the back key to remove Program Files from the default path. __h. Click Next > to move to the summary information page. Check the details match the below: __i. Click Install to start the installation process. Appendix Page 37 IBM Software __j. 38 Wait for it to complete, then choose Restart Installation Manager. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software PART A Installation Jazz Server with DB2 Express C Edition Appendix Page 39 IBM Software 40 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 6 Installing the Jazz Team Server (Part A – Start Point) In this lab we point the IBM Installation Manager to the Jazz repository files for the applications that we want to install. We step through the IM wizard to copy the necessary files to the image. 6.1 Run the installation manager wizard __1. Check you have the right files and unzip the zip file. __a. Locate the file in the C:\IBMInstallers folder. Alternatively, the following steps would work with other combination repositories such as CLM and DM. __b. Right-click and choose Extract All… and then click Extract to unzip the folders to the default folder on the local file system. Appendix Page 41 IBM Software __2. Launch IBM Installation Manager. __a. __3. 42 Once unzipped launch the IBM Installation Manager. Expand to full screen if necessary, by double clicking on the title bar again. Add the repository that you just unzipped. __a. Choose File > Preferences… __b. Click Add Repository… Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. Appendix Browse to the repository.config file for the JTS-CCM-QM… folder that you just unzipped and click Open. Page 43 IBM Software 44 __d. Click OK to confirm. __e. Verify the repository has now been added. __f. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog. __g. Click Install to choose packages to install. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __h. You now need to check the boxes to for the Jazz applications that you want to install. Even if you are installing just Requirements Management then is is recommended to install the Change and Configuration management application because this is licensed by DOORS NG/RRC for free. Also, if you are just installing Quality Management then install the Requirements Management and Change and Configuration Management (CCM) since some of aspects of these are also licensed through Quality Manager. In this case we will install all the applications. __i. Click Next >. __j. Click I accept the terms in the license agreements and click Next > again. Appendix Page 45 IBM Software __k. 46 If you’ve not previously done an installation manager install then you will be asked to choose the shared Resources Directory. E.g. in this instance I’ve chosen to install everything to the C:\IBM folder (same place at the shared resources directory). Rather than browsing the easiest way to do this is to just click in the directory field and comment out the Program Files folder, then click Next > Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __l. You are now asked to create a new package group for IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management. We are actively going to change the defaults to install everything to the C:\IBM folder (same place at the shared resources directory). Rather than browsing the easiest way to do this is to just click in the Installation Directory field and comment out the Program Files folder. __m. Click Next > once done. Appendix Page 47 IBM Software 48 __n. Click Next > to install English. __o. View the features to install page and then click Next >. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __p. Appendix The assumption here is that Tomcat is sufficient as the web application server. Click Next > to move to the next page without making changes. Page 49 IBM Software __q. 50 The roots listed are used for the different applications and do not need to be changed. Click Next > to use the default config roots. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __r. You’re now ready to start the install. Click Install. __s. Wait for files to installing and then click Finish. Appendix Page 51 IBM Software 52 __t. A Web Browser will pop up with the Help page on completing an installation page. __u. Save this page as a bookmark. __v. At this point you could either choose to install the express install with Derby, or choose to install with the free DB7 version. In this workbook we are going to install DB7 to show how this is done. If you are installing on a real Windows 2008 Server then this makes sense to do. If you are installing both client and server on your native Windows 7, then it is recommended to just do the Express installation with Derby to avoid messing too much with your machine. __w. Close the IBM Installation Manager (this is not used to install DB7) but keep the Help website open for future reference. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 7 Running the DB2 installer Before running the JTS setup wizard you need to install DB2. *IMPORTANT* If you want to install CLM using the Express Setup (with Derby) then you can skip this lab completely. This is recommended if installing both Jazz clients and server on a native laptop, rather than a Vmware image (since DB2 will create a local db2admin account which you may not want). 7.1 Run the installer __1. Check you have the right files and start the installer. __a. Appendix Locate the installation files and double-click the db2exc_975_WIN_x86_64 file that constitutes the DB2 Express-C installer (downloaded from Page 53 IBM Software 54 __b. Click Unzip to self-extract the files (to the default local temporary folder). __c. Click OK when this completes. __d. The DB2 launchpad should launch automatically. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __2. Use Launchpad to install DB7. __a. Appendix Select to install the DB2 Express-C Version 9.7.5 Page 55 IBM Software 56 __b. Click Next > on the welcome page. __c. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement and then Next >. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Accept the Typical installation type and click Next >. __e. A response file will record all the choices you make during this installation and hence does no harm (although we won’t use it). Click Next >. Appendix Page 57 IBM Software 58 __f. Choose a location. In this instance we will comment out the Program Files. In a real installation it is very important that the choice here has enough disk space, not just for the installation but also to create the tables for the data. On a real server the data might be stored on a separate drive. __g. Create a local db2admin account using the default name and supplying a password. The password will need to conform to the security policies specified by the OS. This will vary on a site by site basis. If you get a message such as “The installation program has been unable to create the user “db2admin” … because the password specified is too short” then try again with a better password. Note that OS may require that user name is not used in the password. I chose Ra1ional, in the end. Click Next > when done. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __h. On the next page if you click on Configure… then you can see the port that will be used by DB2. The assumption is that the default port (50000) is fine and hence, in general, you can keep it the default and click Next > without configuring. __i. The setup is ready. Click Finish to start the installation. Appendix Page 59 IBM Software 60 __j. Wait for install to finish. __k. A Setup is complete page will be displayed once it has been installed. Click Finish when ready to proceed. