MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FOR THE BOARD OF EDUCATION EVERGREEN PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT 124 May 12,2014 A Regular Meeting for the Board of Education of Evergreen Park Elementary School District 124 was called to order at7:01 p.m. on May 1 2, 2014 in the Multi-Purpose Room at Central Junior High School, Evergreen Park, lL. The following Board Members were physically present at roll call: Mrs. Kathy Rohan Mrs. Kim Leonard Mrs. Gina Canon Mrs. Mary Pniewski Mr. Ray Richter Absent at roll call: Mrs. Dawn McNamara and Ms. Julie Egan Also present: Dr. Machak, Mrs. Hatczel, Mr. Gerdes, Mr, Weber, Mrs, Prado, Ms. McField, Mrs. Darche, Mrs. Johnson, Mr, Stanton, Ms. Janicke, Mrs. Spingola, Mrs. Bogdan, Mrs. Sparks and Recording Secretary, Mrs. Stanton Mrs. Rohan led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Consideration was made by the Board to approve the agenda. A request was made by Mrs. Rohan to remove the approval of the 4-16-14 Board meeting minutes from the Consent agenda. A motion was made by Mrs, Rohan and seconded by Mr. Richter to approve the agenda as amended, A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs. Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr, Ray yea yea yea yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) 4. Under Staff Repods: Dr. Machak: Asked Mike Eichhorn to provide the Board with an update on the Administrative Center/Central Junior High renovations. Mr. Eichhorn reported on the following: The Administrative Office is scheduled to move on May 20 with final completion on May 30, FGM and lCl are meeting weekly with Happ Construction. lCl will put up the construction fence at CJH on May 15. . o , . . . A community meeting with neighbors being most affected by the construction took place on May 6 where questions were addressed by Dr. Machak, Mike Eichhorn and Terry Fielden. The CJH office will move out of their current location on June 17 and construction will start on June 18. By the end of the Summer 2014 the new main entry/school office/library will be in place at CJH. Asked Dean Gerdes to provide the Board with an update on copiers. Mr. Gerdes reported that it is the recommendation of the District to sign a lease with Martin Whalen Office Solutions for the large copiers in each of our buildings. Discussion took place regarding the pros/cons of purchasing vs. leasing copiers. Reported that he met with Mrs. Rohan to review the Time/Task Long Range Planning Charts for each of the five sub-committees and they determined that an 'Evidence of Success' column needed to be added. Dr. Machak reported that he will work with the Administrative team on this portion of the Time/ïask Charts and he will have a final copy of the Time/Task Chads in the June Board packet. Mrs. Rohan asked Members of the Board to send input to Dr. Machak if they had anything additional to share. Mrs. Rohan thanked the Administrative team for all their work on the Long Range Plan Timeffask Charts. Provided the following agenda items that were discussed during the District Review Team meeting: 6th grade transition planning Department team meetings Donation of Library Books not being used Close Reading Use of Power School for grading in Grades 1-2 Mr. Stanton provided the following school reports: Northeast School ELL teacher Jane Garner will be presenting along with her daughter Rebecca Garner, a Language Arts teacher at Central Junior High, at the October 2014 lllinois Reading CouncilAnnual Conference. Their presentation is entitled Harvesting the Fruits of Literacy Enhancing Engagement in the 21st Century Classroom. Mrs. Buenrostro and Mrs. Garner had two bankers from Marquette Bank as special guest visitors on May 7th. The bankers presented a lesson to the 2nd grade TBE and ELL students on financial literacy. Students invited special people in their lives to visit them at school for Special Person's Day. Over 100 special people will be attending. Kindergarten and first grade classrooms are doing an alphabet countdown until the end of the year. Each day for the last twenty-six days of school students read books and enjoy fun activities for each letter in the alphabet. Northwest School During the week of May 5th, Mrs. Lack and Mrs. Whittingham's fourth grade classes participated in a CareerWeek. 15 guests made presentations to the students about their careers. Mrs. Becky Tyrrell is finishing her second "Mighty Girl" book club with the 4th grade girls. The purpose of the club is to promote girls to be smart, confident, and courageous. The first book they read was Callie Be Gold by Michele Weber Hunruitz. The second book is The Maqic Half by Annie Burrows. The main . . o o o o o . . o o . . a a characters in both books are female. The club meets after school on Thursday from 3:15 to 4:00 and was free of charge for the students. Northwest students represented the district at the Music Box Theatre on May 3rd for the Red Carpet premier of Dancinq in Jaffa. The movie is the story of the Dancing Classrooms founder Pierre Dulaine and his effo¡1to bring lsraeli-Jewish and lsraeli-Palestinian children together through ballroom dance. The purpose of Dancing Classrooms is to build social awareness, confidence and self-esteem in children through dance. After the screening a reception was held where the students demonstrated the dances that they learned during the program. Northwest is hosting the District's first Digital Showcase. There will be a total of 10 presentations. The presentations will be held in the Technology lab and various classrooms in the building. The showcase will highlight students'work, show some of the favorite apps used at school, and other technology related topics. Southeast School Southeast's first science fair was a great success. 39 students presented their projects on April 25th. Projects answered questions such as: Which paper towel is most absorbent? What beverage is most likely to stain a person's teeth? What surface will create the fastest speed for a matchbox car? Southeast hosted a kindergarten Open House for perspective kindergarten students. 16 students and their parents attended the event. Students had an opporlunity to explore one of the kindergarten rooms and parents had an opportunity to learn about the kindergarten program. Southeast PTA sponsored a Mother Daughter Paint Night. Moms and daughters each drew and painted a half of a painting. When they put the two halves together a masterpiece was created! 62 artists attended this event! The Southeast Staff completed their ongoing book study, Teach Like a Champion. During each staff meeting teachers presented the teaching techniques discussed in this book. Southwest School Students in grade participated in a Roller Skating unit during PE class. Mrs. Szkapiak has been working with Skatetime; School Programs to bring a unique experience to the students. The company brought in the roller skates, helmets, kneepads and elbow pads. The gym was transformed into a roller rink and students worked on skills for balance, coordination, aerobics and cardio. The Kindergarten students hosted a Mother's Day Tea inviting their mom, grandma or aunt, The students sang songs, made books to share and sent a message to their mom through a video which was created on the iPads. Sixth grade students have been studying the reproductive system in science class. They started the unit by attending a field trip to Robert Crown. They've worked on many projects throughout the study and are coming to the end of the embryology project as they anxiously wait for the chicks to hatch. Central Junior Hiqh School Mrs. Cruz and the Central Junior High Choir for once again earning State Recognition. MAP testing is undenruay and the PARCC testing quickly follows. 7th grade teachers recently attended some professional development as they prepare for their one on one classrooms with the Google Chrome books next year. o . . All 6th grade students toured Central Junior High on Friday May 2nd. SADD students were their guides and offered them many words of wisdom. The last concert of the year is Wednesday, May 14. Noted that the FOIA requests made by Jennifer Valdez and Stephanie Cardenas have been fulfilled. Kathy Hatczel: . Reviewed changes to the Climate surveys that will be completed by parents, students, and staff. Under'Board Reports' ¡ Mrs. Rohan, Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Canon reported on the IASB Spring Dinner meeting that they attended. Under Public Comments a parent asked that consideration be made by the district to provide Extended Day care for 6th grade students when they move to Central Middle School. Consent Agenda items 1 through 7 were reviewed by the Board and, thereafter, a motion was made by Mrs. Rohan and seconded by Mrs. Pniewskito approve the following items as recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Approve Month Transaction Reports for April, 2014 Approve Fund Balance Reports for March, 2014 Approve Expenditure Report and Projected Payroll Report forMay,2014 Approve the Closed Session Minutes from the Regular Meeting of April 16,2014 Approve Destruction of Closed Session Tape from September 2012 Personnel Recommendations as follows: Transfer Dan Gregor, Custodian - Administrative Center (from NE) May 5,2014 Resiqnation Adam Hoge, Custodian - NW Nights, effective May 30, 2014 Mayeli Calmenero, Paraprofessional - CJH, effective May 16,2014 Retirement Cynthia Luchtenburg, Sp. Ed. Teacher - SW, effective June,2017 Additions Shawn Gallagher, Custodian -NE Nights, effective May 5,2014 Larry Wallenius, Custodian -NW Nights, effective June 2,2014 Timothy Kostecki, Business Manager, effective July 1 ,2014 FMLA Amy Parisi, Science Teacher - CJH, effective August 21,2014 IMPREST ACCOUNT FUND EXPENSES May,2014 PROJECTED PAYROLL May, 2014 May,2014 140,011,91 TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES 1,259,922.00 Mav,2014 1,449,933.91 EDUCATION BUILDING BOND/INT TRANS. IMRF TORT WK. CASH FIRE PREV, & SAFETY 3,941.64 165.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 136,875.32 0.00 6,252.72 0. 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 57,406.50 0.00 0,00 47.999.07 0.00 0 00 0.00 394,281.82 0.00 6.252.72 47,999.