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 7.2 __l. You can close the launchpad now. __m. DB2 is now installed but it contains no tables. Check DB2 is licensed This step is not necessary, but it’s useful to know how to do this if you install a commercial version such as the Enterprise Server Edition of DB2 instead (which is a “supported program” with most of the Jazz products). __1. Check the licenses. __a. Appendix Open a DB2 command window, if not already open. Page 61 IBM Software __b. Type db2licm –l and verify that the license is permanent. Note: If you install the Enterprise Server Edition of DB2 then it is imperitive that you download the correct version of both the installer and the activation kit (that contains a license file) from passport advantage and then run the db2licm tool to install the permanent license (otherwise the temporary license will expire during use). __c. This is a good point to shutdown the image and create a snapshot, e.g., DB2 installed but tables not created. 7.3 Create the necessary DB2 tables for Jazz __1. Switch user to be db2admin. 62 __a. Choose Switch user. __b. Choose db2admin Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. __2. Login with the password you gave during the DB2 installation for the db2admin account, e.g., Ra1ional. Open a DB2 command window. __a. Open a DB2 Command Window – Administrator window. __b. The Jazz Team Server database is used to manage the user accounts, core services and the requirements management information. Enter this command to create a database for Jazz Team Server called JTS with 16K pages and the UTF-8 code set: db2 create database JTS using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384 __c. The CCM database is used to manage the data for work items and planning, as well as configuration management. This database is useful for all the Jazz applications, even RM, QM and DM. Enter this command to create a database for Change and Configuration Management application called CCM with 16K pages and the UTF-8 code set: db2 create database CCM using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384 __d. Appendix The QM database is used to manage test information, e.g., test cases, test plans and test results etc. assuming you are going to install RQM, enter this command to create a database for Quality Management application called QM with 16K pages and the UTF-8 code set: Page 63 IBM Software db2 create database QM using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384 __e. The Data Warehouse database is used to capture information for analysis by the Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence (COGNOS) reporting engine. Enter this command to create a database for your data warehouse called DW with 16K pages and the UTF-8 code set: db2 create database DW using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384 __f. Design Manager is an ontological database use to store design information created with modeling tools such as The Mathworks Simulink and Rational Rhapsody. If you plan to installed Design Manager then enter this command to create a database for Design Management application called DM with 16K pages and the UTF-8 code set: db2 create database DM using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384 __g. Design Manager uses a database for managing Versions, Variants, and Configurations. If you installed Design Manager then enter this command to create a database for Design Management application called VVC with 16K pages and the UTF-8 code set: is 16K right? db2 create database VVC using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384 __h. __3. Switch back to your user account. __a. 64 Close the command window. Choose Log off from the Start menu to close programs and log off as db2admin. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Appendix Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE (or choose VM > Send Ctrl + Alt + Del) to switch back to the rational user that you were originally logged in as (passw0rd is the password). Page 65 IBM Software Lab 8 Create shortcuts and modify the hosts file OSLC relies on stable URLs between the products. Whilst in this instance we will install the servers on the same machine, it may be the case that they are moved to other machines. For this reason it can help in a real deployment to create aliases for the servers, and use these during the installations to specify the physical addresses of the machine where the service is running. We can mimmic this on the image by modifying the hosts file. The hosts file is a computer file used by an operating system to map hostnames to IP addresses. The hosts file is a plain text file, and is conventionally named hosts. The hosts file is one of several system facilities that assists in addressing network nodes in a computer network. It is a common part of an operating system's Internet Protocol (IP) implementation, and serves the function of translating humanfriendly hostnames into numeric protocol addresses, called IP addresses, that identify and locate a host in an IP network. 66 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 8.1 Setup up aliases for the servers If you simply open to edit the Hosts file then this will not work. You will get a message saying you do not have permission to save in this location. To save the hosts file then you need to be running notepad as an administrator. __1. Find notepad in the Start menu. __a. Once you’ve done this, right-click and choose Run as administrator. __b. Click Yes to allow Notepad to make changes to your computer. Appendix Page 67 IBM Software __c. Now you can browse to the hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. You will need to select All Files to see it. __d. The Windows hosts file can be used to redirect hostnames. A hostname is the core part of a web address. In this instance we want to mimmic the action of an alias in a DNS server. __e. Add the following lines. # Jazz Team Server 68 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software # Rational Team Concert server # Rational Quality Manager server # Rational Rhapsody Design Manager 8.2 Create some shortcuts I also like to make use of taskbar shortcuts for starting and stopping the servers. This section shows how to create them. It’s possible, if DOORS Web Access has been installed, then some of the folders already exist. __1. Create a shortcut to Start the Jazz Team Server. __a. Choose Send to > Deskop to create a shortcut for IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management > Start the Jazz Team Server command available in the start menu. __b. Do the same for the IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management > Stop the Jazz Team Server command. Appendix Page 69 IBM Software __c. __2. Create folders for menus. __a. 70 Press Windows + D to display the Desktop. If they don’t exist already right-click the desktop and choose New > Folder to create 3 folders on the desktop called Startup, Shutdown and Clients. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Move the Start the Jazz Team Server and tart the Jazz Team Server shortcuts into the Startup folder and Shutdown folders respectifully. __c. Move the Firefox shortcut into the Clients folder. Appendix Page 71 IBM Software 72 __d. Click into the folder and rename the shortcut JTS Admin. __e. Right-click and choose Properties. __f. Enter as the command line argument for firefox. __g. Click OK. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __3. Copy the JTS Admin shortcut and create shortcuts for the Jazz applicatons you plan to configure. __a. Rename the shortcuts. __b. For each shotcut open the properties and change the URL that will be navigated to as follows: DM Web Client DOORS NG Web Client RQM Web Client RTC Web Client These URLs are dependent on both the aliases set up for the server(s) and the application domain names. For example, you may notice that the RM application in 4.0.5 runs on the JTS server and shares the JTS database. __4. Check to see whether the Clients, Startup and Shutdown folder have already been added to the taskbar. If not Add them by: __a. Appendix Right-click in the taskbar and choose Toolbars > New toolbar… Page 73 IBM Software 74 __b. Browse to the Clients folder and choose Select Folder. __c. Do the same for the Startup folder and the Shutdown folder. Your taskbar should now look something like this: __d. Now might be a good time to power down and create a snapshot. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 9 Run the JTS Setup Wizard to configure the Jazz installation The setup wizard will run you through setting up your database, configuring email settings, configuring the user registry, and registering applications. The wizard will detect and allow you to set up the applications that you have just installed. 9.1 Start the Jazz Team Server __1. Start the Jazz Team Server as administrator __a. Click on the Startup > Start the Jazz Team Server shortcut and choose Run as administrator to start the Jazz Team Server. Running as an administrator in Windows Server 2008 is important because it ensures that the server has access to files in the installation that might otherwise be blocked or not writable. Appendix Page 75 IBM Software __2. __b. A Tomcat window will be displayed. __c. Wait for the “Server startup in XXXXXX ms” message. Launch the JTS Setup wizard. __a. 76 Launch the JTS Admin shortcut you created earlier. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Click I understand the technical risks. __c. Click Add Exception…. __d. Click Confirm Security Exception. Appendix Page 77 IBM Software __3. 78 Login using the default ADMIN account __a. Login as ADMIN/ADMIN. __b. The home page for the JTS Server Administration should open. Click Go to Setup to open the setup wizard (/jts/setup) Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __4. __5. Complete the wizard steps. __a. Assuming that you want to install with DB2, choose Custom Setup and click Next >. __b. Click Next > on the Introduction page. Set the public URI. The Public URI (which includes the fully qualified hostname) must be chosen carefully because once it is set, it becomes integral to the data on the server and any data on any other server or application that references it. This is particularly important when Appendix Page 79 IBM Software configuring a production server. Please review the information on this page and refer to the Planning your URIs topic for guidance and recommendations on configuring the Public URI. 80 __a. Ensure the public URI is set correctly and click Test Connection. __b. A message should be displayed to say that “The configuration test succeeded”. Assuming it was successful check the box. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. __6. Click Next > to confirm the Public URI Configure Database __a. Change the Database Vendor to DB2. __b. For the JDBC Location, copy the example line below the text box but change the username to db2admin instead of db2inst1. Don’t forget the semicolon at the end. __c. Click in the JDBC Password text box and type the password that you created when installing DB2 (Ra1ional). When you’ve done this click Test Connection. Appendix Page 81 IBM Software 82 __d. You should see a message to indicate that the JTS databse exists but the tables have not yet been created. __e. Click Create Tables. __f. You should get a message to say that the database tables were successfully created. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __g. __7. Click Next > once to move on to the next page. Be patient though as it can take a while to load. Configure email notification. On this page you can configure the e-mail notification to use email to communicate with users. __a. In this instance since our image dos not have an SMTP Server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) we will stick with the default setting of Disabled. __b. Click Next > to move on to the next page. Appendix Page 83 IBM Software __8. 84 Registering the applications. __a. You’re now ready to register the applications. Review the list of applications and check that these are the ones that you installed earlier. __b. Click the Register Applications button to start the registration process. A message is displated to please wait while the applications are registered. __c. When the registration process is complete a message should be displayed to indicate success. __d. The left hand pane in the wizard has now been populated with the wizard stages that are associated wiuth the applications that tyou chose to install. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __e. __9. Click Next > to move on to the next page of the wizard. Setup user registry. Appendix Page 85 IBM Software 86 __a. The wizard is now ready to setup the user registry. __b. In step 1 we will stay with the default to use the Tomcat User Database. A common purpose of the user registry is toallow single sign on. An alternative to using Tomcat is to use an existing LDAP server (LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __10. __c. Step 2 is for create an administrator account. Currently you are logged in as ADMIN. However, for enhanced security it in usual to replace with with a site specific account. In this example we will create an account called “rational” with the password “rational” (this is not what you would normally do for a real account). __d. Check that the Disable default ADMIN access option is checked. Step 3: Assign Client Access Licenses __a. Appendix Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next > (without activating any trial licenses). Page 87 IBM Software __11. 88 Configure the Data Warehouse. __a. You’re now on the Configure Data Warehouse page. __b. Choose DB2 as the database vendor. __c. Locate the JDBC Location and copy the Example line from below into the text box and change the JAZZ database to the DW database that you created earlier. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Change the user from db2inst1 to the db2admin account that you created earlier when installing db2. __e. Type the password that you created ealirer into the password box. __f. Scroll down and click Test Connection. __g. A message should be displatyed to indicate the that DW database exists but is not configured to contain the data warehouse. Appendix Page 89 IBM Software __12. 90 __h. Click Create Tables. __i. Wait for the message. __j. In this instance we’ll leave the etl_user information blank. __k. Click Next >. Configure the CCM Application. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __a. You’re now ready to configure the database for the CCM application. __b. Select DB2 as the Database Vendor. __c. Copy the example line for the JDBC Location and change the user to db2admin rather than db2inst1. __d. Change the database name to the CCM database you created earlier. Appendix Page 91 IBM Software 92 __e. Type the password for db2admin into the JDBC Password box (this will be substituted in the location call below. __f. Click Test Connection. __g. You should get a message to say that the database exists but that it has not been configured yet. __h. Click Create Tables. __i. Wait for the message to say that the tabkles were created. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __j. __13. Click Next >. Finalize the application. __a. Choose Finalize Application Setup. __b. Choose Next >. Appendix Page 93 IBM Software __14. 94 Configure Data Warehouse. __a. You’re now ready to configure the data warehouse for the ccm application. __b. Check the database name and re-enter the JDBC Password for the db2admin account. __c. Scroll down and choose Test Connection (twice, if necessary). Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. __15. Choose Next >. Configure the VVC application (used by Design Manager). __a. You’re now ready to configure the database for the vvc application. __b. Choose DB2 as the Database Vendor. __c. Copy the example text and change the database from JTS to VVC. __d. Change the user from db2inst1 to db2admin. Appendix Page 95 IBM Software 96 __e. Type the password for the db2admin account into the JDBC Password text box. __f. Click Test Connection. __g. You should receive a message to say that the database exists but has not yet been configured to use Jazz. __h. Click Create Tables. __i. Wait for the message to say that the tables were created. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __j. __16. Click Next >. Finalize the application. __a. Click Finalize Application Setup for the /vvc application. __b. Choose Next >. Appendix Page 97 IBM Software __17. __18. 98 Deal with pop-up blocker. __a. If you get the following message. __b. .. then enable pops and Reload current page. Configure the Design Management /dm application. __a. Make sure that you’re now ready to configure the database for the dm application (click Back if not). __b. Change the Database Vendor to DB2. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. Copy the example text for the JDBC Location. __d. Change the database to DM. __e. Change the user to db2admin. __f. Type the password for the db2admin account into the JDBC Password text box. __g. Click Test Connection. __h. You should receive a message to say that the database exists but has not yet been configured to use Jazz. __i. Click Create Tables. Appendix Page 99 IBM Software __19. 100 __j. Wait for the message to say that the tabkles were created. __k. Click Next >. Finalize the application. __a. The /dm application is now ready fo finalization. __b. Click Finalize Application Setup. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __20. __c. This can take some while so you need to be patient. __d. Choose Next >. Configure the /qm application. __a. Appendix You’re now ready to configure the database for QM. Page 101 IBM Software 102 __b. Log to the QM application, if necessary. __c. Change the Database Vendor to DB2. __d. Copy the example text for the JDBC Location. __e. Change the database to QM and the user to db2admin. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __f. Type the password for the db2admin account into the JDBC Password text box. __g. Click Test Connection. __h. You should receive a message to say that the database exists but has not yet been configured to use Jazz. __i. Click Create Tables. __j. Wait for the message to say that the tables were created. Appendix Page 103 IBM Software __k. __21. 104 Click Next >. Finalize the application. __a. The qm application is now ready fo finalization. __b. Choose Finalize Application Setup. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. __22. Choose Next >. Configure Data Warehouse. __a. You’re now ready to configure the data warehouse for the qm application. __b. Check the database name is set to DW and re-enter the JDBC Password for the db2admin account. Appendix Page 105 IBM Software __23. 106 __c. Scroll down and click Test Connection (twice, if necessary). __d. Choose Next >. Configure the /rm application. This is different from the other applications because it uses the JTS database. __a. You’re now ready to configure the rm application. __b. Click Finalize Application Setup. __c. Wait for it to complete. __d. Click Rebuild Index to rebuild the index. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __e. __24. Choose Next >. Finalize the setup for the Lifecycle Project administration. __a. You’re now ready to finalize the setup for the /admin application. __b. Click Finalize Application Setup. __c. Wait for it to complete. Appendix Page 107 IBM Software __d. __25. 108 Choose Next >. View the summary. __a. You’re now on the Summary page. __b. View the summary. __c. Click Finish. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. You’re returned to the server administration home. __e. You’ve finished the lab. Stop the Jazz Team Server. Now might be a good time to create a powered down snapshot. Appendix Page 109 IBM Software PART B Installation DOORS Web Access for htttps 110 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Appendix Page 111 IBM Software Lab 10 Install Rational Common Licensing (Part B – Start Point) Ensure that you have installed IM 1.7. The IBM Installation Manager is not used for installing DOORS or DOORS Web Access. However, DOORS and DOORS Web Access use FlexLM licensing, and the IBM Installation Manager is required to install the Rational License Server for administering these licenses. IBM Installation Manager (IM) is an application that makes it easier to download, install, and update code for IBM software products. Installation Manager is included in Web installers for products on It can also be used standalone for use with separately downloaded Installation Manager repositories. Before doing this Lab check whether IBM Installation Manager is already installed. This will be the case if you have already installed the Jazz 4.0.5 applications. If not complete the Lab in Part A to do this. 10.1 Install Rational License Key Server __1. 112 Ensure you have the installation files present and unzipped. __a. Browse to the C:\IBMInstallers folder and locate the file. __b. Right-click and choose Extract All… and then the Extract button to unzip the file to the default path (you don’t need to show extracted files when complete): Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. Open or switch to the IBM Installation Manager. __d. Choose File > Preferences… __e. Click Add Repositiory.... Appendix Page 113 IBM Software 114 __f. Browse to the disktag.inf file in \RLKSSERVER\SETUP\disk1 subfolder you just unzipped and click Open. __g. Click OK to close the dialog and verify that the folder has been added to the list of installer repositories. __h. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __i. Click Install. __j. Select Version 8.1.4 of the IBM Rational License Key Server and click Next >. __k. The next page will validate the prerequisites for the selected packages. It may ask you to close all applications and disable anti-virus software. Click Next >. __l. Assuming that you do, click I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next >. Appendix Page 115 IBM Software __m. The next page will define the package groups. If you previously installed Jazz the Shared Resources Directory will already have been populated. If not, click in the Shared Resources Directory path and remove the Program Files (x86) from the path and click Next >. __n. 116 You shoul now be asked to specific the Installation Directory folder for the IBM Rational RLKS package group. We took the decision to install everything in the folder underneath C:\IBM rather than Program Files. Click in the box and remove the Program Files (x86) folder before clicking Next >. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __o. Click Next > on the languages page. __p. Click Next > on the features to install page. Appendix Page 117 IBM Software 118 __q. Click Install to start the installation. __r. Click Finish when complete. __s. Close the IBM Installation Manager. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 10.2 Install the FlexLM licenses you plan to use Having installed the license server we can add to it the licenses we plan to use for DOORS. Note that DOORS uses FLEXlm licensing. You will need a license.dat file for this. The assumption here is that at least 1 floating eval license has been generated for DOORS. This should have been copied in the C:\IBMInstallers folder. __1. Add the license.dat to the license server using the License Key Administrator tool that was installed with the server. __a. Appendix Launch the License Key Administrator 8.1.4 from the start menu. Page 119 IBM Software 120 __b. Choose Import a Rational License file and click Next >. __c. Click Browse… Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Select the license file and click Open. __e. Click Import… Appendix Page 121 IBM Software 122 __f. Confirm by clicking Import to proceed. __g. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to close it. __h. You now need to stop and start the license server. Click Yes to do this now and Wait (about a minute). Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __i. Once complete the dialog will close. Verify that a DOORS feature is now shown amongst the licenses added. __j. You’ve completed the lab. Close the License Key Administrator now. Close the IBM Installation Manager also, if open. Appendix Page 123 IBM Software 124 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 11 Install DOORS client and server In this lab we will install both the client and server of DOORS on the server. It will also be necessary to install the client on another machine to test that the ports are working. The Rational® DOORS® database server runs as a service, which you can start and stop using the Control Panel. The database server starts automatically when the computer starts, and reads configuration information from the registry. 11.1 Verify aliases have been setup for the servers OSLC relies on stable URLs between the products. Whilst in this instance we will install the servers on the same machine, it may be the case that they are moved to other machines. For this reason we will create aliases for the servers, and use these during the installations to specify the physical addresses of the machine where the service is running. For a real installation, this will not be done in the hosts file. However, the following steps will highlight which alaises are used in later labs. __1. Locate the hosts file. __a. Appendix Locate Notepad in the Start menu’s Accessories folder and choose Run as administrator (if you don’t do this on Windows Server 2008 then the chances are you won’t be able to save the hosts file). Page 125 IBM Software 126 __b. Select File > Open and ensure that All Files are shown. __c. Browse to the hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and click Open. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Verify that the following line is present in the hosts files and add it if necessary. We will use this local alias to refer to the DOORS and DWA server. In a real installation you might refer to the fully qualified physical machine name, or you might choose to create an alias on the DNS server. The name of the DOORS server becomes very important when using URLs to link Jazz with DOORS, hence you should consider your installation very carefully. An alias on the DNS server, for example, will allow you to more easily change the physical server later on. See Planning for URLs in the Jazz help for more information. In this instance we will always assume that DWA and DOORS servers are running on the same machine hence a shared alias for this server is created. __e. You can Close the hosts file now (click Save if you’ve made changes). 11.2 Installation of DOORS Client In this section we will install the DOORS client. We install the DOORS client before the server to avoid a warning during server install. The client is needed anyway for the DWA installation later on and can also be used for testing. You’ll also need to install the client on a separate machine to complete testing and provide that the client can talk to the server, i.e. the ports are not blocked by firewall. __1. Before starting. __a. Appendix Browse to the C:\IBMInstallers folder and check you have the following zip file. Page 127 IBM Software 128 __b. Right-click and choose Extract All… and then click the Extract button to unzip the files to the default folder and Show the extracted files when complete. __c. Click into the \Installers\win32\client subfolder and double-click the setup.exe to start the installer for the DOORS client. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __2. Step through the installation wizard __a. Click Next > __b. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement and then Next >. Appendix Page 129 IBM Software __c. 130 For consistency change the destination folder to remove Program Files (x86) from the path. Click OK when done. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Click Next > __e. Ensure that Typical is selected and click Next >. Appendix Page 131 IBM Software __f. The following page of the wizard allows you to choose the Port and the server name for the DOORS database. Enter the Port as 36677 and the Database Host as localhost (i.e. on the same machine) and then click Next >. The assumption is that port 36677 is OK. The database host in this instance can be specified either as an alias, localhost or the physical computer name. In this instance, we’ve chosen localhost. If you were on a separate machine you would need to put a real name. __g. Choose the License Server option with port number 27000@localhost and click Next >. For a real installation this may be a different machine. 132 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __h. Click Install (with creation of desktop shortcut). __i. Wait for it to complete. Appendix Page 133 IBM Software __j. __3. Check if there is a Clients folder on the desktop and a Clients submenu in the taskbar (this will depend on whether you did the Jazz workbook first). If not add it now. __a. 134 Click Finish. Create the folder on the Desktop called Clients. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Right-click on the Windows taskbar and choose Toolbars > New toolbar… __c. Browse to the Desktop > Clients folder and choose Select Folder. __d. Verify that the Clients folder is now shown in the taskbar. Appendix Page 135 IBM Software __4. Move the DOORS short cut into the Clients menu. __a. Drag the IBM Rational DOORS DOORs 9.5 shortcut into the Clients folder. __b. Verify that DOORS client now appears in the Clients menu. 11.3 Install the DOORS server We now install the DOORS server. __1. 136 Install the DOORS server. __a. Open a windows explorer and browse to C:\IBMInstallers\RATIONAL_DOORS_V9.5.2_MP_ML\Installers\win32\server subfolder. __b. Double-click the setup.exe to run it. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. Choose Next > __d. Choose I accept… and click Next >. Appendix Page 137 IBM Software 138 __e. Keep the default port number (assuming this is ok and is what you entered for the client) and click Next >. __f. Click Install. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __g. Wait for the installer to finish. __h. Click Finish. Appendix Page 139 IBM Software 11.4 Launch the DOORS client and add a project sample for testing __1. 