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS: 4,106.64 283,139.95 1,365,327 .57 1,898,467 .52 A roll call vote was taken with the following response: Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs. Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr. Ray Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea MOTION CARRIED (5-o) Consideration was made by the Board to approve the 2nd Reading and adoption of revised Board Policies 2:30 and 7:1 85. A motion was made by Mrs. Leonard and seconded by Mrs. Canon to approve revised Board Policies 2:30 and 7:185. A roll call vote was taken with the following response: Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs. Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr. Ray Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea MOTION CARRIED (5-0) Consideration was made by the Board to approve a part-time Communications Coordinator. A motion was made by Mrs. Rohan and seconded by Mrs. Leonard to approve a .5 Communications Coordinator. A roll call vote was taken with the following response: Mrs. Kathy Rohan Yea Mrs. Kim Leonard Mrs. Gina Canon Mrs. Mary Pniewski Mr. Ray Richter yea yea yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) Consideration was made by the Board to approve the Board Meeting Dates/Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates for the 2014-15 school year. A motion was made by Mrs. Rohan and seconded by Mrs. Pniewski to approve the Board Meeting Dates and Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates for the 2014-15 school year. A roll call vote was taken with the following response: Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs, Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr. Ray yea yea yea yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) was made by the Board to approve the Supply Bid Recommendation, A motion was made by Mrs. Leonard and seconded by Mr. Richter to approve the Supply Bid as recommended. A roll call vote was taken with the following response: 10. Consideration Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs. Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr. Ray yea yea yea yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) 11 Consideration was made by the Board to approve the Change Order procedure as recommended by Terry Fielden, lCl at the April 16,2014 Board Meeting as follows: lCl will notify the District and FGM of the matter that requires a review or a potential change A field review will take place with Ron Weber lCl will obtain and perform a first review of any contractor pricing required, FGM will then perform a secondary pricing review The matter will then be reviewed with District administration for approval Dr. Machak and Ron Weber will approve all changes based on review and discussions with lCl and FGM Spending authority by District administration will be limited to $50,000 for a specific change order The Administration will then report back to the Board on progress and budget updates - A motion was made by Mrs. Rohan and seconded by Mrs. Pniewski to the change order procedure recommended by lCl, A roll call vote was taken with the following response: Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs. Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr. Ray yea yea yea yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) 12 Consideration was made by the Board to approve a Resolution authorizing intervention in proceedings before the lllinois Properly Tax Appeal Board and the Circuit Court. A motion was made by Mrs. Leonard and seconded by Mrs. Canon to approve the Resolution as presented. A roll call vote was taken with the following response: 13 At 8:36 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Leonard and seconded by Mr. Richter to recess to Closed Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity 5ILCS 12012 ( c)(1), collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees5lLCs 12012 ( c) (2), and the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the District including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired 5 ILCS 12012 (c ) (5), A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Rohan Leonard Canon Pniewski Richter Mrs. Kathy Mrs. Kim Mrs. Gina Mrs. Mary Mr. Ray yea yea yea yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) 14. At 11:17 p.m. the Board returned to Open Meeting with the following Members returning: Mrs. Kathy Rohan Mrs. Kim Leonard Mrs. Gina Canon Mrs. Mary Pniewski Mr, Ray Richter 15. At 11:20 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Leonard and seconded by Mr. Richter to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Mrs. Kathy Rohan Mrs. Kim Leonard Mrs, Gina Canon yea yea yea Mrs. Mary Pniewski Mr. Ray Richter yea yea MOTTON CARRTED (5-0) 16. The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Education will be held on June 1 8, 2014 starting with an Open House at the Administrative Center,2929 West 87th Street, Evergreen Park, lL at 5:30 p.m. followed by the Regular June Board meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Secretary
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