140 Launch the DOORS rich client and login as Administrator. __a. Launch the DOORS client. __b. Since this is the first login, DOORS will ask you to create a password for the Administrator. If it’s not for real usage then choose passw0rd (with a zero). __c. A welcome screen will be shown. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __2. __d. Uncheck Show this screen at startup box and close the welcome screen. __e. View the database window. The database is currently empty. Import a sample project. __a. Appendix Check you have the New_Family_Car_Project.dpa file in the C:\IBMInstallers folder. This is an export of a sample project we will use for testing. Page 141 IBM Software 142 __b. Return to DOORS and choose File > Restore > Project… __c. Select the dpa file and click OK. __d. Click OK to start the import. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __e. The database will now contain a sample project that can be used for testing and demonstration persons. __f. Close the DOORS client. Appendix Page 143 IBM Software Lab 12 Installing DOORS Web Access for http When you install DWA to work with Jazz via OSLC then you need to get it working with https, rather than http. However, to reduce problems it is recommended to first get it working with http and then convert this to https. The steps for http are covered in this lab. The steps for converting to https (secure protocol) are covered in the next lab. 12.1 Run the DWA installer __1. 144 Extract the DWA installation files. __a. Ensure you have the following file: __b. Right click and choose Extract All… and then click the Extract button to unzip and show the files. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __2. Run the installer. __a. When the files are shown click into the \Installer\win32 subfolder and double-click the IBM_Rational_DOORS_Web_Access.exe to start the installer. __b. Press <ENTER> on the Locale to accept the default setting of English. __c. Enter 1 to accept the license agreement and press <ENTER> __d. Change the path to C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS Web Access\ so that it’s installed in the same place as everything else. Appendix Page 145 IBM Software 146 __e. Press Y to continue with the installation. __f. Review the Pre-Installation Summary and press Enter to continue. __g. The Console window will close automatically when complete. To complete the installation some further manual steps are required. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 12.2 Run dbadmin command to enable Data Change Notifications for http After we have installed Rational® DOORS® Web Access, we must configure the components to communicate with one another. To communicate with the Rational DOORS Web Access broker, we need to add Data Change Notifications (DCN) parameters to the command line. DCNs are messages that contain information about changes made to Rational DOORS data. In this section we configure the Rational DOORS database server by running the dbadmin command with command-line switches. __1. Run the dbadmin command with command-line switches. __a. Open a command prompt and browse to the C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.5\bin folder (i.e. client installation folder). __b. Ensure that you can ping the doors database by typing: ping If you can’t do this then modidy the Hosts file to contain this alias. Appendix Page 147 IBM Software __c. Type the following dbadmin command to configure the DOORS server for http access: dbadmin -dcnEnable -data [email protected] -dcnBrokerUri "tcp://" -dcnChannelName "dcn" -dwaHost -dwaPort 8080 -dwaProtocol http __d. 148 A DOORS server restart is needed for all the new settings to take effect. Launch Windows Services. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __e. Choose Restart on the DOORS DB Server 9.5 service. 12.3 Determine the DOORS database URN The database uniform resource name (URN) is used when you start Rational DOORS Web Access. You need the name before you can configure the Rational DOORS Web Access server to communicate with the broker, the license server, and the Rational DOORS database server. __1. Determine the DOORS database URN. __a. Start the DOORS client. __b. Login as the Administrator/passw0rd using the password you created earlier. Appendix Page 149 IBM Software 150 __c. Click Tools > Edit DXL… __d. Type print getDatabaseIdentifier() and click Run to generate the URN. __e. The DOORS URN should be displayed. Keep the dialog open so that you can copy and paste this later. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 12.4 Modify the festival.xml for http The Rational DOORS Web Access server is configured by using the festival.xml file - the core configuration file of Rational DOORS Web Access. The festival.xml file is in the server\festival\config directory. We must modify entries in the festival.xml file to communicate with the broker and the license server, including adding the uniform resource name (URN) of the Rational DOORS database server that we just determined. __1. Ensure that the user who will run the server has read/write access on the DOORS Web Access installation files. __a. Appendix Use a Windows Explorer to browse to the C:\IBM\Rational installation folder, rightclick and choose Properties. Page 151 IBM Software 152 __b. Switch to the Security tab and click Edit… __c. Click Add… Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Type the user name rational who you’re logged in as and click Check Names. __e. The full name should be completed. Click OK to close the dialog. __f. Check the box to give Modify permissions to the rational user and then click OK. Appendix Page 153 IBM Software __g. __2. Open the festival.xml file. __a. 154 Click OK to finish. Click into the \DOORS Web Access\\server\festival\config subfolder. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Before opening it, create a copy of festival.xml as backup, i.e, copy and paste and rename the copied file festival – orig.xml. __c. Right-click on the festival.xml file and choose Edit (so that it opens in Notepad). Appendix Page 155 IBM Software __3. View the broker properties. __a. __4. The f:repository-mapping entry defines the URN of the repository. The name attribute is the name that is displayed on the Rational DOORS Web Access logon page (the default is DOORS ERS Repository). The repositoryUrn attribute must match the uniform resource name (URN) of the Rational DOORS database server. You must change this attribute. __a. 156 The festival.xml file has three f:broker entries that describe where the broker is. However, because the broker is on the same server as the Rational DOORS Web Access server, you do not need to edit these entries. Scroll down to locate the line REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_REPOSITORY_ID. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. __5. Copy and paste the database URN here, making sure to keep the trailing colon You should not need to change the f:properties section of the file yet (although we will for SSL later). However, you could inspect it. __a. Locate the properties section. Verify that ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth is false and licence.server.location is 27000@localhost. Note that in terms of license server port 19353 was used for heritage telelogic products whereas 27000 is the default used for Rational License Server (that we installed earlier). __b. __6. For information note that a number of additional options could be added here. Close and save the festival.xml file. Appendix Page 157 IBM Software 158 __a. Close and choose Save. __b. You can close the DXL Interaction – DOORS window now also (if open). Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software 12.5 Edit the file to configure the DOORS redirector service The redirector service is an optional service installed with the Rational DOORS Web Access server. It shares a web server and port with Rational DOORS Web Access but is configured separately. If the redirector service is not configured, DOORS URLs are opened in a standard client. With the redirector service and the Rational DOORS database server users can specify whether to open DOORS URLs in a standard client or in the web client. The redirector service automatically opens the URL in the chosen client. The Rational DOORS database, and each project, folder, module, baseline, and object in the database has a unique identifier, which is expressed as a URL. By default, the URL begins with doors://, but you can change it to either http or https. __1. Create a copy of the file before yo modify it. __a. Copy and paste the file (we will modify this next). __b. Rename the copy doorsRedirector – Appendix Page 159 IBM Software __2. 160 Launch Notepad to edit the file. __a. Right-click the file and choose Open. __b. If it doesn’t open in Notepad then choose Select a program from a list of installed programs. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __c. Choose Notepad and click OK. __d. Locate the text MY_DOORS_DATABASE_HOSTNAME. __e. Change the MY_DOORS_DATABASE_HOSTNAME to reflect the name of the DOORS server. Appendix Page 161 IBM Software __f. Choose File > Exit and Save the file. 12.6 Test that DWA is working with http __1. Run the broker. __a. 162 Browse to C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS Web Access\\. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Right-click broker.start and choose Send to > Desktop (create shortcut). __c. Switch to the desktop and rename the shortcut to 1. DWA broker.start __d. Move the short-cut into a folder called Startup on the Desktop. If the startup folder does not exist then create it. Appendix Page 163 IBM Software __e. __f. 164 If you created the Startup folder then add it to the taskbar menu (you don’t need to do this if you’ve already done Part A). __i. Right-click on the taskbar and choose Toolbars > New toolbar... __ii. Click into the Startup folder and choose Select Folder. __iii. The Start menu should now appear in the taskbar and include the the broker.start option. Click to run the broker.start console window. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __g. __2. A console window should appear (keep this open). Create a shortcut for the interop server. The interoperation server is a version of the DOORS client that runs on the server in a command window. There is no separate installer for Windows. You install the DOORS client and then create a shortcut to start it via the command line __a. Appendix Locate IBM Rational DOORS 9.5 in the Windows Start menu and create a shortcut on the Desktop for it. Page 165 IBM Software __b. Rename it “2. DWA interop server”. __c. Open the properties for it and add the –interop switch to the command line. Essentially the interop server is a version of the doors client that runs without a GUI. Click OK when done. Note that, in the case of deviation from normal settings, the full options are: doors.exe -interop -data portNumber@FullyQualifiedHostnameofDOORSserver -brokerHost HostName -brokerPort Portnumber For example: doors.exe -interop -data [email protected] -brokerHost -brokerPort 61616 __d. __3. 166 Move the newly created shortcut into the Startup folder. Run the interop server. __a. Choose Startup > 2. DWA interop server. __b. Another console window should appear. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __4. Run the DWA server. __a. Return to the C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS Web Access\ explorer window and choose to create a shortcut for the server.start batch file. __b. Rename this to 3. DWA server.start. __c. Move the shortcut to the Startup folder as well and click to run. Appendix Page 167 IBM Software __d. __5. 168 Verify that it starts. Inspect the properties for the database. __a. Return to the DOORS client. __b. Close the DXL Interaction window if shown. __c. Right-click to inspect the Properties… for the database. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __6. __d. In the General tab verify that the URN changed to reflect the dbadmin commands you gave earlier. Currently the URI is based on http on port 8080. __e. Choose to Copy URL. Launch a standard firefox client. __a. Launch Firefox. __b. Paste the URL into the address box and go to the address. Appendix Page 169 IBM Software 170 __c. Verify that the Rational DOORS Redirector Service is shown. __d. Choose Open in DOORS Web Access. __e. Login as Administrator/passw0rd. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __f. Expand the view and verify that you can browse the modules and requirements using DOORS Web Access. __g. Close the web browser and exit the DOORS client. __h. Close all 3 server windows. Unfortunately, you are not yet finished. In the next lab we need to create an SSL certificate get DWA working with https. Appendix Page 171 IBM Software 172 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Lab 13 Converting DOORS Web Access to secure https (SSL) Before you can use OSLC with Jazz you must convert the Rational® DOORS® Web Access server to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to provide secure communications between servers and clients or browsers. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are protocols that enable clients and servers to communicate over a secure connection. Those security protocols use certificates to validate the identity of the client and server. Certificates are contained in keystores. The configuration involves setting Rational DOORS Web Access to use HTTPS and enabling the HTTPS connector in the Apache Tomcat server that comes with the product. To enable Rational DOORS Web Access to use SSL or TLS, you need a security certificate and a keystore that contains the server certificate. If this lab we will generate a security certificate for testing purposes using tools installed with the product. In a production environment on the internet a client would normally purchase a certificate from a trusted certificate authority. SSL and TLS are standard protocols for secure communication between web browsers and application servers, such as Rational DOORS Web Access. Those protocols are also implemented for secure communication between the Rational DOORS client and the database server. With SSL and TLS, data is encrypted by one side, transmitted, then decrypted by the other side before processing. Both the client and the server encrypt all data for communication in both directions. SSL also provides authentication. During the communication between a client and a server, the server presents the client with credentials in the form of a certificate, which provides assurance of the identity of the site. The server might also request a certificate from the client. Certificates are contained in keystores. The owner of the certificate signs it with an encrypted signature. Typically, you purchase a certificate from a well-known certificate authority (CA) vendor, such as VeriSign or Thawte. Such certificates can be electronically verified by the CA. In some cases, such as in test environments, authentication is not a concern. For those cases, Java includes a keytool command-line utility that you can use to create a keystore and a self-signed certificate. Self-signed certificates are not officially registered with a CA. Appendix Page 173 IBM Software 13.1 Generating and keystore and certificate I find it easier to use the GUI tools to do this. __1. Launch the ikeyman gui tool. __a. Browse to the Java bin folder in the DWA installation folders. C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS Web Access\\win32\ibm-java-i386-60\jre\bin __b. __2. Create a new key store. __a. 174 Double-click to launch ikeyman.exe. A GUI should be displayed. Choose Key Database File > New... Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Click Browse… __c. Browse to the server folder. __d. Choose Create New Folder… __e. Rename the new folder ssl. Appendix Page 175 IBM Software 176 __f. Click into the ssl folder and click Save to create a keystore called key.jks. __g. Click OK to confirm. __h. Specify the password as ra1ional/ra1ional and click OK. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __3. Create a new self-signed certificate. __a. Click New Self-Signed… __b. Give the certificate the name, sslcert. __c. Note the Validity Period. __d. Click OK. __e. The certificate is now listed in the keystore. Appendix Page 177 IBM Software __f. Close the ikeyman GUI. 13.2 Modify the DWA configuration files for https __1. Modify the festival.xml file to use OAuth __a. In the installation directory for your Rational DOORS Web Access server, go to the server/festival/config directory. __b. Right-click the festival.xml file and choose Edit. __c. In the <f:properties> section of the file, set the ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth property to true. __d. Add the 3 property lines: <f:property name="published.url.prefix" value=""/> <f:property name="display.redirector.urls" value="true"/> <f:property name="oauth.domain" value=""/> 178 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __e. __2. Exit and Save the file. Add the dwa prefix to the doorsRedirector properties file. __a. Right-click the file and choose Edit. __b. If a dwa.url.prefix entry key is not present then add it, for example, by copying the doors line and modifying the name and value. The dwa entry needs to reflect the correct Rational DOORS Web Access https URL and port. __c. Close and Save the file. Appendix Page 179 IBM Software __3. Specify the keystore in the server.xml file. __a. In the installation directory of your Rational DOORS Web Access server, go to the server/conf directory that contains the server.xml file. __b. Create a copy and rename it server – orig.xml. __c. Right-click the server.xml file and choose Edit. Attention: Be careful when you change the server.xml file because incorrect edits can lead to a complete loss of system function. It’s important the file remains valid xml. 180 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __d. Scroll down to locate the 8443 port connection. Note that it is currently commented out. __e. Remove the <!--- and --> comments from the section. __f. Create a new line. __g. Add the following lines. keystoreFile="C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS Web Access\\server\ssl\key.jks" keystorePass="ra1ional" algorithm="IbmX509" SSLEnabled="true" Appendix Page 181 IBM Software This configures the server to use HTTPS on port 8443. In the server.xml we also configure the HTTPS Connector to use your security certificate by identifying the keystore location and password and configure the Tomcat server to enable SSL. Optionally, you can set the sslProtocol value to specify a TLS version for the SSL protocol; for example, sslProtocol="TLSv1.2". With the default value of sslProtocol="TLS", the client and server can negotiate the highest version of TLS that they are both capable of supporting. If you specify a version, refer to vendor documentation to determine whether your browser supports that version. __h. 182 Exit and Save the server.xml file. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __i. Appendix Before proceeding open the server.xml file in Internet Explorer to validate that it is valid xml. Be sure to close IE when finished. Page 183 IBM Software 13.3 Run dbadmin command to enable https In this section we reconfigure the Rational DOORS database server for https by running the dbadmin command with command-line switches. __1. Run the dbadmin command with command-line switches. __a. Open a command prompt and browse to the C:\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.5\bin folder (i.e. client installation folder). __b. Type the following dbadmin command to configure the DOORS server for https access on port 8443: dbadmin -dcnEnable -data [email protected] -dcnBrokerUri "tcp://" -dcnChannelName "dcn" -dwaHost -dwaPort 8443 -dwaProtocol https 184 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __2. __c. A server restart is needed for all the new settings to take effect. Launch the windows Services control panel. __d. Locate the DOORS DB Server 9.5 service and choose Restart. To test the change launch the DOORS client and login. __a. Appendix Launch the DOORS rich client. Page 185 IBM Software 186 __b. Login as Administrator/passw0rd. __c. Inspect the DOORS Database Properties… __d. Verify that it is configured to use https on port 8443. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __3. Create a DWA client shortcut. __a. Create a desktop shortcut for Firefox from the Windows Start menu. __b. Rename it DOORS Web access. Appendix Page 187 IBM Software 188 __c. Open the Properties window for the shortcut. __d. Return to the DOOR Database Properties and Copy the first part of the URL. __e. Paste the path as the command line argument for the shortcut. __f. Click OK to close the Properties for the shortcut. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __g. Move it into the Clients folder. __h. Close the Properties window for the DOORS Database window. 13.4 Test DWA is working on https __1. Start DWA (if not running). __a. Appendix Start the broker. Page 189 IBM Software __2. __b. Start the interop server. __c. Start the DWA server. __d. Wait for the Server startup im X ms message. __e. Minimize all 3 console windows. Test the shortcut. __a. 190 Launch DOORS Web Access. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __b. Click I Understand the Risks and then Add Exception… __c. Ensure that Permanently store this exception is checked and click Confirm Secuirty Exception. __d. Login to DWA as Administrator/passw0rd. Appendix Page 191 IBM Software 192 __e. Locate a requirement in a module, e.g., click into the Stakeholder Requirements module. __f. Click the Users section in the Attributes panel to collapse it so that you can see the URL in the System attributes section. __g. Click to navigate to the URL. Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software __h. Verify that the DOORS redirector is displayed. __i. Test that both the DOORS Web Access and Rational DOORS links work, i.e. that they take you to the object either in DOORS Web Access or DOORS rich client. __j. Close the web browser and DOORS rich client when you’re finished. __k. Close the 3 console windows that represent the broker, interop server and DWA server. 13.5 Test the DOORS client on another machine If you are setting up a real install then this may be a good point to install the DOORS and DWA client on a separate machine to the server and check that you can connect, i.e. license and port work etc. Appendix Page 193 IBM Software 194 Rational DOORS Next Generation Proof-of-Technology IBM Software Appendix A. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. 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